Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 223 Our company is very serious

Chapter 223 Our company is very serious

On the couch in the office, Yoshigami woke up in a daze and saw Shinobu Tachibana putting a glass of water on the coffee table.

"You came in?"

Tachibana Ren apologized.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up? I saw that the water on the table was cold and wanted to give you a cup of hot tea."

Looking at the darkened sky outside the window, Yiyin shook his head and asked.

"It's okay, I'm already awake. What time is it now?"

Tachibana Shinobi said.

"Six forty-eight."

Yiyin picked up the water cup on the coffee table and took a sip. The temperature was just right.

"It's so late? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I see that you are very tired and sleeping soundly. I really can't bear to wake you up. I'm very sorry."

Yoshigami took two sips of hot tea, handed the tea cup to Tachibana Shinobu who was kneeling respectfully in front of him, and said.

"It's okay, there is no need to apologize for this kind of thing, has anyone come to me?"

"Hi, Miss Sun Youling brought a friend and said she wanted to see you. Seeing that you were resting, she left."

"Friend? What friend?"

"It seems like...alumni?"

Yiyin smiled helplessly.

That Xueba Yiyin has already traveled to the world of male superiors. Every time I, a scumbag, meet those Jinghua elites, I always feel flustered, and it's okay if I don't see them.

"By the way, where's Yoyo?"

Lihua put the cup back on the coffee table with a smile, and knelt down in front of Yiyin tenderly, and replied.

"The young lady complained that she was bored. Miss Li Miaoren happened to pass by, so she took her down to have something to eat, maybe to Hagendas."

Yiyin sat up and stretched.

"Take her to eat Hagendass again? You guys, just pamper her. Now we can't eat dinner when we go back."

Li Hua couldn't help but smile and said nothing. There were some words that she could not bear to say.

The women at the top of the company were all courteous to Qian Youyou. It was Xiang Zhuang who danced the sword with the intention of Pei Gong, but as a secretary, she couldn't say much about this.

After a few questions, Yiyin felt that he had almost woken up, patted his thigh and said.

"Then let's go and go downstairs to pick up Youyou and take her home."



"there's one more thing."

"You said."

Tachibana Shinobu looked shy and said in a low voice.

"Well...it's time for the weekly mission..."

Yiyin was taken aback for a moment, then scanned his surroundings, not sure what to say.

"You think...here?"

Li Hua endured his voice as soft as a mosquito and nodded with a blushing face.


Yiyin sucked in a breath of cold air.

"This is an office. There are people coming and going outside. Isn't it appropriate?"

Li Hua reluctantly shook his head.

"Boss, it's already past six o'clock. Everyone gets off work at five o'clock. You and I should be the only ones left on the whole floor now."

Yiyin was suddenly a little worried at this moment. Why should he strictly implement the 955 work system? Now that he is alone and alone, he can't even refuse.

He coughed.

"I'm not very convenient right now..."

Tachibana Shinobi lowered his head and glanced at Yi Gin's head, who was in high spirits because he had just slept, and said.

"I think it's quite convenient for you now..."

Yiyin looked down at himself, speechless, he shook his head resolutely.

"Let's go back and talk about it, we can't be in the office... We are a serious company, there is no such person!"

Saying that, Yoshigami immediately stood up and gave Tachibana Shinobu a hand.

The people of this island country have very strict rules, and they often kneel in front of him to serve him. Yiyin always feels that he is not used to it.

Tachibana Shinobu was naturally submissive to Yoshigami. Since he refused, let's go back and talk about it later.

The two turned off the lights and walked out of the office. They saw an office in the distance and there was still some light left. Yiyin asked.

"Didn't you say everyone is off work?"

Tachibana Shinobi said.

"Maybe someone forgot to turn off the lights."

Yiyin nodded.

"We stopped by to close it."

The two of them walked outside the office door, only to find that there was still someone inside. The office door was not completely closed, leaving a gap.

Following the gap, Yiyin saw a man and a woman flirting inside. The woman seemed to be Li Miaoren's troublesome and lustful school girl, what was her name? .Yes, Curly.

Before Yiyin could see the man's appearance clearly, he saw that Keli had already carried the man to the desk, and they were rubbing their ears and temples face to face.

"Yongye, let me kiss you, just a kiss, okay?"

"Kellyji, please don't do this. You should go back early after get off work. We can't... Saotome will be angry if she finds out."

"Saotome and I have nothing to do. I only have you in my heart. You must believe me!"

"Can I trust you, Kiriki?"

"Of course! Boo..."

Yi Gin's expression was a little numb. He secretly glanced at the Tachibana Shinobu next to him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

In the front, he said that we are a serious company, and if there is no such person, he will be slapped in the face immediately.

As soon as he heard the names Nagano and Saotome, Yoshigan immediately knew who they were.They are all male employees sent by the island country, but these two people are not like ordinary handsome guys from the island country, and they look a bit childlike.

Curly this guy. .It's really a bit perverted. .

Just as Yoshigami was wondering whether to go in and interrupt their good deeds, Tachibana Shinobi was already kneeling.

Taking a breath, Yiyin found it inconvenient to go in at the moment, so Dayi scolded the pair of little mandarin ducks.Besides, he couldn't move his legs.

Following the crack in the door, watching the two people getting close, Yiyin made a sound of inhaling from time to time.

I don’t know how much time passed, but suddenly a cell phone ringing sounded inside and outside the quiet door.

Yiyin pushed open the door and scolded the panicked young couple.

"Don't move!"

Then, he reluctantly took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

It turned out that Yiyin's cell phone rang, and he had to take the initiative.

Because of the desk baffle at the door, Keli and Nagano could only see the upper body of Yoshiyin outside the door, but if they came closer. .Yiyin is in trouble.

Therefore, Yiyin could only scare them into not moving before he could continue to protect his face as a boss.

Sure enough, when the boss saw Keli and Yongye, they were completely helpless and stood there, not daring to move.

Yiyin stared at them, picked up the phone, and couldn't help taking two deep breaths, the excitement was a bit too much.


"Boss, are you awake?"

"Well, I'm awake."

"Then I'll bring Youyou up?"

"No, I'll be down soon. I'm asking you to take Yoyo to eat ice cream again today. I'll give you the money later."

"No, no, no, no, no, Yuyou and I are already good friends. I treat my good friends to food, so I don't want the boss to pay for it, Yuyou, right?"

The sound of Yoyo's milky voice came from the other end of the phone, but Yiyin found it even more exciting in this environment.

He took a deep breath, frowned, and his face became more and more serious. Then he relaxed his eyebrows, exhaled, and relaxed.

"Okay, I'll be down right away. You guys are waiting for me downstairs at Hagendas."

"Okay, I'll see you later, boss."

"Well, see you later."

In the quiet room, although the loudspeaker was not turned on, Li Miaoren's voice could still be heard clearly from the phone, which made Ke Li's legs weak in fright.

After turning off the phone, Yiyin looked at the man and woman who were scared into quails and snorted.

"Turn around."

"?" x2
Seeing the two people looking confused, Yiyin said angrily.

"I'll let you turn around!"



When the two of them turned around, Tachibana Shinobi stood up and put a test tube under his lips. The recovery task was completed.

Yiyin glared at her angrily, thinking that Li Huaren was honest, but an islander is an islander, hentai!

After taking a few steps into the office and standing in front of the man and woman who had been caught, Yiyin didn't know what to say.

He himself is not a perfect moral person. On the contrary, it can be said that he has a quite rich private life. He is not qualified to talk about these two people, but the two of them are really good at falling in love in the office. .

Yiyin glanced at Keli and snorted.

"The scar has healed and I have forgotten the pain. It has only been out for a few days and I can't bear it anymore?
Come down with me later to meet Li Miaoren, and you can tell her yourself. "

Curly turned pale with fright, but still gritted her teeth and said.

"Boss, we shouldn't be like this in the office... But I really like Nagano, I'm serious!"

Yiyin complained.

"Yes, yes, you are serious. A boy you have known for a few days is very serious. The same goes for Saotome?"

After taking a look at Nagano's childish face, even though she knew he was an adult male and just looked childish, Keli was really hentai for having feelings for such a cute boy.

Yiyin glanced at Yongye and asked Lihuaren.

“How long is the dispatch period for employees from island countries?”

As if he misunderstood that Yiyin wanted to drive him away early, Nagano knelt down, kowtowed to the ground and made a seat on the ground, crying.

"Boss, please don't drive me back! Please! I know I was wrong! I'm very sorry!"

Yiyin was shocked. He just wanted to ask how long the dispatch period would be, so that Keli could understand that the boys from the island country would eventually go back, and they would not be able to be lovers for a long time, so he should have a clear mind.

But he didn't expect a stone to stir up thousands of waves, directly frightening Yong Ye to his knees and crying.

This boy in the world of women started to cry, which made Yiyin feel uncomfortable all over. He also had a straight face and an indescribable itching feeling.

Yiyin's scalp felt numb.

"You get up first, I have no intention of driving you away! Miss Lihua, is it so serious to send her back?"

Li Hua nodded solemnly.

"Your matters are all top priority. If you order us to be deported, we will definitely be subject to strict scrutiny and even expulsion after we return.

For islanders, this can be a life-changing and scary thing, so please think twice. "

Yiyin was a little confused.

Being fired from your workplace means you are finished for the rest of your life?Is this island society so terrible?

Although it was still unbelievable in my heart, seeing Nagano crying and crying, it was hard not to believe it.

Ke Li also seemed to be getting up now, knelt down with a snap, and said to Yi Yin.

"One person does things and one person is responsible! Boss, I seduced Yongye, if you want to fire me, fire me, it has nothing to do with him, he is innocent!"

Seeing Keli acting like a responsible woman, the sobbing Nagano couldn't help but be moved.


Seeing Keli die calmly, and then seeing Nagano's expression that he was so moved that he almost pledged himself to him, Yoshiyin couldn't even laugh or cry.

I just wanted to understand the situation, so I wouldn't fire them just because they were having a chat in the office!

But when I think about it, I feel like I helped Ke Lishen out. Isn't this guy going to be single just like that?

The more he thought about it, the funnier it became, and Yiyin shook his head.

"You two get up."

A man and a woman looked at each other, not knowing whether to stand up.

Yiyin said helplessly.

"My daughter has gold at her knees, Corrie, stand up!"

Ke Li gritted her teeth and stood up, and forcibly pulled Yong Ye up.

Yiyin sighed in his heart, yes, you are such a woman all of a sudden, you deserve to be single.

"Okay, don't be so unscrupulous in the office next time. Although the company's employee manual does not prohibit dating in the office, you should also pay attention to the occasion and go back."

Cory was already prepared for bad luck, but now she heard Yiyin let go, and she couldn't believe it.

"Boss... you won't punish us?"

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"I can see it clearly from outside. It's just a kiss. The employee handbook doesn't prohibit employees from kissing. Why should I punish you?"

Yoshigage glanced at the calm Tachibana Shinobu from the corner of his eyes. Speaking of kissing, the mouth-to-mouth kiss Tachibana Shinobu just did was even more extreme.

It seemed that before Keli came back to his senses, Nagano had already pulled him to bow.

"Thank you boss, thank you Miss Lihua, let's go first."

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, and seeing Yong Ye holding Ke Li's hand tightly, Yi Yin rubbed his head and sighed.

Am I trying to catch a man, or am I still a man of the moon?
Turning around, he glared at Shinobi Tachibana again. Fortunately, he didn't cheat just now. Otherwise, how embarrassing would he be?
Tachibana Shinobu couldn't help it, who would let Yoshiyin do it every time. .It will be past seven o'clock when we get back. After dinner, I don't know if Yiyin is willing to come to his room for an hour or two in the evening.

It doesn't matter to Yoshigami, but Tachibana Shinobu is shouldering the important task of the Takada family, a descendant of the gods, and he can't do whatever he wants.

This situation was exciting enough for her to attack, so she took the risk and gave it a try. The effect was extraordinary and she completed the task quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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