Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 219 The passionate ice beauty

Chapter 219 The passionate ice beauty
It was night, Yiyin was cooking in the apartment where Gu Yue lived. He carefully skimmed off the fishy water oozing from the steamed fish, and sprinkled the fish sauce on the steamed fish.

At this moment, Gu Yue suddenly hugged him from behind, put her head on his neck and sniffed.

"It smells good."

"Do you mean me, or the fish?"

"It's all fragrant."

Yiyin felt a little itchy when Gu Yue's breath hit her neck. She couldn't help but shake her head and said.

"I'm going to pour oil, you go away, be careful not to burn it."

Gu Yue smiled and hugged her tighter, saying childishly.

"If you don't go, I won't go."

Yiyin looked at her helplessly, she was still a boss. .The ice-cold professional beauty had long since disappeared without a trace, leaving only this shameless lover.

"You're really... you just tormented me for a long time when you came in, and now you're making trouble with me while you're cooking. Am I the one you owed trouble to in your previous life?"

Gu Yue watched as Yiyin carefully scalded the hot oil on the fish, and the high-temperature oil steamed on the freshly spread scallion and ginger, making a prickling sound, and the smell of fish mixed with scallion and ginger was even stronger.

Shaking away Gu Yue's little hand that sneaked under her waist, Yiyin placed the prepared steamed fish on the table.

There was only a plate of green vegetables and a steamed fish on the table, so simple, just because Yiyin was pulled into bed by Gu Yue as soon as he arrived, wasting too much time, had no time to cook, and even the meal was not ready.

Looking at the rice cooker, Yiyin said.

"The meal is ready in five minutes, you can eat the fish first.

River seafood in summer is very expensive. The seller in the vegetable market said that the purchase price of this mandarin fish is 70 yuan, so eat it and cherish it.

Next time I will be reluctant to buy such an expensive fish, so I will get a cheaper sea bass and send you away. "

Gu Yue was really hungry now because she had consumed too much energy and water. She picked up a piece of fish and put it into her mouth.

"It's delicious! Make it for me next time! You're such a stingy guy, you're such a big boss, he wouldn't even want to treat me to a mandarin fish."

Sitting opposite Gu Yue, Yiyin also took a bite of fish and nodded.

"Lee King Kee's fish sauce is good, the saltiness is just right.

What kind of big boss am I? The money is invested by others, and the employees are raised by me. Wen Xinghan and I did a little calculation today, and I was so scared that my hands trembled.

There are more than 100 people in the company, and the salary alone is 5000 million yuan a year, not counting other expenses, which is simply scary. "

Gu Yue said disapprovingly.

"Isn't your new Fruit Ninja very profitable? I'm very optimistic about you. What are you afraid of?
I've done the math for you, and with your company's current revenue, it's no problem to earn [-] million a year.

The most valuable thing is that you act in accordance with the labor law, whether it is taxes or social security, you pay the full amount honestly, and you can increase a lot of business share for the Modu branch of Hehe Group in a year.

As long as you pay your taxes well and contribute to society with your heart, Hehe Group will see it.

You can apply for your company's financing channels and tax exemptions, and I guarantee you won't leave empty-handed. "

Yi Yin shook his head.

"I don't want to apply. Tax payment and employee social security are my social obligations.

Besides, if I get too many discounts from Hehe Group, what will others think of you?Those people from the Park Owners Committee have been trying to please me recently, offering to reduce or reduce my rent, which really annoys me.

I will make the money myself. I just hope that the relationship between us can be more pure. "

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yiyin with a gentler look, but said teasingly.

"Oh? So what kind of pure relationship do we have? Come on, let me be pure again."

Yiyin pushed Gu Yue away, who was leaning towards him to kiss him, and stood up.

"The meal is ready, I'll serve it for you."

Gu Yue looked at Yiyin's tall back and couldn't help but say.

"Actually, can you think about it and learn to rely on me? You are always so independent, and I, as a lover, feel very insecure.

The electronic game industry still has certain development prospects. It is light-asset and high-margin, and it deserves the attention and support of the Modu Branch to increase new business shares.

Even if I leave, the senior management of the branch who will take over my responsibility for economic affairs will still do the same thing. It's not like you think, I don't show any favoritism. "

Yi Yin shook his head.

“I have confidence in the company’s affairs, so you don’t have to worry about me.

It's just that the economy is in decline, and there are too many poor people.

Today I just hired a girl, bought a house off plan, and took on a huge mortgage.The house was not secured, the monthly loan was required, and he was unemployed, so he was almost desperate. "

After taking the rice bowl handed over by Yiyin, Gu Yue put it on the table with a solemn expression.

Yiyin apologized.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you this..."

Gu Yue shook her head and said.

“It’s not your fault, it’s our fault that we didn’t do our job well.

When the economy is developing rapidly, many problems are covered up. When the economy declines, the contradictions cannot be covered up.

This is a problem that Hehe Group must face. It must balance development and fairness, and honest people cannot always suffer. Only in this way can a truly harmonious society be achieved. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"I didn't think much about it. I just looked at that girl and felt sorry for her, so I gave her a job and did what I could to help her."

Gu Yue forced a smile, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and chewed slowly.

The real situation was actually more sinister than Yiyin imagined, but Gu Yue didn't want to talk to Yiyin about the internal affairs of the Harmony Group.

When there is rapid development, some people eat meat, some drink soup, and the people below follow suit and lick their plates. Everyone benefits to some extent.

However, the economy slowed down and the increment gradually decreased. After entering the stock game, many problems arose.People who eat meat and drink soup also start licking their plates, so how do people who originally licked their plates survive?
If you buy a house worth 100 million, you can get a loan to buy the house, and the interest on the mortgage can be doubled, that is, you can buy a house worth 200 million with 100 million.

If the price of a house is expected to rise to 300 million or even 400 million, people with mortgage loans can naturally repay the loan with peace of mind.

But the problem is that if house prices cannot rise, without expectations for the future, the house will gradually be stripped of its investment value and return to its original residential value.

The buyer who was full of optimistic expectations for the future and signed decisively signed a contract that was not beneficial to him without much thought. Anyway, many problems will be alleviated in the development.

But now, those contracts that are not conducive to buyers have become a slowly tightening noose around the necks of buyers at this time of economic slowdown.

If the house is not available, the mortgage loan cannot be reduced. Not to mention the increased investment value, even the guaranteed living value is gone.

Gu Yue secretly sighed, the key to solving the problem is still. .

Ms. Jiang, the general manager of the Modu branch, will soon go to the Imperial City headquarters to take on greater responsibilities. The current deputy general manager of the Modu branch, Ms. Zhu, will be promoted to take charge.

Ms. Zhu raised many sharp questions about the current Hehe Group and came up with her own solutions, which were the distribution changes of the head office and branches.

If Ms. Jiang continues to make progress, she is expected to take over as the next group president. Ms. Zhu is likely to enter the headquarters during the next promotion and become Ms. Jiang's deputy, responsible for the daily affairs of the company.

With Ms. Zhu’s tough temper, she will not choose to give in to the vested interests in the rapid development, and will inevitably propose radical change plans.

With the economic downturn, the game within the Harmony Group has intensified, but all of this has nothing to do with Gu Yue for the time being.

Gu Yue looked at Yiyin who was eating and couldn't help but smile fondly.

Because she was so angry that she had to go to the plateau branch to work for at least five or ten years.Therefore, Gu Yue cannot get involved in the game at the top of Hehe Group.

What she has to do now is to smooth out the edges and corners, and keep her head down to accumulate.She is still young and has a promising future.

Yiyin looked up at Gu Yue and said.

“Have a good meal and look at what I’m doing, and I’m still smiling so charmingly.

I'm telling you, I'll leave as soon as I finish eating, so don't think about any other messy things.I can't stay too long today. Youyou is still waiting for me at home. I always feel uneasy when the secretary looks at her.

Xu Xing has been very busy recently and has no time to help me take care of the children. And as a father, I can't always trouble others with my children.

You give me a good meal and don’t think about those things that you have and don’t have! "

Yiyin also had a headache and waist pain.

Ever since Gu Yue died of her pursuer and the two of them became lovers by tacit understanding, this ice beauty has completely changed.

Every time we meet, we are full of enthusiasm, as if we want to bring back the six years that have passed. We want to meet each other during the day, at night, and when we meet.

Outside, the top management of Hehe is serious, but in front of Yiyin, he is shameless and shameless.

At this moment, Gu Yue looked at Yi Yin, thinking about her own thoughts, but was misunderstood by Yi Yin.It's not surprising that Yiyin will misunderstand, she knows what she is doing these days, she knows in her heart.

Gu Yue smiled, took two mouthfuls of rice to hide her embarrassment, and then asked.

"Will you come over this weekend?"

Yi Yin shook his head.

"I have something to do this weekend."

Gu Yue raised her eyebrows, she seemed a little displeased, as if she was saying, what could be more important than me?My mother will go to the plateau to see yaks in a few months!At first glance, it is five years or ten years!
Yiyin smiled wryly.

"I'm going to take Yoyo to the disco park. I haven't spent much time with her this summer vacation. The kindergarten is about to open. I want to go out and play with my child."

Gu Yue's face turned red and she felt ashamed.

I was so greedy and bad, I was thinking about occupying Yiyin's time all day long, but I forgot that he was still the father of a child, a hard-working widow with a child alone.

Thinking of this, Gu Yue couldn't help lowering her head, reflecting on Meng Lang's behavior these days, and wondering if she should meet with Youyou to coax the child and build up her goodwill.

(End of this chapter)

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