Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 212 Three Quarters of God’s Ambition

Chapter 212 Three-quarters of God's Ambition
Walking on the path down the mountain, Yoshigage's head felt very swollen, and he just followed Ayaka Uesugi mechanically.

Tomoe Asami is dead. .The optimistic girl who spent half the night with him in the temple and experienced the deepest understanding between men and women. .She is long dead. .

Is this real, illusory, or a dream that should not be immersed.

Yoshigan looked at Uesugi Ayaka in front. Her steps were steady and so strong that it made people feel heartbroken.If what she said is true, then she should know very well that the person behind her belongs to her. .

Although she already has a daughter named Youyou, she is not Yiyin's biological daughter after all. She has grown up under Yiyin's care and has never suffered any hardship.

And in front of him was Uesugi Ayaka. .Yiyin suddenly felt infinite guilt in her heart and wanted to hold her in her arms and say sorry.

If it wasn't for Yiyin's obsession with ghosts for a while, Ba Mamei wouldn't be able to. .Neither does Uesugi Ayaka. .

As if she felt something, Uesugi Ayaka suddenly stopped and looked back at Yoshigan. Yoshigan's eyes averted and he lowered his head silently.

Uesugi Ayaka smiled.

“What are you thinking? Do you regret it?
Tomoe Mami has never regretted it, and I am also grateful, only for you. .I don’t want you to regret this, really.

Telling you all this is just out of my own little selfishness. I don't want you to forget her, the silly woman who was willing to sacrifice her whole life for a one-night relationship, that's all.

You can dismiss it as a dream, laugh it off, or be unaware of it.

Tomoe Mami has disappeared from the world. The Uesugi family and even the entire Shiba consortium are trying their best to wipe her out of the world, leaving only the inconspicuous soul stone.

And I am the daughter of the previous generation's Uesugi family governor, the only descendant of the miraculous saint, the extremely noble descendant of Shiba.

It is impossible for someone as valuable as me to have a mother who was born as a servant, let alone grow up in a place of servants.

A worry-free childhood is my past, being a powerful person is my present, and leaving a name in history is my future.

I am Uesugi Ayaka, the 20th generation head of the divine Uesugi family. There cannot be any connection between you and me.

Because now that science is prosperous, no one will believe that you who are 30 years old will have someone in your early twenties. .

You can’t even believe that when you came to the island country for the first time, you would have anything to do with Tomoe Mami, who has been dead for many years. .

So, stop thinking about it and just think of it all as a dream.

For me, today is the most important day, because you have come to the palace. From now on, I, who have been imaginary for 20 years, truly have a life of my own.

Thank you, mother, thank you, thank you for today, Ayaka Uesugi is grateful. "

Seeing that she was sensible, Yiyin couldn't help but step forward, reaching out his hand to touch her cheek and wipe away the two traces of tears for her.

But Ayaka took a step back, dodged Yoshiyin's hand, and shook her head shyly.

"I'm very happy today, let me dance for you."

With that said, Ayaka stepped out of the stone path.

The summer rain in the evening came and went, dampening the land beside the mountain road.Ayaka walked on the muddy ground with wooden clogs and stepped into a small pond filled with rainwater.

Yiyin looked at her worriedly, fearing that she would stumble and trip.

Ayaka turned around and glanced at Yiyin secretly, took out a small fan from her waist and shook it open, covering half of her face.

On a cloudless night, the bright moonlight hit half of her face, making her blue eyes particularly charming.

She looked at Yiyin with deep nostalgia in her eyes, turned around and held her fan high. The moonlight seemed to penetrate from the fan, illuminating her blue kimono.

The cicadas in the forest were harmonizing for her, and the fireflies were dancing with her.Yiyin stood by the stone lamp on the road, watching a bright color dancing for him.

No girl has ever said to Yiyin, I want to dance for you.

Looking at Ayaka's unfamiliar dancing, Yi Gin was really afraid that she would accidentally step into a small hole in the water and fall to the ground.

Under the moonlight, in the lonely forest, a beautiful girl with silver hair and blue eyes made waves in the water, stirring Yiyin's heart.

Yiyin's heart was full of mixed feelings. He felt guilty like a rogue old father who had abandoned his wife and children for 20 years, but he was also fascinated by the pure and refined girl in front of him.

I don't know how much time passed, Linghua finally came up from the water and returned to the stone path, her forehead was dripping with sweat, and her smile was as sweet as ever.

"Do I dance well?"

"very nice."

"It's great. I'm really worried about looking ugly because I've never danced in front of others."

"Your socks are wet."

Yoshigan stared at Uesugi Ayaka's slender legs. The white socks wearing wooden clogs were soaked with water and stuck to her feet.

Uesugi Ayaka stretched out her feet, her brows slightly furrowed.

"It's very wet and uncomfortable. Do you want to help me take it off?"

Yiyin stretched out his hand like a ghost, towards the long white legs that were actively stretched out. The skin there was as white and delicate as gelatin.

The moment he was about to meet, Yiyin woke up suddenly, raised his hand and slapped himself, then turned and hurried down the mountain.

"Let's go back, it's too dark."

Under the moonlight, looking at her white and tender calves, Uesugi Ayaka showed a unique smile.

She is the governor of the Uesugi family, a divine descendant, and is responsible for the survival of the family business.

In this scientifically prosperous era of the end of the law, Shiba's theocracy is rapidly declining, and the Uesugi family, a member of Shiba's descendants of the gods, is also in trouble.

The Spoelstra Foundation has been divided into three factions, those who adhere to traditional conservatives, those who turn to secular openness, and the centrists who swing left and right.

As the last miraculous among the divine beings, the Uesugi family, the divine descendants of Ayaka Uesugi, naturally belong to the conservative side.

But she alone is definitely not enough in this age of turbulent science.

From the moment Ayaka Uesugi ascended the position of family governor, she has been waiting for this day to come.

Ayaka Uesugi doesn't understand science. She doesn't know that the quantum entanglement of two generations of time travelers caused the overlap of time and space and created her.

She didn't even know that the quantum of the male world carried by the time traveler had a special reaction with the quantum of the female world. These were actually science.

Ayaka Uesugi only knew that Yoshigage, like Sage Shiba back then, could give future generations special divine power, and that was enough.

She knows how terrifying this inherited ability is.Unfortunately, with the genetic iteration, the power of the gods will gradually fade until it disappears.

The Sibo Goddess was very lucky. Today, 500 years later, after losing all the power of the Goddess, the Saint came to the world again.

The most important thing is that Yiyin was found by the Shiba Goddess!
Uesugi Linghua followed Yoshigin closely, and for the first time, the face of the elegant young lady showed greedy eyes, staring at his back.

It is the common interest of all divine descendants to welcome the saint back to the island country.

From today, Uesugi Ayaka will sincerely cooperate with Takeda Kage and Takada Miko, and use all means to eliminate the conservatives in the Shiba consortium, control the entire consortium, and then welcome back the saint.

Maybe this process will take two years, five years, or even longer, but they will never give up. They must welcome back the saint and continue the power of the Sipo gods.

Under the righteousness of the entire Shiba Goddess, Uesugi Ayaka still had a trace of selfishness in her heart.

As long as the saint is welcomed back, each family of the Sibo Goddess can continue the bloodline of the gods, and their children can become demigods with magical powers.

But they are at best demigods. Under the pressure of modern society's secular ethics and humanity, it is impossible for the descendants of Sibo to create such special descendants as three-quarters gods who are shocking to the world.

There is only one person who can legitimately give birth to three-quarters of gods, and that is Uesugi Ayaka herself.

So after she came to power, she tried her best to erase all traces of Tomoe Mami and let the name Tomoe Mami disappear completely from history.

Only by erasing everything about Tomoe Asami can Ayaka Uesugi have nothing to do with Yoshigage.

Only descendants of the Uesugi family, who are descendants of gods, can look down on all demigods at three-quarters of the height of a god.Her descendants of Uesugi Ayaka will be superior to all Shiba Kami descendants.

The society of the island country places the most emphasis on blood, and the hierarchy is strict. As the daughter of a servant, Uesugi Ayaka has been looked down upon since she was a child.

This time, she wants all those who once looked down on her and their descendants to crawl under her descendants forever!
Only the descendants of me, Ayaka Uesugi, are the closest to God and the most noble!

Yiyin carefully used the moonlight to walk on the stone path going down the mountain.

He was so flustered that he didn't notice at all what kind of eyes Uesugi Ayaka, the graceful and graceful Miss Egret, was staring at his back behind him.

Admiration, greed, tenderness, resentment, extreme, mania. .Indescribably complex.

(End of this chapter)

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