Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 200 You think, I think, everyone thinks

Chapter 200 You think, I think, everyone thinks

With a man and a woman alone in the same room, Li Miaoren became increasingly uncomfortable.

Yiyin sat down generously, opened a can of beer, and handed it to Li Miaoren.

"I bought everything, let's drink some."

Li Miaoren sat down and took the beer with both hands. His face turned red because he accidentally touched Yiyin's finger.

"thank you boss."

Yiyin shook his head, opened another can of beer, and sighed.

"Thank you, thank you. I still expect you to work hard and help me make StarCraft."

Li Miaoren said excitedly.

"We have basically completed the drawings for the Zerg shapes and buildings in StarCraft."

Yiyin said in surprise.

"So fast?"

Li Miaoren shook his head.

"It's just the original painting, the animations of various states haven't been made yet, they're just finalized."

Yiyin originally listened with interest, but suddenly thought of something and asked.

"You want to have a few words with me alone, just to talk about this?"

Li Miaoren was stunned and apologized.

"No... I'm sorry, I forget myself when I talk about work. Actually... ugh..."

Li Miaoren Dundun Dundun drank herself a can of beer. She really didn't know how to plead for Keli.

If Yiyin were a female boss, she would be straight-forward.We are all women. You and I understand some things, just tell the truth.

But Yiyin is a male boss, and Li Miaoren, an honest person, feels embarrassed.

Yiyin is a three-viewer who has traveled from the male-dominated world. In the female-dominated world, no man understands a woman's mind better than him.

Because in Yi Yin's view, women in a feminine world are men without Jill, which is similar to Yi Yin, a man in a male world.

Of course Yiyin understood Li Miaoren's dilemma at this moment, but he just wanted to see this petite Shu beauty embarrassed.

No, Li Miaoren had just finished drinking it in one gulp, and Yiyin immediately opened another can for her to see how she would perform next.

Li Miaoren drank too fast and couldn't help but burp. Seeing Yiyin's half-smiling face, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl under it.

After losing his composure in front of a handsome guy like Yiyin, Li Miaoren felt like he was losing face.

She looked down and saw the microphone on the table and said casually.

"Boss, you are really good at singing. None of the Shuyin majors have a distinctive voice like yours."

Yiyin asked curiously.

"How do you know? Did you also watch the singer's summer show?"

Li Miaoren smiled.

"It's not just me watching, the entire Baobai studio's employees are watching.

But we skipped and watched, and we really couldn't appreciate some default musicians.In the first episode, our favorite is the song "Afterwards" by A Wan and A Ren.

By the way, we also watched the trailer for the latest episode. Boss, are you going to attend the recording? "

Yi Yin nodded.

"I went there once. Alas, the process was quite bumpy. It's hard to describe... No, you asked me to talk alone. Is this the only thing you want to talk about?"

Li Miaoren suddenly realized that he had gone off topic again. He was so embarrassed that Dundundun drank another can of beer to cover up his embarrassment.

He was obviously worried about Keli, but when he had the opportunity to be alone with Yiyin, a super handsome guy, Li Miaoren couldn't help but go off topic.

Maybe this man was too attractive, maybe it was a rare opportunity to be alone. Li Miaoren inadvertently revealed her strong interest in Yiyin, and even she felt scared.

Yiyin shook his head and subconsciously touched his face.

The name of Daji in my game is indeed well-deserved. This face is so handsome. An honest person like Li Miaoren, who has not experienced much in the world, how can she withstand this kind of test.

Helping Li Miaoren open another can of beer, Yiyin placed it in front of her and sighed.

"You pulled me in, what do you want to say?"

Li Miaoren drank two cans of beer. The alcohol content was not high, but his face was already flushed. He didn't know whether it was because he was too drunk or because he was embarrassed.

She squeezed the newly opened beer, gritted her teeth, and was about to drink it down, but Yiyin suppressed the hand holding the beer.

"Stop drinking and let's talk first."

The hand was pressed by Yiyin, feeling the temperature of his palm, Li Miaoren's face became more rosy, and he hesitated and said.

"I want to plead with you, the boss. I didn't take care of Keli's matter. It's all my responsibility."

Before she could finish speaking, Yiyin had already shook his head and interrupted.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. She is an adult in her 20s and should be responsible for her actions.

You are just her senior, her boss, and not her parents. There is no reason to be responsible for her personal life. "

Li Miaoren's lips moved, as if she wanted to defend something, but in the end she chose to give up and begged sadly.

"I know she made a mistake, but I hope you, boss, can give her another chance. I will definitely urge her to work hard and start a new life."

After Li Miaoren finished speaking, he drank the third can of beer in one gulp as if to express his determination.

Yiyin sighed and gave her a can. After putting down the empty can, Yiyin said.

"You misunderstood, what I did to Ke Li..."

After drinking three cans of beer in one go, Li Miaoren's mood gradually became aroused even though there was no alcohol content.

Yiyin originally wanted to say that he didn't care about Keli, but Li Miaoren misunderstood and was afraid that Yiyin would say something to dismiss Keli tactfully.

Li Miaoren rushed to interrupt.

"Boss! Corrie just made a mistake that all women can make! Can't you give her another chance!"

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"I didn't give her a chance..."

Li Miaoren squeezed to Yiyin's side, got closer and stared at his face.

"Then why do you still want to fire her! I said I will take care of her!

Is this kind of thing strange!Women are thinking about these things every day!Corrie just lacks self-control!
It’s not like she’s the only one who wants it!I want it too!Every woman wants it! "

Yi Yin sighed.

"When did I say I wanted to resign..."

Halfway through his words, Yiyin's eyes met Li Miaoren's burning eyes. The two were so close that their noses were almost touching.

Feeling Li Miaoren's increasingly heavy breathing and looking at her red face, Yiyin said softly.

"Do you miss it too?"

Li Miaoren wanted to look away, but her body was uncontrollably staring at Yiyin, her gaze getting hotter and hotter, and the blood in her body seemed to be burning.

The air-conditioning in the small private room was fully turned on, and the air-conditioning kept suppressing Li Miaoren's burning blood, turning into condensation and flowing downwards.

When Li Miaoren came back to her senses, their lips were already touching each other. She was so frightened that she wanted to get up, secretly blaming herself for being unable to restrain herself and for being frivolous towards her beauty.

But Yiyin grabbed her waist, pulled her back into his arms, and whispered in her ear.

"Let me tell you a secret. It's not just you women who want it. We men...actually want it too."

The heat of Yiyin's words hit her earlobe, causing Li Miaoren's body to tremble. Her reason told her that something was wrong, but her body was cheering for joy, unwilling to leave Yiyin's arms.

Li Miaoren was worried that someone was peeping outside the glass door, so she subconsciously turned around, only to find that she and Yiyin had been trapped behind the load-bearing wall.

Turning her head to look, she couldn't see the door, only a load-bearing wall tightly blocked the outside view, making the position of the two into a dead corner in the room where outsiders could not peep.

Li Miaoren was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong's ambiguous looks and hints. .

At this time, Yiyin let out a sigh.

"Is this wall beautiful?"

Li Miaoren slowly turned his head and looked at Yiyin, who had a look of letting Ji pick it up. His lips trembled twice and he uttered three words.

"You look good..."

The door of the small private room is not locked, and it can be opened with a simple push.The sound insulation in the corridor is poor, and the old guns who are crying and howling in the distance are screaming about their lost youth.

In the small private room at the end of the KTV, far away from the waiter's patrol route, a protruding load-bearing wall blocks the view outside the glass door and blocks the constant overflow. .

Li Miaoren is a student entrepreneur, the leader of the school girls, and a good person who is self-disciplined and self-restrained.

Finally at this moment, for the first time, she understood what it was called. .

(End of this chapter)

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