Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 216 Strong and weak social routes

Chapter 216 Strong and weak social routes

The Kuangzu Studio, which specializes in low-level design and game engines, also makes games. Li Hongmei’s idea made Yiyin laugh.

Games are natural, and everyone has dreams. Who didn't wear a blanket when they were young, imagining the illusion of becoming a fairy or a hero?
The game is a fairy tale for adults.

When the cruel real society grinds adults into screws, there is still a small tree hole. Hiding in it, you can tell yourself that Ultraman is real.

Not to mention whether Li Hongmei's dream is too weird, at least she is eager to realize her fantasies through games, and Yiyin likes it very much.

With the success of Lianliankan and Fruit Ninja, Yiyin is becoming more and more confident in replicating mature games in the male-dominated world in the female-dominated world.

Sure enough, no matter what world it is in, people will like to play video games.

In the era of materialistic industrial society capital, for the materialized tool people, video games are the cheapest spiritual enjoyment.

The company is about to accumulate more than one billion in cash flow on its books. The huge success of three simple elimination games has also made Yiyin decide to take bigger steps.

In the afternoon of that day, Yiyin held a meeting with the heads of the three studios and the main creators of each studio.

Yiyin glanced at the crowded conference room. Under the leadership of Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, and Li Miaoren, everyone was waiting for him to speak.

Clearing his throat, Yiyin smiled.

"Hello everyone, I am the boss of this company. I believe you already know me from various channels, but I actually don't know most of you.

There was no way, the company was expanding too fast, and I didn’t expect it.I never expected that so many people would enjoy playing video games, which flattered me and gave me more confidence to continue developing new games.

Here, on behalf of the company, I would like to welcome you to join us.The company's slogan is to bring happiness to the world.

I hope you can reap your own happiness here. I will try my best to provide you with the best working environment and logistical support so that you can go to work without any worries.

I hope you can bring happiness to our customers and make good games that give players a happy experience.

Let us work together and have a happy cooperation. "

Yiyin's sincere speech drew heartfelt applause from everyone.

Everyone has no idea how to make video games, but everyone has already experienced the unique joy of this game company.

Whether it is the free accommodation comparable to four-stars or the warm and handsome group of handsome island guys in the company, they are all amazing to the newcomers.

Many people even gave up housing subsidies and took the initiative to live in employee dormitories. The company is close, the service is good, and there are many handsome guys. It is most suitable for singles.

After applause, Yiyin smiled.

“Now that we’ve said all the good things, let’s talk about work.

To be honest, the company is very ambitious now and wants to develop more game varieties, but everyone also knows that no one has done this emerging thing like video games, and they don’t know how to do it well.

Therefore, we can only learn, explore, and move forward.

The investment partners of the island countries have provided us with support from the mature entertainment system. A large number of screenwriters, musicians and even voice actors from the island countries will participate to help you.

I hope you can have a wonderful time working together, gain nourishment and grow from friends in Japan, and become the pillars of the company. I will also give you the treatment you deserve. "

Employees, you look at me, I look at you, the eyes are a little ambiguous.

Chen Hao, who was sitting under Li Hongmei, blushed and lowered his head slightly. Her reason for joining the company was a little impure, purely out of lust.

By the way, she is a master in programming. What can she learn from hanging out with Mikami, who is engaged in entertainment?A simple and easy-to-understand technique?

But she is still very grateful to the company for being able to provide her with a job that pays well and even has the emotional value of a handsome guy from an island country during this period of economic downturn.

Even if she will leave the company in the future and seek better development, she will definitely serve the company to the best of her ability while she is on the job.

Yiyin looked at everyone and smiled.

"Don't be nervous, let's take it slow.

Meals have to be eaten at one bite, and games have to be played one by one. Today, everyone is called together to unify their thinking and clarify their respective work contents.

Li Hongmei. "

"Yes, boss."

“The main work of Kuangzu Studio is the development of various game engines and the construction of the company’s independent platform.

In addition, I have a new idea, which is about a role-playing turn-based game called Legend of Sword and Fairy.

You should take on more responsibility and take the time to host it.

The relevant personnel required are transferred from the Zhaiyu Studio. Xing Yaoyao, do you have any questions? "

Xing Yaoyao patted her chest.

"No problem. Sister Hongmei makes games. Of course I fully support it."

Yi Yin nodded.

He did not directly say that it was Li Hongmei who took the initiative to make the game, but instead brought the matter on himself to avoid any resentment between the studios.

Even though Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao have a close relationship, with so many employees in the two studios, it is impossible for them to be as close as the two of them.

In the originally planned work scope, if you use other people's personnel, poach other people's corners, and put money in your own face, you are ultimately creating conflicts.

If Li Hongmei brought up this matter, it would be better to let Yiyin take care of it. In short, it was the boss's order, and no one had anything to say.

Li Hongmei glanced at Yiyin gratefully and nodded slightly.

Yiyin nodded to her and continued.

"Li Miaoren's Baobai Studio, Xing Yaoyao's Zhaiyu Studio, this is how I consider the division of labor between your two studios.

After that, Baobai Studio will be mainly responsible for games with strong social interaction and strong competitive awareness.

The game projects of Zhaiyu Studio are mainly weak in social interaction, charming and self-satisfied.

Do you think this division is okay? "

Li Miaoren nodded.

"I have no problem."

Xing Yaoyao asked.

“What do Angry Birds say?”

Yi Yin said.

"You will continue to finish the previous project.

Lianliankan and elimination games like Fruit Ninja are not difficult to make. The main thing is that once the creativity comes out, the related ideas are easy to be imitated.

Nowadays, many startups are jealous of our achievements. Such small games will soon be available all over the world. We should not compete with them in such games.

The same goes for Angry Birds. Our company will make fewer and fewer of these leisurely games.

I have said before, light games, medium games, hard games, we should not just limit ourselves to light games, we must continue to move forward and explore a deeper path.

Now many companies are preparing to turn chess and mahjong into games and put them on mobile phones. This is actually not interesting.

Nintendo wants to be a pioneer in video games and create amazing works one after another. Let them catch up behind us.

When will the mature version of Angry Birds be released? "

Xing Yaoyao glanced at Li Hongmei and said.

"There are no problems with the game program, and the art and music are also OK. The main thing is that the level design is still being worked on, and it takes time to verify bugs.

Give me two weeks and the advance version can be produced. "

Yiyin nodded.

"We will create a mature version that can be put on the shelves in two weeks. We will try to put it on the shelves first. Later content will be supplemented with new levels in the form of expansion packs, so we can make two bucks."

Xing Yaoyao suddenly said.

"Boss, you are quite a traitor."

Li Hongmei kicked Xing Yaoyao from below, with so many new employees present, Xing Yaoyao didn't know what to say.

Yiyin doesn't mind.

"There is no business without treachery. If the company doesn't make money, how can it have money to share with everyone?"

He spoke frankly, and everyone burst into laughter. This was considered to be the end of the story.

Yi Yin said.

“The projects that Zhaiyou Studio is currently working on include Angry Birds and Memories of Autumn. Earlier today, I decided on the text project of CLANNAD.

Xing Yaoyao, are you too busy to come over? "

Xing Yaoyao nodded.

“No problem, we have enough manpower now.

Besides, Memories of Autumn and CLANNAD are both shounen adventure games, and the game engines are in the same category. As long as the text is OK, the difficulty will not increase but decrease. "

Yiyin nodded and looked towards Li Miaoren again.

"Li Miaoren, in addition to StarCraft, I would like to add some more projects to Baobai Studio, is that possible?"

Li Miaoren nodded in surprise.

"No problem, boss."

The situation of Baobai Studio is actually a bit embarrassing. These people used to do 3D special effects. Although they can also do game art, the big project of StarCraft is really troublesome.

The real-time war system is complex, and now we are in the mobile Internet era. In fact, Yiyin is not sure whether computer games can still make big money.

The Zhaiyu Studio releases games one after another, everyone enjoys them, the bonuses are generous, and the year-end dividends will be huge.

Of course, there will be a gap in Baobai Studio's heart.Others make a lot of money, we get dead wages, people are more popular than others.

This is also the reason why Yiyin wants to assign the development direction of the two studios.A bowl of water should be kept level, and one should not treat one more favorably than another, otherwise it will not be conducive to long-term work together.

After assigning the work scope to the two studios, we can legitimately add more work to Baobai Studio and find some profitable game projects, so that people like Li Miaoren can also eat some meat and be happy.

As for which projects can make money, Yiyin has already thought about it, he said with a smile.

"I have a new game that I'm going to deliver to Blizzard Studios. It's called Plants vs. Zombies."

Li Miaoren nodded fiercely.

"Don't worry, boss, we will do our best."

Yi Yin smiled.

"I believe in you."

Of course he has confidence, and he has to cultivate Li Miaoren's confidence before giving her this popular leisurely game, Tower Defense King.

If Plants vs. Zombies can't make any money, Yiyin might as well find a piece of tofu and kill it.

He claims to be the number one game planner in the world of women, and the popular games in the world of men are his reserve warehouse, enough for him to show off his talents.

Yiyin looked ambitiously at the three generals under his seat, Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, and Li Miaoren, they were the women's army who had conquered the city for him, and she was also a woman with whom he had skin-to-skin relationships.

Yiyin is determined to win the big blue ocean of video games, the world of heroines.

I come, I see, I conquer.

(End of this chapter)

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