Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 109 No Friends Forever

Chapter 109 No Friends Forever

Hengji was naturally stunned, so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

At first, he thought he heard it wrong, but the candlestick was held high in front of him, and the bright yellow light shone in the tent. The faces of the four guards were frosty, and four pairs of eyes were staring at him vigilantly.

Everything is so real.

Young Master Fusu still had the same carefree expression.

Taking young master Fusu hostage?

He came to defect to the Qin State, and doing so would undoubtedly make him an enemy of the entire Qin State. Not only the Qin State, but the Qi State would not let him go either.

Fusu also saw Hengji's concerns.

"Fusu has something to say today. As long as you are willing to obey your orders, Fusu will be able to protect Situ's life in times of danger."

If you just protect your life, where is the fame?

But Young Master Fusu’s order was just to put a stigma on his head!
Even the King of Qi would not let go of the young master Fusu, not to mention the tiger and wolf Qin.

Choosing Qin was based on long-term considerations, and the demise of Qi was inevitable. He would either become a prisoner or be reduced to an ordinary citizen.

Therefore, Hengji's vacillation between Qi and Qin has always been due to the inability to weigh an issue.

Qi or Qin, which one can bring him greater benefits?

But now Hengji began to feel regretful, he knew that there were tigers on the mountain, so he preferred to go to the mountain.

If the Qin State could only come to surrender, it would give him a high-ranking official position with a generous salary, so he had a back-up plan.

But now, instead of warmly welcoming his surrender with open arms, the young master Fusu Fei made such a request to him.

One, while offending the interests of Qi and Qin.Afterwards, no country will let him go easily.

Hengji thought about it again and again, but did not dedicate what he brought to Young Master Fusu.

"The horizontal halberd dare not."

"Heng Situ, now that you have brought your sword into Fusu's tent, if you say you dare not do it now, I am afraid it will be inappropriate."

As he said that, two more warriors suddenly broke into the tent, both holding sharp swords in their hands.

When Hengji saw this, he realized that he was riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off.

Hengji was naturally in a mess.

However, Hengji has no retreat at the moment.The swords of the people of Qin are no joke, and the young master Fusu is by no means a good person.

If he doesn't agree today, he will be chopped into pieces, and the people of Qin will accuse him, such as trying to do something unruly to the young master Fusu.

"Hengji dared to ask, why did Young Master Fusu let Hengji kidnap Young Master, and go south. Please note that if Hengji does this, the King of Qi will soon send a large army to besiege Young Master and me."

When Fusu heard that he would be surrounded by the Qi army, he couldn't help but get excited, his eyes shining with excitement.

"So much better!"

Hengji was naturally frightened by Young Master Fusu's demeanor of not being afraid of rejoicing.

Probably, this is the person who has a backer behind him. Young Master Fusu's father is the King of Qin, and the entire Qin Kingdom.

But Hengji thought about it and realized that there must be something mysterious in it, so he asked deliberately.

"Why is it that the young master is not only not afraid, but also praised him for his goodness?"

Fusu did not answer.

With so many people involved, how could Hengji be informed of the reasons so easily.From beginning to end, he was just a tool in Qin's plan to subjugate Chu.

And a person who will betray the country for the first time may not betray the country for the second time.

What's more, even if the person coming today is not Hengji, he can still use coercion and inducement to make him submit and make him cooperate with their actions.

Seeing that Young Master Fusu was unwilling to say anything to him, Hengji naturally understood that Young Master Fusu was not willing to reveal all the Qin people's plans.This means that he is not one of their own.

He was just considered valuable by the people of Qin.

Hengji apologized and bowed to Young Master Fusu.

"Young Master, please forgive me, but Hengji just said too much. Now Hengji naturally only obeys the orders of the Young Master."

Seeing that he agreed, Fu Su straightened up and asked about other important matters.

"The King of Qi only sent you to lead the troops to chase us?"

The horizontal halberd turned pale, saying one, five, ten.

"The intention of the later prime minister is that Hengji will send Master Fusu back to the Qin Dynasty, and a city will be attached as a gift. Therefore, only Hengji will lead the troops."

Fusu listened and smiled with interest.

"What does King Qi Jian mean?"

Hengji was surprised. He didn't expect that the young master Fusu didn't take King Qi seriously at all and called him by his first name.

"The king naturally listens to the words of the prime minister."

Fusu couldn't help but feel funny after hearing this.

"The state of Ruqi depends entirely on the governance of the queen."

After hearing this, Hengji felt the irony in Young Master Fusu's words, and a look of shame appeared on his face.

However, soon, he realized a new problem.Why did the young master Fusu issue an order to go south instead of west?
To the south is the state of Chu.

Although Hengji didn't understand what it meant, he still wanted to test what the young master Fusu wanted to do with this move, so he pretended to be concerned and asked,

"Young Master's move is too risky. Please note that if the King of Qi finds out that I have forced Young Master Su to go south, the King of Qi will definitely send troops to chase us. In the midst of the chaos, I dare to ask the Young Master how to protect himself..."

"When you encounter the Qi army, you are not allowed to fight. Just go south. The flags of Qi and Qin are raised high. If you encounter the enemy, you only need to tell them that you are escorting Fusu Nan to Daliang."

"But what if they want to start a war with the young master?"

'How dare King Qi?Even if he wins later, he naturally wouldn't dare.If they had the guts to attack me, then Qi would not have to die. '

Plans are naturally formulated to cope with changes.

And safety comes first, Fusu has naturally taken these things into consideration.And compared to the benefits they will gain from Qin, taking such a small risk in Qi is nothing.

And since it's here, if you can't have a heartbeat, wouldn't it be in vain?

But Fusu didn't directly express his inner thoughts, he just said.

"May God help Fusu."

After hearing this, Hengji's face was as pale as wax, and he was speechless.

However, inside and outside the tent, no Qin person would be able to admire Fu Su Su after hearing that the young master had put himself in danger for the country.

The six warriors all turned their attention to their young master.

This was not just an instinctive reaction to hearing danger, but also surprise.

Judging from the look on the young master's face, he looked awe-inspiring and fearless, so naturally they weren't afraid either!
As the crown prince of a country, he was risking his country's life. When this matter reached the Qin State...

Ying Zheng's opinion of him was already secondary, but by then, he also had prestige among the Qin soldiers.

In the Qin State, most of them are soldiers.

What do soldiers yearn for most, a general or a prince?

What Ke Bing admires the most is bravery!

Chi Wu was guarding the door of the tent. Not only that, but Feng Jie, Dun Ruo and Mao Jiao were also listening to what was going on inside.

After Chi Wu heard what the young master said, he didn't chop his feet as quickly as he did to weaken Feng Jie. He just recalled the scene when the king learned that that bitch Lao Ai was going to rebel in the palace the next day.

It should be noted that at that time, the king also said similar things.

Seeing that Young Master Fusu refused to reveal anything more to him, Hengji had no choice but to retreat.

"Na Chen - stand down now."

Fusu listened, understood the meaning of the words, and smiled in his eyes.

What if he runs away with his troops?
"Go find Feng Jie. You will be at his disposal in the future. In addition, do you have 3000 troops?"

This is asking him to give up the command authority of three thousand cavalry, which is tantamount to neglecting him.But after losing three thousand riders, Hengji became a lonely man.

The horizontal halberd gritted its teeth and made a decisive move.

"I will leave everything to Dr. Feng."

Hengji is smart, he knows everything right.However, if a shrewd person creates trouble for himself, it will naturally be very difficult.

  Sebtao1 monthly pass
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(End of this chapter)

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