Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 209 A destined journey

Chapter 209 A destined journey

The next day, Yiyin took a flight from Moto, passed through Osaka, and flew to Niigata Airport.

Joetsu City is a special city under Niigata Prefecture. In ancient times, it was the Joetsu area belonging to the Takata Plains and Naoetsu of Echigo Province. Today, it is the merger of Takata City and Naoetsu City.

Yoshigin originally thought it was a luxury trip through the private jet and fast passport passage through the special relationship, but after arriving at Niigata Airport, he found that the process was much more low-key than expected.

In the VIP passage of the private jet, Yiyin saw a handsome tall blond man, his eyes even had a little green, which seemed out of place in this oriental island country.

"Hello, is this Mr. Yiyin?"

"Well, it's me, are you?"

"Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a retainer of His Highness Uesugi Reika. My name is Toma."

"Uesugi...Your Highness?"

"Hi, Your Highness Takada has entrusted the responsibility of your trip to Niigata to my Highness. I am very happy to serve you."

Yiyin looked at the handsome man in front of him.

"Entrustment? Aren't I here to formally sign a contract with Miss Takada?"

Thomas smiled.

"Hey, that's right.

But the signing time is tomorrow morning, in Kasugayama Castle.It's already afternoon today, and it still takes us three hours to drive to Joetsu City.

Therefore, His Highness Takata entrusts my Highness to entertain you for one night. Please come with me. "

Yiyin nodded and followed Toma forward. Looking at his blond hair, he couldn't help but ask again.

"Toma, you are not from the island country, are you? How could you be that... what kind of retainer?"

Thomas said as he walked.

"I'm a mixed race, half of the island blood. To be honest, my Highness is not of pure island blood. Her hair is silver-white. Don't be too surprised when you see her."

Yiyin nodded.

"I didn't expect the islanders to be so tolerant. I always thought the islands were very xenophobic."

Thomas's smile was a little bitter and he shook his head slightly without explaining anything.

The islanders may seem polite and polite, but at heart they are clumsy and xenophobic. .

These mixed-race children did not get along well in the island country. Uesugi Linghua was able to become the governor of the Uesugi family, a descendant of the gods, more because of his undisputed supernatural power and talent.

The islanders are xenophobic, but they also admire strength. As long as you are truly strong, they will worship you.

There is no need for Toma to talk to Yoshigan about these words. His mission is to bring Yoshigan back to Joetsu City. Other matters will be considered by the big shots.


Kasugayama Castle in Joetsu City is the ancestral property of the divine Uesugi family and the residence of the family governor.

The tea room in the atrium has sliding doors wide open on all sides, exposing it to the bright July sun. In theory, it should be extremely hot.

There is no air conditioning here, because the modern air conditioner does not match the medieval style of the courtyard, but the nobles still have their own traditional ways to cool off.

There are a large number of pipes buried inside and outside the tea room, and there is a giant icehouse underneath the tea room, which continuously sends cold air to the room through the pipes.

Therefore, the teahouse, which is shaded by huge art trees in the courtyard, still maintains a comfortable temperature of 24 degrees.

In the tea room at this time, Takeda Kage, Uesugi Linghua, and Takada Miko each sat at a table and enjoyed the traditional tea ceremony.

After offering the tea soup, the tea man bowed and left the tea room.

Takeda Kage and Uesugi Reika, two descendants of Shiba gods living in the tradition, tasted tea with a calm expression.

However, Takada Shenzi looked uncomfortable. He reluctantly took a sip of the matcha soup, took a mouthful of tea powder, and couldn't help but say.

"This is the 21st century. Why do I always feel like I'm still living in the Middle Ages here every time I come to Kasugayama Castle?"

Uesugi Linghua smiled and said nothing, but Takeda Kage sighed.

"This is the eternal and unchanging divine way. If the whole world can be like this, and everyone strictly abides by discipline and follows the rules, there will be no need to worry about the same lineage for eternity."

Takada Shenzi said helplessly.

"A constant eternity? You are such a lunatic, what's the point of this eternal life?
We should move forward with the times. You should look at the preferences of young people and understand their thoughts, so that you can guide them, control them, and continue the divine way of the saints. "

Although they are both conservatives, Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko have completely different ideas.

Takeda Kage hopes that the social operation of the island country will not change in any way, and it will continue to operate forever according to the plan of the sage.

But Kamiko Takada is very interested in young people, and constantly instills in them the greatness of Sage Shiba through animations, comics, light novels and other methods that interest young people.

To this day, the Shiba Goddess is still able to firmly occupy the top position in the island country. This has a lot to do with the efforts of the Shiba Shinto great shrine maidens in the past.

It was not the first time that Uesugi Linghua saw the two of them arguing, and continued to maintain his neutral silence, never expressing his position easily.

Miko Takada glanced at Uesugi Linghua and asked.

"I have already invited you for the reincarnation of the saint, why did you stop me from welcoming him, and just sent an unimportant vassal to pick him up.

Ling Hua, what are you planning? "

Takeda Kage was changed by Takada Kamiko and turned his attention to Uesugi Reika. The questions in his heart were the same as Takada Kamiko's.

Uesugi Linghua put down the tea soup and said calmly.

"Tonight, he will stay at the Imperial Palace."

"Imperial hall?" x2
Takada Kamiko and Takeda Kage were moved at the same time and looked at Uesugi Linghua.

The imperial palace located under Kasugayama Castle was the starting point for the Uesugi family and the Shiba family to join forces to conquer the land of Kanto. It was also the first residence of a saint in Kanto.

During the 500 years since the death of the saint, the imperial hall has been sealed up. Except for a few rooms that are used as the residence of the resident cleaning servants and the education base of Erosism, the rest of the places are closed to the public.

Uesugi Linghua not only prevented Takeda Kage and Takada Miko from going to meet Yoshigin, but also arranged for Yoshiyin to spend the night in the Imperial Palace. What did she mean?
After glancing at the two of them, Uesugi Linghua sighed.

"If I said that he is destined to stay in the Imperial Palace for one night, would you believe it?"

Takada Kamiko looked at the nagging Uesugi Linghua and felt a little powerless.

Although it is said that the great shrine maiden of Shiba Shintoism is a person who serves the gods and is the person closest to the ancestors, in fact, in front of Uesugi Reika, who has precognitive power, Takada Shenzi is the ignorant person.

In fact, Uesugi Linghua was not originally the heir of the divine descendant Uesugi. Because her ancestors intermarried with the Nanman people, her hair was silver and she was rejected by the traditional island culture.

By her mother's generation, she had even become a peripheral servant of the divine Uesugi family, but she still had a little bit of divine blood in her body.

But by accident. .It is unknown whether it is due to reversion or mutation, but Uesugi Reika has shown the strong physical characteristics of early divine descendants since birth.

She is stronger and smarter than ordinary children, and most importantly, she is born with a keen sixth sense. She has predicted danger several times and helped the Uesugi family escape from difficulties.

It was also because of this that the divine Uesugi would defy all opinions and put her in the position of family governor.

In recent decades, Uesugi Linghua can be said to be the descendant of the saint who has the most divine manifestation characteristics. Various Shiba Goddess families even hope that she can get married early to continue this miracle.

But for some reason, Uesugi Linghua always refused to get married and have a daughter, and she was unwilling to explain further, but said mysteriously that the time had not yet come.

Takeda Kage on the side suddenly said.

"Are you trying to get ahead of us and usurp the divine seed privately?"

When Takeda Kage said this, Miko Takada instantly became alert and looked at Uesugi Linghua.

Uesugi Linghua laughed dumbly.

"If you don't believe me, today we can eat and live together and supervise each other.

But you are thinking too much. The imperial palace is the common property of the entire Shiba Goddess. Even I, the governor of the Uesugi family, cannot arrange people deep into the imperial palace.

I am simply arranging a place for him to live in the outer servant's residence. "

Takada Shenzi frowned.

"A servant's residence? How noble is the reincarnation of a saint that you actually arranged for him to live in a servant's residence?"

Uesugi Linghua sighed.

"Just because his status is noble enough, after I meet him tomorrow, I can no longer let him live in the servant's residence.

So, it’s only tonight. "

Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko are getting more and more confused. They don't know what Uesugi Reika is talking about. They know the words, but the combined meaning is confusing.

Seeing their doubts, Uesugi Linghua didn't explain, he just held up the tea soup and tasted the bitterness of matcha.

You are worried that I will run away. .But you don't know it. .Some things are bound to happen. .Already happened. .

You only know that the reincarnation of a noble saint should not live in a lowly servant's residence. .But you forgot. .My mother was also a servant. .I was born in a house of servants. .

Looking at the invisible highway in the distance, Uesugi Linghua seems to see Yoshiyin walking towards the river that he must pass through in his destiny, splashing the water that must be splashed.

(End of this chapter)

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