Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 218 Making a lot of money by digging into the pockets of otakus

Chapter 218 Making a lot of money by digging into the pockets of otakus
Yiyin briefly introduced Battleship Girl to Xing Yaoyao. .No, Battleship Boy's game content.

Xing Yaoyao frowned more and more as she listened and asked.

"Boss, is this game reliable? It's just a simple side-scrolling 2D patch game with no content.

In the port, it is constantly building and repairing. When going out to fight, it is an automatic round. There is no sense of operation at all. It feels like rubbing the names of warships in history.

Haven't you always taught us that the most important thing about games is fun, but this game. .I don't think it's any fun? "

Yiyin chuckled.

"Whether the game is fun or not depends on where the player's mind is placed.

I admit that the construction and fighting in this game are boring, but these are just the surface. The core of this game is to develop, develop, develop!

Yaoyao, think about it, if we transform the famous warships in history into beautiful young men, and let the players as commanders build and train these ship boys, would it be interesting?
Otakus generally like history and military affairs, and they also like to cultivate handsome men. We combined these two otakus’ interests and expressed them in a game. Are they willing to pay?
Moreover, our game does not have a buyout system and is directly made into a mobile online game. The game is free to play and requires no money. Can it attract a large number of players? "

Xing Yaoyao suddenly said.

"Boss, the game doesn't cost money? Then what do we working people eat?"

Yi Yin smiled slightly.

"Yao Yao, haven't you heard a saying? Free is the most expensive.

There is no money to play the game, but the construction is random. If you want to create the shipboy that the player wants, you must spend a lot of resources in the game and bet on the probability of finding a beautiful woman.

Free players have very few resources. If you want to enrich your dock and get more handsome warships, you must charge money.

Small month card, big month card, 648 cards!Recharge, recharge, recharge, guaranteed to make big money.

The most important thing for Yaoyaoqin is to use your understanding of the circle of otaku girls to design a shipboy who can make them feel itchy and can't help but spend money to build a house.

The character design must be in line with the preferences of the otaku girl, be it a royal brother, a boy, a husband, or a brother-in-law. The textures must also be sophisticated and delicate to reflect the character's personality.

Let the voice actors from the island country have a good voice and a flirty tone, and one sentence can make the otaku girl spend 648 on the ship boy.

Free games are not buy-out games. We don’t want to make a one-time deal. We first make a batch of ship boys and launch them online, then update the version, and then release new ships one after another.

The monthly salary of a stay-at-home girl is just that much, so our hearts should not be too dark, but the water should flow steadily.

A small version is updated every month, so that they can have content for small consumption every month, and a large version is released around the Chinese New Year, so that the otakus who have won the year-end bonus can spend a lot of money.

I believe they will be willing to pay for their favorite paper man husband. "

When Yiyin talked about his proud moments, he almost couldn’t stop talking.

Xing Yaoyao's scalp felt numb after hearing this. Although she still didn't understand what 648 in Yiyin's mouth meant, she already understood the general idea.

The boss pierced the otaku's vitals with a knife. He was trying to use a piece of paper to rob her husband for a long time!
Based on Xing Yaoyao's understanding of the otaku circle, the boss's robbery plan has a high probability of success, because this is how the island country animation works.

Turn popular comics into novels and animations, create fan rankings online, and then sell peripheral products, and otakus will wave their money to pay for their favorite characters.

Xing Yaoyao herself is such a person, she spends a lot of money for her favorite anime characters.

Yiyin's idea is not unusual, but mobile games, an emerging thing, are very new.

If the otaku game studio can create a shipboy that otakus like, even if the game itself is boring, otakus will be willing to spend money in order to get a beloved shipboy husband.

In the chain of contempt for commodity consumption, male consumption is always put first, because men are more likely to make impulsive purchases than women and can easily be picked out by merchants.

The relatively rational female group is not even as powerful as cats and dogs in their spending power, because the male owners of cats and dogs are really willing to spend money on them.

But in this new century, with the rise of Two-dimensional, the group of otakus has received more and more commercial attention.

Because these housewives who don't like to socialize can be very frugal in food, drink and housing, but they are also willing to spend a lot of money on Two-dimensional.

Merchants never care about the difference between men and women. Merchants deliberately try to please men because men's consumption is more impulsive and powerful.

Therefore, groups like nerd girls who have a particularly strong consumption power for certain specific products have long been targeted by merchants.

It's just that there were no video games in this world of heroines before, so Two-dimensional's consumption power is mainly reflected in the animation industry chain.

Shoddy peripheral products can make a lot of money, and well-made figures can make even more money.

Xing Yaoyao secretly admired her boss's vision for making a simple 2D patch player game. The cost was very low, but the money was not lost. It was simply a model of money-grabbing by profiteers.

Seeing Xing Yaoyao's understanding look, Yiyin said seriously.

"Yao Yao, it's not that I look ugly and only think about picking the otaku's pockets. It's actually quite difficult given the company's current situation.

Think about it, what are the company’s current benefits?Isn't it very good?But all this didn't fall from the sky, it was made with money.

I might as well tell you the truth. The Finance Department has calculated that in the next year, 5000 million will be spent on salaries alone.

It is difficult for a company to maintain operations by relying only on excellent buyout games. "

Xing Yaoyao couldn't help being shocked.

"One hundred million... one hundred and fifty million?"

But when she looked back, she realized it was really possible.Her own salary alone was raised to level 5, reaching a monthly salary of [-] yuan.

This is only a temporary situation. As the new game becomes popular, she will definitely get a promotion and a salary increase.

Coupled with the company's subsidies for three meals a day, the four-star standard of the employee dormitories, and so many bonuses and dividends, it is really a waste of money.

Just Xing Yaoyao, because of the popularity of Fruit Ninja, her salary plus bonus, her income next month will reach six figures.

Three months ago, she would never have imagined that she, a part-time painter living at home, could have such a high monthly income.

But the more Xing Yaoyao gets, it also means that the company's expenses will definitely be more.

Looking at Yiyin's handsome and bitter face, Xing Yaoyao gritted her teeth, held his hand, and said solemnly.

"Don't worry dad, I will definitely finish Battleship Boy well and earn more money for the company.

Don’t worry, no one understands otaku better than me. The otaku I designed myself will definitely make a lot of money. "

Seeing her confident face holding her delicate hand, Yi Yin's heart skipped a beat, and he whispered in her ear.

"Do it well and do it later, dad will give you a reward."

Xing Yaoyao's ears suddenly turned red, and she leaned close to Yi Yin's ear and whispered softly.

“Can you put down a deposit first?”

Yiyin smiled at her and moved closer. Their faces were getting closer and closer, each other's breath would hit each other's face, and their lips would touch each other's lips.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the conference room, and Xing Yaoyao bounced back like a compressed spring.

Yiyin laughed dumbfoundedly.

"Come in."

Gong Zijie opened the door timidly, and took a peek at the two of them.

"Boss, Yaoyao, am I disturbing your discussion?"

Yiyin smiled teasingly at Xing Yaoyao, and Xing Yaoyao wanted to find a crack in the ground.

"No, no, my boss and I have finished talking. Do you have anything?"

Gong Zijie joined the company as a level designer, one of the earliest employees, and is now in charge of Angry Birds level production.

She is a graduate of Modu University. She is an alumnus of Xing Yaoyao and Li Hongmei. She is also a former colleague of Li Hongmei and belongs to the Modu University Department of the company.

Gong Zijie has a relatively reserved personality, but because of her strong background, she is not bullied.

Video games themselves are an emerging industry. No one has done anything like level design. Gong Zijie is also a very talented person. She designs good levels and has a good life in the company.

In addition, the HR Director Sun Youling always takes Gong Zijie out to eat, so Gong Zijie has a close relationship with the Beijing Department, and no one will deliberately embarrass her.

Neither of them thought that an honest female employee like Gong Zijie would take the initiative to come to the leader.

Yi Yin said.

"Something came in and said, did you encounter any trouble at work?"

Gong Zijie smiled shyly, closed the door, and sat awkwardly on a chair near the door.

Xing Yaoyao glared at Yiyin, what do you mean having trouble at work?Does this mean I didn't manage the studio well?

Although Gong Zijie is a former colleague of Li Hongmei, she is not a programmer in the Kuangtu Studio. Instead, she does level design in the Zhaiyou Studio, under the leadership of Xing Yaoyao.

Yiyin's words sounded ambiguous, as if Xing Yaoyao was bullying others.

Gong Zijie quickly shook her head and explained.

"No, I... I... want to introduce a friend to work in the company."

Yiyin nodded.

"Well, what's your friend's major?"

Yiyin was not surprised by Gong Zijie's request. Nintendo Game Company has not yet recruited any external recruiters, and they were all introduced by acquaintances.

Whether it is the Jinghua Department in the logistics department, the Jiaofu Department in the operations department, or the MoDa Department and the Shumei Department in the studio, they all actually have their own small circles.

It's not that Yiyin likes to make introductions from acquaintances, it's just that today's society is too complicated, the company has just started, and the company has recruited old people, which is difficult to deal with.

Because the company strictly abides by labor laws, it is easy for people to take advantage of loopholes and make a mess, which is very tiring.

Moreover, companies that have just started have no time to deal with schools and cannot recruit students.

As a result, the rapidly expanding company has become a small mountain of small hills introduced by mature people.

Gong Zijie can be considered one of the first batch of old people. She wanted to introduce people to the company, but Yiyin didn't find it rude and smiled.

"As an accountant, do you want to join the finance department? Are Wen Xinghan still recruiting people? Let me ask for you?"

Gong Zijie was a little embarrassed and shook her head repeatedly.

"No, I'm not here to be an accountant."

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Not an accountant?"

The more anxious Gong Zijie became, the redder her face turned, and she couldn't even form a complete sentence.

Xing Yaoyao picked up the unopened bottle of mineral water on the conference table, unscrewed a bottle and handed it to Gong Zijie.

"Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. The boss is not a man-eating tiger. Whatever is bothering you, just say whatever you have to say."

After taking a sip of water, Gong Zijie took a breath and said.

"My friend, she graduated from a technical secondary school with a major in accounting. It's not convenient for her to join the finance department of our company."

Yiyin nodded, that's why.

The finance department that Wen Xinghan is in charge of is all fresh graduates from Jinghua University. Because the white swan suppressed Ren Tianxing a while ago, the young girls were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to help the poor brother Yiyin.

It is indeed a bit too cruel to insert an accountant who graduated from a technical secondary school into the group of talented women.Even if Wen Xinghan agrees, the visitor may not be able to endure that environment.

Yiyin thought for a while and asked.

"What's that person's name, and what kind of job is she good at?"

Gong Zijie looked troubled.

"Her name is Yang Chaoyue, she is from my hometown. She is not very smart, so she just graduated from a technical secondary school.

But he is a very sensible person. Over the years, he has been serving dishes in Modu, working part-time, and working two jobs a day. He is very, very hard-working and frugal. "

Xing Yaoyao glanced at the embarrassed Yiyin and said proactively.

"Zijie, we are old friends. Don't blame me for saying some things that are harsh.

Even if she and you are both fellows who have worked together in Suzhou, Yanshi, and Motor City, you can't put unsuitable people into the company, right?
I heard what you said, even though she has a diploma and has never engaged in formal accounting work. She has only been a waiter for a few years. Our company is really not suitable for her. "

Gong Zijie lowered her head and begged.

"I really can't help it. I can't watch her life end..."

Yi Yin frowned.

"What's up with her?"

Gong Zijie smiled bitterly.

"She is really not very smart. She obviously has no ability, but she dares to buy a house.

Her monthly salary in Modu was 15 to 10,000 yuan, and she saved [-] yuan through frugality over the years. She borrowed another [-] yuan to save enough for the down payment.

The commercial housing in my hometown costs 100 million, and the off-plan housing is cheap, with a 20% discount.She thought that if she worked hard in Modu and had a home of her own in [-] years, her life would be worth it.

Who would have known that the economy had been bad in the past two years, she was unemployed and couldn't find a job, she couldn't pay off the off-plan property, and house prices continued to fall.

In this situation, the monthly loan must be repaid, which almost drove her crazy. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Then has she ever thought about stopping the loss in time and simply terminating the contract? Even if she doesn't want the money she paid before and the house, it's better than just resisting like this.

Since you can't get a house and you've got a lot of loans, why bother? "

Gong Zijie sighed.

“It would be great if this could be the case. Although I owe 10,000+ for the down payment from my friends, at least I don’t have a mortgage for 20 years. I can pay it off slowly and one day I can start over again.

But since the house was guaranteed to be handed over, the court no longer accepted lawsuits to terminate the real estate contract, and she couldn't stop it even if she wanted to.

The off-plan house never thought about actually building it, so they hired a few old men to hang around the construction site. The real estate boss pretended to be building a house, but in fact there was no progress at all.

This is just stalling for time. It may not even be completed after 70 years.

But the loan from the bank must be repaid, no less every month. If you don't pay, you will be on the list of dishonest people, and your life will be ruined.

Yang Chaoyue's family has been honest farmers for generations, and they can't do anything bad like not paying back their debts. Now she looks like she has no love in her life all day long. I really can't stand her miserable state.

Speaking of which, she is also a hard-working girl. Because she cannot study, she can only work hard and save money little by little.

But this money is gone, and I still owe a lot of debt. I don’t know what to do in this life.

She urgently needs a job now. The lowest level in the company is 5000 yuan. As long as she can pay the mortgage, she can have a glimmer of hope. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Is a job worth 5000 yuan enough? Is there hope for her?
If you buy an off-plan house for 100 million, you can get 90 at a 30% discount, with a down payment of 60 and a mortgage of [-].

Even if the interest rate is only 5.00%, that means she needs to repay 4000 yuan a month for 20 years. Now she can't even hope to get her house back.

With a salary of 5000 yuan and a mortgage of 4000 yuan, what can she eat and drink?This is 20 years, not 20 days. "

Gong Zijie sighed.

"No matter what, as long as there is income, there is hope. Once people lose hope, it is easy to become overwhelmed.

Boss, she came to Modu with me. She used to have bright eyes, but now she talks to the wall in confusion all day long. I'm really afraid that one day she will lose her mind. .Give up on yourself. .

I beg you, boss, can you help her?I can actually take a pay cut, or give her part of my salary. "

Yiyin sighed with sadness in his heart.

“You are you and she is she.

As a person, you have always been about helping emergencies rather than helping the poor. How can you still share her lifetime money?If you don’t marry a husband or have children in the future, will your life be miserable?
Let her do it. Video games are a new industry anyway, and everyone doesn’t know what to do well. What if she is a genius in the game industry.

Xing Yaoyao, let her help in your studio. Starting from the lowest level, you can guide her, make achievements, and get more bonuses. "

Xing Yaoyao shrugged.

"I have no problem, but boss, the economy is not good now, and there are such poor people everywhere. You can't sympathize with them."

Yi Yin shook his head.

"Out of sight is out of mind, but now that you've seen it, you can't just watch others die in desperation, right?"

Xing Yaoyao nodded.

"I understand, Zijie, you ask her to come for the interview as soon as possible, and I will take care of the human resources department.

Oh, by the way, you have a good relationship with Sun Youling, so you can deal with her yourself.

Let that call. .Call. . "

"Sheep Chaoyue."

"Well, Yang Chaoyue doesn't need to worry too much. She lives in the company's dormitory and has four meals a day, so she won't be hungry.

Let her take her salary to pay for the mortgage first, and then our studio will make money from making games. I guarantee that with her share, life will get better and better. "

Yiyin looked at Xing Yaoyao comforting Gong Zijie, shook her head and said nothing.

The economic environment is not good, there is nothing we can do about it, and he doesn't want to say anything more.

As long as the company continues to do well, first ensure that the hundreds of people in his company can have a meal, and he can't care about the outside world.

As for the silly Yang Chaoyue, whether she can survive or not depends on her own destiny.

After all, it is a 20-year mortgage, and there are still many days to come. Yiyin, a Nintendo game company, does not know if it can live to 20 years later.

(End of this chapter)

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