Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 102 How dare you bully our Qin State! (3 more updates, please support the first order!)

Chapter 102 How dare you bully our Qin State! (Three updates please support the first order!)
Dun Rui's face was livid, his lips were tightly closed, and his square face was as dark as iron weights.

"Could it be that the queen has spoken too much! He even insulted Qin Fa with his words."

Let's just say the King of Qi is confused. He has brought Qi State to its present state, and farce scenes in the Qi State's court have continued one after another.

But there are times when he is not confused.

At this time, King Qi suddenly stood up.

He went to the booth.

Even though Tian Jian is old and sluggish, he is still wearing a crimson robe, with a crown on top, and sixteen hanging lanterns swaying in unison, which makes him look somewhat majestic.

However, he doesn't look like a king.

Qi Wangjian came to Fusu.

"Please help Mr. Su and the Qin State to calm down their anger. What happened today all started because of Fu Sheng. Qi and Qin have been friends for many years, so why should they get into such a tense situation because of a mere Confucian scholar?"

"Besides, my uncle would never dare to be rude to Young Master Qin."

Qi Wangjian remembered his mother's words, a real man can bend and stretch.This is the time to surrender.

Hou Sheng didn't know, but Qi Wangjian saw the clues.

The accusation made by Young Master Fusu just now has no basis and is clearly a deliberate attempt to cause trouble.My uncle couldn't tell them anything.

Once the prime minister's crime was proven, Qin had a reason to send troops.

My uncle was devoted to the country and wanted to let Mr. Fusu return to the country in order to save the Qi court.As a nephew, he couldn't just watch his uncle fall into the trap of the Qin people.

The people of Qin must have known about their uncle's plan for a long time and deliberately took the bait.Poor uncle, the authorities are so confused that they don't know that they have fallen into the trap dug by the people of Qin for Qi.

The people of Qin obviously did not come prepared, but took advantage of the plan set by their uncle for the young master of Qin.

When Hou Sheng saw this scene, how could he not feel hot in his eyes.

The king actually knew that he would come forward at this time, and he also intended to resolve the situation where he was being criticized by the people of Qin.

At this time, even Prince Fusu couldn't help but look at King Qi differently.

After King Qi said this, Hou Sheng also hurriedly apologized.

"Hou Sheng has no intention of slandering the laws of the Qin State. If there is any offense in the words just now, please help Mr. Su to see clearly."

Being so humble and obedient, and actively admitting his mistakes in front of everyone, it would be unjustifiable if Fusu still held on to him.

But the people of Qi country repeated the old tricks again and again, every time they came to this trick, although Fusu was tired of it, but there was really nothing to get angry about.

Fusu had no choice but to say.

"Since the King of Qi intercedes for the Empress, then Fusu will trust the King of Qi once. I also hope that the Empress will not dare to offend the laws of Qin in our country."

If this is the case, then I will go with the flow and fulfill your wish!

The Prime Minister's heart just dropped to the ground when Fusu suddenly changed the subject.

"King of Qi, Prime Minister - Fusu is the heir apparent of our state of Qin, and he came to your state of Qi out of friendship. But today, the people of Qi, Fu Sheng, speak too much and slander Fusu, isn't that considered deceiving our state of Qin? "

When he said this, Fusu still looked backward to win.

How dare you set him up, how brave you are!
After Hou Sheng heard this, he was naturally shocked.

Prince Fusu was indeed no longer angry with him, but now he began to attack Fu Sheng, accusing him of insulting Qin.

Although things developed like this, he fell into the trap set by Hou Sheng, but he escaped unscathed.

Moreover, Fu Sheng was originally the scapegoat.

Using his death in exchange for Prince Fusu to leave Qi was the intention of Hou Sheng today.

But if Fu Sheng is blamed for such a big crime, the matter may not be settled so easily.

"Master Fusu is lying in hiding, but he will never dare to be disrespectful to Qin."

"Prime Minister - do you know what mistakes you made today?"

Fusu put his hands on the hilt of the sword and looked at Hou Sheng with his eyes playfully.

Fusu had an indifferent look on his face, and he exuded a violent aura that made people afraid to approach him.And Fusu's tone was full of accountability.

Then Hou Sheng, this old man in his eighties, has held a high position for many years, I wonder if there is anyone in this world who doesn't know the name of his post-mover.

But today, for the first time, someone actually spoke rudely in front of him.

In Hou Sheng's eyes, Fusu was always arrogant, and today he was even more arrogant.

The King of Qi was naturally uneasy, and he did not dare to say anything more for the Prime Minister this time.

For a moment, King Qi was like a tamed old horse, bowing his head obediently in front of his son Fusu; while Hou Sheng was like a stubborn donkey, with angry eyes and wanting to kick him hard with his hind hoof The wolf in front of me.

Hou Sheng straightened his round and thick waist, with a stern look on his face, showing off his imposing manner in front of Fusu.

"Master Fusu, please be careful what you say! I am eighty years old and can be considered a veteran minister in the Qi Dynasty. For many years, no one has ever said such offensive words in front of me."

Fusu suddenly pulled out his sword, but Hou Sheng was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly, and finally fell to the ground like a bastard.

The scene is very funny.

Feng Jie looked at the scene in front of him and felt ashamed.

All the courtiers of Qi were dumbfounded, but no one dared to step forward to help him.

Hou Sheng turned pale with fright. He sat on his back on the ground, pointing at Fusu, his lips trembling and trembling.

"Young master Fusu dared to draw his sword to show me in the court hall. Aren't you afraid that the world will laugh at you if you spread the word?"

Fusu couldn't help laughing at the empress's dignified appearance.

But soon, the Prime Minister's face seemed to have been slapped hard, and his eyes froze.

Everyone saw that Master Qin's slender eyes were clearly narrow and contemptuous.

Fusu pulled out the sword, and then just inserted the sword back into the scabbard.

The several ministers behind Fusu were also frightened to death by this sight.

They thought that the young master just drew his sword and was aiming at the queen.

Dun Ruo and others were not familiar with the arrogant and arrogant attitude that the young master had just shown.

He is really carved in the same mold as the King.

King Qi was ashamed and winked at his chamberlain, asking him to help Hou Sheng up.

Hou Sheng was so shameless that he stood up in a hurry.

But that's how things will end.

Fusu suddenly left his seat, and Feng Jie followed him immediately.

In full view of everyone, Fusu walked up to the table.

Fusu held his sword on the ground with one hand and made a fist with the other hand to support his slightly tilted head. He sat down on the throne of Qi with great disappointment.

At this time, Fusu was like a lone wolf who was hunting for nothing and was very disappointed.

King Qi's face was green, his eyes seemed to pop out, and his mouth was slightly opened, but he didn't know what to say.

Dunruo and Mao Jiao also looked at each other, wondering why the young master would suddenly do such a thing.

Isn't this, no longer giving face to the Qi people?

Fusu sat on the throne, wearing a royal robe, with a stern expression, not angry but powerful, like the king of a country.

This situation undoubtedly made everyone in Qi and Manchuria feel in danger.

"Fu Sheng insulted Fusu. According to the laws of Qin, he should be the one to do so! He was the leader of three clans."

Fusu's tone was sonorous, with irrefutable decisiveness.

"But according to the laws of Qi State, what should happen to Fu Sheng?"

Suddenly, everyone in Qi State was whispering to each other and discussing this matter.

There was a sound of discussion in the lower part of the court.

Some discussions sounded into Fusu's ears, and Fusu felt very helpless.

With a mocking expression, Fusu revealed the answer.

"You don't need to discuss it any further. Fusu knows that the etiquette and laws of Qi state do not include any punishment for insulting the princes of other countries in person."

Hou Sheng was already frightened to the point where his two sides were trembling, and he no longer dared to open his mouth in front of Fusu.

As for King Qi, his face was disgraced. No matter what, he stood awkwardly on the ground, like a prey waiting to die.

(End of this chapter)

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