Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 206 The boys sent by the island country

Chapter 206 The boys sent by the island country

In the early morning, Xi Feifei was happily waiting downstairs at Yiyin, wanting to give him a surprise.

Xi Lanlan has already returned to Hangzhou, Xi Feifei's worries are over, and now her thoughts are all on the handsome guy Yiyin.

But when she saw Yiyin coming out of the doorway on the first floor, she couldn't help but feel a cold expression on her face.

Because she clearly saw Lihua holding Qian Youyou's hand cautiously and following Yiyin closely.

Forced to squeeze out a smile, Xi Feifei went up to meet her and said with a smile.

"Good morning, boss."

Yiyin sighed helplessly.

"Why are you here again?"

Xi Feifei glanced at Tachibana Shinobi who was bowing and asked.

"What? She can come, but I can't?"

Without waiting for Yiyin to explain, Xi Feifei had already lowered her body and waved at Youyou.

"We meet again, little Youyou."

But Yoyo hid behind Yiyin defensively, hugging her father's thigh vigilantly.

Yiyin picked up the child and said.

"Come on, call Aunt Xi early."

Xi Feifei quickly waved her hand.

"Let's talk about our own things. Youyou can just call her sister. Calling her auntie is too much! I haven't graduated yet!"

Youyou glanced at her father, hugged Yiyin tightly, and reluctantly yelled.

"Good morning, Sister Xi."

Xi Feifei narrowed her eyes with a smile and nodded.

"Be good, you all get in my car and I'll take you to the company."

Yiyin shook his head.

"No, Tachibana Shinobu has a car."

Xi Feifei's face darkened.

"Then sit in my car, I have business to talk to you about."

Yiyin pouted, seeing the aggrieved look on the little witch's face, he was really afraid that she would explode, so he could only hand Yuyou over to Tachibana Shinobi.

"Yuyou, be good. Let's go take a ride with Sister A-Ren. Dad will talk about work with his colleagues."

Although Xiao Youyou was unwilling, she still let Tachibana Ren hold hands and walked away. The way she looked back three times every step was endearing.

Xi Feifei couldn't help but chuckle, causing Yiyin to smile helplessly.

"What happened to you?"

Xi Feifei pointed at Yuyou who got into the car with Lihua Ren and said.

"I am indeed the most threatening opponent."

Yiyin said inexplicably.

"What do you mean?"

Xi Feifei took Yiyin to her car, talking while walking.

"Don't you know? Children have a bit of a father-to-mother complex.

Youyou was extremely nervous when she saw me, but Li Huaren was indifferent, which shows that the child's intuition thinks that I am more threatening to steal her father. I am indeed too beautiful.

Moreover, she clearly didn't like me just now, but she was willing to call me sister instead of aunt. This is because she is afraid that you and I are of the same generation. "

Yiyin broke away from Xi Feifei's hand, sat on the passenger seat, and sighed.

"How can a child be as complicated as you think?"

Xi Feifei started the car and smiled.

"Don't underestimate today's children. They are well-nourished and grow quickly. They are all crazy and smart.

I think one day the two of us are really going to get married, and Youyou will cry to death. "

Yiyin gave her a white look.

"Crazy, who wants to marry you?"

Xi Feifei came over, kissed Yiyin on the lips, then turned the steering wheel and drove.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I've got you. You can never run away in this life."

Yiyin shook his head.

"You can't find someone well, a widow like me...it's really not suitable for you."

Xi Feifei sighed.

"I think so too, but you know, people with psychological problems like me are very perverted.

You are now deeply embedded in my heart and I can’t pull it out. What do you want me to do?Or, do you think of another way to use your strength and make me so angry that I run away voluntarily?
But it’s very difficult. The day before yesterday, I cried so much when you and my sister spent the night together, and I still couldn’t bear to leave you. "

Yiyin cursed softly.

"Pervert, by the way, you just said you had business to discuss with me? What was it?"

Xi Feifei said casually.

"It's okay, I just don't like seeing you and that island girl together. There's a child in the middle, and it looks like a family of three. The more I look at it, the more unhappy I am."

Yi Yin rolled his eyes.

"you really.."

Xi Feifei asked.

"Why is she at your house?"

"The house next to me was bought and she lives in it now."

Xi Feifei said with an annoyed look on her face.

"And this trick! Why didn't I think of it!"

The corner of Yiyin's mouth twitched.

"I have three households on one floor here, and there is land on the other side. If you need it, you can contact me yourself."

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"Who wants to live in such a shabby community? Even if I want to change places, I still want to live in a one-story mansion like Sun Youling.

Boss, why don't you move out?Sun Youling's place is very big. The three of us can live together. Sun Youling will be very happy. "

Yiyin complained.

"But I'm not happy. What should I do with my daughter?"

"Don't worry, Sun Youling will definitely support Youyou as his own daughter.

Maybe the house will be transferred to Youyou for marriage in the future. After all, it is not easy for a girl to find a husband without a wedding house. "

Yiyin snorted.

"Thank you so much. Thank you for thinking so far."

Xi Feifei glanced at the rearview mirror and saw the black Rex wave hanging not far or near behind her.

"Boss, what do the islanders think of you? They don't want to bring you, a saint, back to the island, do they?"

Yiyin didn't react for a moment, and was stunned for a long time before he remembered what was going on.

In order to make Xi Feifei believe in his special ability, Yiyin fooled Xi Feifei before, saying that he was the reincarnation of a saint from the island country, and endorsed his special ability.

Obviously, as Sun Youling and Xi Lanlan's conditions improved, Xi Feifei really believed this statement.

Yiyin shook his head helplessly, knowing that those words were all false.



"I have something to confess to you."

"You said."

"Actually, I made up those words about the saint's reincarnation. They are all lies."

Xi Feifei couldn't help but chuckle.

"So, it's a lie that you can treat people like that?"

Yiyin was stunned and nodded ecstatically.

"Yeah, fake, how do you know?"

Xi Feifei's face darkened.

"You think I'm stupid!

If you are not the reincarnation of a saint from the island country, why are the people from the island country so concerned about you?When Takada Kamiko lost an investment of [-] million, it was as casual as losing five yuan. No matter how much money you have, it shouldn't be wasted like this, right?
If you hadn't improved the conditions of Sun Youling and my sister through that incident, could it be that God suddenly showed mercy and allowed them to recover on their own?
Yoshiyin-san, please be more serious and don’t make such kind of jokes on me in the future, which are obviously fake at first sight, okay? "

Yiyin was speechless, he was obviously telling the truth!

Regarding the reincarnation of the island country's saint, it was indeed his idea to trick Xi Feifei into giving him a chance to try whether he could cure her sister's disease.

As for the cure itself, it does not need to rely on that kind of thing. In fact, it is just the quantum entanglement generated between the special power in Yiyin's body and the patient, and it does not need to be completed through that kind of thing.

But for these two misunderstandings, Yiyin has no way to explain them to Xi Feifei.

Not to mention whether Xi Feifei is willing to believe in the miracle that transcends science, Yiyin himself is actually not sure why the islanders want to give themselves so many benefits.

Although Takada Kamiko and Tachibana Shinobu swore, it was to help Takeda Kage's incident end, and it was out of curiosity that Yoshihiro's medical examination report was getting younger.

But the people from the island nation offered real benefits, which also made Yoshigami a little uneasy. He didn't know if some of the words of Takada Kamiko, the vixen, were true.

The current situation is that Yiyin thought that he had deceived Xi Feifei and could not figure out Takada Shenzi's intentions, but both Takada Shenzi and Xi Feifei recognized him as the reincarnation of a saint.

Yiyin was in a situation where I thought I was lying, but in fact he was just lying to himself, and people familiar with the matter had completely taken it seriously due to various misunderstandings.

He, a self-proclaimed false saint, is already a true saint in the eyes of others.

The most terrible thing is that he still can't deny it, because the special power in his body is too strong, it can rejuvenate the old, heal the disease and save the life, and he can see the past images left in the vicinity of Sanri Yuezong.

In a sense, his uniqueness gives him the confidence to be a saint.

The male quantum he brought with him through time is constantly transforming his body into the powerful body of a man in the male world, and the quantum in the female world is also curious to come into contact with the new quantum.

The constant entanglement of the two quantum worlds produces a huge specificity, which makes Yiyin less and less like an ordinary person.

In the eyes of caring people, there must always be an acceptable reason for this particularity.

If you talk about nonsense like time travel with people in real life, it is better to talk about reincarnation and saints directly, with the background of the island country's 500-year tradition of divine authority, which will be easier for the world to accept.

Seeing that Yiyin was speechless and couldn't find a word to refute for a long time, Xi Feifei sighed.

"I know that you are under a lot of pressure. You have special powers, and you are like a child trying to make money. You are extremely insecure.

But you have to believe me, I won't harm you, can't you tell me the truth! "

Yiyin drooped his eyelids and leaned on the back of his chair weakly. The explanation was that he couldn't explain it clearly, just do whatever you want.

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin who looked hopeless and continued to comfort him.

"Don't worry, today's society is a scientific society and a legal society. No one can use absurd reasons like the reincarnation of a saint to pinch you.

Even if Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko believe it, will the board of directors of Shiba Foundation believe it?Will the people of the island country believe it?

Reincarnation, haha, even if it is true, how many people are willing to be stepped on by their ancestors from 500 years ago?
Except for a few Shiba Goddess who love their ancestors, no one would believe this. I don’t think Takada Kamiko, the great Shinto shrine maiden, can change this situation.

Resurrecting the divine power in the 21st century, as these people can imagine, even in an island country with orderly hierarchy and hierarchical society, this matter is very difficult, right?
Boss, just rest assured, they are doing useless work. Just live your life and play your game, and nothing will happen to you. "

Yiyin touched his nose. He didn't expect Xi Feifei to think so much in private.He was worried. The reincarnation of the saint was originally a lie to deceive Xi Feifei.

But Yiyin didn't know that the lie he unintentionally told was infinitely close to the truth.

Takada Shenzi is indeed working secretly to welcome back his reincarnation as a saint.

In fact, Takada Kamiko has already arranged for a large number of beautiful and outstanding boys from the island country to go to Modu to participate in cooperation projects with Nintendo Game Company.

The purpose of doing this is to attract the women of the Celestial Dynasty around Yoshiyin, so as to prevent the women of the Celestial Dynasty around Yoshiyin from getting entangled with Yoshino, leaving other sons and grandchildren of gods besides Shiba.

Xi Feifei, who was driving, suddenly asked.

"Boss, do you have time on the weekend? Can you and I hang out together? Relax?"

Xi Feifei held the steering wheel tightly with her hands, feeling a little nervous. Sun Youling and her sister had already eaten meat, and she was also a little unwilling to be left behind.

Yiyin didn't think much and refused directly.

"No, I have to spend time with my child. I've been running around a lot lately, and Yoyo is a little unhappy."

Xi Feifei responded helplessly, she could only endure it and make an appointment next week.

But she didn't know that Yiyin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, but in his heart he was dreaming about Gu Yue and his happy weekend.

A man and a woman alone, living together in the same room, chatting away.


When the elevator door opened, Li Hongmei and the woman who came with her could hardly find a place to stay.

Li Hongmei looked at the woman apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Sister Moazi, the company has been expanding too fast recently, and the entire eleventh floor is moving things in, so..."

The woman whom Li Hongmei called Sister Mouse smiled and shook her head.

"I understand, I've already played the new Fruit Ninja.

Your game planners are really geniuses. How could you come up with something as simple and fun as Lianliankan and Fruit Ninja? "

Li Hongmei smiled with a hint of pride.

"That was our boss's own idea. You will know when you meet him later that he is a very good person."

Sister Mouse nodded.

"Long time, long time."

Anyone who has been on the Internet now knows the famous Yiyin, not to mention the reputation of Teacher Yi, which is worshiped by otakus.

It's just that in the small circle of programmers, there is only one god who dares to confront the White Swan Group so that it does not dare to plagiarize.

The woman Li Hongmei calls Sister Mouse is her old colleague and good friend. Her real name is Chen Hao and her nickname is Sister Mouse.

Li Hao is a professional who focuses on C++, JAVA, UNIX/LINUX and other underlying architectures. He has an in-depth understanding of the underlying IT technology platforms and is a master in large-scale distributed system infrastructure.

She used to work hard because she couldn't get into a big factory. She had been cultivating it for many years. When she just emerged, she encountered an economic downturn and the old company laid off employees.

This time, she was invited by Li Hongmei to Nintendo Game Company just for a transitional period. When the economy improves, she will go out to find an IT position that is more suitable for her.

After all, a talented person like her will not stay in this kind of game company for a long time and be satisfied with making some game engines.

The two carefully avoided obstacles on the road and came to an office, Li Hongmei said.

"I'll say hello to Manager Sun from Human Resources first. Please wait for me."


After Li Hongmei entered, Chen Hao leaned against the wall and looked at his phone out of boredom.Suddenly, she heard a delicate male voice.

"Fourth aunt plug."

Chen Hao raised his head and his eyes lit up.In front of her, stood two cute boys, looking at her with their bright, innocent eyes.

"Hello... are you okay?"

Smelling the boy's unique youthful scent, Chen Hao's palms became sweaty and he was so nervous that he trembled when he spoke.

The boy in front of him bowed very politely and asked in Chinese with a perfect accent.

"Hello, where is the registration point for foreign employees?"

Chen Hao took a closer look at this handsome and charming little brother, and said embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry.. I joined the job today too, so I'm not very familiar with this place."

"That's it."

Seeing the disappointed expression on the boy's face, Chen Hao felt uncomfortable, another boy pulled her and said empathetically.

"Don't make things difficult for me. Hello, I'm Aizawa. We are dispatched employees from the island country. Nice to meet you."

"I didn't make it difficult for her. When Tao Nomu went out first, she didn't specify the location. I was just looking for someone to ask.

Anyway, I'm very sorry, I'm Mikami, nice to meet you. "

Mikami. .Aizawa. .The boys in the island country are so cute. .

The two boys bowed politely, and in the narrow aisle, their masculinity penetrated Chen Hao's nose.

Chen Hao nodded drowsily.

At this moment, the door of the office was opened, and Li Hongmei came out, revealing several boys from the island country behind her.

"Momonogi! Takahashi! I finally found you!"

"Mikami, Aizawa, come in quickly and fill out the form quickly. The interview is about to begin."

Li Hongmei got out of the way, and the two handsome boys bowed to her before walking in from her side.

Chen Hao stared blankly at the group of cute boys whining in the office. He didn't calm down until Li Hongmei closed the door.

"Sister Moazi, I have reached an agreement with Manager Sun. Regarding your contract, our company will only sign it for two years, and there will be no non-compete confidentiality agreement.

If you encounter a good opportunity, you can interview and leave at any time. We will not force you to stay. The level is temporarily set at level [-]. For specific salary and benefits, please refer to the employee handbook.

If it feels right, sign today. "

Chen Hao took the document in a daze, still recalling the handsome smiles of those island boys just now, muttering to himself.

"Is this company... so good?"

Li Hongmei replied wrongly and nodded.

"Our boss is very nice, so you don't have to worry, we won't set up obstacles for you to resign like other companies do."

Chen Hao shook his head.

"That's not what I meant... What's the situation with those island country boys? Does the company have an island country department?"

Li Hongmei only has Yiyin in her heart, and those cute boys are just ordinary people in her eyes. How could she know the throbbing in Chen Hao's heart.

"They are dispatched employees from investors in the island country. They mainly assist the company in cultivating talents in game content, such as screenwriters and music.

Our Kuangzu Studio is responsible for game programming, and we don’t have much interaction with them. "


Chen Hao was a little disappointed, but Li Hongmei's next sentence ignited her.

“However, the residence where they were sent to Modu was in our company’s dormitory.

Sister Mouse, where do you live now?Do you need me to help you apply for staff dormitories?Or should you apply for a rental subsidy and live outside on your own? "

"I want it! I want to live in the dormitory!
that. .In fact, there is no need to sign a contract for only two years. It doesn't matter if it is longer, it can be three to five years.

Anyway, there is no prohibition agreement. I can terminate the labor contract at any time with one month's notice, right? "

Li Hongmei was a little dazed, and Chen Hao was so excited that he kept talking there, and he was a different person from the cautiousness he had just stepped out of when he first stepped out of the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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