Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 204 Drop by the doorstep

Chapter 204 Drop by the doorstep

Yiyin left the property office with wind in his eyes as he walked. At this moment, he finally realized the joy of having money.

In the past, when we only had 100 million, we would just pay for it.Now, I throw away 400 million a year without any hesitation in my heart.

Thinking of the surprise of Li Miaoren and her little sisters living in a new apartment, I don't know how happy Li Miaoren should be. At the very least, she has to lower her head and help herself, right?

It's nice to have money.

At this time in the company, Xi Feifei was in a good mood. Her sister's condition had improved, and her mind was filled with gratitude to Yiyin. Just in line with Yiyin's intention, she could say three words.

As soon as Yiyin entered the company, she was scalded by her eyes, and his heart trembled a little.

"I am back."

Xi Feifei lay lazily on a desk and looked up at Yiyin lazily.

Yiyin didn't sleep well last night, and Xi Feifei also heard from the corner that she had insomnia.After taking a nap now, he finally felt better, so he stretched and asked.

"Boss, you are so slow. What time is it?"

Yiyin stared at her and raised her hands to straighten her waist. Her chest was materialy and her waist was slender. She looked both charming and angry, as touching as a fairy.

After coughing and looking away to prevent himself from being seduced by the charming gesture of this little witch, Yiyin scolded.

"You still have the nerve to say that I am extremely busy, but you can catch up on your sleep comfortably here.

You said you want to be in charge of operations, okay, then tell me, have you finished the channels for new games?When will it be available?The company is now waiting to make money through open source. Can you be more attentive? "

Xi Feifei stood up and approached Yiyin to look at him.

"Are you angry? Don't worry, it's right to leave the product operations to me.

I have contacted all the major platforms, and the revenue sharing, channels, and top-position advertisements have all been negotiated.

The official version of Fruit Ninja presented by Li Hongmei is already going through the fast review process and will be officially available on the shelves as early as tomorrow.

Speaking of which, you will have to ask the Finance Department to give me more budget for the public relations expenses, operating expenses, and advertising expenses of the Operations Department. Now I pay for them all myself. "

Seeing Xi Feifei's approaching fairy face, Yiyin was flustered by her fiery eyes, and subconsciously looked away.

"I know, I'll tell Wen Xinghan when he comes back."

"I'm right here."

Wen Xinghan's muscular figure is particularly conspicuous in the office, but the couple flirts and flirts as soon as they enter the door, and they can't see themselves, Wen Xinghan is also very helpless.

Yiyin smiled awkwardly.

"Xue Ge, are you there too?"

Wen Xinghan sighed.

"Foreign investment of [-] million yuan, the approval process is very troublesome, but some documents still require your signature and authorization before I can handle it.

I heard Sun Youling said that you would come back, so I didn't call you to disturb you. I just waited here for a while. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Excuse me, Brother Xue. I'll sign it for you later. I have something to tell you and Sun Youling first.

I just made an agreement with Director Hao from the property management department. The [-]th floor will be rented to us for half a year at market price, and the [-]th floor will be rented to us for a short period of time. .

That's right, Xi Feifei, do you care about the decoration? "

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"An, I've already asked about the price. I reported it to Wen Xinghan before you came."

Yiyin nodded.

"That's good. We should finish the decoration of the eighth floor as soon as possible. I rented the entire eleventh floor for half a year and let the new employees use it temporarily.

Also, I entrusted Director Hao to help me negotiate for a nearby apartment with about [-] rooms, which can be used as a staff dormitory.

The annual rent is about 400 to [-] yuan. Sun Youling, you are in charge of personnel. Please follow up.Brother Xue, help Sun Youling settle the money matter. "

Wen Xinghan was stunned.

"Three to four million? More than 400 apartments? Do we have such a huge demand for rentals?"

Yiyin nodded.

"Yes, the island country will send entertainment talents to help us complete cultural and creative work such as painting, music, screenwriting, etc., and help us train employees. We have to find accommodation for each other.

In addition, all members of Baobai Studio have to live in apartments. For other studios, the logistics department has also solved their needs. We will go back and ask new and old employees to make an accommodation list. "

Wen Xinghan shook his head.

"You are a very generous boss. The annual rent is 400, plus the deposit, you have to pay at least [-] at one time.

Decoration, short-term rental, dormitories, wages, training, and social security for new employees. .Good guy, please don’t be upset if you sign back. This month’s expenses will be at least 3000 million. "

Yiyin bared his teeth.

"It's okay, just keep making new games and make money."

Yiyin is confident about the company's future.

In the eyes of Wen Xinghan and others, Yiyin should do public relations and attract investment. His handsome face is Wang Zha.

But Yiyin does not think of himself as an Israeli waiter. He positions himself as a game planner.

In this world of female heroes, no one knows how to play games better than him.Spend money today and earn back tomorrow, it’s that simple.

Wen Xinghan sighed.

"Sheng Mien, Dou Mi Qiu, if you are so kind to your employees, they may not be grateful. You have to think carefully about it yourself."

Yiyin smiled indifferently.

He started the company just to make good games. It doesn't matter whether his employees love him or hate him.He is not RMB, so he cannot be liked by everyone.

We provide good employee benefits just for the sake of our own conscience, and we don’t want to become a shady capitalist.As for what employees think, that is not his concern.

Wen Xinghan is a pessimist and always feels that Yiyin's lavish spending can easily breed white-eyed wolves, but Yiyin doesn't care.

He came to this world to live again, just to live a wonderful life. It is really boring to always worry about this and that, looking forward and backward.

Seeing that Yiyin didn't care at all, Wen Xinghan didn't try to persuade her any more, so Sun Youling accepted the matter and considered it a thing of the past.

At this moment, Mo Ziming suddenly came back from outside and saw Yiyin and smiled.

"Boss, you are in the company. It just so happens that the lawsuit with White Swan Group is almost over. The other party has taken the initiative to request a settlement and is willing to bear the loss of your reputation and publicly apologize.

How about it?Should we stop here?Do you have any other conditions that I need to negotiate with the other party? "

Yiyin nodded.

"I believe in your professionalism, Brother Xue, you can figure it out. In short, help me get the best result."

Mo Ziming said.

"No problem. The other party is just a dead pig lying flat now. We can strike at will. I will sort out our conditions as appropriate. You can take a look at it later."

Several people talked about things one after another, including the launch of new games, financial expenditures, legal disputes, and personnel recruitment.

Yiyin, who was used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, just signed a few words and got a grasp of the direction, and felt very tired.

When things were almost done, it was past five o'clock, Yi Yin clapped his hands and said.

"Then come here today."

Wen Xinghan and Mo Ziming said goodbye first, and then Xi Feifei pulled Sun Youling and winked at Yiyin.

"Boss, how about a quick dinner tonight?"

Yiyin shook his head.

"Not today. I haven't gone back to eat for several days. Xu Xing almost went crazy, saying that I was away from home all day and didn't care about the children."

Xi Feifei was reasonable this time and nodded.

"Okay, you go home and have a good rest today, and you can help Sunsun Youling consolidate it later when you have time."

Yiyin glanced at Sun Youling, whose face was red, and smiled helplessly. The misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper, and it could no longer be explained.

he asked, changing the subject.

"How is your sister now?"

Xi Feifei smiled.

"She will probably go to a familiar hospital for a few more tests in the next few days. When she is 100% sure of the results, she will probably come to see you."

Yiyin nodded in understanding.

This fact is too fantastical for anyone to believe easily.Xi Lanlan probably needs several rounds of physical examinations before she can believe that her condition is improving.

Until then. .Yiyin glanced at Xi Feifei's fairy-like face, and remembered Xi Lanlan's face that was exactly the same, but with a more powerful temperament, and couldn't help but feel a little itchy in her heart.

This is a misunderstanding. .In fact, it’s okay if you don’t explain it. Anyway, it can be cured anyway. .

Yiyin was thinking about something when his toes suddenly hurt. It turned out to be Xi Feifei's foot stepping on the back of his shoe. Yiyin said in pain.

"What are you doing!"

Xi Feifei looked unhappy.


Yiyin felt so guilty that he turned his head away, looked at Sun Youling, and said softly.

"I'm leaving first. Just lock the door and get off work."

Yoshigan saw Shinobi Tachibana sitting in the corner like an invisible man, and thought that he had left this secretary alone for a whole day, and felt a little embarrassed.

"Miss Lihua, you should also get off work."

Tachibana Shinobu stood up and bowed. Yiyin glanced at Xi Feifei's unhappy eyes, turned around and left the company in a bit of embarrassment.

Tachibana Shinobi bowed slightly to the two women, then followed Yoshigami's footsteps and followed out.

Sun Youling glanced at Xi Feifei and sighed.

"Aren't you driving him home? You've been waiting for him all afternoon... Missing him..."

Xi Feifei snorted.

"You're not my man, what does it have to do with me?

Today we sisters have a dinner together, have a good meal, and let him take a taxi home. "

Xi Feifei felt sour in her heart. Both Sun Youling and Xi Lanlan had eaten meat, but she was the only one watching others eat meat. She could only be greedy.

Sun Youling felt guilty after being told that he is not my man, and did not dare to say anything else. Thinking that sister Xi Feifei's matter was finally resolved, she would just relax with Xi Feifei today.

Xi Feifei got into trouble, and Sun Youling didn't dare to say a word, but they didn't know that after Lihua Ren chased him out, he didn't go home from get off work, but approached Yiyin and asked.

"Boss, let me take you home. We're on the way."

Yiyin shook his head.

"No, it may not be smooth..."

Halfway through, Yoshigami suddenly looked at Tachibana Shinobi's lips, remembering that night when Takada Kamiko took her to bully him, she really knew where she lived.

Li Huaren seemed to understand what Yiyin was thinking, and lowered his head shyly.

After all, she was not a shameless Takada vixen. She was forced to bully a man with her mouth under orders, so she still felt a sense of shame.

Seeing her ashamed look, Yiyin felt soft.

"If you're on the way, just take me for a while."

Tachibana Shinobu looked up at Yoshigami and said gratefully.


The two followed the elevator to the underground parking lot, and Tachibana Shinobu led Yoshiyin to a luxurious four-seater business car.

Yiyin curiously looked at the car logo. He had never seen it before. What kind of car was it? It looked very expensive.

Shinobu Tachibana obviously misunderstood and took the initiative to explain.

"This is not my car, and I can't afford such an expensive car. His Highness Takada asked me to drive it first so that I can pick you up and drop you off every day."

The two got into the car and Yiyin smiled.

"You don't need to explain it to me. I'm just curious about the make of this car. I've never seen it before."

Tachibana Ren said honestly.

"This is a commercial vehicle produced by Sibo Heavy Industries, a subsidiary of the Sibo Consortium. This year's latest Rexpo has a revised version of the Sibo family crest."

Yiyin nodded and said subconsciously.

"No wonder it looks familiar."

Yoshigami has never seen Rexpo, but he has seen the Rexpo family crest in Mikazuki Munechika's memory dream.

Tachibana Shinobu secretly glanced at Yoshigami, carefully placed Mikazuki Munechika on the knife holder beside the driver's seat, and then started the car.

Along the way, the two said nothing more, and Yiyin didn't know what to talk about.

Frankly speaking, the two of them were strangers who had only met each other a few times, but because of Takada Kamiko's misbehavior, there was an ambiguous pink relationship between Yoshigami and Tachibana Shinobu.

This relationship made both of them a little uncomfortable, it was both strange and intimate.

Yiyin said as the car approached the community.

"You can just leave me outside the community. There is no need to drive in and circle around."

Tachibana Shinobi shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm on my way."

Yoshigan suddenly understood something as he watched Tachibana Shinobu skillfully drive into the community and into a private car parking space.

"Ms. Takada arranged for you to live here?"


"Then...it's really a smooth ride."

Yiyin sighed and shook his head. He was really a little afraid of the Takada vixen who was both good and evil.Underneath that person's seemingly beautiful appearance, he is actually a weird guy full of bad taste.

Yoshigan got out of the car and walked towards the door of his building. He turned around and wanted to say goodbye to Tachibana Shinobu, but found Tachibana Shinobu following him.

He asked with a wry smile.

"Is this the way to go? Do you live in this building too?"


Yoshigan sighed, and walked into the elevator with Shinobu Tachibana one after another, and pressed his own floor. However, he saw Shinobu Tachibana making no move, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"Don't tell me... you live on my floor..."

Tachibana Ren bowed slightly and said calmly.

"Please give me your advice. The house next door to you has been bought by His Royal Highness Takata."

Yoshigin was dumbfounded, Miko Takada. .You are too good at playing. .

(End of this chapter)

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