Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 114: Get them all quickly (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 114: Get them all quickly (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Now that Wang Ben suddenly gathered a large army and entered Qi, Lucheng was unable to resist at all.

How dare the Qi people resist when the Qin army is overwhelming.

"What do you mean by that, General?"

Zhao Tuo was naturally angry.

"The people of Ruqi dare to pretend not to know. Putting aside the fact that the young master came to Qi and was humiliated by the lord of your country, the people of Qin have learned that there are traitors in the country of Qi. They are hunting down my young master and forcing him to flee south."

"Things like this have forced my young master to have a country and not be able to return. The country of Erqi actually wants to deny it!"

The envoys of Qi State were naturally surprised when they heard this.

Logically speaking, how could Qi State humiliate the young master of Qin State?
That day when the prince of Qin entered Qi, the king sent the general, Sima, and Situ to welcome him.

Never expected that Young Master Qin would encounter this.

Naturally, he felt guilty when he was wronged. After the guilty conscience, there was another wave of heart palpitations caused by fear.

The envoy controlled the horse and retreated continuously.Soon, his mouth felt dry, and he even became dizzy.

The dark army in front of him made him almost unable to stand up.With a little carelessness, a crossbow arrow flew and hit him on the forehead, killing him.

Qi Guo was in the wrong, and Zhao Tuo was even more worried at the moment, his brows almost breaking.

"Either hand over our son, or open the city gate and let us go to rescue him."

"I can't make the decision on this matter. I will go back and report this matter to the general."

Zhao Tuo said immediately.

"I'm afraid you don't know, but your country is already in trouble."

"This? Why did the general say this? A rebellion broke out within Qi State. If not, there would have been no reinforcements in Lu City like Heru."

The man had already sensed that a disaster was coming, and Lucheng would no longer be the city of Qi. But now he heard this from the Qin general, and he was extremely afraid.

"You are from Qin. How can people from Qin know about things that people in Yu Qi don't know yet?"

After Zhao Tuo heard this, he looked up to the sky and laughed out loud.

He did not answer how they learned about the news in Qi State. He only wanted to shake their military morale.

In front of the formation of the two armies, dark clouds pressed over the city, and the armor was dazzling. The Qin people were riding in black and heavy armor, with a fierce look in their eyes.

"I laugh at the fact that your country of Qi is about to perish, but the soldiers on the border don't know anything about it."

The man was doubtful at first, but when he saw Zhao Tuo's arrogant attitude, he couldn't help but not believe it!

"Tell the commander of your army to surrender within a stick of incense!"

"Otherwise, you will all be buried in this city today!"

After saying these words, Zhao Tuo rode away lightly.


Among the three armies of the Qin State, the Yuanmen has been set up.

Wang Ben took the generals back to the tent at the camp gate.

Above the sand table, there are undulating hills and the terrain is relatively gentle.

Under the sand table, a small clay-colored Great Wall stretches from west to east. This Great Wall was originally built to defend against the State of Lu, and later was used to defend against the State of Wei.

Above the sand table, there are only five big cities.

After Lucheng passed, it was Pingyuan City, and then Linzi City.

Further east from Linzi is Penglai, and beyond Penglai is the East China Sea.

And to the north is the North Sea.

(The Qi people call it the Bohai Sea.)
Under the warning and reminder of the superior general, Tu Wei naturally did not dare to speak nonsense, but his interest in participating in the deployment also dropped a lot.

Zhao Tuo was still waiting outside for a reply from the defender of Lucheng.

The other generals, each with a sturdy build and a strong back, were surrounding the sand table in the tent with their swords in hand.

Some people have a scornful tone.

"I didn't expect that the Qi State, which was the second emperor of Qin State at that time, now only has such a small place left."

Some people criticized Qi State for its national policy.

"This is true. The people of Qi value business but do not encourage farming and mulberry farming. The country's leader also promotes sexual pleasure, and all the people in his country have lost their fighting spirit."

"Speaking of which, the State of Qi has also taken in many wealthy merchants who were refugees from the old areas of Zhao, Han, and Wei. Our country is in the western expedition against Korea, Zhao and Wei, and it is the State of Qi that has benefited the most."

The generals all nodded after hearing this.

Attack them all, easy!
That's why the generals were so casual in front of the formation. Wang Ben understood this.

But in front of the two armies, one must not be careless.

Wang Ben looked solemn and stared at Linzi, Qi State.

"When the young master enters Qi, no one else cares about him. Just saying that these Qi people are rude to the young master is already disrespectful to our Qin country. This move is worthy of our Qin army sending troops."

"Now the young master has used the excuse of being assassinated by the Qi people, and explicitly ordered us to enter Qi to quell the rebellion and protect the king of Qi. The young master's intention is for us to enter Linzi."

Naturally, someone interpreted the purpose of Young Master Fusu's order.

"I think the young master's plan is very clever. It is clear that the young master was humiliated, but we still used the banner of suppressing the rebellion to make our eyes filled with tears of grievance. Then we held King Qi's hand with one hand and stabbed Qi Qi with the other. Wang Yijian."

"It turns out that this is what the young master is good at."

There was a burst of laughter from inside the tent.

Wang Ben pursed his lips and his expression hardened.

When the generals saw this, they immediately suppressed their laughter.

"The border towns of Qi State are currently undefended. This shows that the Qi people have not yet assembled all their forces to respond to our army."

Tu Wei took the opportunity to make a comment.

"Yes, the defense of Qilu City is weak now, we can take it in one fell swoop and then go straight to Linzi."

Wang Ben pointed at the Great Wall with his sword.

"Although it is easy for us to capture Lucheng, it is not easy to defend Lucheng. I am afraid that after we enter Qi, we will be surrounded by Qi troops from behind. Months ago, the king had learned , the Qi army sent a large number of troops to the Qi Great Wall area, and the intention was probably not for defense."

The generals couldn't help but look down.

To the south of the Great Wall of Qi is either the Qin State or the Chu State.

Moreover, they only recently learned that Tingwei Li Si and Shang Qing Yao Jia had nothing to gain from the Chu State. The delay has been so far that the King of Chu refused to meet the envoys of Qi State, and naturally refused to recognize the king's title of emperor.

The Chu army had Xiang Yan as its general, but the Qi army had people from the royal family as its generals.

The Chu people's reputation for bravery was now brought back to their ancestral graveyard by the Qin people.

But unlike the previous two battles, the first Qin army raided Chu, and the second Qin army also raided Chu.

The Qin army was victorious and the Chu army was defeated twice in a row. After two battles, the Chu people must be well prepared and will not be defeated as easily as before.

"Get them all, be sure to hurry!"

This is the consensus reached by the generals.

Wang Ben stared at the map, and the more he looked at it, the more he realized that attacking Qi had pros and cons.

After destroying Qi, the Chu State would be completely isolated and helpless. When the enemy attacked Chu, there would be no resistance at all.The same goes for the Yan Dynasty.It is not impossible for them to jump out and ask for surrender when they fall.

Wang Ben was convinced of the young master Fusu. After all, he was not the Zhao Kuo who talked on paper.

Because to a certain extent, Mr. Fu Su's strategy can avoid casualties in the war to the greatest extent, so as to realize the idea of ​​​​benevolence to all people in the world that the prince reported to the king.

But there is another possibility to destroy Qi.That was what Qin was most afraid of, forcing the six kingdoms of Kanto to join forces.Although from the topographic point of view, Qi, Chu, Yan, and Dai are actually in a line along the sea.And there is the Great Wall and the sea in the middle.

In this way, their coalition will only expose their own weaknesses, so it is impossible for the four countries to join forces together.

But they may send troops to reinforce Qi.

Wang Ben finally spoke.

He looked at the map, his eyes burning brightly, and it was clear that Qi State was bound to be won.

If Chu comes to help, the King of Qi will definitely let him enter through the Great Wall.

Moreover, Yan Dynasty and Chu State could both use waterways to help Qi State.

"The State of Qi must be taken down within one month!"

"The southeastern part of the Qi State is the Chu State. The southwest part is now my Qin County. Now there is General Yang Duanhe guarding it to guard against the alliance between the Qi State and the Chu State."

"And the young master is going south all the way, presumably to meet with the troops stationed in the old Wei Dynasty. There is guard Yang Duanhe there to support him."

"Young Master's departure from Linzi will undoubtedly free us from worries for our attack on Qi."

"And Yang Duanhe has 20 troops there. It would be best to prevent Chu from aiding Qi."

(End of this chapter)

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