Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 107 The reason for sending troops to enter the country (please give me a monthly ticket reco

Chapter 107 The reason for sending troops to enter the country (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation!)

Now is the urgent time, so why bother about etiquette?

The Prime Minister did not care to let the unknown person in front of him salute him. After all, nothing else was more important than the whereabouts of the young master Fusu at the moment.

The soldier had a look of astonishment on his face, his bright eyes full of doubts.

"Master Qin?"

The soldier is just a guard at the city gate. When he heard this, he first asked himself: Did Mr. Qin go out from the east gate today?
Then he thought about it and realized that this was unlikely.

The Qin State is so powerful, how can it go out of the east gate without being discovered? .

Furthermore, if the young master of the Qin State goes out of the city gate, he will definitely make a huge noise, with an army of ceremonial guards on his side, and the sound will be heard all over the sky.

It is impossible to let Young Master Qin go.

And everyone in the hall suddenly changed their expressions after hearing what the pawn said.The joy that had just appeared on their faces suddenly disappeared, and instead, they were filled with sadness and uneasiness.

The pawn was very panicked.

The pawn was naturally confused. He thought he had said something wrong, so he started to tremble.

The person in front of him was the powerful Prime Minister. If he accidentally said the wrong thing, his life would be lost.

When he thought of this, the pawn swallowed hard.

After Hou Sheng heard this rhetorical question, he inexplicably lost interest in the person in front of him.

It should be noted that not everyone can enter his study.

At the same time, Hou Sheng's heart that had fallen to the ground was lifted again.

Everyone was waiting for the good news to no avail, and everyone began to sigh again.

The Hou Xiang twirled his beard and moved his wrinkled face. His eyes were divided into two slits, and the slits revealed evil birds.

It was just a trivial move, but it frightened the little official to kneel down.

"Prime Minister, spare your life."

Hou Sheng was annoyed, how could I be so cruel, that I started to beg for my life right now.

Later, a retainer from the Prime Minister's Mansion asked the soldier.

"What's so important for you that you have to disturb the Prime Minister at night?"

The soldier was about to speak, but suddenly, a maid pushed open the door and entered, holding two tall candles in her hands.

"Don't tell me soon."

The doorman continued to press.

The maid came in to change the candles. It was so natural that no one was surprised.

"I am a guard guard in the east of the city. I have been ordered to report to the Prime Minister. Just now, there was a group of soldiers and horses at the east city gate, holding Heng Situ's talisman and leaving the city."

At first, Hou Sheng didn't take it seriously after hearing this.

"Hengji must have sent troops from the east of the city to chase after him."

A doorman explained.

After hearing this, Hou Sheng held his beard, hummed, and then fell into thought.

The king gave him three thousand soldiers and horses for this horizontal halberd, and appointed him to protect the young master Fusu.

Why did he mobilize his own troops? Moreover, why did he mobilize the troops in the east of the city...

Hengji was originally Sikong of Chengdong, but he was later promoted, but he still regarded Chengdong as his jurisdiction, and he had some troops under his command.


In the open space of the study, the soldier knelt down anxiously.

This was the first time he saw Xiang Guo. His hair was white and his forehead was even bald. His forehead could be seen glowing through the bright yellow candlelight.

But his beard hung down to his chest, and his complexion was different from that of an ordinary old man, and he was very unkind.

A pair of eyes are very sharp, and under the drooped eyelids, they look like saw teeth.

The teeth of the saw are not very sharp, and the trees will not be harmed once the saw is cut down, but as long as it is tough, even towering trees can be brought down.

The eyes of the later phase are like this.

It seems that he is just a little sharp, but it is easy to see his stubbornness at a glance from the narrow dead fish eyes under his convex forehead.

This is a terrible stubbornness.

At the age of eighty, he still stubbornly remains in power, controls the government, and refuses to let go of power at all.

When a pawn sees victory for the first time, he is naturally frightened.

But with the trust of the King of Qi, the power of the later prime minister was overwhelming, and he did all kinds of evil.

In order to monopolize power and eliminate dissidents, it was Hou Sheng who instigated King Qi to kill a large number of loyal people in the court 20 years ago.

"What's wrong with Xiangguo?"

Seeing the latter, he fell into new worries and asked each other.

The Prime Minister did not answer, but looked at the pawn with a solemn expression, which looked like a bronze statue under the light of the candle.

"Did you find any other abnormalities?"

Only then did the pawn reveal the key.

"It is normal for the troops to leave the city at night, but today there are relatives of Situ included in the troops."

When these words hit my ears, it was like the Five Thunder Initiation, and I stood up with vigor.

"Is what you said true?"

That move not only frightened the petty official, but also frightened all the ministers.Only the maid who changed the candles still changed the candlesticks calmly.

The pawn kept saying.

"I don't dare to deceive the Prime Minister."

After Hou Sheng heard this, he immediately became angry and leaned back, almost fainting.

All around surrounded her, the maid was a little surprised at first, but in order to conceal her composure, she also pretended to be panicked, and hurriedly leaned forward to help her win.

Hou Sheng pointed to the open window on the wall of the study with his thin and shriveled fingers, ignoring the ups and downs of his chest, and yelled heart-piercingly at the small world he saw through the window:
"To add insult to injury! God is going to destroy my country Qi!"

"Looking after you~"

"What's the reason behind this?"

Hou Sheng was so angry that his whole body trembled.

"Hengji is treason! He took his soldiers, horses, and his whole family to defect to Qin."


A crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the sky is full of stars.

To the south of Qi State, even though the moonlight is weak, the gurgling long stream is like a silver streak in the dark night.

Three thousand cavalry, five hundred tiger troops, plus scattered other guards, eunuchs, etc., naturally 4000 people.

Fusu lifted the curtain from the car and looked at the sky, which was filled with stars.

Presumably at this moment, if there was no rain in Xianyang, Lin'er would also see this scene.

"Sir, even if we didn't light the fire, they still came after us."

Chi Wu came to report.

Fusu snapped back to reality.

"They are only chasing us now. Also, the marks of horse hoofs and ruts are all left on the road. They will catch up soon."

"Then young master, what should we do now?"

"Raise the fire."

Suddenly, on a hillside, countless torches suddenly lit up, and at the same time, black cloth tents came into view.

There was a violent vibration on the ground, and the sound was getting closer. It was naturally the sound of horseshoes.

Chi Wu became more and more uneasy when he heard the sound of horseshoes behind him getting closer.

"Young master, Qi people are not of my race, how can you trust them?"

"Yes, Young Master, what will we do if the person who comes is not Hengji."

Feng Jie also began to wonder.

Dun's weak words were serious and thoughtful, and he tried to dissuade the young master.

"Young Master, this matter is very risky, and even if the person coming is Hengji, something will happen. We are now on the territory of Qi State. Even if the King of Qi is afraid and does not dare to attack the Young Master, now the Young Master In the state of Qi, walking south aimlessly like this, if the people of Qi find out about your son's plan, then..."

Fusu looked solemn, looked at the nearly four thousand people and asked back.

"Is it possible that when the time comes, King Qi will dare to tie up Fusu and force us to send us back to Qin?"

Dun Ruo's face tightened.

"My lord, it's not an old minister who turned his back on what he said. But this is a big matter. In my humble opinion, this move is very risky. Why don't we send someone to watch and send you back to Qin, and then the old man, Mao Jiao, and Feng Jie will continue to rely on each other. Plan and act.”

"You must know that when you are on an envoy to another country, even if only one envoy from your own country is missing, General Wang Ben will still have a reason to send troops to enter the country."

Fusu waved his hand, indicating that he should stop talking.

"Your Majesty, the matter has come to an end, so why bother to make amends afterwards? What's more, the dignified prince of Qin has disappeared in Qi. When the time comes, Wang Ben will have every reason to spread the law throughout the country. net."

 Eight thousand collections, recommendations are like rain, endless.But there is no monthly pass, no subscription, no reward, ask, where have all the readers gone?

(End of this chapter)

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