Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 215 Li Hongmei wants to be Li Xiaoyao

Chapter 215 Li Hongmei wants to be Li Xiaoyao
After transmitting the beta version of Memories of Autumn, Yiyin and Xing Yaoyao left the large conference room together and walked to Yiyin's office.

In the corridor, Yiyin saw two strangers, a man and a woman, whispering in the corner. The atmosphere was very ambiguous.

Seeing Yiyin, the woman seemed a little embarrassed and laughed dryly.

"Hi boss."

Yiyin nodded and looked at the man, only to see him smiling handsomely and bowing slightly.

"Oh hello, morning boss."

Yiyin walked past the two of them with a smile, and Xing Yaoyao greeted the woman enthusiastically.

After walking further away, Yiyin glanced back and asked Xing Yaoyao.

"The friend you recruited?"

Xing Yaoyao shook her head.

"It's an old colleague of Sister Hongmei. It is said that he is a master of procedures. He is very powerful. His name is Chen Hao.

I don’t understand this either, but Sister Hongmei specially greeted me and asked me to take more care of her. "

"Is the handsome guy next to her from the island country?"

"Well, my name is Mikami. He is one of the most handsome boys among this group of people dispatched from the island country. I heard he is very sunny and plays cosplay, so he is very popular."

Thinking of Chen Hao's silly look just now, Yiyin nodded.

"It's really popular."

Xing Yaoyao curled her lips.

"Boss, why do you think the people sent by the island country are all handsome guys? Many of them look like movie stars, they are so handsome.

What kind of mentality is this?
But that’s okay. Programmers and otakus hate our team of handsome guys the most. We originally couldn’t invite several powerful industry figures to come, but after going through the interview, our eyes widened and our souls were attracted. "

Yiyin walked to the door of his office and asked with a smile.

"What? Is there any handsome guy from the island country that you are attracted to?"

Seeing that there was no one around her, Xing Yaoyao boldly pinched Yi Yin's buttocks and laughed in a low voice.

"Weak water is three thousand, I only take one scoop."

Seeing her mean look, Yiyin knocked off her hands and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"A tall, greasy middle-aged woman."

Yiyin opened the door, Xing Yaoyao smiled and wanted to follow in, but she saw Ren Lihua sitting in front of the secretary's desk, and Xi Feifei was bored and playing with her mobile phone on the sofa waiting beside her.

Xing Yaoyao coughed and said.

"Boss, I'll go back and inform Mo Yu and Xiang Ze first, and we'll contact you later."

"Well, you go first."

Yi Gin nodded to Tachibana Shinobu, took Xi Feifei into his boss's office, and sat back on his boss' chair. Yoshi Gin looked at Xi Feifei.

"What's the matter with me?"

Xi Feifei didn't answer, went straight around the desk, and sat on the table in front of Yiyin. Under her summer professional skirt were long black ice stockings that went all the way down her calves and thighs.

Yiyin's eyes followed the black silk to the end, couldn't help but swallowed, and forced himself to move his eyes away.

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"do I look good?"

"You are harassing your mind."

"Then you shout, shout."

"Nerve, what do you want from me?"

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin and said suddenly.

"I think something hasn't been right with you these past two days. Did something bad happen in the island country?"

Yoshigan responded to her caring eyes and felt warm in his heart, but regarding the matter of Tomoe Asami and Uesugi Ayaka, Yoshigan could not tell anyone, and no one could help him.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired recently. The meeting made me numb."

Xi Feifei nodded.

"If you have anything, you must tell me. I won't allow you to hide it from me and worry alone."

Yiyin patted the armrest of the boss's chair and sighed.

"You sound very domineering. You should sit in this chair."

Xi Feifei leaned closer to Yiyin.

"Then let me sit down, okay?"

Yiyin was confused by the angelic face she came closer to. When he came back to his senses, Xi Feifei was already sitting on his knees and her hands were wrapped around his head and neck.

Smelling the fragrant little witch in his arms, Yiyin's lips curled up and he said helplessly.

"You guy... is really..."

Xi Feifei smiled and kissed Yiyin and said.

"It's already August, and Yoyo will go back to kindergarten in two weeks. Do you want to go out and play with your daughter?"

Yiyin was stunned and couldn't help but nodded.

Throughout July, all kinds of things happened one after another. Yiyin was so busy that he lost his mind and kept leaving Yuyou to Xu Xing. Tachibana Shinobu took care of him. He was really unqualified as a father.

"Well, it's time to take Youyou out for fun, but where should we go? The company is a bit busy recently and we can't leave too far."

Xi Feifei smiled and lit up her mobile phone screen to show Yiyin.

"Clang clang clang!"

Yiyin took a closer look.

"Modudis Park...two-day premium package...and...executive room at the Modudis Park Hotel...Do you want me to take Yoyo to the disney park?"

Xi Feifei nodded.

"No matter how busy you are, it will be fine for two days and one night this weekend, right? Take Yoyo to Disneyland once, she should be very happy."

Yi Yin nodded.


Xi Feifei said with a cheerful smile.

"Then I'll drive to pick you up that day."

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Are you going too?"

Xi Feifei's face turned cold.

"Nonsense! I bought a premium package for three people, and I was the one who checked in at the hotel!
how?Don't you want to go to Disneyland with me?Are you afraid I'll eat you? "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Don't be angry, I didn't mean it like that, I was just a little surprised."

Seeing that Yiyin was convinced and agreed, the little witch's expression immediately turned gloomy. She smiled and drew circles on Yiyin's chest with her index finger.

"You still have a conscience."

Yiyin felt itchy on her chest, and Xi Feifei was sitting on her body. The two of them were rubbing their ears together, and their anger was slowly building up.

At this moment, the phone on the table suddenly rang. Yiyin was pressed and unable to get up, so Xi Feifei clicked on the speakerphone.

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"what's up?"

Tachibana Shinobi's voice came.

"Boss, Miss Li Hongmei wants to see you, please wait outside."

Yiyin glanced at Xi Feifei, who got up from him sensibly and smoothed the corners of her skirt.

Sitting up straight, Yiyin said.

"Well, let her in."


Li Hongmei opened the door and saw Xi Feifei slowly walking out from behind Yiyin's desk. She suddenly looked at her with alarm, wondering what this shameless woman had done to Yiyin again.

Xi Feifei was not afraid of Li Hongmei's sharp gaze at all, smiled provocatively at her, and walked out from her.

"I'm leaving. Boss, don't forget your weekend date."


After Xi Feifei closed the door, Li Hongmei sat on the chair opposite Yiyin and looked at him nervously.

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"It's not what you think, I'm just accompanying Yoyo to the disco park."

Li Hongmei just breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart became nervous again.

Does this guy Xi Feifei want to use roundabout tactics to please Yiyin's daughter?We must know that the most important thing for a widowed man to find a wife is whether the new couple can get along well with their children.

The more she thought about it, the more panicked she became. Li Hongmei regretted it. These days, she was immersed in work and had little interaction with Youyou, who was spending her summer vacation in the company. Now it seemed that she was really stupid and missed a good opportunity.

Yiyin didn't know that Li Hongmei was thinking a lot, so she asked with a smile.

"Anything for me?"

Li Hongmei gathered her thoughts and said in a deep voice.

"Xi Feifei... previously submitted opinions from the operations department, saying that they hope to establish a game platform independently operated by our company as an independent network free from channels.

Kuangtu Studio has done an internal evaluation, and the chief technician Chen Hao thinks it is feasible. I would like to apply for a fund to establish this project. "

"Hi Chen?"

"Well, boss, do you know her?

She is the most powerful programmer in my studio, specializing in low-level design.

Only she can come up with a solution to the complex problem of unifying various mobile phone systems and computer systems into one comprehensive platform. "

"Well, I met once."

Yoshihiro recalled the shy woman around Mikami, the handsome guy from the island country, who looked like a licking dog. He really didn't expect him to be such a powerful technician.

After thinking about it, Yiyin said.

"Then just go ahead and do it. When you do it, try to consider the problem more comprehensively.

We may have computers, mobile phones, and various types of games in the future, so I would like to trouble you to consider these issues first to avoid trouble in the future.

As for the start-up capital, you raise it yourself and I'll sign it. "

Li Hongmei nodded.

"They are waiting for me to go back for a meeting to discuss the technical issues of this entire platform. Boss, do you want to come and listen?"

Yiyin shook his head.

"What kind of technology do I know? In the past, I was always blind. I believe in you. Just go ahead and ask me how much money you need to sign."

Li Hongmei felt sweet in her heart. Every bit of Yiyin's trust in her always made her happy, and she was even more eager to make that request.

Seeing that she was silent, Yiyin asked.

"Anything else?"

Li Hongmei pursed her lips, but finally decided to speak out.

"Boss, I want... Kuangzu Studio to make a game."

Yiyin looked at Li Hongmei in surprise. Among the three studios, Kuangzu Studio focused on programming. It was just a group of programmers, but there were no art, music, screenwriters or other game staff.

Li Hongmei was very satisfied before and felt that focusing on developing programs was a good fit for her studio. Why did she think of making games now?
Li Hongmei was surprised when she saw Yiyin, and explained in embarrassment.

"I... I want the text you said before, boss... I, you, Xing Yaoyao's text, I want to make that game."

Yiyin then remembered, could it be that the joke he made last time had Li Hongmei never forget it?
So he tried.

"You are Li Xiaoyao, and I am the little fairy boy of Xianling Island. Who met Xing Yaoyao on the way to travel?"

Li Hongmei nodded fiercely, making Yiyin laugh dumbly.

That is, I made a few random remarks based on the story of Sword and Fairy. Does Li Hongmei take it seriously?
But looking at Li Hongmei's eager and passionate eyes, Yiyin couldn't say no.

"Maniac Studio does not have game art, music, or screenwriting..."

"I'll ask Xing Yaoyao's studio to borrow it!"

"That story... the story of Legend of Sword and Fairy is actually a tragedy..."

"I don't care, as long as I can fight swordsmanship with my boss and leave behind a wonderful game, Li Xiaoyao's death is worth it."

Yiyin smiled bitterly. .But the person who died was Xiaoxiannan. .it's me. .Forget it, as long as Li Hongmei is happy.

Sighing, Yiyin nodded.

"Okay, okay, I will write the story to you later, and you ask the screenwriter to change the gender switch. The stories I wrote are all male-oriented, and they need to be changed to female-oriented to make it more popular.

The game mode, well, is a role-playing turn-based system. I will talk to you later and you can design it yourself.Game art, game music, I'll give you some advice when I'm free. "

Even if he was going to make Legend of Sword and Fairy, Yiyin didn't want to copy the original version exactly, as the picture quality wouldn't be suitable for today's rapidly advancing technological power.

He actually prefers Tianzhihen's Q version of the Chinese painting art style, which can be modified appropriately.

Since Li Hongmei likes it, let's do it. This fairy-tale tragedy is pretty good, but it's not the kind of tragedy where the main character dies as Li Hongmei imagined.

She, Li Xiaoyao, cannot die. She and Xing Yaoyao must die. I hope she won't cry after finishing the game.

(End of this chapter)

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