Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 208: Traveling more and more to the island country

Chapter 208 Traveling more and more on the island country

The male dispatches from the island country are like a ray of spring breeze turning into rain, lubricating the company's inexperienced newcomers and stirring up the hearts of the female employees.

The boys from the island country, who were inspired by Takada Kamiko, brought the unique tea art of the island country, were gentle and considerate, and enthusiastic, and actively integrated into Nintendo Game Company in the shortest possible time.

Kawaii is the most powerful weapon for boys in the island country, and they are also good at using this weapon to mobilize women's protective desire.

Compared with boys from China, where men can hold up half the sky, the tea-flavored culture cultivated by boys from island countries is more confusing, and can even fascinate women from China, where feminism is prevalent.

As for those new generation of fairy men from the Chinese dynasty who only know how to ask and think that they can obtain fertility benefits by lying like a dead fish, they are completely unable to defeat the terrifying island country hunters under their cute appearance.

The best hunters often appear in the form of prey.Nintendo Game Company is a brand-new hunting ground for hunters. There are plenty of clumsy Chinese prey for them to roam.

In his office on the eleventh floor, Yiyin couldn't help but yawn.

He had been exhausted these past two weeks. Ever since he had sex with Gu Yue'er that weekend, he had been on the receiving end of the fire. He was so busy every day that he was no longer as relaxed as before letting go of the shopkeeper.

A small entrepreneurial workshop with less than ten people is completely different from a medium-sized enterprise with hundreds of people waiting to eat.

Not only is Yiyin no longer as calm as before, but even stay-at-home ladies like Xing Yaoyao have to go to the company to be busy every day. Many things can no longer be done at home alone.

The entire eleventh floor has been temporarily rented, at least the place is big enough, and Yiyin also has its own office.

These days, his butt is stuck to the boss's chair. There are always countless people with countless things coming to the door, making it impossible for him to move his butt.

At this moment, he just breathed a sigh of relief, and someone knocked on the door again, and he sighed.

"Come in."

Sun Youling appeared in front of him dressed in professional women's clothing, which made his eyes light up.

"Mr. Yi, this is the list of the first batch of dispatched employees from the island country. All reports and registrations have been completed today, which is a bit strange."

Sun Youling sat on the chair opposite Yiyin's desk. Yiyin stood up, walked around the desk, sat down on the table in front of Sun Youling, picked up the file and looked at it, asking questions while reading.

"What's strange? Is it because the quality of the personnel is not good?"

Sun Youling shook her head.

"No, these people are all elites. Whether it is their professional experience or their personal abilities, they are all impeccable, and some of them are quite famous.

There are screenwriters, painters, musicians, and even two voice actors. One of them was once asked to be scolded by fans at a concert. Baga, it’s too much, and Wu Sailu is a well-known voice actor who can make fans scold him in just three sentences. "

Yiyin looked through them a few times, but he didn't recognize anyone. After all, he was an honest man from China, so how could he possibly know these great teachers from the island country.

"These fans are so weird. Are they even asking for scolding?"

Sun Youling shrugged.

"Who knows, I just saw Xing Yaoyao asking that person for his autograph. I was very excited."

Yiyin put down the document and asked.

"Since they are all excellent, what's so strange about them?"

Sun Youling hesitated and said.

"All the people sent to our company from the island country are boys, not a single girl."

"That's it?"

"Yes, isn't this strange? Generally, when employees are sent to work abroad, of course they send women, while boys leave their hometowns to work... Isn't that common?
and. .Moreover, they were all young and beautiful boys, which made the newcomers in the human resources department all confused and made many mistakes. They were really embarrassed in front of international friends. "

Yiyin couldn't help laughing, looked down into Sun Youling's eyes, and asked.

"What about you? Are you tempted when you see those boys from the island country?"

Sun Youling pouted and glanced at Yiyin with a blushing face.

"No, I already have someone in my heart..."

Before Sun Youling finished speaking, her pouted mouth was already blocked by Yiyin.

After a while, lips parted.

Sun Youling lowered her head, her shy voice was not much louder than that of a mosquito. .

"This is the office...how come..."

Yi Yin pouted.

"What happened in the office? Last time, you and Xi Feifei pressed me down on the desk, which was still in the conference room."

Sun Youling's complexion turned even redder.

"That's Xi Feifei's nonsense..."

While the two were talking, there was another knock on the door.

"Come in...yo, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here."

Xi Feifei glanced at the two of them and saw that they were very close to each other, so she closed the door.

"What are you two doing in the office in broad daylight? Sun Youling can't help it anymore?"

Sun Youling said unhappily.

"Why do you need to add the word "you"?"

Xi Feifei smiled and lifted her chin with her index finger and said.

"Let me take a look. This pink face, watery eyes, and moist mouth are all written...I want two words."

Sun Youling raised her head.

"It's nonsense, too lazy to care."

Because of her pituitary gland, Sun Youling secretes more estrogen than the average woman, resulting in her skin being extremely moist and full of femininity.

After several um-huh-haha moments with Yiyin, Sun Youling's feminine charm became even stronger after being developed. Not to mention that Yiyin liked to flirt with her, even Xi Feifei couldn't help teasing her.

Yiyin asked with a smile to help the shy Sun Youling.

"Feifei, what's the matter?"

Xi Feifei stepped forward carelessly, hooked her arms around Yiyin's neck, and squeezed together with Yiyin at the desk, chuckling.

"I can't miss you if I have nothing to do, can't I come to see you?"

Yiyin, who was boldly teasing Sun Youling just now, suddenly turned into a coward when he met a more powerful high-roller. He broke away from Xi Feifei's arm and sat back on his boss's chair.

"This is the office...why suddenly...be careful!"

Sun Youling heard these words sound familiar and couldn't help but smile.

Xi Feifei sat next to the desk where Yiyin was leaning on just now, folded her hands on her chest, and said with a smile.

“To get down to business, the response to Fruit Ninja has been quite overwhelming since it was put on the shelves.

The number of downloads on major platforms exceeded 1000 million in just two weeks, and our share exceeded [-] million yuan. As a buyout app, it is already a phenomenon.

And because of Swan Entertainment’s lessons learned, other big companies don’t dare to plagiarize blatantly.

But they also want to participate in the development of the video game industry and get a share of this new blue ocean. As pioneers, we must start by imitating us.

Intellectual property rights related to video games are still unclear, and the definition of plagiarism is also vague.

Lao Wei from Swan Games is currently on trial, and I heard it is indefinite. The major platforms don’t dare to mess around. They want to copy but don’t dare to, so they all come to me in private to talk to me. "

Yoshigan knew in his heart that the reason why Old Wei in Swan Games was so miserable was not because of Yoshigan's own abilities, but because of that guy's attack on Takeda Kage.

It's just that this matter has never been made public, so major platforms have speculated privately, scaring themselves.

If you plagiarize a game, you risk being sent to prison for life. Who wants to take the risk?

The more secretive the background connotation of this matter is, the less people dare to mess around. This is one of the reasons why Fruit Ninja sells so well.

The game mode is not difficult and easy to copy, but the risks behind it are too great and everyone is paralyzed.

Yiyin laughed.

“If it’s a normal reference, of course it’s okay. As long as it’s not so blatantly copied from Swan Game and even the icon positions are exactly the same, I welcome legitimate market competition.

Relying solely on our efforts and working behind closed doors, the development of the game industry will be delayed for who knows how many years.

I personally welcome everyone who is willing to participate. If anyone wants to visit and learn, Nintendo Game Company is not stingy and can provide an open day for everyone. "

Yiyin is not afraid of everyone coming to make money, because in his mind, simple casual games like Lianliankan and Fruit Ninja are just the first step in his gaming journey.

In today's era, it is no longer an era where a few people and a few computers can work alone. If you want to succeed, you must have connections, channels, and funds.

Nintendo Game Company is not short of funds for the time being, but Yiyin itself is a newcomer to the Internet and has no connections or channels at all.

The White Swan Group was able to retreat despite the difficulties, mostly with the help of the tiger skin of Takeda Kage of the Shiba Consortium.

Otherwise, if the two sides continue to fight, even with the support of Gu Yue and Huang Yi, it will be difficult for Yiyin to shake Niu Shuang, who has a strong foundation.

At this moment, Niu Shuang was worried about the Hehe Group's major inspection, and the other platforms looked at it with lingering fear.

If Yiyin can show goodwill and make money together, at least it will not be regarded as a newcomer who only knows how to eat alone and suffer ostracism.

There are too many games that Yiyin wants to make, and he is too busy to handle them. He doesn't care if other companies follow suit and imitate.

For casual games, Nintendo Game Company is currently working on Angry Birds, and Yiyin may also consider making popular games such as Plants vs. Zombies and Clash of Clans.

Facing the newly emerged game market, other game companies are still scratching their heads not knowing how to make games, but Yiyin has already taken the lead.

Nintendo Game Company has now received an investment of [-] million. The casual games are no longer enough to sustain the company's expenses. He must come up with more profitable ideas.

Computer competitive games such as StarCraft need to be developed, as well as shounen adventure games such as Memories of Autumn, but these categories are not enough to support the company's balance of payments.

Yiyin's benefits to its employees are generous enough, so it must earn the most profitable type of games in order to maintain the company.

At this time, he already had some ideas in his mind.

In order to have a good relationship with the major platforms, as long as they are not copying Nintendo's games and following behind to get a share of the pie, Yiyin fully agrees and is willing to help in a friendly way.

Xi Feifei nodded with satisfaction at Yiyin's reaction.

"If you say so, the operations department's work will be easier. If we help them, they will naturally have to show sincerity to maintain their friendship.

In the future, we can have a good discussion with them about the sharing agreement for the launch of new games. "

Yi Yin said.

"Actually, we can also build a platform ourselves. I want to make some mobile online games. The best way is to control the channels in our own hands."

Xi Feifei shrugged.

“You are the boss, you have the final say, but now we still need their platform channels to make money, so it’s always right to have a good relationship.

By the way, what is going on here with Sun Youling? "

Yiyin smiled and pointed at Sun Youling.

"She said that the island country sent a group of handsome guys to the company to help, and she was worried that our female employees in China would not be able to withstand the temptation."

Xi Feifei smiled.

"There's nothing to worry about. I wish the island country would send only male employees, and none of the beauties like Tachibana Shinobu would come, lest they seduce my boss.

As for the female employees below, they will be tempted if they can't resist temptation. Women don't suffer in this kind of thing. "

Yoshigami touched his nose, remembering the expression on Tachibana's face when he completed his once-a-week task seriously a few days ago, and subconsciously rubbed his legs from side to side.

"When I talk about employees, I mean employees. Why bring Ren Tachibana with you? She has helped me take care of Youyou these days, which saves me a lot of worry."

Xi Feifei wanted to say something more, but there was another knock on the door outside.

"Please come in...A-nin, what's the matter? Where's Yoyo?"

When Tachibana Shinobu saw the three people inside, he bowed first and then said.

"Mr. Yi, the young lady is taking a nap. His Highness Takada hopes to have a phone call with you."

"Well, now?"


"no problem."

Yiyin looked at Xi Feifei and Sun Youling, and smiled embarrassedly.

Sun Youling picked up the reluctant Xi Feifei and said.

"Then let's go out and get busy."

When Xi Feifei went out, she even stared at Tachibana Shinobu.

Tachibana bowed ceremoniously, sent the two of them off, closed the door, and dialed Kamiko Takada's number.

"Hi, I'm Yiyin."

"Mr. Yi, how are you? The investment and dispatch of employees have been put in place. Now don't worry, I didn't lie to you."

"Miss Takada was joking."

"Has Xu Xing been very busy recently?"

"Thank you, Miss Takada, for your help."

Kamiko Takada picked up the phone and mentioned her contribution, which made Yoshigami feel more and more uneasy. What on earth was this charming woman like a vixen planning?

He only listened to Miko Takada's angry words.

"Oh my god, I'm optimistic about Mr. Yi's company's future, and I'm just a smart boss.

By the way, I wonder if Mr. Yi is free these days? "

"Well, Miss Takada, is there anything you need my help with?"

"No, I just hope you can come to the island country once and we sign the contract.

After all, it is an investment of [-] million, and a large number of personnel are sent abroad.Although I am in charge of Takata Corporation, I am also responsible to the directors.

Regarding the large investment in Nintendo Game Company, I hope to be able to sign a cooperation agreement in the island country, which will help win the favor of the directors of the company.

Mr. Yi, what do you think? "

After receiving so many benefits from Takada Kamiko, it is of course no problem to go to the island country to sign.

But Yiyin suddenly remembered what Xi Feifei said and couldn't help but test it in a joking manner.

"Ms. Takada, you don't want to trick me into arresting me, do you?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Yi, you are so funny.

You are from China. Due to the special relationship between the island country and China, even if I am a descendant of Sibo, I cannot do such a thing to restrict your personal freedom. This will cause international disputes. "

Yiyin couldn't help laughing, he really thought too much, now is a society ruled by law, what is he worrying about.

"I was just kidding, so where do we sign?"

"If you are willing, I will arrange a passport for you, and tomorrow's flight will fly directly to Joetsu City.

It has the beautiful sea view of Naoetsu, the historical sites of Okan, and is a famous land of fish and rice in the island country. I believe you will like it. "

"I may not be able to stay long. There are still many things in the company."

"The day after tomorrow, I will arrange a flight to take you back to Modu."

"Well, then it's fine."

"Then let's meet in Joetsu City, Mr. Yi."

"See you in Joetsu City."

Yoshigami put down the phone, handed it back to Tachibana Shinobu, and asked.

"Just stay in Modu. Please take care of Yuyou for two days."

"Hey, this is what I should do, please don't worry."

Yiyin also felt that this matter was rushed a bit, and he could fly as quickly as he could.But Takada Kamiko also said that if you stay for one night and come back, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Takada Kamiko invested so much money, dispatched so many employees, and even gave Xu Xing a hand. It was difficult for Yiyin to refuse her small request that was not too much.

Hey, just go.

Just as Yoshigami was lamenting that he wanted to visit the island country, on the other end of the phone, in front of the mobile phone with the loudspeaker turned on, not only Takada Kamiko was sitting, but there was also Takeda Kage and another woman.

The woman was obviously of foreign origin. Above her blue eyes was a thick layer of bangs. Her silver-white hair was pulled into a high ponytail, her temples were tied in two spikes, and there was a tear mole on the corner of her left eye.

A dark blue pleated skirt wrapped in a gradient blue feather weave, looks pure and lovely, with a gentle smile on his face.

Takada Shenzi looked at the woman and said in a deep voice.

"He... I have invited him back for you. During this trip, can you confirm whether he is the reincarnation of a saint?"

The woman shook her head.

"I don't know, but I hope he is.

In my name, Ayaka Uesugi, I would like to invite this distinguished guest to stay at the palace for one night.

After one night, I will know. "

Takada Kamiko and Takeda Kage looked at each other, both of them helpless towards the mysterious and unwilling Uesugi Ayaka.

As the only Shiba descendant who still possesses the supernatural power of his ancestors 500 years later, Uesugi Ayaka has precognitive power beyond ordinary people.

The two women could only choose to believe and wait for her mysterious words.

Divine Takeda, Divine Takada, and Divine Uesugi can be regarded as the three most conservative families among the Shiba Divine.

To shake the Shiba Foundation's board of directors and welcome back the reincarnation of the saint, Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko need the help of Uesugi Ayaka.

As long as Ayaka Uesugi proves the authenticity of the reincarnation of the saint, the power of conservatives will unite the consensus and stand on the same front.

(End of this chapter)

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