Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 214 Another 5 million investment came

Chapter 214 Another [-] million investment comes
Yiyin once thought that being a boss was easy. I would pay you to do things, and everyone would have a bright future.

This was indeed the case when Nintendo Game Company had less than ten people.

Yiyin is almost the boss, except for producing a few electronics with game ideas, almost everything is left to the people below to do it.

Employees can go to work if they want to, and work from home if they want to. The rhythm is relaxed, hello, me, hello, everyone.

But now, the company's number of employees has surged to nearly a hundred. Coupled with the group of handsome guys dispatched from the island, the entire eleventh floor is almost filled to the brim with new personnel and equipment.

Only then did Yiyin realize that being a boss means having meetings, endless meetings.

There is a morning meeting in the morning, leaders of various departments have meetings, and small meetings are held to coordinate the work of several departments.

Human resources, finance, legal, operations, etc., each logistics department held a meeting with Yiyin, waiting in line for reports and signatures.

Yiyin also claims to be the world's number one game planner, and actively participates in the daily work of the three studios, providing game ideas, experiencing game testing, and constantly holding meetings and communication.

Meetings from morning to night made Yiyin miserable, but this was his own business, so who could blame him?
The company's rules and regulations are becoming stricter, and the current employees are not recruited by schools or agencies, but are recruited through personal relationships, which makes the small hills in the company hold back their energy to express themselves.

Even Xing Yaoyao, who used to be content with nothing, began to go to work on time and work actively.

The human resources department chaired by Sun Youling divided employee salaries into fourteen levels. As an executive, Xing Yaoyao's basic salary increased tenfold, from [-] to [-].

Coupled with the hot sales of Fruit Ninja, the bonuses are easy to get, and the year-end dividends are even bigger.

The two elders of the Xing family were so happy that their daughter was finally making a career after being confused for 32 years. Now it was time to whip Xing Yaoyao, a lazy donkey, to work hard to make money.

Xing Yaoyao herself was holding her breath. She wanted to prove that the otaku would win the world, and that she and the Jinghua people in the logistics department would be the best among these people, the best in society.

Xing Yaoyao, who was lying flat in the mud, got up and fought. What reason did Yiyin have to be lazy?
Yoshigan, who had just returned from the island country, felt that the day he was there was a nightmare, and his head hurt when he thought of Ayaka Uesugi's beautiful face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

I can't wait to find a rose and pick it petal by petal. .She has a relationship with me. .She has nothing to do with me. .She has a relationship with me. .

After just a night's rest, Yiyin returned to the company to start a career, not daring to think about this terrible problem again.

A few days later, on Monday, there was a morning meeting.

Xi Feifei nodded at the conference table and said.

“The document before you is about the sales of Fruit Ninja, a new game, on all major platforms in the past two weeks.

Buy out tens of millions of downloads for two yuan. According to our sharing agreements with major platforms, we account for [-]%.

That is, just for these two weeks.

The company's revenue exceeds 1000 million yuan. Even after deducting various taxes and costs, the net profit will not be less than 800 million yuan, and the net profit exceeds 60.00%.

But I want to remind everyone that the explosion of Fruit Ninja is an unexpected situation after various buffs are superimposed, and it is just an example.

Because Nintendo and the White Swan Group have made a big fuss, the popularity on the Internet continues. As a result, after the release of Fruit Ninja, many people followed suit and downloaded it.

In addition, the dispute between us and White Swan stemmed from plagiarism. A large number of startups who wanted to enter the video game industry chose to wait and see for the time being, which resulted in the current situation of being outstanding.

In my judgment, after seeing Fruit Ninja’s huge revenue of 2000 million in two weeks, many startups can’t help but try video games.

I have to pour some cold water on everyone here. After the popularity of online public opinion has cooled down and a large number of competitors have emerged, the miracle of Fruit Ninja should be difficult to replicate. "

While Xi Feifei was talking, everyone was looking through the documents in front of them, and couldn't stop talking about Fruit Ninja's excellent results.

Net profit of 800 million in two weeks, this is simply a money grab!That is to say, Yiyin's personal popularity continues to be high, and it has been listed in hot searches, which is why this kind of traffic siphon-like performance occurs.

Xi Feifei spoke cautiously, but the flirtatious look she cast towards Yiyin was very proud.

Look, my operations department will earn you 800 million in half a month as soon as I take action. Praise me, praise me, praise me!

How did Xi Feifei know that Yoshihiro would not be interested in seeing more money at this moment, and his mind was still pondering whether the relationship between Ba Mami and Uesugi Ayaka and her really existed.

Regarding Fruit Ninja's amazing results, Yiyin just nodded subconsciously, and asked Sun Youling regardless of Xi Feifei's pouted lips.

"The company's salary level will be officially announced."

Sun Youling distributed a stack of documents to everyone present and then said.

"You can take a look at the fourteen-level salary scale made by the Human Resources Department and the Finance Department.

You should have received the upgrade notice before, and this form is more comprehensive and intuitive.

Newly promoted employees generally start at two levels. Level [-] and above are the heads of each department. As directors, you are temporarily positioned at level [-], which will be determined by the boss based on specific circumstances. "

Wen Xinghan followed.

“As for the specific bonuses for each project and the year-end dividends, the Finance Department will conduct research and discussions with each department, and finally implement them according to the results of the discussions.

Time is too tight and we cannot come up with a specific plan today. We ask for your understanding. "

Yiyin glanced at the salary table and felt that his money was burning.

Although it hurt, this plan to treat employees leniently was done by Sun Youling according to Yiyin's own wishes, so he had no choice but to keep smiling.

Fortunately, his trip to the island country was not in vain this time, and he was not short of money.

Yi Yin said.

"There is something that Wen Xinghan's Finance Department needs to follow up on."


"I accidentally helped Uesugi Co., Ltd. when I went to the island country this time. Their president called me yesterday. To express her gratitude, she decided to invest in my company."

Wen Xinghan glanced at Yiyin.

"Uesugi? Is it the Uesugi Co., Ltd. of the Shiba Foundation?

I remember that company monopolized Niigata's agricultural products, heavy industry, ports, and some overseas trade of the island country.

How could a company with a monopoly like that be interested in video games?How much is she prepared to invest? "

Yiyin stretched out his finger, scratched his cheek, and said with a wry smile.

"Five million."

"Five hundred million!" x N
A group of people were stunned, Yiyin shook his head with a grimace, he himself thought it was too much.

But Ayaka Uesugi's original words were to maintain the dignity of the divine descendant Uesugi, and the Uesugi family could not pay less than the Takada family.

After all, the Biji flag is the most precious treasure of the divine descendant Uesugi. If Yoshigami hadn't tried his best to stop it, Uesugi Ayaka might have thrown one billion over.

When I think about it, it might be me. .Yi Yin feels weird in his heart when a woman like him invests in his own company. She feels uncomfortable in every way, as if her father is not her father, and her son is not her son.

But just this [-] million is already a large investment that Nintendo Game Company cannot bear.

Perhaps to the generation of gods like the Shiba Goddess who own the entire island country, five hundred million is just a small number.But for ordinary people like Yiyin, he no longer knows how to spend the money.

Gao Xin has [-] million, Takada Kamiko has [-] million, and Uesugi Ayaka has [-] million, which adds up to a total of [-] billion!

Before Yiyin traveled through the world, he earned a salary of 5000 yuan and ate pancakes worth nine yuan. Where had he seen so much money?
Based on his previous salary, it would take 2 years of hard work to earn 5000 billion, which would be enough for Chinese civilization to travel four times in [-] years.

Wen Xinghan frowned, Yiyin had already given up on himself and said.

"I know, I know, I am Game Daji, I am a public relations genius, okay?"

Well, he has learned to rush to answer.

Wen Xinghan shook his head and sighed.

"How are Uesugi going to vote?"

Yi Yin said.

“President Uesugi’s secretary Toma will be in Motor City in the next few days, you can discuss the details.

Don't worry, the other party mainly wants to repay their favor. I helped them find a very important family heirloom, so their conditions must be very loose. Don't worry, you can talk casually, no problem. "

After Yiyin and Wen Xinghan finished talking about this matter, Xi Feifei curled her lips and had nothing to say.

She suddenly realized that the 800 million she had earned was no longer worth it. The boss had made nothing but [-] million in just two days, which was simply abnormal.

After the morning meeting, everyone went back to their departments for a small meeting. Just as Yiyin was thinking about what he should do next, he was stopped by Xing Yaoyao.

"Boss, the beta version of Memories of Autumn is out. Do you want to try it first?"

"So fast?"

"The dialogue game with stickers is not difficult. Now that there are so many people in the company, they are all gearing up and waiting to start work. It is done very quickly.

In fact, there is not much content, just a text adventure with stickers to see if there are any bugs in the program. "

Yi Yin nodded.

At this stage, the company has hundreds of people. Excluding the logistics department, there are 50 NO.[-] people in three studios, but the only games being produced are Angry Birds, Memories of Autumn, and StarCraft.

Everyone really has nothing to do, so it’s no wonder that Memories of Autumn is progressing quickly. Anyway, there is a book written by Mo Yu. As long as the programs and textures can keep up, it will be ready in no time.

Yi Yin said.

"Then you send me the beta version and I'll play with it on my phone."

Text adventure games like Memories of Autumn can already be played on smartphones, and Yiyin has no intention of returning to computers and following the old path.

In fact, except for games like StarCraft, which are complex to operate and require precise control of keyboard and mouse, other games are preparing to leapfrog the computer era and directly enter the smartphone era.

Xing Yaoyao said casually while transferring game files to Yiyin via Bluetooth.

"Boss, this book of Memories of Autumn is a little too sweet. I'm going to get diabetes after reading it."

Yiyin laughed.

"You are a homebody yourself, don't you know the virtues of people like yourself?
A little ups and downs and you will die, and the girlfriend died in the game, it is estimated that many people already want to curse.

If I arrange any unlucky things like life and death in the game, these otakus will dare to deliver blades to our company. Do you believe it? "

Xing Yaoyao rubbed her head.

"Boss, you understand otakus, but I always find it boring. Can you make some kind of pretty boy text adventure game that is so in-depth that otakus can't even curse it?"

Yiyin's smile became a little weird.

"you sure?"

"Of course, we otakus also have pursuits, and good games will definitely support them."

"Well, then you ask Mo Yu to come over, and I'll arrange a new notebook for her to write, called CLANNAD."

Xing Yaoyao nodded happily.

"Okay, the boss's products must be high-quality products. When the book comes out, I will be the first to read it."

Yiyin said silently in his heart, just wait for the first one to cry.

Xing Yaoyao excitedly went to find Mo Yu, but suddenly remembered something and talked to Yiyin.

"Boss, can you arrange an assistant for Mo Yu?"


"Didn't that island country send a lot of handsome guys over? There was one handsome guy who really liked Mo Yu. He would dress up and down in front of her every day, looking for topics to talk about.

Don't look at Mo Yu's babyish voice, Lolita voice, and childish appearance. She has graduated from college several years ago.

As the saying goes, if men and women work together, the work will not be tiring.That handsome guy happens to be a screenwriter, why not let them be in charge of CLANNAD's script together? "

Yiyin said in surprise.

"How many years has it been since Mo Yu graduated from university? Is this guy over 25 years old? Why does he look like he is only thirteen or fourteen years old?

That handsome guy from the island country. .Are you sure you're not a pervert?I like this kind of lolita body shape, right? .control? "

Xing Yaoyao shrugged.

"I don't care if she can control it or not. Anyway, men don't suffer. It's easier for Mo Yu to open the Japanese meat."

Yi Yin sighed.

"Mo Yu knows a friend like you... It's true... Okay, then the two of them will be responsible for the text of CLANNAD. Let them come to me later and I will discuss the plot with them.

By the way, what's that handsome guy's name? "

"It seems to be...Aizawa, right?"

"Aizawa? Without Nan?"

"It's not convenient to lead Nan. After all, we are serious people."

"Well, that makes sense."

(End of this chapter)

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