Chapter 221

Yiyin was speechless.

The two people walked around in circles for a long time, just wanting to hear the full version later.

Whatever you want, as long as it saves the company money, you can use the popular traffic if you can. In the Internet age, who knows how long you can remain popular.

Helpless Yiyin patted the original picture on the table and complained.

“Okay, let’s not talk about singing for now.

But isn’t this character image too exaggerated?Am I dazzled? Why does this Blade King have eight-pack abs?How can there be such a man in this world? "

What Yiyin said makes sense.

The biggest reason why the female-dominated world is dominated by women is that the men in this world are physically inferior to women, not to mention the fact that they cannot last for 30 seconds, but their muscles are far inferior.

Perhaps because male hormones are different from those in the male-dominated world, it is difficult for men in the female-dominated world to build muscles, just like women in the patriarchal world.

It is difficult for men to grow muscle mass without taking medicine, let alone developed eight-pack abs.

Thinness and obesity are common phenomena. Not to mention eight-pack abs, there are only six-pack abs like Yiyin's.

It's not that Yiyin deliberately practiced, but with the repeated friction and quantum entanglement between the male quantum in his body and the female quantum in the outside world, he became more and more like the top male physique in the male world.

It's the kind of talent that makes you tall and strong even if you eat instant noodles.

Yiyin can now eat some protein and do a little exercise, and he can grow muscles and show his abdominal muscles. He has a strong metabolism, a perfect body fat ratio, and a two-hour perpetual motion function like an animal.

Yiyin is a special product of the quantum entanglement of two worlds. It does not mean that other men in the female world can do the same.

But even though Yiyin has six-pack abs, the 3D version of the Blade Man who looks very similar to him in the original picture has arrogant eight-pack abs. How can eight-pack abs be so easily highlighted!

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"This is my suggestion. Let the King of Blades wear a navel-baring outfit and show off his eight-pack abs. This will be more attractive to female players.

Yes, we are just playing around with it.

What's wrong with exaggerating? This is the game world of StarCraft. Don't look at it from a realistic perspective.

Women love to hear and see, so what do you care about based on reality?The reality is that we want to make money! "

Li Miaoren said on the side.

"Actually, in reality, some men may be so talented that they can have eight-pack abs even if they practice."

Li Miaoren secretly glanced at Yiyin, blushing.

Xi Feifei followed and nodded.

"Yeah, maybe it can last another two hours. Who said men can only have less than 30 seconds?"

Li Miaoren agreed.

"Yes, there must be such a man."

The two women became more and more excited as they talked. Suddenly they were stunned and looked at each other suspiciously.

Yiyin was sweating a little and interrupted.

"Okay, okay, I thank you for clearing the man's name, but please pay attention to the occasion!
I, a man, are still here. Is it appropriate for you to talk about these forbidden topics for a few seconds? "

When Yiyin changed the topic, Li Miaoren blushed and apologized first. Xi Feifei didn't think much and let Yiyin get away with it.

Yiyin secretly wiped his sweat and said.

“That’s it for now.

StarCraft is a project that Baobai Studio is responsible for. The Operations Department makes some suggestions for the product, and the studio is willing to accept it. Then I will not get involved. I will wait for your finished product.

Now that the main storyline of StarCraft has been determined, you are also planning to use the King of Blades as the main promotional character.

Why not just make some CG animation and make a promotional video of the Blade King's journey from human to insect king.

Li Miaoren, this is what you are best at, right? "

Li Miaoren's spirit lifted.

"Don't worry, boss, I will never let you down!"

Although she had to sell Baobai Studio to Nintendo Game Company due to financial problems, her love for 3D rendering and CG movies has not been eradicated.

If you can realize your CG dream through the promotional animation in the game, then it will be a great job and interest.

Yiyin didn't know that his unintentional words inspired Baobai Studio's weird hobby, and since then he has been running wildly on the road of making CG with his heart and making games with his feet.

He took one last look at the cold-tempered version of himself in the original painting, sighed, closed the folder, and put it aside.

"Okay, let's talk about it today."

Li Miaoren packed up the documents obediently, said goodbye and left.Xi Feifei stared at Yiyin until he felt guilty.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I always feel that something is wrong between you and Li Miaoren."

"That's nonsense. Is that the only thing on your mind?"

"Hey, I haven't said anything yet, how do you know that I want to do that?"


Yiyin, who was speechless for a moment, stood up and said.

"I'm going out to get some air."

"Oh, you're angry. I was kidding."

The two walked out, passed Tachibana Kanade's secretary room, opened the corridor door, and saw Bribri poking her head outside the door, and happened to meet the eyes of Yoshigage who opened the door.

Bribri's body shook, and she bowed helplessly.

"Hi boss!"

Yiyin nodded and asked softly.

"Anything for me?"

Bribri shook her head quickly.

"It's okay, I'm just passing by. I'll leave first. Bye bye boss."

Bribri walked away in a panic, and Xi Feifei poked her head out behind Yiyin.

"There's something wrong with this guy. Is there something wrong?"

"Said he was passing by."

"How is it possible? Your office is at the end of the corridor. Wherever I go, I have to pass by you?"

Yiyin shook his head, not sure.

Although many women in the company had intimate relationships with him, Bribri did not.

This rock girl of borderland origin, who grew up in the Northeast and studied erhu at the Modu Conservatory of Music in order to save tuition, is full of buffs.

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"Boss, do you think she is interested in you? The borderland descendants have the best-looking collection of handsome men and beauties in the country, but you are not tempted at all?"

Yi Yin said angrily.

"How come when you see short sleeves, you immediately think of white arms and sleeves, which is vulgar."

Xi Feifei walked out from Yiyin who was blocking the door.

Wearing single clothes in the summer, the two of them were skin-to-skin. Xi Feifei's fair and silky skin touched Yiyin's heart.

Xi Feifei smiled and blew a kiss to Yiyin and said.

“Yeah, I’m just vulgar.

Who makes you the perfect boy in my heart?I take it for granted that every woman should be madly in love with you.

No kidding, I'm going to go back to work first. It's Friday today. I'll drive to pick you up and take Youyou to Disneyland tomorrow morning. Don't forget it. "

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Going in the morning? Didn't you say you'd stay overnight? Do you need to hurry up?"

Xi Feifei sighed.

"That's the Disneyland. It opens at nine in the morning. Do you know how many parents take their children to play there during the summer vacation?
The exclusive card only allows you to skip the queues and have fast lanes for eight popular items. If you want to play other items, you have to queue up. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to play them for two days, so of course I had to go there early.

Oh, and don’t forget to bring sunscreen. "

Xi Feifei waved her hands and walked away, leaving behind a burst of girlish fragrance.

Yiyin sniffed and secretly said, "Little witch, little goblin, go back to your office to do some work."

(End of this chapter)

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