Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 105: It’s great to have an opponent like a pig

Chapter 105: It’s great to have an opponent like a pig
Fusu said, the wind blew under his feet, and he walked out of the palace with his sword in hand.

Dunruo, Mao Jiao, and Feng Jie followed Fusu.

When Hou Sheng saw this, he knew something was wrong. He originally thought that Young Master Fusu was just following the past half month's practice and attacking them when nothing happened. But now, Hou Sheng found that Young Master Fusu was serious about it.

In desperation, Hou Sheng naturally stepped forward and stood in front of Fusu.

If the young master Fu Su was angry and returned to Qin, wouldn't that be a reason for King Qin to send troops to attack Qi.

"Master Fusu, this is impossible."

Fusu naturally looked disappointed and shook his head slightly, feeling helpless.

The current conflict is undoubtedly a perfect excuse for them to lead their troops to leave Linzi City alone.

And leaving Linzi angrily is only the first step of the plan.

It should be noted that at this moment, three thousand cavalry have also been prepared in the east of Linzi City according to the order, ready to set off.

There is a connecting road behind.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. If Mr. Fusu goes here, how will Qi and Qin get along with each other in the future?"

Fusu was so angry that he glanced at King Qi coldly, which scared King Qi's neck.

Then Fusu's tone was indifferent and he threw out a few words coldly.

"If I had known today, why was it in the first place."

The latter was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

Suddenly, a group of Qi ministers saw that something was wrong, and all of them knelt down in front of Fusu.

All the musicians were lying on the ground. Such scenes were common in Fusu in Qin.

In the pre-Qin period, kneeling was not popular.And musicians can be regarded as people who make a living by doing lowly things. It is very common for them to kneel down.

But all these ministers in court uniforms suddenly knelt in front of Fusu and said in unison.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Fusu, for our rudeness. Please calm down, Mr. Fusu."

When Fusu saw this, he couldn't help but feel that these people from Qi were both funny and pathetic.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be sent.

Fusu turned around and faced back, as if he didn't want to see this scene.Then he winked at Chao Maojiao.

Mao Jiao took a step forward and spoke to the Prime Minister and the ministers.

"The Prime Minister has already played Jian Jia in front of us, and he also knows that our young master is feeling homesick. If we still don't leave, wouldn't we have become a dove occupying the magpie's nest?"

"I believe that such a big thing will spread out soon. But everyone in the world knows that the King of Qi clearly does not welcome our Qin people, but our Qin country is so sentimental that we regard Qi as a friendly neighbor. Now we have entered Linzi The King of Qi refused to stay in the city, but he insisted on staying there shamelessly."

"If these words reach the ears of our Qin army, what kind of face will we return to Qin?"

Then they waved their hands again and again.

“Things that haven’t been, things that haven’t been.”

With that said, the queen came to Mao Jiao and vowed.

"Young Master and Doctor Mao, don't worry. Today's incident will never be spread."

Dun Rui was very angry and looked at each other angrily, but he still made a bow.

"The Prime Minister——"

Dunruo called out loudly with an expression of hatred, and the ending sound was also very long.

"Dun Ruo respects the Queen and the Prime Minister as the Prime Minister of a country, and I didn't want to make the situation so embarrassing. But now, the King of Qi and the Queen have turned against the Qin Feng of our country. This matter has embarrassed the young master of our country."

"Young Master is the beloved son of the King, and he is highly regarded. He came to Qi to make friends with everyone in the Qi Kingdom, but we never expected that he would be humiliated twice today. Even the common people of the Qi Kingdom dare to slander the Young Master."

"Both of these are embarrassing to the young master."

"The State of Qi and the State of Qin have come to be friendly. Now Qi is the host and we are the guests. But now that something like this has happened, I dare to ask the Prime Minister. Who should I blame? It is not because we, the Qin people, have neglected the King of Qi and the Queen. Bar?"

The weak words are extremely clever.

When Xiang heard this, his face turned pale.

With that said, Dunruo bowed to Hou Sheng again.

"Please stay behind!"

Mao Jiao also bowed to his successor and said something meaningful to him.

"Please stay behind, Prime Minister, so as not to lose your magnanimity as Prime Minister."

After hearing this, the Prime Minister naturally blushed and felt angry.

Feng Jie stood in front, creating a way for the young master to stand behind him.

"Sir, please."

Fusu dropped the hem of his clothes with his hand, Chunjun also shook, and then walked away in a hurry.The other two followed closely, and as soon as they left the hall, Chi Wu appeared.

"What's the matter, son?"

After saying that, Chi Wu leaned towards the palace and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why don't you see people from Qi coming out?"

Fusu had a cold face and refused to say a word. He just followed Feng Jie to the car.

Mao Jiao shouted loudly.

"The people of Qi are rude to the young master, and they even signaled that the young master should return to Qin."

Chi Wu was naturally furious after hearing this.

"How dare Qi people do this? I, Chi Wu, am the first..."

Feng Jie dragged Chi Wu out.

"Chi Wei, let's go first."

Soon, a burst of dust rose in front of the main hall of Xuetai Palace, and a canopy-covered carriage pulled by six horses ran towards the west gate of Linzi City.

The passage from the Snow Palace Terrace to the west gate is right on the Wu Terrace.

The queen minister stayed in the hall.

King Qi's eyes were also dull. He was wearing court clothes that were loose and baggy, and he was feeling depressed.

King Qi lowered his head and drank wine one by one.As a person in his twilight years, this situation is so miserable.

"Stealing chickens won't cost you rice!"

Suddenly, King Qi said bitterly, as if he was blaming someone.

When Hou Sheng heard this, he was naturally very angry and looked at King Qi.

"Is your Majesty angry with Wei Chen? You must know that Wei Chen's actions are all for the sake of Qi!"

When Hengji saw the Prime Minister, he still kept it in the dark, but he was being used without knowing it.

But at this critical juncture, Hengji could no longer hesitate whether he should choose Qi or Qin.

The answer is obvious.

Hengji walked up to the Prime Minister with a stern look on his face.

"Prime Minister, don't we go after Young Master Fusu and others? Once Young Master Fusu returns to Qin, the King of Qin will use this as an excuse to send troops to attack Qi."

Hou Sheng didn't pay attention to Hengji, and he didn't want to chase him.The young master of Qin State first asked Qi State to recognize the title of King Qin's emperor. Now, naturally, he wants to seek something from Qi State.

From Hou Sheng's point of view, Prince Fusu's move was to allow Qi to cede territory to Qin again.

Other ministers also stood up one after another, patted the dust on their lower clothes that they had just knelt down on, and then gathered in front of King Qi and the Queen.

"Then please come up with an idea quickly. Now that my Qi State has offended Qin State, what should I do?"

"My country of Qi has offended the young master of Qin. It can be said that a disaster is imminent!"

Hou Sheng stamped his foot.Immediately, those cunning eyes sparkled again.

Hou Sheng took the initiative to approach King Qi.

"Your Majesty, now that the young master of Qin has returned to Qin in anger, why don't we offer the heads of Fu Sheng and his three tribes to the young master of Qin as an apology, and also cut off three more cities as an apology."

When King Qi heard this, a faint light ignited in his eyes, but soon his eyes began to dim again.

"It will depend on Xiangguo."

Hengji asked again.

"Prime Minister, can I go after Mr. Qin?"

The Empress Dowager gave Heng Ji a hard look, but soon, the Empress Dowager felt relieved.

"You should go, but now it's not your turn to chase."

Hengji heard this and his heart tightened.

Come to think of it, in the past half month, I have been running around for Qi State, doing everything possible to please the young master Fusu, but you are causing trouble behind the scenes, not only driving the young master Fusu to return to Qin.Even, they are still suspicious of me behind my back!

Now that you have offended Qin, you are still complacent. There must be a moth in your mind.

Hengji was very angry and clenched his fists tightly.

The Queen Mother looked at his appearance and felt angry.

"Okay, you, just continue to watch over Master Qin and protect him before he returns to Qin."

Hou Sheng's tone was arrogant and tough, and he commanded the halberd.

Hengji lowered his head, suppressed his anger, and bowed.


Hengji immediately turned around and walked quickly outside the palace door. He noticed someone following him behind him.

Hengji wanted to go home and missed his wife at home to complain, but when he saw this situation, he felt that something was wrong, so he went to Wutai first.


Snow Palace Terrace.

When Hou Sheng remembered that he wanted to attack Fu Sheng as the source of today's disaster, everyone turned around and discovered that there were only two corpses of guards left in the blind corner of the palace.

And one of the corpses had no armor.

As for Fu Sheng himself, his whereabouts have long been lost.

After searching around to no avail, and after further investigation, the ministers found out that Fu Sheng had already taken advantage of the chaos in the blind spot of the high platform to seize the sword and kill the guard, and then escaped from the Snow Terrace Palace disguised as a guard.

"This hateful Confucian scholar! But he is going to kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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