Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 111 The minister Wang Ben came to pick up the young master and return him to Xianyang (pleas

Chapter 111 The minister Wang Ben came to pick up the young master and return him to Xianyang (please support me with monthly tickets)

The State of Qi was at Huan Gong Terrace in Linzi, and it was nearly ten months.

In the autumn rain of Wutong, the sky is gloomy and the broad leaves are yellow. The raindrops fall off and stick to the bluestone palace steps, which is extremely cold.

One night passed, and Qi Wangjian had never suffered as much as last night. He almost didn't sleep all night.

Even though those plague gods from the Qin State were in Linzi, hanging in front of him every day to show him the majestic King Qi's face and actions, he had never been as confused and uneasy as last night.

After tossing and turning, unable to sleep all night, and the sky was slightly bright, Qi Wangjian learned two shocking news.

Qi Wangjian held a silk book in his hand and sat slumped on the couch, his hands shaking non-stop.

Even when she was serving and changing clothes for the maid, she was trembling uncontrollably.

First, Young Master Fusu was assassinated by a horizontal halberd last night, and his three thousand cavalry men almost started fighting with Young Master Qin's guards.Now these three thousand cavalry, after losing a hundred people, were brought back by Zuo Shuchang.Afterwards, Young Master Fusu disappeared again...

This first thing is already bad.

Secondly, Wang Ben led his army out of Anyang City three days ago and headed towards Lucheng!Claiming that he wanted to take the young master back to Qin!
Putting the two things together, it is unimaginable that they had colluded in advance.

"The son of Qin State has been rude to me many times, and now he kills my soldiers in my territory and runs around freely!"

"I am so angry!"

With that said, Qi Wangjian threw the two bamboo slips heavily on the ground.

After reading these two silk books, King Qi's chest began to rise and fall, and his breath became short.

"Quick, summon the Prime Minister quickly."

After hearing this, everyone immediately went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to invite the Prime Minister.

Xue Ji, as usual, comforted King Qi with words.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. The Queen has always been very resourceful. I believe that when the Queen comes, all these things will be solved."

King Qi was slightly taken aback, and he fixedly looked at Xue Ji.

"You are a disciple, how can you care about this matter?"

After saying that, Qi Wangjian was still panicked, but his steps were much more stable than before.

Xue Ji watched King Qi leave the palace and walked to the dressing table, where the maid combed her hair with a jade comb.

Normally, Xue Ji didn't dislike King Qi who was as skinny as a stick and useless.

Because he can give her supreme honor and splendor, but recently, especially when she saw that the king actually made such a humble appearance in front of a young man, Xue Ji began to have some different ideas.

But last night, the king was trembling and fearful all night long.

Xue Ji has been with King Qi all day, so she naturally knows why the Qin people suddenly came to visit, and now that the king is so frightened, all this shows that Qin is coming to attack Qi, but although the king and ministers have done their best Prepared for the battle, but not sure of victory.


They have always been known as tigers and wolves.

I heard that King Qin Yingzheng had destroyed three countries with the power of one country. Now Qi and Chu are separated by the land of Wei, so the two countries cannot join forces.

Qi State and Yan State Dai State were separated by the sea and could not join forces.

Therefore, Qi is now isolated and helpless.

Once Qin comes to attack Qi, Qi will definitely be defeated.

If the state of Qi perishes, the king will no longer be the king, and she will no longer be the madam...


It’s noon in Lucheng, Qi State.

Dark clouds covered the sun, and the black clouds accumulated so heavily that they looked as if they were about to fall from the sky.

The sight of green water surrounding green mountains was still in the eyes of the guards under the city wall of Lu City in Qi State, but at the moment, there was another scene that shocked them!

Thousands of miles away from the city walls of Lucheng, wherever the hills are raised, beacon fires are burning high and smoke is billowing.

Since last night, the beacon tower has been burning high.

Lucheng also started beating drums and giving orders last night to mobilize the troops.

The people in front of the city are still watching the wind, whether they want to fight or not.

The visitor is Qin General Wang Ben.

As for the people in the city, they heard that the Qin army was coming last night and saw the beacon smoke billowing from the beacon tower, so they began to take their whole family to roll up the mat, wrap up money and food, push carts, and all flee to Linzi City. .

At the national border, a beacon tower was set up on the hills every two hundred miles.

These beacon towers were all set up hundreds of years ago. After they were silent for nearly 40 years, the beacon smoke suddenly rose again.

In front of Lucheng City, the terrain is open. Wherever the Qin army passes, there is smoke everywhere and beacon fires.

Lucheng is connected to the Great Wall of Qi in the south, and after Lucheng and past Pingyuan City, it is Linzi, the capital of Qi.




The sound of the Qin people's marching troops was heard. The troops were arranged in an orderly manner and slowly advanced.

This neat sound was so loud that it began to sound when the sky was getting brighter. It was only now that the sound was coming to an end.

The momentum is huge. The people of Qi have not fought for many years and are busy nostalgic for their wealthy hometown. It is natural that their swords, halberds, axes and axes are rusty.

On the wall of Lucheng City, the guards were terrified and lay beside the wall all night with their bows and arrows on their backs.All the people were uneasy and buried their heads under the city wall, fearing that if they were not careful, the Qin people's crossbow arrows would hit their heads.

The beacon tower has been lit for a long time, and the Qin army started taking action the day before yesterday.

Rolling stones and arrows have been prepared in the bunker on the city wall for this battle.

The terrain in front of the city is open, and black squares are connected one after another, forming a black Great Wall, surging toward the city gate from west to east.

In the army, the light of the sword is cold, the white blade is shining, and the axe is even more sharp.

It was like a dark sea with a silvery cold light floating on it.

Suddenly, the drum beat loudly.

After hearing the order, the black square formations began to disperse to both sides under the guidance of the order flags.

When the army was deployed, the large black phalanx was broken up and then reorganized. The troops behind it, like black water, surged up from behind the large army and then filled up the two sides.

Several generals looked out at the plain in front of the city from the observation deck. It seemed that a black mass of ants quickly came over, and they covered the grass and swallowed it up.

The weather was already sweltering, but below the city, after regrouping, the army was approaching the city wall step by step.

In the middle of the army, there was a huge chariot, driven by two people on the left and right, and in the middle stood a middle-aged man in black armor.

After a while, three generals riding red, red and black horses ran to the chariot, got off their horses, and clasped their fists at Wang Ben.

"General - the left army has been mobilized!"

"The right army has been mobilized!"

"The Chinese army has withered!"

Wang Ben nodded, indicating that he knew.

Today's Wang Ben has a sleepy look in his eyes, and his usually tall, strong and bulging chest, even Ying Zheng couldn't help but want to step forward and punch him twice when he saw it, but today it seems to have collapsed.

And those piercing leopard eyes can only glimpse half of their former glory today.

In front of the two armies, the general was unhappy.

This scene could not escape the eyes of several generals under Wang Ben.

Especially, Tu Wei and Zhao Tuo.

Tu Wei and Zhao Tuo are both from Xianyang.

They were promoted by the general. They followed General Wang Ben when they were young. They went through life and death, fought together, and made great achievements in battle.

Now in front of the two armies, the general is unhappy.

The reason for this is naturally related to the fact that the general was sent to attack Qi.

Compared with Chu State, Fuqi is not worthy of the king sending General Wang out to fight.

Women all know that you don’t need a butcher’s knife to kill a chicken.

What surprised them even more was that the king had not long ago ordered the general to mobilize troops in accordance with the order of the young master.

 Thanks to Yu Yangyang for another 5000 starting coin reward

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  Thanks to Mingmeng Lingyuan for 1 month ticket
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(End of this chapter)

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