Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 202 As beautiful as a dream

Chapter 202 As beautiful as a dream
In the rental house of Baobai Studio, the living room equipment is placed aside, and in the middle is a dining table made of a large folding round table.

A plate of pork and cabbage stewed vermicelli was placed in the middle. These guys actually threw the pot directly, which made Yiyin laugh.

Three plates of shredded radish salad were placed on the table in a triangular shape, ensuring that everyone could eat it with their chopsticks.

Bowls of rice were brought to the table, Yiyin took a special look and found that there were actually two large rice cookers in the kitchen.

It has to be said that although this group of college student entrepreneurs live a poor life, their basic life is still of good quality, at least they don't eat cheap and greasy takeaways.

It can be seen that Li Miaoren is careful.

Whether it is the bunk bed in the room or the two rice cookers in the kitchen, food and accommodation are nutritious, clean and orderly.

Apart from not making any money, this leading lady is quite considerate in other aspects.It's a pity that in today's society, the most important thing is to make money, and being kind and considerate is no longer popular.

After all the food was served, Yiyin picked up the disposable water cup in front of him and smiled.

"Today is the first time I have met everyone. But I think everyone should know something about me. I also have a bit of a bad reputation online."

Yiyin laughed at himself, and several girls couldn't help laughing, but were frightened back by Li Miaoren's look.

After looking at everyone's expressions of not daring to laugh, Yiyin said helplessly to Li Miaoren.

"You can laugh if you want, you senior sister is really authoritarian and full of mommy vibes.

I don’t care about the shouting of various teachers on the Internet. Could it be that if you just yell at me, I will lose a piece of meat?

Okay, I'll have some tea. .Water instead of wine, here’s a drink to all girls, welcome to join Nintendo Game Company.

There will be bread, there will be milk, and there will be some for men. As long as you guys work hard with me, I promise you, I won’t make you sweat or shed tears! "

A group of girls who had not yet been polluted by society followed Li Miaoren after coming out of school. They started to cheer and picked up disposable water cups to respond.

Yiyin's down-to-earth statement quickly made everyone relax.After he took a bite of pork stewed vermicelli, when Li Miaoren and Yiyin came back, they waited for the hungry girls to take off their chopsticks and ate furiously.

Li Miaoren looked at Yiyin in embarrassment. What happened between the two at KTV just now made her more and more concerned about Yiyin's opinion of her.

At this moment, the way the school girls were devouring their food was really unsightly, leaving Li Miaoren speechless.

Yiyin found it interesting.

These little girls eat really boldly. Female college students in a male-dominated world don't dare to eat like this. They have to maintain their image to some extent.

Yiyin was quite happy to see these beauties, who were at least six points in the male-dominated world, shaking their chopsticks for a mouthful of pork stewed vermicelli.

No wonder the emperor of the Song Dynasty liked to watch beautiful women naked sumo wrestling. Yi Yin finally got a little sympathy at the moment. It's really interesting that beauties don't want to tear up their images.

Li Miaoren, on the other hand, was on pins and needles. He couldn't bear it anymore and groaned.

"You all pay attention!"

A group of girls looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly they became elegant, which made Yiyin who was watching couldn't help but laugh.

"Do they usually eat like this?"

Li Miaoren sighed.

"Today's dishes are a little richer."

Yiyin nodded, that's it. He looked at the pork and cabbage stewed vermicelli on the table, and suddenly felt a little sad.

Looking at the girls' pretty faces and thinking that they couldn't eat this kind of food on weekdays, Yiyin couldn't help but feel pity for them.

Previously, the company was unable to make money due to the White Swan Group, and investment was cut off. There was not much money on the books at all. Yiyin could only keep it afloat, and did not dare to spend it arbitrarily.

But it's different now. The company's books will soon pile up [-] million yuan, and the troubled thing has become how to spend it.

Yiyin coughed, and after attracting everyone's attention, he asked Li Miaoren.

"When does the lease of your house here expire?"

Li Miaoren said.

"At the beginning of next month, the landlord has already urged me very urgently, and I must give her a letter of approval 30 days in advance, whether to renew the lease or not."

Yiyin nodded.

"Just over 30 days left? Just right.

Let me explain to you that in the labor contract you are signing now, the basic salary is 5000 yuan after tax. This is the company’s guaranteed salary.

Recently, the company's finance department and human resources department are being reorganized, and new job classification and salary systems are already being planned.

I can reveal something to you first. The company will give you not only a basic salary, but also a meal subsidy and housing subsidy for your stay in Modu.

In addition, after each game project is completed, you will also have a corresponding bonus share.At the end of each year, there will be a year-end dividend.

So, Li Miaoren, please discuss with everyone whether your housing subsidies will be given to you to rent out in cash, or the company will rent you a dormitory near the park.

Your current situation cannot continue. The equipment needs to be sent to the company, and the dormitory and office must be completely separated. "

A group of little girls were stunned and couldn't believe their ears. Even the rare pork and cabbage stewed vermicelli in front of them didn't taste good.

Li Miaoren was also taken aback. She looked at Yiyin and asked cautiously.

"Boss, are you sure?"

Yiyin curled his lips, this was an idea he just came up with, but he is the boss of Nintendo Game Company, so his words will naturally count.

He ordered the vermicelli pot on the table and joked.

"So you should cherish days like this. It will be difficult for you to have the opportunity to eat from a big pot or sleep in bunk beds in the future. You will become very rich and lose a lot of the fun of being prudent."

Yiyin's words are not without purpose. He is really prepared to raise employees with high salaries and improve the company's overall welfare.

In the blue ocean of the game industry, the world of heroines, Yi Yin is confident of making a lot of money, because he knows the value of the game industry very well in his mind.

Take Mi Huyou, the most popular male celebrity in the world, as an example. Its revenue in the latest year was more than 270 billion, and its net profit exceeded 50.00%.

Game companies are all asset-light. The operating costs of electronic equipment are much cheaper than those stupid heavy assets in factories.

The most important thing in making games is talent. If nothing else, modeling alone is knowledge.The real Lao Se Pi has the ability to make the tightly wrapped modeling pictures look so astringent.

The painting, text, music, levels, etc. of the game are all completed by the creativity of talents. The money spent on equipment is nothing compared to recruiting game talents.

Yiyin is not short of money now, but what he lacks is an elite gaming team that can turn the ideas in his mind into reality.

Therefore, he agreed to Takada Kamiko's conditions and wanted to use the island country's high-quality cultural and entertainment resources to help his company cultivate gaming talents.

No matter how good Takada Kamiko's resources are, they are still her resources, not Nintendo Game Company's resources, so Yiyin must focus on cultivating its own people.

The game industry in the world of heroines is zero, and game talents naturally have to start from scratch. Whoever can first cultivate a group of talents who understand games can take the lead in the blue ocean of the game industry.

Yiyin is not short of money now, so the best way is to spend money on people and provide talents with a comfortable working environment, so that talents can have no worries and study games with peace of mind.

Many people don't understand what a 50.00% profit means.

The profits of most Chinese listed companies cannot exceed [-]%, and many companies have never made any money at all. They rely purely on investment market financing to keep the company running.

If Nintendo Game Company's revenue-to-profit ratio can reach over 50.00%, it will surpass 90.00% of nine listed companies and become the best cash cow among Chinese companies.

If we really want to make a comparison, only Maotai, which can sell for money with some food and water, has the confidence to compete with the game industry in terms of net profit.

Therefore, Yiyin doesn’t care at all about salary, subsidies, bonuses, and dividends, because he determines the future of the gaming industry.

There is plenty of money in the capital market, and deterministic information is a scarce resource.

Yiyin has obtained 100% certain information in the history of game development in the male-dominated world. Game companies can achieve tens of billions of revenue and profits of more than 50.00%.

This decisive piece of information gave him the confidence to spend his money recklessly.

He knows very well in his heart that as long as he can make the best game, the employee benefits he pays now will definitely be earned back with profits.

There is no more profitable business in the world than 648. If there is, it is two 648s.

Yiyin has a well-thought-out plan, coupled with a heart of pity and sympathy, he simply boasted in front of a group of young girls who had no experience in the world, and the little girls cheered.

Li Miaoren, on the other hand, was worried and whispered to Yiyin.

"Boss, you shouldn't say this in front of these little girls."

Li Miaoren is also worried that if the boss really wants to give benefits, you can just give them when the time comes. If you put your words on the table now, you will lose a lot of room for maneuver in the future.

But Yiyin didn't care, he just liked to see these little girls happy. He patted Li Miaoren on the shoulder, leaned close to her ear and said.

"It's okay. The company doesn't care about the welfare money. They are all your little sisters. I can't treat them badly. Just treat them as your fare today."

Yiyin was making wisecracks, and her hot breath made Li Miaoren's ears turn red. She secretly glanced at the little sisters, and found that they were all busy and happy and did not notice the intimacy between the two, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Subconsciously keeping a distance from Yiyin, Li Miaoren glanced at Yiyin resentfully.

As an old lady, even if she pays the fare, she should pay it by herself. The boss's words hurt her self-esteem as a woman.

Yiyin didn't know that his casual ridicule had already caused Li Miaoren to complain in his heart.

He smiled and looked at the group of little girls in front of him happily discussing a bright future, and he was in a very good mood at the moment.


After dinner, Li Miaoren sent Yiyin out.

The two were walking to the subway station, and Li Miaoren couldn't help but ask.

"Boss, why don't you take a taxi when you go back?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"It's too far from here. It costs 200 yuan to take a taxi, and it takes a long time to take a taxi. It's better to take the subway."

Li Miaoren remained silent.

She didn't expect that the big boss of Yiyin would walk in and out, still thinking about saving money and taking the subway, but he would give subsidies and benefits to his little sisters without hesitation.

As she thought about it, Yiyin's status in her heart grew higher and higher, and the emotion in her eyes became more and more intense.

Yiyin looked back at Li Miaoren.

"Why are you looking at me so lewdly? I really can't do it now. Want it? Wait until next time."

Yiyin tells the truth.

Li Miaoren blushed with embarrassment, thinking that Yiyin was teasing her, and whispered.

"Boss... you are really..."

Yiyin laughed.

"So handsome? Everyone says that.

By the way, are you sure you don't want the company's housing subsidy? The company will come forward to get you a dormitory near the park? "

Li Miaoren nodded.

"Yes, these little girls are too young and have never experienced hardship. I am worried. If they are given housing subsidies, there will be others who can't control themselves like Keli.

Let's live together for now so I can keep an eye on them.Wait until they get used to the new salary level and their mentality stabilizes before they consider anything else. "

Yiyin nodded, understanding Li Miaoren's thoughts. This leading sister really put her best effort into thinking about the school girls.

He glanced at the vest bag Li Miaoren was holding, which contained Keli's change of clothes.

"The subway station is right ahead. I'll walk there myself. You go to Keli's place early and give her something."

Li Miaoren wanted to say something else, but Yiyin had already taken off one side of the mask, kissed her, and then said with a smile.

"Be obedient, let's go."

After saying that, Yiyin turned and walked towards the subway station not far away. Behind him, Li Miaoren stood blankly for a while, and finally reached out and touched the lips that Yiyin had kissed just now.

today. .It's like a dream. .

(End of this chapter)

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