Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 103 Qin ruled Qi under the rule of law, how can this be justified?

Chapter 103 Qin ruled Qi under the rule of law, how can this be justified?

Just when everyone in Qi was in danger, a man suddenly appeared in the court.

"What Mr. Fusu said is indeed true. There is no such article in the laws of our country. That minister dared to ask for advice. How do you think this matter will be handled?"

Fusu was a little curious, seeing how this person was so handsome and his official position was low, how dare he speak to him here on his own initiative.

Judging from this man's complexion, he must be in his early thirties at most.

The younger ones in Qi's court were also old men in their fifties and sixties, but this man was young.

The cyan official robe on his body made his body even thinner and his cheekbones protruding on his face, which naturally formed a sharp contrast with those ministers who had fat heads, big ears and oily faces.

"Who are you?"

Hu Wujing, neither humble nor arrogant, raised his head and answered.

"My subordinate Hu Wujing is a minister of Qi State."

(Hu Wujing, Hu Wu is the surname and Jing is the given name)
Hu Wujing! ! !
When Fusu heard the name, his body visibly trembled, and his eyes shone with excitement and surprise.

Hu Wujing, this is the one who wrote Qin Law together with Zhao Gao and Li Si in Qin State!And he later wrote the book "Gongyang Chunqiu".

Feng Jie also noticed that the young master seemed to be extremely interested in the person in front of him, no less excited than when he saw Fu Sheng just now.

Hu Wujing was also very surprised to see Master Qin looking at him with such joy.

"You are actually Hu Wujing!"

Everyone suddenly became suspicious when they saw the expression of surprise on Mr. Fusu's young master Hu Wujing, who was no less surprised than when a farmer suddenly dug up a jade.

Hu Wujing, this kid, finally won the favor of Young Master Fusu with just one word.

Hu Wujing didn't understand why Mr. Fusu was so excited when he heard his name. He just continued to ask responsibly.

"The matter involves law. As a minister, I should resolve the case for Mr. Fusu. In order to avoid hurting the friendship between Qi and Qin due to this matter."

"Since Mr. Fusu also knows that our Qi State does not have such a law. And Mr. Fusu is a sensible person. Naturally, he will not use Qin law to interfere with what happened in Linzi City, the capital of Qi State."

At the end, Hu Wujing said eight words to Fusu.

"How can it be reasonable for Qin to rule Qi under the law?"

When these words hit Fusu's ears, they were like thunder. Fusu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Fusu stared at Hu Wujing and thought to himself: This man must be in my trap!

"There is some truth in what you said."

If you are not a loyal person, you would not be able to say such things, and you would not dare to say them!

Fusu was naturally surprised by this person and asked.

"Well, Hu Wujing, what do you think we should do with Fu Sheng today?"

Hu Wujing looked solemn and respectful.

"To my country of Qi, Mr. Fusu is a valued guest and he has come from a long way. Now that we have not greeted Mr. Fusu well and offended Mr. Fusu, it is naturally our fault. Therefore, I believe that this matter is all the fault of Mr. Fusu. Call the shots.”

Fusu sat with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Hu Wujing is a strange person.

It is said that history is like a long river, stretching endlessly, but in Fusu's view, history is like sand.These grains of sand built up a Great Wall for future generations to admire and absorb nutrients.But later sand buried the original grains of sand.

Many people and things have been buried on the ground and have never been seen in the world.

And people like Hu Wujing are already pretty good.

At least he understood things through him and left his name in the history books.

However, the waves of flowers swept away all the heroes in the world, and there were many people like Hu Wujing in the world. In the end, their names were buried underground together with their bones, and they were sealed forever and slept on the ground.

With that said, Hu Wujing asked King Qi again.

"I don't know what the king thinks?"

King Qi could only say:
"It's all up to Mr. Fusu to make the decision."

Hou Sheng was eager to pass the blame to Fu Sheng and get it over with. Now Mr. Fusu seemed to agree, and he was naturally relieved.

As for letting the young master of Qin leave Qi, he did not dare to test it again.

Fusu suddenly tapped the lacquered table with his fingers.

"King Qi really wants Fusu to make the decision?"

Fusu tilted his head slightly, making it difficult for others to see his expression clearly.

"A humble man should keep his word."

Fusu asked again.

"Dunwei, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

He bowed weakly.

"Young Master, the people of Qi are rude to you. But the young master is the son of the Qin Kingdom, so he is so noble. Even the people of Qi also use the Qin method."

This statement made it clear that it was directed at Hu Wujing's remarks just now.

Fusu suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with scarlet red and a sinister look.

"No - sir, what you said is totally wrong!"

Dunwei was naturally frightened by Mr. Fusu's appearance, and bowed immediately.

"Son, forgive me."

Feng Jie suddenly took a breath of cold air.

During this tour, everyone respected the young master.The young master's temper grew stronger and more arrogant, but he always maintained restraint and calmness. Of course, this was what Feng Jie admired about the young master.

At first, Feng Jie thought that this was just because Master Fusu had seen the weakness of Qi people and was proud of himself as the master of Qin.

But at this moment, Feng Jie discovered that the young master suddenly turned into another king.

Whenever Fusu showed an unhappy look, the whole hall would fall into silence.

Since just now, the atmosphere in this palace has been very tense, and most of the people in Qi Kingdom feel that they can't breathe.

As for the music officials, they were all lying on the ground, not daring to say a word.

But in Fusu's eyes, this was not the case.Although they were afraid of themselves, everyone had the word "QI" plastered on their foreheads.

Fushu suddenly stood up and walked on the stage with his sword in hand.

"In ancient times, the marquis of Jin and the uncles of Qin besieged Zheng, because they were rude to Jin and even Chu. Now the people of Qi are rude to Fusu. Of course, Fusu doesn't know whether Qi is not as good as Chu."

"However, this strange man is rude to Fusu, that's all. In Fusu's opinion, our Qin State has enough reason to send troops to attack Qi."


Suddenly, the white-haired old man under the stage fell to the ground.

In the court hall, it is rare for you to see courtiers with black hair.

In the Qi Dynasty, high positions were almost always controlled by some veterans.And Hengji is also one of these veterans.

Apparently, someone heard Fusu's words and was so frightened that he fainted.

Fusu felt as if a row of crows were flying past in front of his eyes.

These Qi people, I was just telling you some truth, but they fell down after listening to just this.

King Qi was slumped in the hall, like an old monkey made of clay.

After Hou Sheng heard this, he was also very frightened, but he believed that the young master Fusu dared to say these words in the court, so he would definitely not send troops to Qi because of this matter.

How could Hou Sheng not know the wishes of the young master Fusu?Young Master Fusu not only wanted the land of Qi, but also wanted the hearts of the people of Qi.

When the two countries are fighting, how can one country be ignorant of everything and just wait to be slaughtered?

Such a reason as the master of Qin will only attract criticism from the people of Qi.

Just because the great scholar Fu Sheng said something, the prince of Qin asked his father to send troops to attack Qin!
How can this be true?

Books written by scholars all over the world are not read in vain.

"Master Fusu - everything today happened because of Fu Sheng."

"Prime Minister, you still don't know how to repent."

Mao Jiao couldn't help but admire Master Fusu secretly.

Every word the young master said was as if he were the leader of the Qi Kingdom.

Hou Sheng's face turned pale.

This time, Hou Sheng must ask clearly.

"Master Qin, I dare to ask Housheng where the house is. Master Fusu has repeatedly criticized me."

"At today's banquet, Fusu was obviously invited to discuss Taoism. But as soon as Fusu entered the palace, he heard this song from the state of Qin. Qinfeng Jianjia, Fusu has been familiar with it since he was a child. Fusu is puzzled, why the world Of the fifteen national styles, do you want to play the Qin style alone?"

Hou Sheng replied confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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