Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 210 The handsome man given by the gods

Chapter 210 The handsome man given by the gods
After driving for about three hours along the highway in the Echigo Plain close to the coastline, Toma's car entered the direct JJ area and then turned towards Odate.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar ancient buildings in the distance, Yiyin couldn't help but feel a little lost.He had seen this building several times in his dreams of near-quantum entanglement with the Mikazuki Sect.

Thomas, who was driving, saw him staring at the buildings in the distance and smiled.

"That's the palace, Mr. Yi, how much do you know about Sage Shiba?"

Yi Yin said.

"I know there is such a person, but I don't know the details... I always feel that he is the template for the protagonist of Shuangwen."

Since getting involved with the Shiba Foundation, Yoshigan went online to check the history of Shiba Yoshigan, the reincarnation of Bishamonten. He could only say that he didn't know and was shocked when he saw it.

As a man in the world of women, Shiba Yiyin's life is really ridiculous. Not only is he invincible, but he is also emotionally involved with countless Ji warriors.

Compared with the countless appearances of Catherine I, Spo Yiyin's theocratic reverse harem is even more unbelievable in the long history of history. It is indeed a template for online novels.

Thomas laughed.

"The online novels of China? It is indeed better than the light novels of the island country. I often log in to read books. Sage Shiba is a popular time travel target among fans.

Speaking of which, Sage Shiba's magnificent life does indeed look like a time traveler.

The imperial palace in front of us is the first place where Sage Shiba stayed after he set foot in Kanto, and it was also the starting point for his conquest of Kanto.

Maybe, the divine power of the saint, the time traveler, still remains here. "

As a time traveler, Yiyin couldn't help but laugh and shook his head at Toma's rich imagination.

"You are such a divergent thinker. It would be a pity not to become an online writer."

Thomas laughed.

"I have actually registered a writer account."

"Oh? Then I would like to read it."

"Oh, I'm too busy with work. I only wrote [-] words. It's okay not to read it."

"That's such a pity."

Yiyin said casually, but he didn't think so in his heart.

The remaining power of time travel?How could such a thing exist.Yiyin himself is a time traveler, but he doesn't believe that there is anything special about the palace in front of him. It is just an ancient building.

The car didn't drive into the palace, but stopped at the periphery after a turn.

Thomas said to Yiyin.

"The Royal Pavilion is the highest level of protected cultural relics in the island country. Most of the interior of the courtyard is forbidden to open to the public. Only the servants responsible for cleaning and maintenance can enter.

So you're stuck on the outskirts tonight, sorry. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm just borrowing for one night, and I'll go back after signing the contract tomorrow."

Thomas laughed.

"However, there are also a small area here that is open to the public and used as a museum.

While it's still dark, I'll take you for a walk. It's a worthwhile trip. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you."

Thomas opened the door and got out of the car and said.

"Put your luggage in the car, and a servant will help you take it to your guest room later."

Yiyin followed and got out of the car.

"Guest as you wish."

The two of them walked towards the courtyard together. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on this ancient building, rippling with the warmth of the passage of time.

At this moment, Yiyin's breathing was a little heavier, and his palms were slightly sweaty. The male quantum in his body suddenly became active, catching him off guard.

Yiyin, who had stopped, eased a few times, looked up and saw that Thomas had already crossed the threshold and walked into the courtyard.

Yiyin caught up with him in two steps, and after listening to Toma's voice introducing the courtyard, he also crossed the threshold.

At that moment, he suddenly felt nauseous, and a feeling of dizziness like spinning in circles hit his forehead, just like the nausea caused by the cerebellum's inability to keep up with the spinning of the sky.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the sky was darker than before, the sunset had already set, and the surrounding was so quiet that it was disturbing.

Yiyin couldn't help shouting.

"Thomas? Where's Thomas?"

The courtyard was so quiet that there was no sound. Yiyin walked forward along the porch, trying to get rid of this uneasy silence. As he moved forward, the dim shadow behind him gradually solidified.

Yiyin walked for a few minutes and seemed to have passed through the main hall. Just when he was a little confused, he suddenly saw the light in the corner of the courtyard and walked quickly with excitement.

As I got closer, I discovered that this was a hall with a statue of a god enshrined in the center. There were two flags with white background and splashed ink hanging on the left and right. One side had the word "Vi" written on it, and the other side had the Chinese characters messy like a dragon.

A woman knelt in front of the statue and muttered something, but Yoshigin couldn't understand it, as if she was speaking Japanese.

There is a basin of water and a rag beside the woman. Judging from her clothes, she seems to be a servant responsible for cleaning the palace.

Hearing the sound behind her, the woman turned around and saw Yiyin. She suddenly shouted and looked very excited and rushed over instantly.

Yiyin subconsciously took a step back and almost fell down the steps. He was grabbed by the woman, who was chattering without knowing what he said.

"I'm sorry, um, do you speak Chinese?"

The woman was taken aback.

"You...the Celestial Dynasty...person?"

"Yes, yes, it's great that you can speak Chinese."

The woman laughed, it seemed that because she rarely spoke Chinese with people, she spoke a little word for word.

"Bishamonten, education, we, respect the celestial dynasty, we all want to learn Chinese."

Yiyin touched his head and asked.

"Excuse me, where is this place? I seem to be lost. Have you seen my companion, a man? His name is Thomas."

The woman tilted her head.

"Thoma? What a coincidence, my good sister just had a boy named Thomas. Is that a common name?"

The woman seemed to be speaking more fluently, but Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I don't know too well. I came here to play with my friends, but suddenly they disappeared. I saw a light here and walked over."

The woman covered her mouth in surprise, looked carefully at Yiyin's handsome face, and murmured to herself.

"He's so handsome... The generous Bishamonten... He seems a bit like Bishamonten..."

Yiyin was confused.

"Generosity? Bishamonten?"

The woman seemed to realize that she had slipped her mouth, so she laughed and prevaricated.

"Hahaha, no, this is Bishamonten's temple. My name is Tomoe Mami, what's your name?"

Yiyin took a closer look at the statue. It was a statue of an unusually handsome man. He looked somewhat similar to himself. It was indeed the statue of Saint Shibo that he had seen while searching online.

The Imperial Palace is the residence where Sage Shiba once stayed, so it is normal for him to have his shrine here.

Yiyin smiled and asked Asami Xiangba.

"How do I get out of here? I'm going back to find my friends."

Ba Mami seemed to be in a trance.

"I haven't heard that the Imperial Palace is going to be open to the public recently. I don't know where you came from. How can I guide you back?"

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Impossible, Thomas says we'll be staying here tonight."

Ba Mami's expression became even more tangled.

"That... that... the Imperial Palace is never open to the public for accommodation. Only servants like us live outside.

Sure enough, sure enough!You are God’s grace! "

Tomoe Mami suddenly pounced forward again, this time with a precise pounce, pinning Yoshiyin underneath.

Yiyin said in astonishment.

"What are you doing! Let me go!"

"I won't let you go! You were given to me by Bishamonten! I won't let you go!"

Yiyin looked at Tomoe Mami's beautiful face, and he was pressed on the tatami by her graceful figure. As his ears and temples rubbed together, his body couldn't help but began to appear.

Even though Yoshigami was a very coquettish person, when he encountered such a weirdo who suddenly jumped on him, he was still respectful and insensitive. He pushed Tomoe Asami away with all his strength and took two steps back to look at her carefully.

"What do you want, you incomprehensible woman! If you act like this again, I'll sue you for having sex with a strong man!"

You know, this is in the world of female lords, and the angry condemnation of this handsome guy Yoshihiro immediately made Tomoe Mami soften.

Asami Tomoe hugged her knees.

"Obviously I just prayed in front of Bishamonten, begging him to give me a strong man, and then you suddenly appeared from behind.

No one comes around here at all. It must be God’s will that you appear here. Why should you sue me? .

Moreover, the Imperial Palace is currently under renovation and is not open to the public at all.

The nearest village is two kilometers away. You, who is obviously from the Celestial Dynasty, suddenly appear here. It must be a gift from Bishamonten!

I am also in my 20s. I have never had a boyfriend, and I don’t know what it is like to be a man. I am always laughed at. "

Listening to Tomoe Mami's confused complaints, Yoshigan couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that Tomoe Mami was kneeling in front of the statue just now and murmuring, and she was begging the gods for a man in Japanese that Yoshigan couldn't understand.

It's no wonder that the first time she saw her, she had never seen meaty green eyes. It turned out that she was a chick who was crazy about men.

She was having an affair in front of the statue, and suddenly she, the Yiyin, came out. No wonder she misunderstood.

Take a closer look at Tomoe Mami's appearance and figure. It's pitiful that a woman with such beauty could be a star in a male-dominated world, but ended up being a miserably young child in a female-dominated world.

Yiyin touched his head and explained.

"I am a guest invited by Miss Takada Kamiko, that's why I appear in the palace."

Tomoe Asami was stunned.

"Who is Takada Kamiko?"

"You don't know Takada Kamiko, Takeda Kage should know, right?"

"Who is Takeda Kage?"

Looking at Tomami Mami's appearance, she really didn't know Takeda Kage, the chief of the Shiba Foundation, and Yoshihiro didn't know what to say.

This servant is not even known to the top management of the Shiba Consortium, and Yiyin does not expect her to know the causes and consequences of her coming to the palace.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Anyway... anyway, I'm a guest."

Asami Tomoe glanced at Yoshiyin suspiciously, then came over and said.

"Guest, what do you think of me?"

Yiyin looked at her face that came closer to her, and felt more and more that she was good at his own aesthetics. Few men could resist the temptation of silver hair and blue eyes.

"You are so beautiful... you have silver hair and blue eyes. You are really beautiful."

Ba Mamei smiled and touched her face.

"You... are such a nice person... They always call me a bastard just because I look different from them."

Yiyin froze for a moment.


"Yes, a classmate from Uesugi private school.

Even though I look like this unlucky person, I actually have the blood of the Uesugi family, a descendant of the gods, in my body. Hehe, I’m pretty awesome, right? "

Seeing her pretending to be strong, Yiyin couldn't help but stroke her hair, it was very smooth and fragrant.

Tomoe Asami seemed to enjoy Yoshiyin's touch, lowering her head and coming closer.Yiyin touched it and suddenly saw a little drop of water where Tomoe Asami lowered her head.

"You...were crying?"

"After my parents left, no one touched my hair like this."


"Dead, a car accident, these two unlucky guys."

Yoshihiro couldn't help but feel sad when he saw Tomoe Mami's face full of tears but put on an optimistic smile.

"Aren't you sad?"

"It's useless to be sad. The two of them can't survive. And as long as I'm sad, those guys who bully me will be happy. I don't want them to be proud."

Yiyin looked at the basin of water and rag.

"You work here?"

Asami Tomoe shrugged.

"You have to find a place to work and eat. My bloodline is just right for wiping the ancestral altar. It's not considered blasphemous."

Looking at the dark sky outside, Yiyin sighed.

"You're here alone. Aren't you scared at night?"

"Hahaha, this is the temple of our ancestors. How dare ghosts and monsters appear? There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Then...will you be lonely?"

Tomoe Asami chuckled and took out an old-fashioned small radio from her arms, making Yoshigage shake his head.This kind of electronic product from the last century has long been outdated since the advent of smartphones.

But Mami Tomoe seemed to be very curious about it and showed off to Yoshigami.

"Look, I bought the newest model after saving three months' wages."

Yiyin's mouth twitched, who saves money to buy a radio these days?But seeing Tomoe Mami showing off, Yoshigami could only say perfunctorily.

"Well, not bad."

Tomoe Asami put the radio on the ground and turned it on carefully. A melodious love song came from inside.

She secretly looked at Yiyin, who couldn't help but want to laugh.

"what happened?"

"Um... are you the strong man Bishamonten gave me?"

Yoshiyin shook his head, and Tomoe Mami showed a disappointed and sad expression. Seeing her like this, Yoshiyin felt a little soft-hearted.

A poor girl who lost her parents in a car accident, was bullied by her classmates, and was assigned to work as a servant like a cleaner. She made a wish to the gods, she just wanted a strong man.

The more Yiyin thought about it, the funnier he became. Looking at Tomoe's beautiful and outstanding face, he asked by mistake.

"What would you do if I were the man God gave you?"

"Of course I use it!"

"how to use?"

"How else can it be used...just...men and women use it like that!"

Yi Yin smiled.

"If I am willing to be used by you, then what difference does it make to you whether I am a man sent by Bishamonten or not?"

Ba Mami was taken aback, and then slapped her hands.


She glanced at Yiyin cautiously, put her head in and said.

"Then...are you willing?"

Yiyin shook his head solemnly.

"I don't want to."

Tomoe Asami said frustrated.

"Then what else?"

Yoshigami took the initiative to hold Tomoe Asami's hand and smiled.

"Didn't your father tell you? The more beautiful a man is, the more he will cheat."

Asami Tomoe looked at Yoshiyin's handsome smile getting closer and closer, her face getting redder and redder.

Yiyin thought to himself, just do a good deed that day. Anyway, he doesn't feel that this is a disadvantage in his view of the male-dominated world.


Right on the solemn shrine, in front of the statue of Bishamonten, Yoshiginba Mami. .

Just after the two of them finished, Tomoe Mami glanced at Yoshiyin, her face turned redder, and she ran out shyly.

"I'll get some water to wipe you down!"

Yiyin packed up his clothes with a smile, not caring about wiping himself. He lay on the tatami, listened to the singing on the radio, and enjoyed the aftereffects.

At this moment, an interlude suddenly came from the radio. It was not the melodious Japanese, but the Chinese with the correct accent.

"The root is in the motherland, with one heart and one mind, hello everyone, this is the live broadcast of Xiangcheng's return, and I am the host..."

Yoshigin suddenly straightened up from the tatami and looked at the old-fashioned radio.

The return of Xiangcheng. . 97. .

He recalled the weird things he had done before he met Tomoe Mami, and how Tomoe Mami, as a member of the divine descendants of Uesugi, didn't even know Takeda Kage and Takada Kamiko.

Yiyin's eyes were fixed on the radio and found that although its style was very old, it was obviously a new machine.

Tomoe Asami said. .She bought it new. .

Yiyin wanted to stand up, but a whirlwind hit him again. He suddenly felt something was wrong. He stretched out his hand to grab something, but accidentally pulled down the flag on the altar.

Holding back the dizziness, Yiyin rushed out of the temple with all his strength and shouted.


Just when Yiyin lost his balance and was about to fall to the ground, he was supported by someone, and Toma's voice came to his ears.

"I found you, why did you come here?"

Yiyin slowed down for a moment, looked up at Toma, and found that the surroundings were much brighter again. The setting sun in the distance was still dazzling.

this. .Is it a dream? .

Yiyin subconsciously raised his hand, and then realized that the flag that he had accidentally pulled off the altar was still in his hand.

Then, Thomas' complexion changed drastically.

"This...this is...the Pizi flag that has been missing for more than 20 years! Where did you find it!"

(End of this chapter)

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