Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 112: He was assassinated! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 112: He was assassinated! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

What do you think, Master?

How about subduing others without fighting!

At this level, he is more than a foot higher than these reckless men who have been on the battlefield for many years!

These words were naturally what Tu Wei felt in his heart.Moreover, Tu Wei believed that there were definitely many other generals in the army who were attacking Qi who thought so.

Although they were dissatisfied with the young master's policy, they naturally did not dare to speak out.

What's more, the king has personally given the order, so they naturally dare not express any criticism and can only go all out.

In fact, everyone understands that the status of Mr. Fusu is extremely important. He is the crown prince of Qin recognized by the king himself.

The Qin State was called the Qin of Tigers and Wolves by the six former Kanto Kingdoms.

But now, their Tiger and Wolf Qin has become the dominant family and has taken over the world.

Such a Qin country, how could Prince Fusu control it in the future if he had no meritorious deeds?

Therefore, this time, the king wanted to make the young master successful and make him the heir to the Qin Empire, so he sent a general to ensure that the young master succeeded in one fell swoop.

Their trip was just to go through the motions.

The more Tu Wei thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Since the young master Fusu didn't like to fight with soldiers, he wanted to use his gentle actions to defeat Qi and achieve his reputation of benevolence and righteousness.

In my opinion, if the Qin State is really taken over by Prince Fusu one day, the foundation of the Qin State's strength - the military merit and nobility system will be at the end of the road.

But thinking of this, Tu Wei suddenly felt a little hateful for cursing their Qin country like this.

If the Qin State does not have the system of military merit and nobility, it will no longer be the Qin State.

Besides, this battle is not over yet. If Qi is solved as soon as possible, then they can go to take Yan and Dai.

With the king here, he believes that these soldiers will not run out of battles!
But the general, who is such a talented general, was sent to be the 'wet nurse' for the young master Fusu.

The general will naturally feel that he is overqualified and underused.

Now look at the country of Qi.

Unlike their Qin counterparts, the people of Qi were not pragmatic. In such troubled times, they did not reward farming, weaving and war, but instead allowed commercial development.

I heard that in Linzi City, not only the women are romantic, but also the men have hundreds of gold in their homes under their mats and pillows.

The people of Qi are greedy for ease, and the men's eyes are corroded by the light of gold, while their bodies are hollowed out by wine and sex.

To Qin, attacking Qi is like searching a bag to retrieve something. It is a piece of cake.

(The gold here refers to copper coins, and the gold that appears in the following are just shorthand names.)
Zhao Tuo wanted to cheer up the general.

"The people of Qi are so cowardly. The army has already arrived in front of the city gate, but only two or three men dare to climb high and look far."

Tu Wei said directly.

"I must be so frightened by the general's reputation that I wet my pants already."

The generals on the left and right also agreed.

"The general is so powerful. He defeated Zhao, defeated Yan, drove Chu, and submerged Wei. Everything is enough to prove that the general is a unique tiger general among our Qin army."

Wang Ben couldn't help feeling proud after hearing this, but he didn't get carried away after hearing a few words of praise.

He knew that his generals could see what was on his mind.

Wang Ben looked serious.

"In front of the two armies, stop talking about these useless things."

Seeing that the general's expression improved, Tu Wei took the opportunity to draw his sword and pointed to the sky, raising his voice.

"With the general here, what does Qi have to worry about?"

After hearing this, the soldiers nearby raised their arms and shouted.

"The general is mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

The voices of the soldiers were like ripples rising from the center of a lake.

The ripples expand from the center outward into a circle, and the sound waves of the people of Qin are also like waves.

The sound waves spread out layer by layer from the center of the army in a ring shape.

For a moment, a thundering cry sounded in front of the city gate again.

Under the city wall, thousands of pairs of ears heard the cry that frightened them to the point of almost abandoning their station and running away.

For a moment, everyone was in danger, unable to hold their weapons steadily, and some even started to tremble.

They don't know how to fight, so why capture them?

General Wang——

Among the generals of Qin, there are only two generals Wang who are like thunder.

These two people are naturally the father of a tiger and the son of a tiger, and their reputation spreads far and wide.

So no matter which General Wang they were, when they heard this General Wang, they naturally looked at each other and felt guilty. The soldiers holding axes and axes in their hands began to sweat on their palms.

Although dark clouds covered the sun in Lucheng, the weather here was extremely hot and muggy. Now that they were suddenly pulled to put on this armor, they were already suffocating.

And this cry kept rising and falling, scaring the people in the city into panic.

When Wang Ben realized that the voice of praise had spread throughout the three armies, he felt a chill down his spine.

He seemed to feel that some eyes were staring at him.

This feeling is very similar to the scene when I said goodbye to the king in the Dazheng Palace before leaving.

He turned his back to the king and left. At that time, this was how he felt.

The king's eyes felt like a thorn in his back.

My father once said that this battle may be the last battle for his Wang Ben and even the entire Wang family, so he must be careful.

Wang Ben looked panicked and quickly stopped:
"Stop quickly——"

When the sound stopped, Wang Ben already knew that Tu Wei and Zhao Tuo had caused a big disaster for him.

The King's eyes and ears are spread all over the world, and there are many pairs of eyes of the King beside him.

Moreover, their eldest son is still in Qi State.

Wang Ben felt a chill behind his back, his face was ashen, and he wanted to punish Tu Yi.

However, there are orders in the army not to punish officers without reason.

Wang Ben had no choice but to keep the matter in his heart.

But amidst the roar, Wang Ben saw a Qi military flag rising up from the wall of the Qi State city with trembling ropes.

Tu Wei suddenly set up his crossbow, loaded the arrow, and aimed it at the military flag.

But was stopped by Wang Ben.

"Tu Wei, no."

Tu Wei still refused to put down his crossbow. He tilted his head slightly and aimed his sharp arrow at the military flag.

"General, why?"

"The silk book of the young master clearly states that the purpose of entering Qi this time is only to take the young master back to Qin. You are not allowed to engage in troops with the Qi people."

"Absurd! The two armies are confronting each other in front of the city. If we don't take action first, then we will be the first to fall. And since the young master went in so arrogantly, why didn't he come out so arrogantly!"

I want to use their power to put pressure on King Qi and achieve what he said in the court!

It’s a shame he figured it out!
Then their [-]-strong army would have traveled this far in vain!
Wang Ben gave Tu Wei a hard look with his eyes.

"Tu Wei, you are so arrogant!"

Why don't you quickly put down the crossbow machine. "

After hearing this, Tu Wei put down the crossbow and saw Wang Bian's livid face.

"Now we have arrived at the city, but the people of Qi did not shoot at us. It must be because the young master is circling among them."

Tu Wei was very angry after hearing this, but when he saw Wang Ben's face, he could only hang his head in frustration.

Now that he has come to Qi, if he doesn't fight, he has no military exploits, so how can he continue to be promoted?

"The young master sent a letter a few days ago, asking us to come and pick him up."

At this moment, the scout suddenly reported back in a hurry.

"Report to the General—Master, send a letter!"

When Wang Ben and the generals heard this, they all looked at each other in shock.

You know, when the young master is here, all the correspondence and silk documents are secret messages. How can a scout come to report?

Attendant Wang Ben got out of the car and took the letter back.

Fusu has no military talisman, let alone any military power.

So I can only send the letter.

Wang Ben unfolded the silk book, and waves of sweltering heat hit his face.Wang Ben carefully read the contents of the young master's letter word by word.

"General, has the Young Master given the order to attack them all?"

Tu Wei asked anxiously.

"The young master was actually assassinated!"

All the generals naturally looked frightened.

Once something happens to the young master, Your Majesty will be furious.

Zhao Tuo stepped forward.

"May I ask how the current situation is, young master? With the Tiger and Guard troops by your side, I think everything should be fine."

Wang Ben looked calm, he had probably betrayed the contents of the letter, and he wanted to tell the truth, but when he saw all the generals in front of him, especially Tu Wei, he kept his mouth shut.

(End of this chapter)

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