Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 108: Serving the King of Qin is a Qin person

Chapter 108: Serving the King of Qin is a Qin person
"Since Wang Ben wants to enter the territory of Qi, he must have an extremely legitimate reason. As for entering, if the army cannot march straight into Linzi City, how will the King of Qi be willing to submit obediently?"

Mao Jiao felt his eyes light up.

As soon as the army arrived, the King of Qi had no way to retreat, but it saved them the trouble of talking.

"Wonderful! If this happens, Qi Wangjian will definitely surrender without a fight."

Fusu was unusually calm.

"It would be too early to surrender without a fight at this time. After all, Qi is still a country."

What's more, because there was no two-year delay in Qin's attack on Chu, Qin directly took Qi first, so the cities Qi ceded to Qin were not many.

What Chi Wu is most worried about is that this Hengji is not from their Qin country, so he may not lead him south as he said.

"But why does the young master believe that Situ Hengji of Qi State will help us? Didn't he refuse the young master the last time we tried?"

Fusu's eyes shone with his unique confidence and calmness again.

"In the face of interests, people may not waver. But in times of life and death crisis, they may not think so."

After hearing this, I still couldn't believe it.He has now seen the courage of His Highness the Young Master.

But it was precisely the confidence on Mr. Fusu's face that made Dun Ruo uneasy.

An adult who is full of confidence is called calm and moderate; a young man who has not yet been crowned is full of confidence and is called ignorant of the heights of the sky.

Looking at the young man's energetic face, Dunwei's heart was naturally in turmoil.

However, Dun Rui didn't know what was written in the silk book that the young master sent to the king last time. The king actually happily ordered Wang Ben to listen to the young master's dispatch and be prepared to join the army at any time.

At the same time, Qi Chen Hengji and the informant revealed to the young master the news they got from the king of Qi and Hou Sheng - Hou Sheng had the intention of chasing the young master back to Xianyang.

The young master made such a plan with them, and followed the plan, and then he was expelled from Linzi, and then went south to Daliang City in the border of Qi State.

Although I know that the behavior of the Qi people has always been confusing, but when the young master left the city, you didn't send troops to chase him until now.

Could it be that my Qin people's horses can run faster than Qi people's horses?

You simply don’t take the young master into consideration!

In order to give Wang Ben a reasonable reason to send troops to Qi, and at the same time ensure that Qin and Qi did not have to fight each other, they adopted this method.

Feng Jie came to report in a hurry, with a stern look on his face.

Now that they were in Qi State, they were all frightened, but Fusu was extremely calm.

There is no way, after all, his father is none other than King Qin Yingzheng.

Therefore, Fusu had the confidence to lead [-] cavalry aimlessly in Qi State.

"Sir, the person coming is indeed Hengji."

"Bring him here to see me."



In the shady tent, two short wooden tables were temporarily displayed.

As soon as Hengji was brought in by Feng Jie, he saw Mr. Fusu in white attire.Behind him, stood four strong men with strong backs and strong waists, all equipped with sharp swords, arranged on both sides.

But Dunwei, Mao Jiao, and Feng Jie were not present.

When Hengji saw the wine and the wine prince placed on the table, he naturally began to murmur in his heart.

This young master of the Qin State, the whole Qi State is now very worried about his sudden departure, but he actually still has time to drink.

And looking at him in person, he looked as if nothing had happened.

It should be noted that he left Qi State in such a reckless manner and in a fit of anger, which undoubtedly caused Qi State to feel aggrieved.

However, this young master Fusu was quite courageous and dared to return to Qin alone without his escort.

You really don’t take them all seriously!
"Qi Chen pays homage to Mr. Fusu with his halberd."

"Without courtesy, sit down, Heng Situ."

Fusu was naturally very kind to Hengji.

Hengji bowed again.

"Master Fusu, please follow Hengji back to Linzi City as soon as possible."

"General Heng traveled thousands of miles to pursue Fusu here just to persuade Fusu to return to Qin?"

Fusu didn't look at Hengji, but his tone was meaningful.

In the field of power, everyone is a master of observing words and emotions.

The horizontal halberd made a bow again.

"The king of Qi and the queen have nothing to do with each other, so I invite you, son Haihan."

"Now that the matter has come to this, Fusu wants to forgive King Qi and the Queen. After all, Qin still needs a friend like Qi. But I, the Qin people, do not agree."

Hengji's face stiffened slightly.

"Don't worry, young master, the king has promised to cede three cities in Qidi as compensation."

Fusu was naturally shocked after hearing this.

Immediately, Fusu lowered his head to look at the wine in the jue, then shook the wine in his hand, suddenly raised the corners of his lips, and laughed.

Hengji was shocked, and then became annoyed and ashamed.

As a Qi person, but his own country has been reduced to such a point that he is being played around by a child from the Qin country.

I would like to ask which person in Qi wouldn't feel ashamed and angry when they learned about the humiliation brought by Qin's son to Qi?

But soon, Hengji calmed down.

The state of Qi has been inseparable from its demise.

This time he was determined to defect to Young Master Fusu, but before he hesitated and hesitated, how could Young Master Fusu believe that he was sincere now.

That's why he needs to put aside the matter of surrender for the time being and wait for the opportunity...

"Please also ask Mr. Fusu to take back his life and continue the good relationship between Qi and Qin."

Fusu suddenly became serious after hearing this.

"Come on."

Hengji was in a hurry and was startled. He turned sideways and looked outside the door. He thought it was Young Master Fusu who was calling for someone to pull him out.

But what caught his eye was a tall and thin man in eunuch uniform. The man was dragging a lacquer plate in his hand, with a brocade box placed on the lacquer plate.

"Show the map to General Heng."

Immediately, Shen Yu opened the brocade box for Hengji, and unfolded a roll of white silk cloth.

On the white silk cloth are marked not only mountains, rivers, but also the states of Qin, Qi, Chu, Yan, and Dai.

As soon as you catch sight of it, you can see the border of Qin State, which occupies almost three-quarters of the map.

The Qin State is like a tiger and a hungry wolf, approaching the east.

At the same time, what made Hengji even more uneasy was that he discovered that their Qi country had only a piece of land less than the size of a palm left on the map.

As for the Chu State, now there is only a small area left. All the old lands of the Chu State are now lost, and they are still on the territory of the old Wu and Yue countries.

"Master Fusu, this is..."

"Both sides of Ruqi and Ruqi are facing the sea. In the west is my strong Qin state, and in the south is my Qin state. If you want to rely on the Chu state, the water far away cannot quench the thirst of the near ones. By the time the Chu army has sent half of its troops, our Qin army has already occupied Linzi. city."

Hengji turned pale after hearing this.

Fusu had deep eyes and a calm expression on his face. He looked at the halberd like a wolf looking at the mutton in its mouth.

"Now that everything has been said, Fusu told Heng Situ directly. This Chu country must be in your father's pocket. As for the Qi country, for our Qin, it is not as good as one-tenth of the remaining Chu."

"Now, the King of Qi actually proposed to use three cities in exchange for the humiliation Fusu suffered in Linzi City of Qi State. If Heng Situ were to stand in Fusu's position, I wonder what Heng Situ would make?"

After hearing this, Hengji was naturally ashamed and apologized.

"Actually, Mr. Fusu knows in his heart that the banquet was all the Queen's idea, so I ask Mr. Fusu to let Qi go."

Hengji didn't dare to mention that Fu Sheng ran away.

Fusu suddenly laughed.

"Heng Situ, please get up. Fusu is thinking that you still have the heart to protect Qi, so he feels that Heng Situ is someone Fusu can use."

When Hengji heard this, his eyes fell into darkness.

Fusu used the horizontal halberd to be loyal to Qi State, so he was able to successfully pass the false news to King Qi and Hou Sheng, and was able to complete the plan.

Sometimes an enemy standing in the open is more reliable than a friend standing behind but hiding a knife behind his back.

"We Qi are about to perish. Please ask Mr. Fusu to show Hengji a clear path."

Fusu only said lightly.

"Serving your father, King Qin, is a Qin person. Since you are a Qin person, you will never suffer the disaster of destroying your country and your body!"

Hengji was also a sensible person and said directly.

"I also ask Mr. Fusu to show me that Hengji is willing to ruin the ground for you."

Fusu tapped the hilt of the sword with his fingers.

"Hold me and several ministers, and lead us to the south of Qi State."

When Hengji heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded.

 Many readers don't read my books, it doesn't matter, Yishui will continue to be happy.

  Turning on the stand-alone mode also requires liver.

  After finishing the book Da Qin, I will never write a historical article again in my life.

(End of this chapter)

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