Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 222 Moon Sung Han’s ex-girlfriend

Chapter 222 Moon Sung Han’s ex-girlfriend

Downstairs at Nintendo Game Company, Dai Ning glanced at the dilapidated environment around him and couldn't help but frown.

She is the new general manager of Swan Games. To put it simply, she is the person who was thrown by the group to Swan Games to wipe Mr. Wei's ass.

Dai Ning has always looked down on these old people in the White Swan Group. When White Swan started, it was just a leather goods company. If they met a dog on the road, they would want to take it back to the company to guard the company.

They recruit everyone into the company, and they also trick employees into advancing capital to buy shares. At first glance, it looks like a scam company.

But who would have thought that with the help of the two powerful east winds of the Internet and mobile Internet, White Swan Group has made rapid progress in the past 20 years and turned out to be the strongest Internet leader in the country.

The first batch of employees back then also rose with the tide, claiming to be meritorious ministers and controlling a lot of power within the group.

These people follow the chickens and dogs to heaven, but they have no self-awareness. They always think that they are carrying the White Swan Group to the top.

They are not very capable, but they are good at internal fighting. They often engage in elimination systems at the end, and they like to use new terms such as empowerment for young people.

Dai Ning, on the other hand, came from the prestigious Jinghua University and was a new generation of young elites. His relationship with these meritorious veterans was not good.

The moon waxes and wanes. As the saying goes, there are no white swans in the era, only the white swans of the era.

In the past 20 years of Internet development, the blue ocean has become a red ocean. The current White Swan Group can no longer sing new stories and draw new pies, and its stock price has been declining.

But at this time, Mr. Wei mobilized his connections to become the general manager of Swan Games, hoping to help her go further with the help of the emerging industry of video games.

But she was eager for quick success and made bad moves against Nintendo Game Company, without even looking at the person behind her opponent.

In the end, the president of the Spo Consortium was attacked, and the news did not even dare to broadcast the scandal.

The White Swan Group has internal and external troubles, and many departments of the Harmony Group have entered the White Swan Group for review. Niu Shuang, the boss, also had to go to Daoguo to teach and voluntarily avoid it.

Before Niu Shuang left Tianchao, he specially met with Dai Ning and told her to maintain a good relationship with Nintendo after taking over Swan Games.

Dai Ning also thought about it. Nintendo Game Company is the leader in the emerging electronic game industry. Naturally, Swan Games wants to see Nintendo's trump card clearly so that it can overtake in corners.

However, after Dai Ning collected information, the more he knew about Ren Tianxing's system, the less he could understand what the company's boss was doing.

There is no 996, only 955. No one answers the work phone during off-duty hours, weekends, and work calls. Coupled with generous employee benefits, accommodation, bonuses, and dividends, it is simply baffling.

Work in compliance with labor laws, like the Harmony Group.The benefits are generous and user-friendly, just like a foreign company.

The intensity of work at Hehe Group, the benefits offered by foreign companies, what does the boss of Ren Tianxing want to do?Do you think money is hot and being a boss is a tiring job?

Dai Ning originally thought about whether he could set up some employee exchange programs and send a group of Swan Games employees to study at Nintendo.

Once you learn the entire game production process and recruit a few talents from Nintendo Game Company, you can copy Nintendo's successful path.

But now, Dai Ning has killed this idea.

White swans don't care for lazy people. The corporate culture of Ren Tianxing is simply toxic, but we can't let our employees follow suit.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. If you really send someone here to study, it will be difficult to manage them in the future.

Therefore, Dai Ning decided to try project cooperation and achieve win-win investment.

Yiyin, the boss of Ren Tianxing, is a graduate of Jinghua University, and the company has also recruited a large number of Jinghua graduates.

Sun Youling, the director of the human resources department, was not only from Beijing, but also from a family of Zhejiang merchants.

Dai Ning contacted Sun Youling through his alumni and Zhejiang businessmen, and found an opportunity to visit him to see if he could develop a personal relationship with Yiyin.

The elevator bell rang and the door opened. Dai Ning took one last look at the environment, shook his head subconsciously, walked into the elevator, and lit up the eleventh floor.

When the elevator opened again, Sun Youling was already standing outside the door to greet her.

Dai Ning took the initiative to reach out his hand and smiled.

"Senior sister, I'm causing trouble for you."

Sun Youling shook hands politely and said politely.

"Senior is too polite, it's just a trivial matter. Mr. Yi is in his office now, let's go and have a look."

Dai Ning nodded.

"Can you please lead the way, junior sister?"

Sun Youling didn't move, just looked at Dai Ning and smiled.

"Senior sister, I'm introducing you today. It's just a personal friendship between alumni, not official business."

Dai Ning smiled.

"It's natural. When I just graduated, I heard about the school's reputation of being the number one school boy in a century, and I was very curious about what rising star the school had.

Today I finally have the opportunity to see her real face. We only talk about the romance in college and not the worries in the mall.

Is this okay?School girl. "

Sun Youling smiled and nodded.

"Thank you senior sister for being considerate, this way please."

In fact, Sun Youling was not willing to have any communication with the White Swan Group. The malicious sewage thrown at Yiyin a while ago really disgusted the whole Nintendo Game Company.

But emotions are emotions and reality is reality.

The alumni circle of Jinghua University was relatively close to begin with. Dai Ning got in touch with Sun Youling through several close classmates, so it was hard to push him away with a cold face.

In addition, Sun Youling's mother met Niu Shuang before and asked for favors, so Niu Shuang's first call to invite Yiyin to meet was given.

Although the phone call ended in vain, the favor was given out after all. The Sun family was also a well-known family among Zhejiang merchants. When people from White Swan came to ask for help, they naturally wanted to return the favor.

Dai Ning came to visit as an alumnus and wanted to meet Yiyin.Sun Youling still has this power to make accommodating introductions.

But Sun Youling was worried about the White Swan people, so she gave the warning just now.

In fact, Dai Ning is also a decent person, so she naturally knows how to measure, but she is also a white swan, and many negative impressions from the outside world are indeed difficult to wash away.

You must know that it was not easy for Niu Shuang to start a business in those days. In the early stage, he recruited a large number of low-quality talents and was very aristocratic. White Swan's corporate culture is difficult to describe in a word. It can be said that half of the world is ruled by gold and silver.

There are constant infighting in various offices, especially the notorious 361 assessment.

Among the ten people, three are excellent, six are average, and the last one is a laggard.

Dai Ning also hates this kind of infighting culture, but those old nobles have no real skills, so they can only think about how to trip up newcomers, engage in office politics, and show their abilities.

If things go on like this, bad coins will eliminate good coins, White Swan Group will suffer serious internal friction, and the development of the Internet will slow down, and the dividends will gradually disappear, so it will naturally go downhill.

Mr. Wei, who previously controlled the Swan Game, was a distinguished member of the older generation. His ability was mediocre, but he was very capable of off-game moves. As a result, he was defeated by Yiyin, and his fate was not mentioned.

When Dai Ning took over the Swan Game this time, he naturally wanted to make great achievements.

The electronic game industry is a new trend. After evaluation by professionals, there will be a new market of at least 3000 billion to 5000 billion, with certain development prospects.

Mr. Wei wanted to take this step to reach a higher level, and Dai Ning naturally wanted to do the same.

It's just that Dai Ning's strategy is different. Mr. Wei's experience has proved that Ren Tianxing's background is strong enough, and the suppression tactics used against ordinary start-ups are ineffective against Ren Tianxing.

Since we can't suppress them, let's cooperate. Let's talk about alumni relationships first, establish personal relationships, and then talk about project cooperation to promote the development of Swan Entertainment's games.

Dai Ning followed Sun Youling, thinking about how to establish friendship with Yiyin.

At this moment, a person walked towards the corridor, causing Dai Ning to stop for a moment.

The man was a man, but his figure was much larger than that of ordinary men. He was a strong man rarely seen in the world of women.

Dai Ning was not motivated by sex. She had been in the mall for more than ten years, so she would not be able to move her legs when she saw a handsome guy.

Just seeing this person, she suddenly remembered the happy times they had together.

Archery and swimming together, trying every means to encourage him to go to the gym, obviously he has such a good physique, but he always refuses.

His smile and thoughtfulness were deeply imprinted in Dai Ning's heart. Even after several years of separation, he still couldn't let go.

The people who came were also stunned when they saw Dai Ning behind Sun Youling.

Sun Youling took the lead in saying.

"Hello, Brother Literary. I'll bring a schoolmate to visit the company and meet the boss by the way. This is..."

Wen Xinghan shook his head and interrupted.

"No need for introduction, we know each other. Long time no see, Dai Ning, how have you been these past few years?"

Dai Ning looked at Wen Xinghan's outstretched hand and his faint smile, but couldn't calm down.

She and Wen Xinghan both graduated from Beijing. They were a couple. They went abroad to study together and returned to China to work together, but suddenly they couldn't contact Wen Xinghan.

Dai Ning was so anxious that in the end she only waited for a cold breakup call from Wen Xinghan.

Outsiders always thought that Wen Xinghan had a sudden change in his family. His older sister sold his house, and his parents favored their daughter and begged him for forgiveness, causing him to go insane and move into No. 600 Wanbin South Road.

His girlfriend broke up with him because of this and left him when he needed someone's company the most.

But the fact is that Dai Ning didn't know what happened to Wen Xinghan, but Wen Xinghan was so disheartened that he didn't dare to trust anyone anymore, so he took the initiative to cut off from Dai Ning.

A man was betrayed by his sister, rejected by his parents, and couldn't even believe in the closest family ties. How could he believe in love?

Dai Ning didn't know this at first, he just thought that Wen Xinghan had found a new love.By the time she learned the truth and found No. 600 Wanbin South Road, Wen Xinghan had already left the hospital.

In the past two years, Dai Ning has been immersed in work and no longer thought about Wen Xinghan. Unexpectedly, here, at this moment, the two met again.

Dai Ning stared at Wen Xinghan's nonchalantly extended hand, his head was dizzy, and he subconsciously held it.His hands were still as powerful as ever.

Wen Xinghan let go of his hand and said to Sun Youling.

"You guys continue to visit, I'll be busy first."

Walking past Dai Ning, Wen Xinghan's stern face relaxed a little. Seeing Dai Ning's dejected look, he felt uncomfortable.

Sun Youling looked at Wen Xinghan who was walking away, and then at Dai Ning who was absent-minded. She felt a little bit gossipy and asked tentatively.

"Senior, are you familiar with each other?"

Dai Ning forced a smile, his mind was in confusion.

"That's right...how to get to the Yi Zong's office?"

Seeing that Dai Ning was unwilling to say more, Sun Youling just nodded and continued to lead the way.

On the contrary, Dai Ning couldn't bear it, and asked again after a while.

"Senior sister, um... does Wen Xinghan work here too?"

Sun Youling smiled.

"Sisters have found me to lead the way, don't you know the specific situation of Nintendo Game Company?

Literary Brother not only works here, she is even the company's No. 1 employee and the founding veteran of the company.

Even I was introduced to the company by Brother Literary. "

Dai Ning twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Really, I made an oversight."

Dai Ning valued Ren Tianxing's studio, personnel system, and even the legal affairs of the White Swan Group, but he did not care about the financial aspects.

I really didn’t expect that Wen Xinghan was actually the financial director of Ren Tianxing.

Dai Ning felt a little dazed and a little surprised. Until he followed Sun Youling into Yiyin's office, he still didn't come back to his senses.

Sun Youling smiled and said hello to Tachibana Shinobi who was sitting at the secretary's desk, and then asked.

"Miss Lihua, is the boss free now? I have a friend who wants to meet him."

Lihua Ren bowed politely to Dai Ning, and then said to Sun Youling.

"The boss started the meeting in the morning and lasted until the afternoon. He just had something to eat and was relaxing on the sofa for a while."

Sun Youling looked at her watch, it was almost four o'clock, and said hesitantly.

"That's it..."

According to Sun Youling's thoughts, she naturally didn't want to make Yiyin tired, but Dai Ning came here with such sincerity, and it was a bit too much for him to make a waste of time.

But at this moment, Dai Ning had no intention of meeting Yiyin. Her mind was in a mess and she didn't know what to talk about.

Dai Ning was happy to hear that Yiyin was sleeping and said to the hesitant Sun Youling.

"School sister, since Mr. Yi is resting, let's not disturb him. Why don't we talk about it next time? Let's visit other places today, right?"

Sun Youling was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Dai Ning tried every means to find her, but easily gave up the opportunity. But in the next sentence, Dai Ning revealed his thoughts.

"Why don't we go to the Finance Department and take a look?"

Sun Youling couldn't help laughing.

If you really want to steal from Swan Games, you should visit the studio. If Dai Ning makes such a request, Sun Youling will be wary.

But Dai Ning wanted to visit the Finance Department. What was he visiting?She was not in an audit department, so when she went to the finance department to visit, she came to see Wen Xinghan!
The fire of gossip in Sun Youling's heart grew stronger and stronger, and she nodded with a smile.

"Then let's go to the Finance Department to have a look, Miss Lihua, let's go, bye."

Tachibana Ren bowed to bid farewell to the two of them, looking at them with different expressions but the same joy, which was a bit inexplicable.

I looked at my watch. I didn't go to bed until about four o'clock. I didn't know how long the boss would take his nap.

The company was founded more than two months ago, and it suddenly expanded to hundreds of people. Thousands of things came to the door, and the boss was really tired.

(End of this chapter)

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