Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 205 An act of loyalty

Chapter 205 An act of loyalty

Back home, Xu Xing and Youyou haven't come back yet. Yiyin ordered some takeout and sat on the sofa to watch TV. After watching for a while, his eyelids started to fight and he became drowsy.

I don't know how much time passed, but there was a sound of opening the door outside the house. Yiyin struggled to open his eyes and saw that Youyou had already jumped on him.

"Dad, Daddy!"

Smiling and holding her daughter in her arms, Yiyin looked at Xu Xing who was taking off her shoes.

"You're back? Thank you for taking care of the children."

"I'm okay, but you look very tired. It's been very hard these two days, right?"

Yiyin thought of the ups and downs of the past two days, and his waist was faintly sore again, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I brought it upon myself."

Xu Xing sat on the other side of the sofa, looked at Yiyin and said.

"That's how you do things when you come out. If you don't suffer or get tired, what do you call starting a business? Just get used to it.

Whoever makes you determined not to marry, and you don’t want to rely on women but insist on relying on yourself, then you have to bear the hardship. "

Yiyin rubbed his waist and nodded.

"I know, I came back too late today and didn't have time to cook. I just ordered some takeout."

Just as he was talking, the doorbell rang outside, and Yiyin smiled.

"Just right, I'll get it."

Xu Xing shook his head when he saw that Yiyin was tightly entangled by Youyou and couldn't get away.

"I'll open the door. Youyou hasn't been able to see you in the past two days. I miss you so much."

Yiyin pinched Youyou's little face and asked with a smile.

"Have you been good these past two days? Have you caused any trouble to Uncle Xu Xing?"

Youyou raised her head proudly.

"I'm so good. All the uncles and aunties in Uncle Xu Xing's studio like me!"

Seeing the child's proud look, Yiyin couldn't help but laugh at her again, but saw Xu Xing come in with a food bag, put it on the table and open the box.

"You two, father and daughter, stop making trouble and come and eat quickly. I'm starving to death."

Yiyin ordered fish with pickled vegetables, served with saliva chicken, brown sugar glutinous rice cake and other cold dishes, snacks, and two bowls of rice. After everything was spread out, the three of them sat down to eat.

Xu Xing asked after taking a few bites.

"Why do I feel like the takeaways nowadays all taste the same?"

Yiyin laughed.

"The food packages of brand chain stores are all made in central kitchens. Maybe the taste of the whole city is the same recipe. Can it be different?"

Xu Xing clicked his chopsticks and sighed.

"Pretty boring."

Yiyin laughed.

"In industrialization, efficiency and effectiveness come first. You are in finance, so you should have seen this kind of thing a lot. What's there to lament?

If you want to eat in a non-industrial style, you can spend more money to find private food. Anyway, your career has improved to a higher level, so it’s nothing to spend this small amount of money. "

Xu Xing glanced at Yiyin curiously.

"How do you know that my career is about to take off again recently?"

Yi Gin was suffocated, he was so proud that he almost exposed the private agreement between Takada Kamiko and himself.He didn't want Xu Xing to be burdened, so he pretended to be relaxed.

"Didn't you say last time that international capital was looking for cooperation with you? This is a step up."

Xu Xing smiled in relief.

"You are talking about this... last time I said that the other party had investment intentions, but in fact I haven't even said a word about it yet. But with your auspicious words, this matter has now happened!"

There was an excited smile on Xu Xing's face, and his articulation even trembled a little.

"The other party is interested in investing in the domestic market through my studio, and is willing to help me apply for approval as a qualified domestic institutional investor and assist me in participating in international investments."

Yiyin asked inexplicably.

"This... What kind of investor... is it very powerful?"

Xu Xing glanced at him.

"I really doubt that all the knowledge you learned in school has been given back to the teacher.

Of course it’s awesome!Even if I just find a way to be affiliated with a large institution in the end, I am qualified to use domestic funds to make international investments.

This is simply not true in China where the currency is not freely convertible and the capital market is not fully open. .Forget it, you don’t understand even if you tell me. "

Seeing Xu Xing's happy look, Yiyin was also happy for him.

"I don't understand, but I can see that you are going to make a fortune. Hong Qi is really lucky to have found such a powerful and profitable husband. From now on, she can live in peace and enjoy her happiness."

Xu Xing blushed at Yiyin's joke and said angrily.

"You can just talk nonsense all day long! By the way, there is something..."

Seeing Xu Xing's embarrassed look, Yiyin smiled.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. There's nothing we brothers can't say."

Xu Xing glanced at Yuyou who was struggling to pull out a piece of fish fillet and sighed.

"I may become very busy in the future, Yoyo... I don't have time to look at her for the time being, so I leave her alone in the studio, and I'm a little worried..."

Yi Yin nodded.

"I understand, I'm causing trouble for Youyou..."

"Yiyin, that's not what I meant!"

"Hey, don't be so sensitive. I don't think you are bad. I really feel that I am an incompetent father and am relying on you.

The recent turmoil in my company has also passed, and things are mostly on the right track, and I have time to take care of my children.Just take care of yourself, I will take care of Yoyo in the future, don't worry. "

Xu Xing looked at Yiyin and felt relieved when he saw that he was indeed sincere.

While the two were talking, the doorbell rang again outside, and Xu Xing, who was closest to the door, stood up and opened the door.

"It's so late, who is it? Yiyin, did you order any other takeaways?"


Xu Xing opened the door and saw a delicate-looking little girl holding a box of things and bowing to him.

"This is the first time we meet. I am Tachibana Shinobu who just moved next door. Please give me your advice."

Xu Xing could tell at a glance that with her etiquette and makeup, she was an island girl.

he laughed.

"Hello, please give me some advice."

Tachibana Shinobi lifted the cake box in his hand and continued.

"A small gift is no respect."

Xu Xing secretly sighed in his heart, the etiquette and rules of the island people are really serious, he smiled on his face.

"You are too kind."

While the two were talking, Yiyin appeared behind Xu Xing and asked curiously.

"Miss Lihua, why are you here?"

Xu Xing turned around and asked.

"Yi Yin, do you know each other?"

"Well, she is the secretary that my company just recruited."

"What a coincidence, your secretary lives next door to us."

Yiyin was speechless for a moment.

He couldn't tell Xu Xing that this matter was arranged by Miko Takada, right?Moreover, the foreign investment that Xu Xinggang received was also one of Miko Takada's bargaining chips.

Yiyin didn't want Xu Xing to think too much, so he could only perfunctorily pass.

Xu Xing's attitude became even more enthusiastic when he saw that Tachibana Shinobu was Yoshiyin's secretary.

"Miss Lihua, please come in and sit down."

Tachibana Shinobu bowed deeply.

"Then I will interrupt."

Walking into the room, Li Huaren saw that Yoyo was staring at her with cute big eyes, so he smiled and bowed.

"Hello, little lady."

After a few people were polite, Xu Xing, who didn't know the truth, even enthusiastically invited Tachibana Shinobu to have dinner, but Tachibana Shinobu didn't even refuse.

After the meal, the four of them ate the four-inch cakes brought by Tachibana Shinobu, which happened to be four, one for each person.Edo Buge's hazelnut cake tastes great, but the only drawback is that it's a bit expensive.

After finishing the food, Tachibana Shinobu stood up and said goodbye.

"Thank you for the hospitality. It's getting late. Please take a rest early. I'll go back first."

Xu Xing smiled as Ren Tachibana behaved politely and courteously throughout the entire meal, making Xu Xing's senses very good to her.

"Going back so early? Let's have dinner together next time when we have time. Yiyin, let's go see him off."

Yoshigan pointed at Tachibana Shinobu, and then pointed at himself.

I'm a boss, why should I send my secretary off?Even if you are a next-door neighbor, only a few steps away, this does not make sense.

Xu Xing hummed.

"With a little money in your pocket, you have learned to show off? He is your employee at work, and a friend who brings cakes after get off work. Hurry up and go."

Yi Gin heard that it made sense, so he sighed and sent Tachibana Shinobu to the next door.

When Tachibana Shinobi opened the door, Yoshigami was about to go back when he was suddenly stopped.

"Mr. Yi, can you... give me a few minutes?"

Yoshigan glanced at Tachibana Shinobu's pleading eyes. Although he was reluctant, he reluctantly nodded and walked into Tachibana Shinobu's room.

Glancing at the room, Yoshigami could tell that this room was occupied by a renter, and Takada Kamiko probably used money to blow away the original residents, leaving the room vacant for Tachibana to hold on to.

Tachibana Ren made a cup of tea for Yoshiyin who was sitting on the sofa and said respectfully.

"Please have some tea."

"Well, thank you."

There was an embarrassing silence between the two of them. After a while, Yiyin couldn't help asking.

"What did you want to say to me?"

Tachibana Shinobi seemed to have made some kind of determination, and suddenly knelt down in front of Yoshigami and said.

"I hope you can trust me more, and I hope I can get closer to you.

Please, believe me. "

Tachibana knelt down when he was told to do so, but it frightened Yoshigan, who stepped forward to pull her up.

"Get up and speak. This is a celestial dynasty, not an island country. We no longer want to kneel down."

Tachibana Shinobi raised his head, looked at Yoshiyin, and said seriously.

"Can't you trust me?"

Yiyin murmured.

"How can anyone expect others to believe her as soon as they meet her? The relationship between people is inherently gradual and cannot be rushed."

Tachibana gritted his teeth, took something out of his pocket, and put it in Yoshigami's hand.

"But I am different. I must gain your trust as soon as possible. This is my mission.

I am your secretary and will be loyal to you from now on. If I do something wrong, you can punish me.

But I ask you to give me a little trust and allow me to stay by your side instead of being a dispensable puppet like I am now. "

Yoshigami touched the thing that Tachibana Shinobu put in his hand.

"What do you want me to say...how can I answer it?"

You want me to believe you, but if one day Miko Takada and I fall into the water at the same time. . "

As Yoshigan spoke, he nodded subconsciously, and saw Shinobu Tachibana's expression becoming extremely solemn in an instant.

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, took a breath of air, and dropped the thing on the coffee table like a hot potato.

"What are you doing! What are you doing!"

Lihua took a few breaths and finally recovered.

"Please believe me. Even if His Highness Takada falls into the water at the same time as you, I will save you first and follow your orders before I rescue His Highness Takada.

From the time His Highness Takada gave me to you as your secretary, I have been yours, not hers anymore. "

Yoshigami looked at Tachibana Shinobi blankly. He really didn't understand how the island people's brain circuits were developed. What on earth were they thinking?

After a moment of silence, Yiyin asked.

"Then do you still need to complete the task assigned by Miss Takada?"

Lihua endured a tremor, looked at Yiyin shyly, and said.

"That's different. That's the deal you made with His Highness Takada. Sending you samples once a week is a task I must complete.

But please trust me, I am willing to do anything for you, please don't alienate me. "

Anything? .Looking at the handsome and charming Tachibana Shinobi in front of him, Yoshigage suddenly felt a little distracted and couldn't control himself.

After a while, Yiyin sighed.

"Then you can help me take care of the child first. Youyou is on summer vacation recently and has nowhere to go during the day. I'm going to take her to the company during the day. Please help me keep an eye on her."

Lihua bowed to the ground and took on his first task seriously.

"Hi! I will take good care of the little lady, please don't worry!"

Lihua couldn't bear to be quite excited, she finally got a chance to prove her loyalty through sincere performance art.

The method taught by His Highness Takada really works. .It's just too embarrassing. .

(End of this chapter)

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