Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 203 The rental problem is solved

Chapter 203 The rental problem is solved

From the subway station of Baobai Studio to the subway station of Yiyin Company's campus, you need to take seventeen stops and change lines at Hongqiao Railway Station.

The journey was slow, so Yiyin simply lay down on the subway seat and took a nap, finally feeling a little more relaxed.

The time travel has lasted only two months, but Yiyin's life is more exciting than the 30 years before the time travel.

On one side are carefree rich ladies like Xi Feifei and Sun Youling, and there are harmonious elites like Gu Yue and Huang Yi.

On the other side are the 35-year-old consumables that have been discarded by the company, the self-isolated stay-at-home girl, and the struggling entrepreneurial college student.

They were all wandering in front of him, one side seemed hot and the other seemed cold, making Yiyin seem to be traveling between ice and fire, not knowing which side he belonged to.

Looking up, this era is full of infinite possibilities.Looking down, hope is so slim.We are all human beings, but why are the gaps between people so big?

Sometimes, thinking is very painful. Close your eyes, don't treat others too seriously, and don't treat yourself too seriously, maybe you will feel better.

After dozing off on the subway, Yiyin finally regained some energy. Walking from the subway station to the park, he suddenly remembered something and went around to the property office to take a look.

At early three o'clock in the afternoon, the hard-working men in the property office had already left work in a hurry. Those who shopped for groceries, and those who picked up their children, only Director Hao was left bored watching short videos on his mobile phone.

Director Hao's blood boiled with excitement as he watched the handsome young men posing. He tilted his head three more points while leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

Yiyin didn't see anyone at the door of the property office, so he simply walked in. He heard a sound in the inner office and looked around.

I saw Director Hao's plump body slumped on the sofa, his two fat legs crossed and rubbed, and he was watching the video on his mobile phone very passionately. It was quite eye-catching.

Yiyin coughed, startling Director Hao from the sofa.


Yiyin took off his mask and smiled at Director Hao at the door.Director Hao immediately smiled broadly, nodded and bowed to welcome him in.

"Mr. Yi, you are a rare visitor. Please sit down and wait for me. I will make you a pot of good tea."

Yiyin sat on the sofa, quickly waved his hands, and said.

"Director Hao, don't be polite. I'll leave right away. I have something to do in the company."

"Okay, so why are you here today? Are you dissatisfied with anything about the previous rent-free agreement? We can discuss changes."

Facing the attentive Director Hao, Yiyin smiled and shook his head.

"I have to thank Director Hao for the rent-free agreement. Our company has taken such a big advantage in the park, how dare we be dissatisfied."

Director Hao said with a smile.

"Mr. Yi is too polite.

Assisting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and supporting innovative enterprises are the basic requirements put forward by the headquarters of Hemu Group to our subordinate units.

Our campus is also responsible. We uphold the original intention of serving the society and do some small things within our ability.

Of course, if you are really satisfied, you can just say a few words to Ms. Gu. I would like to say thank you first. "

Yiyin smiled and said nothing. The promotion meeting at the end of the year was over, and Gu Yue would probably go to the plateau branch next year.

I hope that by then, the park management committee’s attitude towards Nintendo Game Company will not change again. This group of old fritters act like chameleons every day, which makes Yiyin feel worried and tired.

“Thanks to the park for its support.

I came here today mainly to ask, the eighth floor of our building is now used by my company. Can we do some decoration work without damaging the building structure? "

Director Hao smiled.

"Of course, that's no problem. Just let me know when the construction team comes in and out, and I'll tell the doorman.

The construction waste is also handled by our property management company. Mr. Yi is kind enough to renovate our office for us, but we cannot charge you for the construction waste disposal fee. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"Renovation always takes several months. Our company has recently expanded its staff and the office space is no longer sufficient.

I would like to rent out all the eleven floors we are currently using for a short period of several months. Do you think it is okay? "

Director Hao said with a smile.

“Your company is developing well. Of course, the park is happy to see its success and will definitely support it fully.

Let's do this, let's sign a short-term rental contract for half a year, as for the price. . "

Yiyin said first.

"Just follow the market price."

Yiyin is really scared. People in these parks are trying to flatter us, regardless of the cost.

Anyway, everything belongs to the Hehe Group, and whether they lose money or not, it will not affect their wages and benefits, which guarantee income during droughts and floods, so they are not stingy at all when doing favors.

But Yiyin has a headache.

Gu Yue is leaving soon, who knows if anyone will leave.Now that I have taken so many benefits from the park, it will be even more troublesome for me when others have to settle accounts in the future.

In fact, Yiyin is overthinking it.

After the last mistake, the manager of the park already has an understanding of the foundation of Nintendo Game Company.

Putting aside Gu Yue's relationship, Xi Feifei was hanging out in the company, and Huang Yi came specially to see his old classmates. They were all people who couldn't afford to offend, and the snobbery in the park were so blind that they would trouble Yiyin again.

But seeing Yiyin's determined attitude of not taking advantage, Director Hao probably had an idea.

Sometimes being too diligent is not necessarily a good thing. As the saying goes, being diligent without anything is either cheating or stealing, and the people who benefit may not be happy.

Anyway, Nintendo Game Company is in the park. As long as they don't move away, there will always be opportunities for dealing with them in the future.Director Hao is not in a hurry when it comes to building relationships to win favors.

She smiled.

"Then just listen to Mr. Yi, I'll give you the lowest market price in the park.

You have to give me this little face, right?Otherwise, you really don’t consider me a friend. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Then I would like to thank Director Hao. By the way, Director Hao, do you know of any suitable rental housing near the park?"

"What? Mr. Yi is moving nearby?"

"No, it's a staff dormitory."

"That's it..."

Director Hao thought for a while and said.

“It all depends on whether Yi Zong is willing to spend money. In the past two years, the city has severely criticized the phenomenon of group renting, so using houses in residential areas as dormitories will be very troublesome as long as there are complaints.

Of course, it's not impossible to rent. I have some contacts in nearby residential areas and can help Mr. Yi negotiate with him. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"My company won't do anything illegal. I can spend more money to make it more formal."

Director Hao clapped his hands.

“Justice is always benevolent, and if you are willing to spend money, it will be easier.

A rental apartment has just opened nearby, just 200 meters away from the park.

There are about a hundred apartments there, which are similar to hotel rooms. Each one is [-] square meters, but the most is a double room, and no extra bed is allowed.

If you are interested, I will contact you.

There are no big companies nearby, and it is almost impossible to make any money renting an apartment. The owner is worried to death because it is almost empty.

She came to our park several times just to post advertisements and attract some customers, and she became very familiar with me. "

Yi Yin asked.

"How is the environment there? Can you cook and wash clothes? What is the approximate price?"

Director Hao said.

“Five-story house.

The first floor is a restaurant and study room, and the four floors above are apartments. Each floor is equipped with a laundry room, a communal kitchen with electrical appliances, and a gym.

Don't tell me, it's quite fashionable, but the price is a bit expensive.The economy is bad now, so no one rents.

If you want it in good faith, I will help you negotiate. There are probably more than 20 rooms on the first floor that can accommodate more than fifty people. The monthly rent for the entire floor is about [-] yuan, and I will help you cut off two months of the annual fee.

Of course, water and electricity must be calculated separately. Commercial water and electricity are quite expensive, and the kitchen is not connected to gas. Only electronic products such as induction cookers, microwave ovens, and rice cookers can be used. "

Yiyin did a rough calculation and found that the monthly rent for a double room is about [-] yuan. If two people live there, the monthly rent is about [-] yuan per person.

The annual rent is ten months, which means an annual subsidy of 2 yuan per employee. Although the price is not cheap, it is already very good in Metropolis, where land is at a premium.

Seeing Yiyin's interest, Director Hao said again.

"Mr. Yi, if your company needs accommodation for hundreds of people within a year, my personal suggestion is to rent out this apartment building.

On the one hand, I can haggle with the boss on the price and rent the entire apartment to one of your companies, and she can also stop worrying and just collect the rent.

She would probably agree to cut her rent by a quarter, after all, the apartment is basically empty now.

On the other hand, if the apartment is full of people from your company coming in and out, it is better to have a few tenants hanging around in the building, which makes communication easier and safer.

Moreover, this rental apartment was opened at the end of last year, and it took more than half a year to complete it. It has almost brand-new decoration and equipment, and the layout is also very avant-garde. Young people should like to live there.

It would be a pity to miss this apartment. "

Yiyin was moved by what Director Hao said.

The company is about to recruit a large number of new employees. These days, most of the visitors from all over the country are not from Modu, and there is a strong demand for renting houses.

In addition, Takada Kamiko said that entertainment talents from island countries will be sent to help train company employees. These foreign exchange personnel also need preferential accommodation.

If a building is fully rented and 200 apartments can accommodate 400 people, the rent will be about 100 million. If Director Hao can cut off another 300 million from the rent, it will be [-] million.

Even if commercial water and electricity are three times more expensive than residential water and electricity, one building will not use 100 million a year.

In other words, by paying up to 400 million, Yiyin can completely solve the housing problem of the company's new employees and exchange personnel from island countries.

Not only is it close to the company, it is also newly renovated and fully equipped.This money is well spent.

Yiyin nodded.

"Then I'll leave it to Director Hao, and I'll ask the company's human resources department to follow up later.

If it's convenient, please do it as soon as possible. "

Director Hao smiled.

"It's convenient, why is it inconvenient? When the boss hears that this hot potato has turned into a cornucopia of good things, he can sign the contract on the spot.

However, I think you should give her a week or two to clean up the few scattered tenants inside, so as to save you from trouble in the future.

There is also the restaurant, cleaning, and daily service staff attached to the first floor. We also need to talk clearly about it. We can't really let her lie down and collect money at home. This is too cheap for her. "

Yiyin smiled and mourned three seconds of silence for the few scattered tenants. They might have to move.

"Thank you, Director Hao. I'll be waiting for your good news."

"You are too polite. Don't worry. If anything happens, I will contact you at any time. Ms. Sun Youling. We are very familiar with each other now."

Yiyin exchanged a few words with Director Hao and left the property office. It was really worry-free to have such a local snake take the initiative to help.

(End of this chapter)

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