Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 110: Only Eternal Benefits (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

Chapter 110: Only Eternal Benefits (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

Fusu thought that he should give Hengji some sweeteners to stabilize him for the time being.

Otherwise, if he talks so nicely and suddenly betrays him and runs away at the critical moment, then his efforts will be in vain.

"Hengji, don't worry. When we return to Linzi safely, Fusu will live up to his promise and speak kind words to your father."

After hearing this, Hengji was full of suspicion and glanced under the case. He stared at Young Master Fusu's black boots and said decisively.

"With these words from the young master, Hengji feels relieved. Then Hengji will go out to look for Dr. Feng first."

"Stand back."

After retreating outside the tent, Heng Ji just saw Feng Jie Dun and Mao Jiao.

What made Hengji panic was that they did not regard him as a colleague.

Hengji wanted to be angry, but he didn't dare.

Soon, Hengji followed Feng Jie to rectify the troops and horses he brought.

According to Feng Jie's wishes, Hengji issued the order.

All three thousand Qi cavalrymen obeyed Feng Jie's orders to protect the young master Fusu when he returned to Qin.

Later, Hengji, with fear on his face, slowly walked back to the camp under the leadership of Chi Wu.

Hengji's face was illuminated by the bright torch, and his brows were full of uneasiness. Especially when Hengji noticed that there were two black figures behind him, he was even more frightened.

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night...

In the Chinese army tent, Fusu was also distressed.

Why is he so kind-hearted?
When designing the plan, I actually thought of giving him a good death after using the horizontal halberd.

Although striving for perfection is his consistent style, for Hengji, an ending like a good death is not perfect.

And although Hengji just promised, Fusu could see clearly that his face showed doubts and fear, not sincerity.

It was also at this time that Fusu suddenly thought of Ying Zheng who was far away in Xianyang.

He has encountered so many opponents in the weak Qi State alone.

Although the King of Qi was mediocre and uninformed, he still had many courtiers behind him.

The later prime minister was cunning and cunning. Even in his old age, he still controlled the government and refused to let go.

Even Hengji has a lot of thoughts.

There are also Hu Wujing, Zhou Zi...

And the enemies that Ying Zheng encountered back then were many times more difficult to deal with than him.No one else said anything, but Li Mu stopped Wang Jian, Yang Duanhe and others from moving forward.

It is so difficult to destroy a small and weak Qi State, much less powerful than Zhao and Wei.

Fusu gritted his teeth and determined to get out of the powerful halo of the First Emperor.


Chi Wu immediately raised the tent and went in, only to see that the young master was not asleep yet.

"Young master, you don't believe in the horizontal halberd?"

"Do you think Hengqi is trustworthy?"

Chi Wu patted his head.

"I forgive you for being dull and incapable of understanding people. But I just heard that Hengji also delivered family members and some valuable luggage."

After hearing this, Fusu's expression suddenly became serious, with murderous intent burning in his eyes.

"He made it clear that he came to join us, but now we have to make it difficult for him to coerce us. When Qi people spread this matter, how will we explain it to the outside world."

Chi Wu saw that the young master was already murderous towards Heng Ji.But what he wanted to correct the young master was another point.

"Young Master, those who succeed are kings, those who lose are bandits. As long as the Qi State is destroyed according to the plan, even if the people of Qi are resentful, they will not say anything about the Young Master. At this time, Chi Wu sees that everything is under the control of the Young Master, which shows that Soon the young master will destroy Qi. When the time comes, the king will be very happy."

"In my humble opinion, young master, you don't need to care so much about your reputation."

Fusu couldn't help but look at Chi Wu. Chi Wu probably learned these words from the First Emperor.

Fusu looked stern.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten how Dr. Mao was worshiped as a doctor. If a husband is a king and dares not to care about his reputation, he will be infamy and it will take a thousand years to wash it away."

"We occupy a high position, unlike Xianyun Yehe, we don't care about reputation, we act freely and do whatever we want."

Chi Wu looked ashamed after hearing this.

But soon, he was also awakened by the young master.

The changes in the king are really not small.In the past, the king could still listen to the words of Mao Jiao, a native of Qi, and bring back the deceased queen mother. But now, when the king has sole control of the court, he can rarely listen to the words that are inconsistent with the king.

"What the young master said is true."

"Now that Fusu thinks about it, the fundamental purpose of this operation is to make Qi surrender without a fight. But now, Fusu feels that sometimes, letting the King of Qi see the glory will make him know better."

"More importantly, Fusu has never experienced any danger since joining Qi. If there is no danger, then create danger."

"It should be noted that during Fusu's trip, he was not only insulted by the Qi people, but also assassinated by the Qi ministers."

When Chi Wu heard this, his face changed immediately.


"There is no need to panic. Fu Su said that the horizontal halberd was going to assassinate, and the horizontal halberd did the assassination. You go and do something for me."

Chi Wu leaned over and couldn't help but stare blankly when he heard Fu Su's words, but soon, his eyes showed a fierce look and his face was stern.

"Sir, go here."

Watching Chi Wu leave the tent.

Fusu said to himself.

"Queen of Qi, you must have discovered the rebellion by the horizontal halberd, and now, Fusu will return you a big gift from Qi."


In the empty camp, Hengji naturally didn't dare to sleep and couldn't sleep. He sat alone in the darkness, quietly listening to the sound of horse hooves outside and the gurgling stream.

In any case, Hengji didn't believe that Young Master Fusu would put in a good word for him in front of King Qin Yingzheng.

Young Master Fusu has firmly established himself as the crown prince, and now he is taking great pains and hands-on to deal with their Qi country.

Naturally, he had his purpose in doing so.

In the Qin State, King Qin Yingzheng was very prestigious, but the young master Fusu was a boy with no hair. How would he be able to control the powerful ministers and generals of the Qin State in the future?

That's why the young master of Qin was eager to make great contributions and conquered Qi. It was undoubtedly a great achievement for the young master to help Su.

And he is just a stepping stone for Young Master Fusu.

By the time he returned to Qin, he had long forgotten about himself.

And what I have to do tomorrow is to lose my head.

I thought that he had a great reputation in Hengji, but now he has thrown himself thousands of miles away to the Qin Dynasty, only to end up with his head on the ground.

After thinking about it again and again, Hengji decided to find an excuse tomorrow to settle down his wife and children, and then find a way to escape from Young Master Fusu.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a burst of hurried footsteps outside the tent, and Hengji naturally stood up like a frightened bird.

He asked his personal guard, "What's going on out there?"

But his answer was silence.

Hengji was panic-stricken. He held his sword at his waist and tiptoed to the tent door, then pressed his face against the tent.

"Someone stabbed-"

Suddenly there was an exclamation outside——

Hengji was frightened but kept retreating.

Soon, Chi Wu's thunder roared in the army.

"Open fire!"

The sound was clearly outside Hengji's tent. Hengji heard it and was about to lean out to take a closer look when he saw something red flowing into the tent.

Under the bright yellow light, the white curtain was soon splashed with shocking red.

(End of this chapter)

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