Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 220 The King of Blades 3d fanfic

Chapter 220 The King of Blades 3d fanfic
After dinner, Yiyin and Gu Yue bid farewell. Seeing Yiyin's figure disappear into the closed elevator, Gu Yue couldn't help sighing.

Although Yiyin is not a public figure, he has been a frequent subject of hot searches recently because of the lawsuits and troubles of the White Swan Group. He was even ridiculed as Teacher Yi on the Internet because of a video of a malicious head change.

Gu Yue didn't mind Yiyin's mental illness or the rumors on the Internet, but she still tried her best to avoid appearing in public with Yiyin.

Although Gu Yue proved her innocence about the affair report that caused trouble within the Hehe Group, she had to leave the Plateau branch because she was angry with Lan Yan.

At this time, if Yiyin and Gu Yue were walking hand in hand in the commercial street and were accidentally photographed and posted online, it would cause a new public controversy.

In this Internet age, when netizens really want to dig deeper, there is no gossip that cannot be uncovered.

Now that Gu Yue has given up on marrying Yi Yin, An Xin plays the role of her lover, but it is best for the two of them not to appear in the public eye.

Remembering that she had to be careful not to get into trouble even when sending Yiyin home, and did not dare to go downstairs, Gu Yue suddenly felt a little uninterested. It was really frustrating for a woman like herself, and it was so un-girly.

Yiyin didn't think much about it, he only felt back pain in the elevator.

Among the women he was close to, Xi Feifei did not mention that she had mental illness. While she was feeling uncomfortable, she was dragging Yiyin, Sun Youling, and Xi Lanlan with her. .

In daily life, Li Hongmei and Gu Yue are the most serious, but in private spaces, these two are the most wild. Li Hongmei likes to pull Xing Yaoyao, and Gu Yue keeps asking for her as soon as the door is closed.

Yiyin is really convinced. Is it true that everyone has two faces in his heart?The more serious a person is on the outside, the more serious he is on the inside. .

Shaking his head, Yiyin stopped thinking about it.

Go back early. I don't know if Xu Xing has returned home. Recently, I always ask Tachibana to take care of Youyou. As a father, I am busy stealing love and beauty outside. I am really a rotten person.


The next day, Yiyin office.

Yiyin looked at Li Miaoren and Xi Feifei who were at the desk, and clapped the original painting in his hands, his expression a bit tangled.

"Why does this Blade King look exactly like me?"

The original painting in Yiyin's hands is the StarCraft project that Baobai Studio is in charge of.

Although StarCraft is a real-time war game, its background story is also very colorful. The origins, contacts, and wars of the Zerg, Protoss, and Terran races are enough to write a book.

Yiyin wrote down everything he knew, and then handed it over to Xu Zilan, a hard science fiction writer and known as an electrician, to adapt it.

Xu Zilan has been writing about the Battle of the Father's Nest one after another, and has been communicating with Yiyin Mobile Fetion to improve the text.

And Li Miaoren's Baobai Studio is also building a real-time war game in the Uprising Bank from scratch.

StarCraft was released in the late 90s in the male-dominated world, but now the female-dominated world has surpassed the release time of StarCraft by at least 20 years.

Although there are no electronic games in the world of the Queen, and it lacks mature game engines and game concepts, the technological level of IT development is definitely much higher than that of the StarCraft era.

Many troubles such as image production, human-computer interaction, etc. that originally required energy-consuming, the problems no longer exist.

For example, the initial employees of Li Miaoren's Baobai Studio were all graduates of the 3D major from Shu Academy of Fine Arts who followed Li Miaoren.

With the help of powerful painting software and AI assistance, they quickly achieved the game effects required by Yiyin, and the pseudo-3D patch technology was almost readily available.

Today, Li Miaoren and Xi Feifei came together hand in hand, and brought a set of original drawings of characters that made Yiyin frown.

Yiyin was confused, not because Baobai Studio's drawing was not good, but because the handsome 3D human male warrior in the original painting looked exactly like him, just like a 3D fan zone.

In StarCraft in the world of men, Kerrigan, an elite female warrior of the human race, almost runs through the entire plot and is the core figure of StarCraft.

She went from being an elite warrior using psionic energy to becoming the Queen of Blades of the Zerg tribe. She is cunning, brave and resolute, and full of special feminine charm.

After the reset of StarCraft in the female-dominated world, the plot of this game has changed a lot. The human characters mainly have the appearance of the celestial dynasty, and their genders have also been swapped.

The Queen of Blades turned into the King of Blades, and Yiyin could bear it. But seeing the face of the King of Blades, an oriental male face that was exactly the same as his own, Yiyin couldn't hold back her emotions.

Every male interstellar player has dreamed of conquering Kerrigan, but no male player wants to become Kerrigan herself, right?
Faced with Yiyin's question, Li Miaoren glanced at Xi Feifei beside him and said.

"This is the recommendation of the Operations Department."

Xi Feifei said with a smile.

"How is it? Are you surprised?"

Yi Yin said angrily.

"Then please explain to me what a surprise is."

Xi Feifei shrugged and said.

"I heard rumors that the company's benefits are too high, and the hard expenditure of a year's salary is as high as 5000 million. Are you under a lot of pressure?"

Yi Yin frowned.

"Who is talking nonsense behind the scenes? Are the people in the finance department so lax?"

Xi Feifei sighed.

"I heard about this from the Zhaiyu Studio."

Yiyin's face froze, remembering what he said casually to complain to Xing Yaoyao in order to let her become a battleship boy. .This Xing Yaoyao will never be able to keep her mouth shut!

With a sigh, Yiyin changed the subject in embarrassment.

"Even if the company's finances are under pressure, what does it have to do with you using my image to become the King of Blades?"

Xi Feifei said solemnly.

"Of course it does matter, boss, do you know how expensive traffic is in today's Internet age?
As far as I know, on the two largest Chinese online shopping platforms, Tiangu and Jingxi, each time you acquire a valid customer, you even need to pay hundreds of yuan in traffic investment.

In addition, hot search lists, search engines, entertainment headlines, if you want to be among the best, which one is not burning money?
If you want to reap the Internet dividends and refuse to contact the operation department of a large platform and invest a large amount of advertising funds, Jubo will dare to directly ban your official account and tell you not to say a word. "

Yiyin touched his head and knocked on the original picture on the table. The picture of himself on it looked gloomy, and seemed to have a cold temperament that was different from his own.

"Advertising fees are very expensive, but what does this have to do with you using my image to become the King of Blades?"

Xi Feifei sighed.

"Mr. Yi, my teacher Yi, after I've said so much, do you still have any misunderstandings about the huge traffic you carry?
Ever since we had a dispute with the White Swan Group, explosive news has been leaking out one after another.

Your fever is so intense that at its peak, seven or eight of the top ten hot searches belong to our company.And you yourself have not fallen out of the top three throughout July.

Even an impossible-to-win copyright lawsuit between Mo Ziming and White Swan's legal team can be trending. Do you know how popular you are?

Besides those head-changing videos, countless people on the Internet shouted Teacher Yi, I owe you a tissue.

Also, those two songs of yours, Old Boy, later set the music variety show of iPuppet ablaze.

Have you watched the latest third episode of The Singer's Summer? Later, this clip has made you the number one hot search again, and countless people begged for the full version.

Boss, you are the traffic, you are the walking hot search. My operations department went out to contact the major platforms. They put our Fruit Ninja on the headlines without making any requests.

Do you think they are helping us?no!They are doing themselves a favor!They are stealing your traffic!
As long as the boss is willing to go to sea. .No, just look down and give more publicity to our game.Our operations department can save the company a lot of money in terms of communication channels and promotion.

Do you know how much the publicity expenses of Internet companies cost now?I can tell you that without your traffic black hole, we would have spent at least [-] million more in advertising every year! "

Yiyin was taken aback.

"One hundred million...isn't it too exaggerated?"

Xi Feifei sneered.

"Do you think those big platforms are all good men and women? Which of them doesn't eat people?

Generally, small companies will give you three packages to choose from. The cheapest one costs hundreds of thousands. If you don't want to buy it, they will just seal it off. Next time you come to beg for mercy, they will add [-]% of your advertising fee. "

Yiyin touched his head.

"Is it so dark?"

Xi Feifei sighed.

"What do you think? The Internet is no longer a blue ocean, it has long become a red ocean.

The stock game is the cruelest. If you eat less and I eat more, who will be polite?Who dares to be softhearted?
Therefore, boss, you, a treasure man with your own traffic, are the biggest bargaining chip between our company and the online platform.

I have already thought about it. The King of Blades will be made in your image. When I go back to promote it, I will trouble you to put on cosplay costumes and go to the platform to promote it.

Also, Old Boy has been contacted by many music companies and music studios for later songs, hoping to cover them.

I have refused for the time being. Our company will find a music room to do the job, and let you, the boss, sing it yourself, seize this wave of traffic and expand your influence. "

When Yiyin heard that he was asked to wear a cosplay costume to play the role of the King of Blades, half of Yiyin's face collapsed. When it came to the two songs, Yiyin couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Xi Feifei directly.

"No, I didn't write those two songs. I can't plagiarize them!"

Xi Feifei hummed twice.

"I don't care where you heard it from, anyway, I asked professionals to search through the music databases of the island country and China, but I didn't find any traces of these two songs.

Boss, the original singing and adaptation you mentioned are all nonsense, right?Is it a love song written privately for you by a little girl you fell in love with at school?

Be honest! "

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

"No way, don't talk nonsense, hey, it's really not like that."

Xi Feifei spread her hands and said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. I have registered the digital online copyright of those two songs, so they are now your songs.

After that, I will find musicians, produce a music studio version of your song, and then officially release it to the outside world. I don’t care how much money you make, but you must keep your popularity online. "

Yiyin listened to Xi Feifei's intention and wanted to officially sing these two songs by herself, and said with a grimace.

"A tone-deaf person like me doesn't even dare to sing in KTV. You want me to release a single?"

Xi Feifei smiled.

"Why not? As long as you have money, it's easy to rent a music studio and make it for two days, then publish it online.

You don't have to underestimate yourself, this year is not the fight between gods and gods 20 years ago, now cats and dogs dare to call themselves a new generation of leading singers, and a library of Chinese songs, you are not bad.

Besides, look at Sister Cheng Feng, an older generation kung fu superstar. Although her singing is not very good, her voice recognition is very high. She can sing Drunken Master and Beautiful Myth very well.

You have a great sound and your single will definitely be a hit, trust me, you'll be fine. "

Ignoring Xi Feifei's eloquence, Yiyin shook his head, glanced at Li Miaoren's expectant expression, and couldn't help complaining.

"Xi Feifei has been crazy and ungrateful all day long. Are you, Li Miaoren, going crazy like her?"

Li Miaoren blushed.

"I also want to hear the full version later..."

Yiyin choked and sighed.

"I can't stand you, so just because of this song, you teamed up to deceive me?"

Xi Feifei and Li Miaoren looked at each other and said in unison
"Yes! Just for this song! It's worth it!"

(End of this chapter)

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