Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 113: Conquering the enemy without fighting (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 113: Conquering the enemy without fighting (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
Seeing the general's expression of hesitating to speak.

Several lieutenants were anxious.

The scout comes to report. For soldiers, this action often means fighter planes and enemy situation.

Wang Ben is the general and has the right to decide whether to announce or not to announce the content of this urgent letter.

"With the most elite Huben troops of the Qin army on their side, the young master is fine. However, now there is a conflict between the young master and the Qi people."

When Tu Weiyi heard this, his face turned blue with anger, and he squandered his sword to dispel the resentment in his heart.

"How dare the people of Qi do this and attack the young master? Don't the people of Qi not know that one hundred thousand elite troops of our Qin army have already sent troops to Lu City. The troops are approaching the city, but only two or three of the people of Qi dare to stand on the city wall."

Wang Ben stroked his short beard, his eyes were shrewd and admirable.

"No, the young master has made it clear that he wants us to enter the city to help King Qi put down the rebellion."

As soon as these words came out, there was naturally an explosion among the generals of the Qin State.

"Suppression of the rebellion? Has someone rebelled in Qi?"

All the generals were shocked.

Compared with others, Zhao Tuo focused all his attention on the young master Fusu.In his opinion, the young master's courage to join the Qi army alone and personally provide support was beyond ordinary people's courage.

Moreover, His Majesty also supports the young master, so naturally they should fully cooperate with the young master to ensure his safety.

"If someone really makes trouble in Qi State, wouldn't that Young Master be in danger?"

Wang Ben squinted his eyes, thinking about something.

"Young Master is indeed in great danger at this time. He was assassinated by Qi Ren last night..."


Tu Wei heard this. He had no time to analyze the situation of the young master in Qi State, and heard this seemingly extremely ominous news.He just cursed secretly: "That's right!"

Zhao Tuo clasped his fists.

"Please give the general's order to attack Qi Qi quickly and rescue the young master."

After Tu Wei heard this, he immediately had an idea. Since the young master encountered such a situation, the situation was critical and he must enter Qin.

"This is unreasonable! By acting like this, Qi State is turning a blind eye to our [-] Qin elites? Please ask the general to quickly order troops to attack the city."

Zhao Tuo glared at Tu Wei.

"Tu Wei——Young Master is still in the Qi Kingdom. If we mobilize the army at this time, wouldn't it make the Young Master passive?"

For a moment, the generals looked at each other in confusion.

Tu Wei's face was stiff, and he glared at Zhao Tuo, and immediately Tu Wei clasped his fists towards Wang Ben.

"Tu Wei is being reckless. But now our Qin army cannot move without the Young Master's order, and the Young Master is alone with us, relying only on a mere letter. We don't know what the situation is like on the Young Master's side."

"All the generals have met the young master. The young master has not yet been crowned. This is a fact that everyone in the court knows. Now we are acting on the urgent order sent by the scouts. I am afraid that it will not be good for the young master."

The generals all nodded after hearing this.

These words are of course true.

Given the age of Young Master Fusu, any one of these generals would have doubts if they marched on the Young Master's trust alone.

The weather is getting hotter and muggier, and the dark clouds in the sky are getting lower and lower.

"The king personally ordered us to mobilize troops in accordance with the order of the young master. Do you intend to disobey the king's order?"

When Tu Wei heard this, his eyes widened, showing fear and a little unwillingness.

"Tu Wei naturally did not dare to disobey the king's order. However, the young master clearly ordered us to enter Qi to suppress the rebellion. The Qi people are now closed. However, the beacon fire is high, and there are piles of stones on the city wall. This is clearly an act in response to the enemy. Young Master ordered us to go to Qi to quell the rebellion. Who is rebelling in Qi, and how can we do it?"

Of course what Tu Wei said was true, otherwise how could he be worshiped as General Zuo.

Other generals also began to agree.

Zhao Tuo also couldn't refute what Tu Wei said.

However, Wang Ben resisted all opinions.

"You are all generals who have been through life and death. You have climbed up from the dead step by step. Now, why is it worth making trouble for such a trivial matter?"

Wang Ben looked stern and stared at the group of warriors who were determined to fight together.

The intention of Tu Wei and other generals was very obvious, they wanted to attack the city.

After hearing this, the generals looked left and right one by one.

"But if Qi State is not allowed to attack, how can Qi State be willing to open the city gate?"

If this delay continues, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among some soldiers.

Young Master Fusu's ideas were almost contrary to the foundation of their Qin State.

I heard that the old general Meng Wu had criticized the young master's policy, but the king still chose to favor Mr. Fu Su.

War has always been a tool for exercising power in the court.

"Your Majesty ordered a war, and you will fight. If your Majesty ordered the Qi Kingdom to surrender, then the Qi Kingdom will surrender."

Wang Ben ordered, and the generals did not dare to say more.

At this moment, the scouts report again!
"Report to General."

All the generals turned around and turned their attention to the scout.

The little scout got off his horse, stood in front of Wang Ben, and bowed his head in greeting.

"Report to the general, Qi State General Tian Dan sent someone to see the general."

When Tu Wei heard this, he immediately became angry.

"What kind of person is the general? How can he, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, gather people to meet him at the first sight?"

Wang Ben looked solemn, stroking his short beard and thinking again and again.

Wang Ben rubbed the hilt of his sword, saying that he would not fight with him unless he had to.

He has to try.

"Zhao Tuo, you will go on my behalf."

Zhao Tuo made a bow.

"Zhao Tuo obeyed."

"You told the people of Qi that my son was the king of Qi and won the alliance and humiliated each other. He violated the prestige of the king of Qin. Now we are here to pick up the son and return him to Qin. We have not waited for a long time. I have believed that my son was stabbed by the ministers of Qi. , and I heard that the situation in Qi State is critical, please let us go to Qi State immediately to pick up our son!"


Tu Weidao.

"General, I ask for orders to go with him."

"You stay here."

Zhao Tuo went happily.

Both armies held shields and escorted the two generals to meet in the open space in front of the city.

The envoy of Qi State is Tian Zhong, a confidant of the general who is currently guarding the city.

Now the situation in Qi is extremely critical!
Now one hundred thousand Qin troops are approaching the gates of Lucheng. However, Lucheng's original defenders only had less than 5. Now they have pieced together [-] troops, but they are still in the process of reorganization.

Now there are only [-] people in Lucheng. How can they defeat the tiger and wolf Qin?

The army to face the battle has not yet been prepared, and the general who defends the city requests the king to transfer troops from the Great Wall to Lucheng. I am afraid that the king has not received it yet.

In front of the two armies, the Qi envoys were trembling with fear from the beginning and did not dare to step forward.

It was noon, the sky was gloomy with overlapping dark clouds, making people feel oppressive and uncomfortable.

The Qin army was surrounded by darkness, their axes, axes, swords and crossbows all flashing with cold light, their sharp edges shining brightly.

The little envoy just looked at the black sea and no longer dared to control the horse to move forward, and the black horseman also did not dare to move forward.

The general pointed an arrow at him at the city gate, so he forced himself to swallow his tears and plucked up the courage to control his horse and move forward.

But his face was already turning green, and his lips had already begun to tremble.

When Zhao Tuo saw the Qi envoy, he just looked at him and frightened the Qi people into taking a few steps back.

A long way away, Zhao Tuo came up and loudly scolded the messenger.

"Where is my son?"

The envoy was confused. In front of the two armies, the Qin people asked about their young master.

What's more, it was precisely because the prince of Qin entered Qi's territory half a month ago that all the people of Qi thought that Qin and Qi were friends.

The movements of the Qin army have also been paid attention to by the Qi army.

Wang Ben led the elite troops of Qin to be stationed in Anyang City, which faced Dai and Yan.And because the prince of Qin was still in Qi, the people of Qi thought that this army was not coming for them.

(End of this chapter)

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