Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 201 Because I Love You

Chapter 201 Because I Love You
For young ladies like Xi Feifei and Sun Youling who were born with golden keys in their mouths, life is a process of constant trial and error.

If you do something wrong, someone will encourage you to continue, and someone will help you pay for it. Until you realize your mistake and become mature and wise, you can inherit the wealth of your predecessors.

Their birth is destined to go from success to success. The difference is only a small success or a big success. In short, it is impossible to fail.

But society is a cruel trading place for the poor.If you sell your childhood, you will gain your talent, if you sell your love, you will gain money, if you sell your health, you will gain a house.

Poor people cannot make mistakes in their lives, because the price of every mistake may be unbearable and ruin their lives.

If you are a poor person who obviously has nothing but lives a carefree life, it means that someone is carrying the burden for you, and your happiness is based on someone else's suffering.

Keli paid the price for her immaturity. In order to prevent her from paying a greater price for this mistake, Li Miaoren prepared to bear it in front of her boss.

Fortunately, they met Yoshiyin who had traveled from the male world.The priceless female consumables in the female world are different treasures in Yiyin's eyes.

In this small private room, Yiyin felt that he had made a profit, and Li Miaoren felt that he had made a lot of money. This is called a win-win situation.

Li Miaoren felt that she had had a sweet dream. She had never thought that she would be so lucky to have something happen to a handsome, wealthy, kind and considerate man.

All in all, the two of them could finally sit down and talk normally.

Yiyin's mouth was dry, so he took a toothpick and inserted a piece of watermelon into the fruit plate, and wanted to put it into his mouth.

But looking at Li Miaoren, he felt that she needed more water, so he turned his wrist and put it into Li Miaoren's mouth.

Li Miaoren chewed slowly and looked at Yiyin with complicated eyes.

This is like a young man in a male-dominated world who met Bai Fumei and gave her money and straw, but afterwards he was very gentle and considerate, just like a dream.

For Li Miaoren, everything that happened today was a good thing that B-girls could not even imagine.It's just because it's so beautiful that she still can't come back to her senses, it's unbelievable.

She looked at Yiyin with complicated eyes, wondering what kind of relationship the two had now and whether she should be responsible for Yiyin.

Yiyin's family situation has long been exposed on the Internet because of the big incident a while ago. Li Miaoren knows that he is a widow with a child.

The innocent and honest Li Miaoren has already begun to think wildly. If he is really responsible, he must cherish Yiyin's children as his own.

Yiyin couldn't help laughing when he saw her struggling.

"You look scared, don't you think that I will pester you? Don't worry, I won't hold you responsible.

As I said just now, if you women think, we men will think too. We are not saints, so we will inevitably be impulsive.

I'm not a young boy, so I don't need to fight with you over this kind of thing.I'm just a widow. If you don't think I'm dirty, I'll be thankful. "

Li Miaoren bit her lower lip.

"Boss, actually I..."

Yiyin shook his head and interrupted.

"Okay, you don't need to restrain yourself, I really don't mean to kidnap you morally.

You surf the Internet a lot, so you should know my business very well.I am widowed, have a child, and have some mental problems. .I'm really fine on my own, and I don't want to get married and cause harm to others.

What happened just now was due to my impulse and I didn't take your feelings into consideration.Come, eat another piece of watermelon, and treat it as my apology to you, and this matter will be over. "

Looking at the piece of watermelon that Yiyin inserted, Li Miaoren felt panicked, as if the aircraft carrier was still turbulent in his heart, and he couldn't let go.

She didn't know where she got the courage, she opened her mouth, picked up the piece of watermelon, and stretched her head towards Yiyin.

Yiyin understood and bit the other side of the watermelon.While chewing, the two gradually moved closer, and finally, their lips stuck together.

After a while, Li Miaoren stepped back and took a deep breath.

Yiyin shook his head, feeling that it was a bit immoral to lure this honest child into confusion on his impulse.

But when I look back, this is the world of women, and women don't suffer, so why should I feel guilty?
Just when the atmosphere was dull, Li Miaoren's phone rang.

"Hey, um, I'll go back right away, I see."

Li Miaoren hung up the phone and looked at Yiyin.

"Boss, those girls have prepared the meal and are still asking about Keli..."

Seeing Li Miaoren's expression of embarrassment, Yiyin felt amused and said.

“Keli’s matter, for your sake, I won’t pursue it.

She is locked up for five days, and the next few working days will be regarded as compensated days off. The following weekends will be used to adjust, and her absence from work will not be counted. "

Li Miaoren was overjoyed.

"Thank you, boss, thank you. I will definitely teach her a lesson and prevent her from making such mistakes again!"

Yiyin said with a smile.

"They are all young people with high spirits, so don't take things too seriously.

The remuneration in our company is pretty good and the development prospects are also very good.As long as they work hard, I guarantee their income will get higher and higher.

You tell them to be patient and wait until next year when everyone has money to seriously find a boyfriend.

As for you. .If you need anything, come to me.But once you have a boyfriend, we'll get back to normal. "

Yiyin discovered just now that Li Miaoren, the leading lady, is actually a young girl, worthy of being an honest person.

With the view of men in a male-dominated world, Yiyin always felt that he was responsible for Li Miaoren, but he was also willing to respect the social rules of a female-dominated world.

If Li Miaoren only treats herself well, then the special relationship between the two can continue to be maintained, and Yiyin will treat her well and take care of her life in a responsible manner.

But if Li Miaoren regards the affair between the two of them as a romance and a journey in life, and chooses to follow the female-dominated route to marry a man and live a good life, Yiyin will also bless her.

In short, once she got a boyfriend, their special relationship ended.

Li Miaoren obviously understood. She glanced at Yiyin with a complicated expression and nodded silently.

Yiyin stood up with his waist supported, and smiled.

"Then let's go? The food is ready, don't keep them waiting. After the meal, you still have to give Keli a change of clothes."

Li Miaoren looked at Yiyin and said embarrassedly.

"Boss, what they cook is frozen pork, which doesn't taste very good. Also, the vegetables are only cheap lettuce and radishes, which are not delicious."

Yiyin pulled Li Miaoren up, kissed her cheek and said.

"What? Do you think I won't be able to get used to it?

When I was in a bad situation, I ate instant noodles with pickled mustard for several months, and I was reluctant to put marinated eggs. My stomach was full of sour water, and my belching was the smell of seasoning packets.

You can't bear to look back on the past of instant noodles, and I have it too. "

What Yiyin was talking about was the tragedy that happened when he first entered society in a male-dominated world.

Compared with Xi Feifei's rich people's bad habits, Li Miaoren's way of carefully searching for life, on the contrary, makes Yiyin get closer.

He really likes Li Miaoren, not only because of her good looks, but also because of her responsible attitude towards her sisters, and she still adheres to the bottom line of kindness in difficult situations.

A society that is all about money is using bad money to eliminate good money, forcing everyone to be selfish.But the more times this happens, the more valuable Li Miaoren's character becomes.

Yiyin likes people who, after seeing clearly the cruelty of society, can still uphold good intentions, rely on their own talents to work hard, and be a good person.

For people like Li Miaoren, she should succeed and use her kindness, responsibility, and talent to get a bright future.

If such talents have to be trampled and wallowed in the mire, then this world will be really boring.

Li Miaoren obviously didn't understand what was so good about him, and always felt flattered by his boss's favor.

But no matter what, Li Miaoren likes his boss very much, and the more he gets to know him, the more he likes him.Li Miaoren couldn't help showing a sympathetic wry smile when he saw him complaining about how he had eaten instant noodles and pickled mustard for several months.

The two walked out of the small private room one after another, and Li Miaoren suddenly remembered something.She rushed back to the room, picked up the paper towel on the coffee table, and wiped it on the sofa behind the load-bearing wall.

It took half a box of tissues before she wiped off the water stains. Looking back at Yiyin's half-smile, Li Miaoren blushed.


Yiyin threw the wiped tissue into the trash can, picked her up and left.

"Okay, let's go.

Are you deceiving yourself?Even if you wipe it clean, do you think others won’t know?You can still eat those paper balls from the trash can?Can you still suck up the smell in the room? "

"Ah! I'll go back one more time and take away all the paper balls!"

"Okay, I don't care if other people know about this."

"Really? But...why?"

Yiyin turned around and gave Li Miaoren a handsome smile.

"Because I like you."

Li Miaoren felt that his heart was about to jump out. At this time, Yiyin was wearing a mask, but his eyes were still so charming and charming, which made Li Miaoren unable to extricate himself.

Walking to the front desk, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong bowed together and smiled ambiguously at Li Miaoren.

"Please walk slowly, welcome next time!"

Li Miaoren plucked up the courage, took Qi Yin's hand, and walked out of the KTV.

She doesn't want to come again. .next time. .Going to a better place next time. .Wait until she saves some money. .Go to a five-star hotel. .

(End of this chapter)

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