Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 224 You Are Not Scumbag But You Are Perverted

Chapter 224 You Are Not Scumbag But You Are Perverted

In the morning, Yiyin got up, packed a bag of toiletries for accommodation, changed clothes, finished breakfast with Youyou, and went downstairs.

These days, it is the hottest time of summer. Xi Feifei, who is waiting downstairs, dare not turn off the engine. She blows the air conditioner in the car while looking at the hole in the building.

If a widower with a baby like Yiyin wants to win his heart, he must first get rid of his baby.Even Li Miaoren can understand such a simple truth, let alone the tricky Xi Feifei.

But for some reason, Qian Youyou always had a huge sense of crisis and resistance every time she saw Xi Feifei, which made Xi Feifei depressed.

Xi Feifei touched her face and couldn't help but sigh.

Is it because I am so beautiful that the child is afraid that I will steal her daddy?Thinking about it this way, children's intuition is quite accurate and they are very discerning.

After being complacent about her beauty for a while, Xi Feifei saw Yiyin leading her child out of the building, quickly got out of the car, and greeted her diligently.

"Yiyin, please let me pick it up."

"Not heavy..."

"There is no reason to let a man carry the bag. You and your daughter have fun these two days, and leave all the logistics to me."

Xi Feifei almost snatched the backpack, then squatted down, looked at Youyou with a smile, and said.

"Little beauty, please take care of me these two days."

Youyou hugged her father and looked at Xi Feifei warily. Finally, she reluctantly nodded under the huge temptation of visiting the Disneyland.

"Thank you Aunt Feifei... for taking me to Disneyland..."

Xi Feifei smiled so much that her eyes narrowed to the point where she could hardly see, and she touched Youyou's head so affectionately.

"Yuyou is so good, let's go."

The three of them got into the car, Yiyin got in the passenger seat and Youyou sat in the back.

Xi Feifei opened the navigation and said.

“We will take the Inner Ring Elevated Highway first, and then transfer to the Resort Elevated Highway. It will take more than 40 minutes to arrive.

Yoyo, there is a long box on the glass side behind you, open it and have a look, do you like it? "

Youyou opened it and said happily.

"Thank you Aunt Feifei!"

Yiyin looked back and saw that it was a toy gun that could make sound and light. It was well made and looked valuable.

"It cost you money again, it's unnecessary."

Xi Feifei smiled as she turned the steering wheel and drove out of the parking space.

"It's been more than 40 minutes on the road. Youyou is so bored just sitting there, so let her have some fun.

Girls have liked this kind of thing since they were little. When she goes to school next year, I will equip her with a drone with two cameras on the front and bottom, a high-definition screen and shooting functions. That will be exciting. "

Seeing Yuyou holding a toy gun too excitedly and beeping, Yiyin shook his head, remembering that this was in a world of heroines, and girls liked to play with guns, not Barbie dolls.

Thinking about it this way, I am really unqualified as a father. I am not as good as Xi Feifei who understands my children's preferences.

Yiyin said something sincerely.

"Thank you."

Xi Feifei's smile was as bright as a flower, and she felt proud that her hard work had indeed been in vain, and she did not forget to say polite words.

"It's a small thing, just make Yuyou happy.

By the way, how have you considered the thing I told you before? "

Yiyin was taken aback.

"what's up?"

"Sing and release a single!"

"Well... or forget it...

I will tell you the truth, Old Boy and the two later songs were really just songs I accidentally heard sung by others, and I shamelessly took them as my own, but I really couldn’t do them. "

Xi Feifei scoffed.

"You said that these two songs were composed by people from the island country and covered by people from the country, so I asked someone to check it out. I searched through the music library of the island country, but I couldn't find any similar songs.

Boss, I don’t know what you are hiding in your heart, but I clearly feel that you are not telling the truth. You are not good at lying. Why do you need to lie to me like this?
In short, I have made arrangements to ask the help of Awan and Aren to re-arrange these two songs. Can you help me too and stop causing trouble? "

Yiyin was stunned.

"Did you find Lin Qingwan?"

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Yes, the old boy they arranged before was very good. They only listened to the a cappella song a few times and then adapted the entire song. They are indeed very talented.

This time, with you as the original author helping me to create your own version, I think it will definitely become a hit.

You don’t know yet, right?They were eliminated again. "

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Eliminated again? How many times is this?"

Xi Feifei smiled.

“This is the third time, it was resurrected by an off-site vote.

Look how well the singer Xia Tian understands traffic. He has been revived over and over again and created a variety show myth for nothing. The show is extremely popular.

Now, the pairing of Awan and Aren is at its hottest. When I first contacted Lin Qingwan, I was worried that she would refuse, but I didn't expect that she agreed immediately.

But she has a request. She hopes to create and re-adapt it with you, the original author. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"I have said it so many times, I am really not the original author, I just heard these two songs occasionally."

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"It's useless to tell me, tell the people across the country and see if they are willing to believe it?
Now people all over the country know that Old Boy and the two later songs were your original creations, and it doesn’t matter what you say, brother.

Just think of me as begging you for help. The company is under great pressure to operate, and you have used all the money to provide benefits to employees. There is nothing I can do.

Your traffic is so strong, if I don’t pull you out to sell, where will the operating expenses come from?

Either you ask Wen Xinghan to make a budget for me first and give me [-] million in operating expenses a year, and I won't force you. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Two hundred million, just kill me. Okay, okay, I get it, I'll go out and sell it, that's it!"

Xi Feifei said with a smile.

"Don't be angry. I'm not discussing this with you. You agreed on your own. I didn't force you."

Yiyin was so angry that he rolled his eyes at her.

"Yes, yes, it's because I can't stand my loneliness and want to go out to gain attention and be in the limelight. It has nothing to do with you."

Xi Feifei smiled.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry.

Let me tell you something, Wen Xinghan was talking to someone last night. .Zizzizi, I happened to meet him. . "

Yiyin became interested and asked.

"Really or not? That cold-faced man, he also has spring?"

Xi Feifei vowed.

"of course it's true!

My friend invited me to a bar in Jiutiandi yesterday, and I saw Wen Xinghan drinking with a woman. The woman was crying and laughing, holding Wen Xinghan's hand and refusing to let go, as if he was very drunk.

It’s rare to see a tall man like Moon Seung-han, so how could I possibly admit my mistake. "

Yiyin immediately gossiped.

"What happened later? What happened later!"

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"Then, of course, I went to book a room at Old World Langting. My friend is very familiar with the lobby manager there, so I made sure they booked a room."

Yi Yin nodded.

"You are really familiar with this kind of thing."

Xi Feifei was originally talking about Wen Xinghan's gossip with a smile, but she shot herself in the foot, and her face suddenly changed.

"Yiyin, don't get me wrong. I really just went to have a drink. I never got involved in the affairs of those gangsters and those unruly men."

Seeing how nervous she was, Yiyin couldn't help but want to tease her.

"Who knows... You rich ladies, haha."

When Yiyin made this meaningful hehe, Xi Feifei suddenly became anxious. She was holding the steering wheel with one hand and Yiyin's hand with the other.

"You know how I feel about you, and you must never wrong a good person!"

Xi Feifei's fierce reaction shocked Yiyin, and he quickly shook off Xi Feifei's hand and said.

"Drive well! Look ahead!"

Then, Yiyin looked back at Youyou, who was having fun playing with a gun and didn't pay attention to the little moves of the two adults. He breathed a sigh of relief and complained in a low voice.

"The child is here, why are you doing anything?"

Xi Feifei was already driving while looking ahead, but her face was unusually serious.

"This kind of thing... I don't want you to have the slightest misunderstanding, because you are the only man in my heart, and I don't want you to think that I am a scumbag."

Yiyin was stunned, looking at Xi Feifei's flawless and pretty side face, he was speechless and very emotional.

This little witch. .Really good at talking. .You are indeed not the scumbag of the queen of the sea, but you are a pervert. Sun Youling and Xi Lanlan sent me away again and again. .

Yiyin shook his head, suppressed the complaints gushing in his heart, and changed the subject.

"I don't know where this Wen Xinghan met this woman. He's so good at keeping it secret. I don't know anything about her."

Xi Feifei smiled.

"I do know a little bit. Last night I called Sun Youling and gossiped about it, and I got something unexpectedly."

"Speak quickly."

"Hehe, that's it..."

A man and woman are gossiping in the front, and a child is playing with a gun in the back, just like a family of three on a weekend trip.

K Banquet followed the traffic on the elevated road and passed the Yangpu Bridge to the Disneyland in Pudong New District. Outside the bridge, the rising sun shone on the river, and the reflected light flashed like fish scales.

(End of this chapter)

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