Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 211 Love Across Time and Space

Chapter 211 Love Across Time and Space

In the residence outside the palace, Yiyin still looked a little confused, and the Bizi flag had already been taken away.

Thomas, who accompanied Yiyin, handed him a cup of tea. Yiyin took the water glass and couldn't help but ask.

"Have I been gone for a long time?"

Thomas shook his head.

"It's only 10 minutes, compared to this little thing... Where did you find that Bizi flag?"

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Actually... I'm not sure... when I came to my senses, the flag was already in my hand. Is it important?"

Thomas smiled bitterly.

"The Imperial Palace was the residence dedicated to Shiba Saint by His Highness Uesugi Kenshin. His Highness Uesugi Kenshin loved the Saint deeply throughout his life. Their children were the first family governors of the descendants of Uesugi.

In the temple you saw, is there a chaotic dragon flag enshrined on the right side of the statue?In fact, more than 20 years ago, there were two flags hanging on the left and right sides of the statue, namely the Bizi flag and the chaotic dragon flag.

The Ranryu flag is the military flag of His Highness Uesugi Kenshin, and the Hijia flag is the military flag used by Shiba Sage in the early days. Later, His Highness Uesugi Kenshin asked for it to form a double military flag, which is also a treasure of the divine descendant Uesugi.

His Highness Kenshin Uesugi is a man who values ​​military affairs but neglects domestic affairs. .Anyway, he is a brave warrior Ji who is very resolute in his actions, but he is not very popular among his subordinates.

But the daughter of His Highness Kenshin Uesugi is a political genius and is known as an outstanding Hime warrior who can unite the entire Kanto region. As the first governor of the divine family of Uesugi, she became the first general of the Shiba theocracy.

To commemorate the love between father and mother, the first general Shiba established the shrine of the Gokan, and enshrined the double flag of Uesugi Kenshin here, and it has been 500 years.

But more than 20 years ago, a terrible thing happened here. The Bizi flag disappeared overnight.

The Kamishi Uesugi family organized countless manpower and material resources and searched every inch of the land inside and outside the palace, but could not find the missing military flag.

The Spo Consortium even offered a high reward of hundreds of millions, but could not find any clues. "

Yiyin's expression was numb as he listened, and he became more and more confused. Looking at Toma's mixed-race face, he suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Toma, do you know someone named Tomoe Mami?"

Thomas's face froze and he hesitated to speak.

Yoshigan remembered Tomoe Asami saying that her good friend gave birth to a boy named Toma. .Could it be. .

Thomas was silent for a while, then asked back.

"Mr. Yi, where did you know the name Tomoe Mami?"

Yiyin stared at Toma, like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, and said solemnly.

"Answer me first, do you know a person named Tomoe Mami?"

Thomas looked away, not daring to look at Yiyin, which made Yiyin feel an ominous premonition.

"Look at me, Thomas, and tell me, what's the matter with her?"

Just as the two were in a stalemate, a voice came from outside the door.

"Mr. Yoshitsune, please don't embarrass Toma anymore. He can't tell because the Uesugi family has issued a gag order. There is a taboo that cannot be spoken about Tomoe Mami."

Thomas stood up, opened the door, bowed and asked.

"Miss, why are you here?"

The woman outside the door smiled slightly and stepped into the room.

"The Biji flag, which has been missing for more than 20 years, has reappeared in the world. I, the governor of the Uesugi family, who is a descendant of the gods, naturally want to come to express my gratitude.

My name is Ayaka Uesugi. Thank you very much for finding the Biji flag for the god Uesugi, Mr. Yoshitsune. "

Yoshigan looked at the woman in front of him. Her silver hair, blue eyes, and appearance were somewhat similar to Tomoe Asami, which made Yoshigan's heart tremble.

"Ms. Uesugi, you are too polite."

Ayaka Uesugi knelt on the tatami in front of Yoshigan, looking at Yoshigan with some indescribable emotion in her eyes.

"On behalf of the god Uesugi, I would like to thank you. In return for retrieving the Biji flag, no matter what request you make, we will try our best to satisfy you."

Yiyin said in a deep voice.

"I want to...meet Tomoe Asami...is that okay?"

Uesugi Ayaka's face softened, and there was a burst of relief in her eyes.

"Of course. If you are willing, I can take you to see her now. In fact...she has been thinking about you..."

Yi Yin stood up.

"Then let's go."

Uesugi Ayaka stood up leisurely and led the way gracefully.Toma stood by the door and seemed to want to say something, but was blocked by Uesugi Ayaka.

"Toma, you have done a good job. Your mission has been completed. Now, I will entertain Mr. Yi. Please step aside first."

Thomas got out of the way and bowed to bid farewell to the two of them. When he raised his head again, his eyes were a little complicated.


It was completely dark outside, and Yoshigage followed Uesugi Ayaka on the narrow gravel road.

There was a stone lamp about a dozen steps up, its dim light flickering, illuminating the stone path all the way up.

Yoshigami looked at the silver hair tied into a ponytail behind Uesugi Ayaka and couldn't help but ask.

"Ms. Uesugi, after the night when the flag was lost more than 20 years ago, Asami Tomoe...is she okay?"

Uesugi Ayaka didn't look back, she was dressed in a kimono and haori and blended into the mountain path, her seemingly invisible voice was very clear in the lonely mountain.

“It’s not good, of course it’s not good.

Because Tomoe Mami was the only witness present the night the Biji flag was lost, she came under intense scrutiny.

But the examiners heard many incomprehensible words from her mouth, about being a man gifted by Bishamonten, and about this being the will of the gods.

Everyone suspected that she was pretending to be crazy, until more than a month later, it was confirmed that Tomoe Asami was pregnant.

You know, the Siba Consortium is not a secular consortium. Although it has been more than 100 years since the government was entrusted to the people, the Siba theocracy still affects this island country everywhere.

Tomoe Mami's testimony and her pregnancy were judged by criminal investigators as being seduced by beauty and cooperating with outsiders to steal the national treasure.

However, there are always some stubborn Shiba Shinto believers who believe that Tomoe Mami has indeed received divine grace. Under the protection of these powerful Shiba Shinto believers, she was able to successfully give birth to her daughter.

Tomoe Mami's daughter has shown unusual qualities since she was a child.

She is smarter and stronger than ordinary people, and even has some miraculous precognitive abilities. She is considered to be the closest descendant to her ancestors in the past hundred years. "

Yiyin's worried heart slowly calmed down. He thought that if he took away the Bizi flag, Tomoe Mami would be in bad luck. Now it seems that everything is fine.

Then, Yiyin's head seemed to have been hit hard by a hammer.

daughter?Tomoe Asami gave birth to a daughter?
"Then...that daughter...is she...ok?"

Ayaka Uesugi suddenly stopped, turned back to look at Yoshigoshi, who looked embarrassed, and smiled.

"Daughter, it's very good.

Because she possesses a special characteristic similar to that of the first-generation Goddess, and is regarded as a mutant descendant of her ancestors, that daughter has attracted the attention of the entire Sibo Goddess.

In addition, that daughter foresaw future dangers several times, helped the divine Uesugi escape from several dangers, and was tacitly accepted as the next generation of family governor. "

Yiyin was stunned, the next generation of family governor?
In the dim sky, he tried his best to look at Uesugi Ayaka's face, and the more he looked at it, the more he looked like Tomoe Asami.


Uesugi Ayaka ignored it and continued to move forward, and Yoshigan quickly followed.

Yiyin was uneasy. Of course he knew that he was not the reincarnation of a saint, but an ordinary time traveler, and there was no divine grace.

But Yiyin didn't know if Sage Shiba was a time traveler, nor did he know if there was some power of Sage Shiba left in the palace that caused him to return to more than 20 years ago.

He even didn't know whether the quantum entanglement between the male quantum carried by the male traveler and the quantum world of the female would give birth to a child with special powers.

He didn't know anything, he was just confused, and he carefully wanted to confirm the Uesugi Ayaka in front of him. .She is not her own. .

Just when Yoshigami was struggling with how to speak, Uesugi Ayaka stopped again.

"We have arrived."

Yoshigan's heart tightened, and he opened his eyes and looked forward, hoping to reunite with Tomoe Asami again, but saw Uesugi Ayaka standing in front of an upright soul stone, slowly kneeling down.

"Mother, I brought him.

You have wanted to see him again until your death, and now, I have helped you find him.

you. .Are you unhappy? "

Yiyin looked at the moss on the rock, and couldn't recover. After a long while, his knees gave way and he knelt down on the ground.

"She...is dead? Didn't you say that someone was protecting her?"

Uesugi Ayaka picked up a handkerchief and carefully wiped away the dew and new moss on the stone.

"They protected her just because of the child in her belly, believing that the child was a gift from God. Once the child left the belly, she would no longer be an important person.

When I was a child, my mother and I lived in a servants' house, and my mother was always cheerful.

We didn't eat well, wear well, or sleep well, but she never complained. She felt that if she could sleep with the man given by God in this life, all the suffering would be worth it.

She even secretly guessed with me that maybe it was the saint himself who appeared in the world, otherwise where could such a handsome man come from? She made a lot of money. "

Looking back at Yoshigami's handsome and bewildered face, Uesugi Ayaka chuckled.

"What mother said makes sense."

Yiyin's heart ached.

"You are suffering."

Uesugi Ayaka said calmly.

"It's good to have some hardships. Looking back now, those were my most carefree days.

Later, when I grew up and became more sensible, I began to work hard to impress everyone.

I thought that as long as I showed my talents, everyone would think that my mother's words were true and give her better treatment.

But I was wrong. The more powerful my powers were, the more people would hate my mother.

Those who had bullied her at Uesugi Private School couldn't bear the thought that this fool who was submissive and cheerful all day long could actually receive divine favor.

When I was studying abroad, they finally forced my mother to commit hara-kiri in the traditional way for the reason of losing the Bizi flag. "

Yiyin couldn't help cursing.

"This is the 21st century! How can they... force people to death!"

Uesugi Ayaka's face was expressionless.

“The divine authority protected my mother and me, but also required us to abide by the constraints of tradition.

By the time I got the news and ran back to the island country, it was too late. .Do you know traditional seppuku?

Cut a cross knife on the stomach and cut it by myself. .That kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people. .

In order to reduce the torture of the person who commits seppuku, an intermediary will stand behind the person who cuts the cross and cuts off her head to end her suffering.

Those people who studied in the same private school bullied her all her life, and finally plotted against her and chopped off her head. . "

Ayaka Uesugi stood up and looked at Yoshigan.

"Please come up with some more. She has been thinking about you and missing you... loving you... I implore you to take a good look at her..."

Yiyin stretched out his trembling right hand and touched the smooth stone.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have...it's all my fault..."

Uesugi Ayaka looked into the distance and said.

"You are not wrong, and neither is mother. It is those people who are wrong...those people, I have sent them down to accompany mother.

My mother is a person who is afraid of loneliness. With so many people accompanying her, she should not be lonely anymore. "

Yoshigan suddenly looked up at Uesugi Ayaka.


Uesugi Ayaka looked at him with a smile. The elegant lady was as pure as an egret, but the tear stain under her eyes was particularly charming.

"I am the governor of the Uesugi family, a divine descendant. I have a lot of power to do what I want to do."

(End of this chapter)

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