Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 104: Naked slander! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 104: Naked slander! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Mr. Fusu, King Cai and Hou Sheng have already explained to Mr. Fusu that the purpose of playing Qin Feng Jiajia is to understand the prince's homesickness."

Fusu angrily denounced.

"What the Prime Minister said is extremely ridiculous and simply makes no sense!"

"According to what the King of Qi said, the King of Qi sent me to the Qin Kingdom to travel across mountains and rivers, so I wanted to return. Fusu should think it is true."

"After all, when the King of Qi wanted to enter the Qin State, if he went all the way west, he would have to pass through the State of Zhao. And if he took a detour, he would have to pass through the State of Wei and South Korea."

"When the King of Qi entered Qin, he had to leave his own country first and cross the borders of other countries, which was naturally difficult. And these other countries were all threats to Qi.

"Wei State encroached on the south of Qi State, while Zhao State encroached on the east of Qi State."

Fusu spoke word by word, making King Qi blush with anxiety.

"Fu Su thought that when the King of Qi passed through these two countries, I was afraid that the Qin State would personally send troops to meet the King of Qi."

What Fusu said is of course true.

When King Qi heard this, his face was full of shame, and he even wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"As for Fusu, he just crossed the border of Qin and went to the neighboring country of Qi to communicate with his friends. Fusu's trip is no less than a child pushing open the door and entering the neighbor's courtyard."

"You are all very old, and you must have many children at your knees. I would like to ask if your grandson would give up when he entered a neighbor's house. Could it be that his father went to look for him personally?"

This is of course a metaphor.The intention is to explain that if the King of Qin does not summon him, he will not go back.

After listening to this for a while, my heart seemed to have fallen into a dark hole in the ice.

But King Qi was so ashamed that he didn't even dare to raise his head.

The other courtiers naturally lowered their heads.

Hu Wujing, how could he be an exception?

Fusu became more and more energetic as he spoke, his face shining.

"Such a simple truth, even the common people know it. How can they not figure it out after looking at it?"

"Let's take a step back. Fusu started to feel homesick within half a month after entering Qi. When our Qin people heard about it, they thought that Qi people were treating Fusu poorly."

Fusu was already a little angry at Qi Guo's previous forbearance. Taking this opportunity, Fusu naturally said everything in his heart.

Vomiting Fusu will make you feel happy and you will naturally feel relaxed physically and mentally.

Don't think that you, Qi, are the only ones who are tolerant, and Qin is also tolerating Qi.

Qin tolerated Qi's cowardice and incompetence but named it a prince.

Qi State, on the other hand, tolerated Qin State's ambition and bullied it in every possible way.

When Fu Sheng heard the last part, he couldn't help but cast an admiring look at Young Master Fusu.

Mr. Fusu is indeed eloquent and eloquent.

What is revealed in every sentence is not only vigor, but also infinite ingenuity.

I didn't expect that the dignified young master would have such a talent.

It should be noted that among the hundreds of schools, only the political sect has the highest requirements for argumentation and reasoning, followed by their Confucian sect.

Among Confucianists, only the predecessor Meng Ke had the highest achievement in the art of argumentation and synthesis.

Mencius once said: I am good at cultivating the aura of awe-inspiring people.

The argument of the young master Fusu is mainly based on reasoning and is known for his momentum.

And this aura almost coincides with the awe-inspiring aura mentioned by Meng Ke.

It's just that if it hadn't been for ten or five years of training, how could Master Fusu have achieved such a first-class art of debate.

If Meng Ke were still alive, Prince Fusu might not lose to Meng Ke if he argued with him.

Fu Sheng was naturally surprised by the young master Fusu.

However, he had only heard that Prince Fusu studied under Chunyu Yue, but he had not heard about any master of political strategists that he studied under.

Politicians frequently produce extraordinary talents, and Zhang Yi, Pang Juan and his ilk are the odd ones in troubled times.

Nowadays, the political strategists have declined. There are many scholars who use the name of political strategists and serve as guests in high-ranking families, but in fact they are just idle people.

However, there is also a person in Qin who is said to be from a political strategist.

This person is Yao Jia.

Perhaps, the art of debate and synthesis was taught by Yao Jia to the young master Fusu.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you lower your head?"

The guards looked stern and whispered to Fu Sheng.

Fusu glanced at Fusheng.

The guard was so frightened that he immediately bowed his hands.

"Prime Minister, what Fusu said just now is neither right nor wrong."

The image afterwards was like waking up from a big dream, suddenly coming back to reality.

In a panic, he just nodded his head.

"What Mr. Fusu said is absolutely true."

Fusu said.

"But the Prime Minister insisted on guessing Fusu's intentions and playing this Qin Feng Jian Jia."

"It should be noted that Fusu originally wanted to stay in Linzi for a few more days, but today, King Mengqi and the Queen gave such hints, and Fusu understood."

"King Qi doesn't want Fusu to stay in Qi."

King Qi's withered face suddenly shrank into a ball, his eyes full of fear.

King Qi said hurriedly.

"Master Fusu, I have absolutely no such intentions."

Fusu glanced at Dunruo.

He said directly.

"Young Master deigned to join the Qi Dynasty, but the Prime Minister originally wanted to expel the Young Master of our country to return to the Qin Dynasty?"

There was a weak look and a sharp voice, and King Qi and Hou Sheng naturally turned pale after hearing this.

Hou Sheng calmed down and argued vigorously.

"Your words are too much. Your Majesty and the old ministers are thinking of Mr. Fusu and playing this song of Qin Feng. How come they are driving Mr. Fusu away."

Dun Ruo and others had long discovered a crack in Qi State.

"Dun Rui has long heard that the Queen is the only one in Qi State, and now it turns out that it is indeed the case. Even before the King of Qi has spoken, the Queen has been chattering endlessly."

"Earlier, the people of Qi were disrespectful to the young master and even said that the young master did not understand etiquette."

"It should be noted that Mr. Fusu of our country respects etiquette and respects etiquette. This is known to everyone in our Qin country."

"The Confucian scholars of Erqi made such remarks to stigmatize the young master. This is one thing; the king of Qi, together with the queen, played Jianjia music, but his intention was to persuade the young master to return to Qin. This is two."

When Hou Sheng heard this, he was naturally anxious. The people of Qin charged Qi Guo'an with two crimes. What should they do?
Hou Sheng could only plead with Prince Fusu.

"I'm all stupid. I thought it was inevitable that the young master would be homesick, and I tried to gauge the young master's mind. So I ordered the musicians to play this jianjia music, hoping that Mr. Fusu would understand. How dare we dare to persuade Mr. Fusu to return to Qin? !”

"How can Fusu know whether the Empress Dowager has ever had such thoughts? After all, these thoughts are all in his heart. Fusu is not King Zhou and will never force the Empress Dowager to reveal his true feelings and prove himself."

"And there are no two identical leaves in the world. Fusu really doesn't understand why King Qi saves others by himself. He actually thinks that King Qi will miss the country when he enters Qin, and Fusu will also miss the country when he enters Qi."

"Besides, Fu Su is living in Qi, and he lives a very comfortable life every day. Just looking at the scenery makes Fu Su Wei feel homesick for his country."

Thinking of this, Fu Su raised his eyebrows with infinite killing intent.

"To sum up, the King of Qi and the Empress do want to drive Su back to Qin as Dun Ruo said!"

These words, no less than swords, spears, swords and halberds, only pierced King Qi's heart.

King Qi quickly begged for mercy.

"Mr. Fusu, I and the Prime Minister have absolutely no intention of doing this. Please help calm down."

After hearing this, Fusu suddenly took off a jade ring from the jade pendant around his waist, and then slammed it to the ground.

But in an instant, everyone present heard the sound of broken jade.

King Qi's eyes widened.

Fusu suddenly pulled out his sword again and pointed the edge of the sword at the pile of broken jade powder on the ground.

"I think Fusu has never been insulted like this since he was born. King Qi not only insulted Fusu, he also insulted Qin."

After hearing this, King Qi shouted in his heart.

"From now on, your country of Qi and my country of Qin will be like this!"

The whole hall was silent——

Looking at the face of the Qin prince every day, it was very humiliating for the King of Qi and the Queen.

But seeing Mr. Qin's smiling face was not an honor for them, but a fluke.

Fortunately, Qi may be able to survive for a few more days.

But now there is no such luck.

"Fusu has learned the so-called kindness of Qi and Qin today. And King Qi's hospitality is really an eye-opener for Fusu."

King Qi wanted to politely ask Fusu for another chance.

Fusu waved his hand.

"King Qi, there is no need to say more."

"Dun Rui, Mao Jiao, Feng Jie, we will return to Qin immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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