Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 207 Let’s get together

Chapter 207 Let’s get together

Chen Hao's sudden burst of enthusiasm made Li Hongmei confused for a while.

Maybe it was because of Yiyin's peerless appearance that Li Hongmei couldn't get the charm of the handsome guys from the island country, which made her feel that Chen Hao's sudden change was inexplicable.

While Mikami, Aizawa, Momonogi, Takahashi and other island boys were chatting and registering at the Human Resources Department, employees were also moving in to the dormitories rented by the company.

Li Miaoren walked into the lobby with the sisters from Baobai Studio. They couldn't believe that the simple and elegant apartment lobby in front of them was where they would live in the future.

On the left side of the front desk is a small study room, on the right side is a sofa in the waiting area, and an elegant tea set is placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass.

Going in on the first floor is the restaurant, with several rows of shelves displayed next to the open kitchen, as if it were a buffet.

Li Miaoren almost thought that she was in the wrong place, so she carefully communicated with the front desk staff.

The front desk boy is the waiter retained by the apartment. Together with the apartment's original cleaners, chefs, and logistics staff, they will all serve Nintendo Game Company as outsourcers in the future.

Of course, apartment owners don't suffer either. These services are paid and the prices are quite high.

Yiyin was very generous in this regard, with 300 million yuan in rent, 100 million yuan in prepayment of water and electricity, 100 million yuan in cleaning expenses and catering expenses, plus the deposit, totaling 800 million yuan.

The apartment owner was starting to despair about losing all his money, but when he suddenly encountered such a troublesome customer, he was not a lifesaver.

Yiyin's money has been spent, and the only requirement is that the apartments must also be well serviced. If the employee experience is bad, the lease will not be renewed next year.

The boss will decorate the apartment into a new simple style, which is naturally a new way of thinking for young people, and he agrees with Yiyin's philosophy.

As long as the money is enough, the service will be in place.

As a result, not only was the entire apartment rented, but also the logistics services during the stay were taken care of.

The study, tea room and salon on the first floor will provide leisure services 24 hours a day.The restaurant provides four buffets a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night snacks. The meal schedule is hung on the wall.

In addition to the first floor, the second to fifth floors are dormitories. Each floor has an attached laundry room and kitchen, as well as a fitness corner providing simple equipment.

The cleaning staff will clean up the public areas every day and arrange time to clean the bedrooms once a week.

Li Miaoren was almost dumbfounded when he heard the introduction from the front desk waiter.

Just when she was wondering if she was dreaming, Keli's laughter came from behind her.

Li Miaoren looked back and saw that Keli was chatting with a group of mature men sitting on the sofa. There were suitcases beside each other. They seemed to be colleagues checking in.

Seeing Keli shyly approaching and chatting with these men, Li Miao became extremely angry. He took a few steps forward and pressed Keli's head, asking her to apologize.

"I'm sorry, it's my lax discipline. Is this guy harassing you?"

The leading man was stunned for a moment, then stood up and bowed.

"Nothing, we had a great chat. Ke Jiang is really an interesting person."

Li Miaoren said doubtfully.

"Ke... Jiang? You... are not from China?"

"Hi, we are dispatched personnel from the island country. I am Tianhai. This is Micang, Xidao, and Daqiao. Please give me your advice."

The four young and familiar men stood up together and bowed to Li Miaoren.

Unlike the teenagers Li Hongmei met, the island men here were obviously older and more mature and charming.

Keli, who was being held down by Li Miaoren, couldn't help showing an expression of obsession. These handsome guys from the island country were more handsome and more elegant than the men she had touched in the dance hall.

Not only Keli, the members of Baobai Studio behind Li Miaoren were also a little commotion. They are all singles. Who wouldn't blush when seeing a handsome guy?

That is, Li Miaoren, the elder sister who had eaten the best men of Yiyin, was unmoved and smiled.

"Hello, I am the person in charge of the company's Baobai Studio, Li Miaoren. These are company employees affiliated with Baobai Studio."

Tianhai laughed.

"Hello everyone, I hope we can become friends with everyone during our dispatch."

"no problem."



"Hello, hello."

Being greeted cordially and enthusiastically by the handsome guy, the singles in Baobai Studio couldn't bear it any longer. They all talked all over the place and were not good at communicating with boys, so they suddenly showed their ugly faces.

Li Miaoren sighed helplessly. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the waiter walking over.

"Tianhaijun, your check-in procedures have been completed, and here is your room card.

The accommodation for the employees dispatched by the island country is concentrated on the fifth floor. I hope you don’t mind. If you have any questions, you can call the front desk at any time, and we will solve them for you as soon as possible. "

"Ariardo, Gudemas."

Tianhai and the other four people took the room card and smiled at colleagues like Li Miaoren.

"Then we'll go up and settle down first, goodbye everyone."

Li Miaoren nodded.


As soon as he reached the elevator entrance, Tianhai seemed to remember something, ran back again, bowed and said.

"Li Jiang, if you don't mind, should we go to socialize together tonight?"


"Hi, our first batch of dispatched boys all hope to integrate into the company as soon as possible and become good friends with everyone as soon as possible.

So, can we have a meal together, have a drink, sing a song, and let everyone get to know each other? This is also for the sake of better work. "

Li Miaoren was thinking, are all the personnel sent from the island country boys?Why?
She was still thinking, but the corner of her clothes was pulled by Ke Li. When she looked sideways, she couldn't help but be startled. She saw the faces of the school girls headed by Ke Li with "I want it" written all over their faces. .I want. .I want. .

Li Miaoren smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said to Tian Hai who looked expectant.

"no problem."

Tianhai took out his mobile phone, stuck out his tongue so cutely, and said.

"Then let's exchange mobile phone numbers?
We will go to the company to report later, and then. .Well, let’s have dinner and sing together in the evening.

you. . 123. . 89. .Well, there are nine girls. Then I will also ask my companions to try to be no less than your number. "

"It doesn't matter, come if you want, don't force me, um, just call."

Tianhai entered the phone number, tilted his head so cutely, and jumped away.

After he left, Keli looked at Li Miaoren with a sad expression.

"Sister, what's wrong with nine boys? We just have one boy each."

Li Miaoren said angrily.

"I'm not like you, I don't need it."

"Then if you don't want it, you can give it to me. I don't mind having close contact with two boys."

Li Miaoren was furious for a moment and grabbed Ke Li's ears.

"Ah ah ah, sister, I was wrong, my ears are going to fall off, they are going to fall off!"

Li Miaoren said angrily.

"You just came out of it, what are you thinking about? This time you are lucky. The boss doesn't care about it. You won't be so lucky next time!

These boys are not the casual people you hang out with in the dance club. They are our colleagues. Please be more respectful in your attitude.

Why do you want two? Who do you think you are? Pointing fingers at others and objectifying men. Are you looking for death? "

Corrie keeps begging for mercy.

"Sister, I know I'm wrong. Don't use force. Oh, you have such a good relationship with your boss. Even if there is a next time, if you talk to the boss, he will definitely be tolerant."

Thinking of Qi Yinhe's magnanimity at the KTV, Li Miaoren couldn't help but blush, and twisted his hands harder.

"It's all nonsense!"

Corrie was about to burst into tears and kept shouting.

"Sister! It hurts! I'm going to fall!

Besides, I'm not thinking alone, everyone is thinking, why are you targeting me!We are not as stoic as you, eldest sister, we all have female needs! "

The more Ke Li said, the more she went too far, Li Miaoren recalled Yi Yin's gentleness in her heart, and she also had needs, she blushed more and more, and her hands became more merciless.

At this moment, the waiter came over and said while suppressing a smile.

"Ms. Li, your room card is ready too, please take it."

"Oh, thank you."

As soon as Li Miaoren let go, Keli shrank behind the crowd. All the little sisters carried Li Miaoren behind their backs and secretly gave her a thumbs up.

This grandson is so brave, but he is also the voice of everyone, expressing everyone's feelings.

Who doesn't feel a bit tickled when seeing the hot-tempered handsome guys from those island countries?That is to say, the eldest sister doesn't know how she got it, and she is completely immune to handsome guys. Could it be that she has eaten better?
Li Miaoren looked at the little sisters who were eager to try, and sighed.

"Let's go and check out the room first."


Tianhai walked into the room, threw himself on his bed, and said with a smile.

"What a great dispatch! It turns out to be a staff dormitory equivalent to a four-star hotel. This Nintendo gaming company is so rich!"

The dormitory was a double bed. Xi Dao, who lived with Tian Hai, walked around and nodded with satisfaction.

“There are also locker rooms and wet and dry separation in the shower room.

By the way, Tian Haijun, why did you talk about friendship with that Li Jiang without everyone's consent? "

Tianhai said with a smile.

"If no one wants to go, I will go alone and I will choose slowly."

Kijima shook his head.

"You are really... not ashamed at all."

Tianhai turned over, twisted his butt a few times, and said.

"What is there to be ashamed of? Compared to the rude and boring men in China, our island men understand women better and are better at making women happy.

You also attended the meeting before the dispatch. That was a meeting in which His Highness Takada was personally present!
His Highness Takada has said that he encourages us to fall in love with female employees of the company and leave beautiful memories in China, and will give us higher allowances for those who fall in love.

That being the case, why don't we take the initiative? "

Kijima sat on the edge of his bed and sighed.

"That's what I say, but I don't want to make my feelings so utilitarian."

Tianhai said with a smile.

“Think about it, this company is so rich, the employee dormitories are built according to the standards of a four-star hotel, and the wages and benefits given to employees must be very good!
These Chinese women like to make money to support their families. Compared with the women of the island countries who are just lying around and doing nothing, Chinese women are more responsible and more willing to contribute to their families.

Look at their honest looks. If you can catch a potential stock, hey, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

His Highness Takada encourages us to fall in love with them, and we can enjoy high subsidies in the process.

If you really find a high-quality Chinese woman, you will have a better life for the rest of your life.

You, just relax and socialize with me. We will find the best potential stocks among them and win them, hehe. "

Shijima was also moved when he heard it.

Although Tianhai's statement is very utilitarian, these Chinese women are indeed high-quality potential stocks and are worth picking up.

Use the gentleness of men from the island country to soften them, let them enjoy the respect and consideration that they cannot experience from men in China, and then let them be willing to make money for us all their lives.

When it comes to seducing and coaxing women, men from the island nation are uniquely powerful in the world. Those little fairy men from China are no match for the men from the island nation.

What's more, these men from the island country carefully selected by Takada Kamiko are both talented and handsome. They are both fat and thin. How can those Chinese women from Nintendo Game Company tolerate it?
(End of this chapter)

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