Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 217 The Otaku Saves Ren Tianxing

Chapter 217 The Otaku Saves Ren Tianxing

At a conference, the new employees of the three studios were all impressed by Yiyin.

Today's young people are no less capable than they were back then, and can truly be neither humble nor arrogant.No one is drinking the poisonous chicken soup. If the employees don’t want to take advantage of the situation, the boss must provide some benefits.

It's a pity that most bosses would rather scold each generation than pay for it.Lao Zhou Papi's thinking can no longer keep up with the new Xiaobao in the new era, and it is useless to imitate the crow of a chicken.

But Yiyin is different. He is really willing to spend his money.

The young people in China are simple and simple. If you are willing to pay the bills, they will be willing to work hard.

A simple meeting was held to set the future direction of the three studios, and then give everyone some blood to think about the future.

Finally, in the warm applause, Yiyin, who was praised by many stars, finally found a little bit of the satisfaction of being a boss. No wonder Ma loves giving speeches so much. This feeling of pretentiousness is really addictive.

But before Yiyin could feel satisfied, his eyes suddenly glanced outside the conference room glass, where Wen Xinghan was watching with cold eyes and the faint smile on his lips.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed, and Wen Xinghan entered the conference room against the current.Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, and Li Miaoren, the three responsible persons, saw that Yiyin was not moving, so they also said hello and left.

After everyone was gone, Wen Xinghan said with a smile.

"The speech was good and the emotions were on point."

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Brother Xue, please stop laughing at me. What do you need from me?"

Wen Xinghan said.

“The salary expenditure forecast is ready and I want to show it to you.

Seeing how enthusiastic you were just now, I just hope that you can continue to be enthusiastic after reading this document. "

Yiyin took the document handed over by Wen Xinghan and turned directly to the final forecast number, and his head suddenly felt dizzy.

"This... so much?"

Wen Xinghan nodded.

“This is just a salary budget.

According to the company rules you established earlier, 50.00% of the company's annual net profit will be distributed to employees in the form of year-end dividends. That number will be even more terrifying. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"It's just a salary, is it so terrible?"

Wen Xinghan sighed.

"You, do you have any misunderstandings about entrepreneurship?
When others start a company, they can be stingy a little bit, lest they open a hole, and there will be an extra expense.

what about you?I wish I could give all the company's income to the employees, so that they can take the benefits and bear the responsibilities themselves. Are you scared now?

The company's current fourteen-level salary and position classification is no longer the previous small workshop model where everyone received 5000 yuan.

The per capita salary is [-], and the annual salary is [-], plus various subsidies, social security, taxes, etc., the labor cost is double the salary.

In other words, we need to pay 120 million per employee every year. If the company has 100 employees, the finance department will need to spend 2000 million. "

One hundred and twenty million. As Wen Xinghan confirmed the number on the document, Yiyin's heart twitched.

Yiyin originally thought that it had [-] billion in hand, which was a very generous number, enough for the company to realize its dreams.

But Wen Xinghan used a series of expenditure forecast figures to severely slap Yiyin's self-righteous naive face, making Yiyin understand what cruel reality is.

Starting a business in China is not that simple.

If you want to travel lightly, you must do something impersonal.If you want to be an individual, think about it from the perspective of an employee, and make sure your employment practices comply with labor laws, and your costs will double in minutes.

For a small company with less than ten people, Yiyin still can't feel it.When the number of people in the company reached hundreds and various systems were formalized, Yiyin was suddenly confused.

Wen Xinghan has not yet calculated other expenses with him, such as the decoration of the eighth floor, project bonuses, year-end dividends, overtime expenses, and tax payments.

On salary alone, the company spends 2000 million a year!That’s just a bummer!

Sweat broke out on Yiyin's head, but Wen Xinghan refused to let him go and continued.

“Also, 30 personnel sent by the island country have already arrived, and they will continue to come in the future.

Although they belong to companies in the island country, they are working here after all. Do we need to provide partial job subsidies?
The investment agreement does not include employment costs. I will coordinate with the island country's partners later, but I estimate that for basic living expenses, we must provide some of the basic living expenses, both emotionally and rationally.

Let me make a budget of 3000 million first and then make it 5000 million. It will be easier for you to remember. "

Yiyin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother Xue, my good brother, please stop being sarcastic. My scalp is numb now."

Wen Xinghan sighed.

"I've told you a long time ago, don't be lavish and don't be too kind to your employees. As a boss these days, if you dare to keep your conscience, just wait to lose money.

The environment is like this, the society is like this, there is nothing we can do about it, do you think the bosses outside are all born to be ruthless?That is also the helplessness forced by the social environment.

Don't think that if Fruit Ninja made 1000 to [-] million in two weeks, the company can go smoothly.

Our company's operating costs are actually very high, especially in terms of labor costs, which are far higher than those of ordinary startups.

Although the gross profit margin of video games is very high, what we are doing now is a one-time deal, and players buy out the service after downloading it once.

1000 to [-] million people have already bought the game, and there is no way they will buy it a second time.

For future buyout games, my suggestion is to increase the unit price and try to make as much money as possible, otherwise the company may even lose money.

Ridiculous, right?Although the company is engaged in a business with ultra-high gross profit margins, it faces the pressure of losing money because it strictly enforces labor laws and treats its employees well.

You, the boss, think about it yourself.

It is to continue to maintain the benefits of employees and face the threat of losses.It is better to change course and slightly lower the standards of employee benefits. "

Yiyin immediately shook his head.

"No, I speak with spit and nail, how can I take back what I say? They believe in me and are willing to play games with me, so I have to let them have enough food and clothing.

The company's purpose is to bring happiness to the world. If the employees themselves are not happy, can the games they create make players happy? "

Wen Xinghan smiled.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I've made all the financial forecasts for you. You can take your time and think about what to do. I'll be busy first."

Looking at Wen Xinghan leaving in a carefree manner, and looking at the series of terrifying numbers on the documents in front of him, Yiyin couldn't help but gasp.

He really didn't expect that starting a company would be such a costly business. If you do a little bit of personnel work and treat employees as human beings, the cost will directly skyrocket.

Labor costs are more than twice as much as wages themselves. Where has all this cost redundancy gone?Was it taken away by some invisible person?
Yiyin shook his head, no longer thinking about the easy 404 direction, and calmly thought about what to do next.

Wen Xinghan is right, it is difficult to make big money in buyout games.

The price is set too low and you don’t make much money.If the price is set high, players are likely to turn around and choose the cracked version and still not make any money.

Is there any good way?
Just as Yiyin was deep in thought, the door of the conference room opened again. Xing Yaoyao saw Yiyin sitting there in a daze and asked tentatively.

"Boss, are you free now? I have already agreed with Mo Yu and Xiang Ze that we can talk about the CLANNAD text together?"

Before Yiyin could turn around, he looked blankly at Xing Yaoyao's pretty face, and suddenly remembered what she once said, "The one who wins the house will win the world."

right!Rely on being a stay-at-home girl to support Ren Tianxing!
Yiyin suddenly stood up and stared at Xing Yaoyao with his bright eyes, making Xing Yaoyao suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"Old...Boss, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Yao Yao, I have a difficult task for you. You should immediately organize capable people to start a new game. Well, it's called Battleship Girls, no, Boy."

"Battleship Boy? What kind of game is this? Boss, it's not that I don't want to, but I have a lot of game projects started recently, and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with it, in case I don't do it right..."

Yi Yin shook his head.

"It can't be done well. It's just a simple thing for some paper man husbands to defraud otaku girls out of money."

Xing Yaoyao, who has always called herself a homebody, was stunned and said quietly.

"Boss, I feel offended by you. What did the otaku do to you? You actually wanted to defraud us of our money?"

Yiyin hugged Xing Yaoyao and sighed.

"My dear daughter, it's all up to you this time. Sit down first and I'll talk to you slowly."

Xing Yaoyao blushed when Yiyin called her a "good daughter". She couldn't help but think of how she had shamelessly called daddy. She suddenly lost her temper and was pushed down on the work chair by Yiyin shyly.

Yiyin felt proud.

Moon Sung Han, Moon Sung Han, let me show you the power of an otaku.Buyout games can't support the company's expenses, so I'll make a pumping game.

Yiyin is self-aware. At this time, he will definitely not be able to bring about the original god. If he takes too big a step, it will easily lead to trouble.

But a handsome guy like Battleship Boy, who has a husband on paper, is not difficult at all. He can come up at any time and fool the otaku who has never seen the world.

It's really sweet to make money from a stay-at-home girl.

There is no paper man husband that cannot be dealt with with one order of 648. If it is too African, then another order will be made.

(End of this chapter)

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