Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 115 Surrender without a fight, greatly invigorating Qin Feng! (Please give me a monthly reco

Chapter 115 Surrender without a fight, greatly invigorating Qin Feng! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Under the command of Lu Cheng of the State of Qi, the black military flag fluttered in the wind.

After being told by Zhao Tuo before the battle, and seeing a large army in front of the city gate, Tian Xun, the general guarding the city, had already lost his confidence.

Now, firstly, he has not received orders from the king, secondly, he has not seen any large army coming to support, thirdly, it has been decades since he has not led troops to fight, and firstly, he is the king of Qin Ben, he is naturally timid and fearful.

"General, the Qin people only gave them one stick of incense, but what can we do now?"

The hall was filled with generals, their armor as silver as snow, and there was not even a scratch on each person's armor.

After hearing this, the guard of Lu City felt a surge of grief, anger and despair in his eyes. He looked wistfully to the northwest in the distance, where Linzi, the capital of Qi State, was located.

"Now we only have 5 people, and we can't defend Lucheng no matter what. If we retreat hastily, what we encounter may not be reinforcements, but a killing order from the king."

Tian Xun knew very well that Hou Sheng, the brother of the first king and queen, had the final say in the Qi court, and the Tian family clan had always been marginalized.

If he abandons the city and flees, he will be blamed by his successors.

As soon as these words came out, all the Lucheng guardsmen's legs went weak.

Tian Xun's eyes were burning and he said loudly.

"The so-called people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves."

"Since we are in the army, we will one day die in battle. But I know that all brothers have elders in their families. How can you abandon the filial piety taught by Confucius and ignore it!"

"To retreat now, in a hurry, we can only abandon the young and old at home. But in the battle, we will definitely be unable to defeat the Qin people. You all heard it just now, and you all know that the person who led the army to attack Wulu City this time is This is Qin General Wang Ben. May I ask you, who dares to challenge Wang Ben?"

"If we fight, we will be defeated! By then our parents will have no one to support us. In this way, we are in a dilemma."

If you fight, you will be defeated, and if you retreat, you will not escape the blame of the unprincipled king.

After hearing Tian Xun's analysis, all the generals burst into tears and wept with their heads in their arms. Many cities were broken and unable to recover.

The generals all told how the elders in their families were usually very kind to them, but now they cannot fulfill their filial piety and want to make the elders suffer because of them...

Seeing that the time was almost up, Tian Xun made a decisive decision and said:

"I thought we were going to surrender today!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face showed surprise.But soon, they started nodding in agreement.

Only by surrendering can you avoid fighting and save your life.

Why not?

"What General Tian said is absolutely true. We can't retreat, and we can't fight. For the sake of our family, we naturally have to surrender."

"And our King of Qi openly admits that he respects King Qin Zheng as the emperor. Even the King of Qi bows to Qin. No wonder we have no spine."

"Yes, what General Tian said is true!"


Tian Xun waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"Then we will go together to meet the Qin general and express our willingness to submit to the Qin State and serve the Qin King's government."

Speaking of King Qin, who in the world does not know his name.

Within the four seas, few people disobeyed King Qin.

"We have always heard that the King of Qin has the ambition to unify the world. We are obeying Qin today, and we are also following the general trend of the world. Moreover, the King of Qin always treats surrendered soldiers preferentially. Our surrender will not only protect the people of Wulu City from suffering, but also It also allows us to support our parents."


Wang Ben and others are still discussing when to take the city?
The young master has not informed him of his whereabouts, so Wang Ben and others naturally have to wait for the young master to help Su leave Qi before they can attack Qi in a big way.

Zhao Tuo raised the curtain suddenly and announced the good news as soon as he entered.

"General, Lucheng guard Tian Xun led his troops to surrender."

Wang Ben, who was very sensitive to military and political affairs, could not help but be suspicious.

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Tuo expressed no doubt about the matter.

"Zhao Tuo once heard the officials in the court say that when the Zhao Kingdom was destroyed, all knowledgeable people in the world would realize that the world was already in the king's pocket. Therefore, the land of Wei, Qi, Chu, and Yan, How many people with discerning eyes are born with the heart of treason and return to Qin."

"Zhao is so powerful, with Yan in the north, Qi, Wei, Chu in the east, and Qin in the west. Under heavy siege from many countries, King Wuling of Zhao promoted Hufu riding and shooting, wantonly expanding his territory, and resisting Qin's territorial gains."

"But even such a powerful Zhao State was destroyed by our Qin State. Not only did our Qin State gain important territory, but it also gave our Qin Army a very high prestige."

"At the same time, Wei, Chu, Qi, and Yan were all exposed to Qin's feet."

"The reason why Wei fell so quickly was because Zhao and Han were both dead, and the morale of the army was shattered, so it was almost defeated without a fight. In addition, Daliang City of Wei was flooded, which was also a huge blow to the other countries. The people of Qi saw it It’s not surprising that when the Qin army came, they wanted to surrender.”

Wang Ben said: "Good."

Wang Ben looked at Tu Wei.

"You go with Zhao Tuo to take over Lucheng."


In the red lacquered wooden pavilion, the whole hall was shining with copper light and jade.

Hou Sheng was lying on the bed, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and his beard was sparse and unkempt, piled on his chest.

Several imperial doctors in black robes were waiting in front of Hou Xiang's bed, taking turns taking Hou Sheng's pulse.

Hou Sheng was dying.

King Qi moved around in front of his bed, restless.

"How's the situation going?"

"Reporting to your Majesty, the Queen is already old and not suitable for hard work. However, the Queen has been frequently burdened by state affairs recently and worried too much. Now she has been stimulated and angry, so she fainted."

After hearing this, King Qi couldn't help but look at the queen lying on the collapse.

If the queen is gone, who will give him advice?

King Qi was in a hurry.

"When will Hou Xiang recover?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the queen has always been kind-hearted and healthy. Now it's just a small irritation, and it's not a serious problem. If you want to recover, you still need to rest."


King Qi chopped off his feet angrily and looked at each other angrily.

"I would like to ask you, when will the Prime Minister get up to discuss politics?"

What he wants is for the Prime Minister to hurry up and help him make suggestions, not to listen to what they say about the Prime Minister.

"As little as three days, as much as half a month."

"Three days!"

In three days' time, Qin might have to invade Qi.

After hearing this, King Qi was naturally angry and kicked all the doctors.

The doctors all buried their heads on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Your Majesty, forgive me!"


Hou Sheng actually heard the movement outside clearly.

The King of Qi cannot live without me.

As for the state of Qi, it was even more difficult to win without him.

Driven by such a powerful thought, Hou Sheng moved his fingers with difficulty.

Hou Xiang struggled and wanted to get up, but the maid who was waiting close by saw this and immediately went up to help him up.

Once he sat up, he became more awake.

Seeing this, King Qi hurriedly came forward and sat on the collapse.

The uncle and nephew were face to face like this. The nephew was extremely anxious, and Hou Sheng's face was also filled with panic.

"I never expected that Er Qin would attack me first. I made a mistake. I hope your Majesty will forgive me."

After Hou Sheng said this, he wanted to bow to King Qi.

King Qi saw this, angry in his heart and anxious on his face.

"Prime Minister - now that we have arrived, why should we still adhere to these false etiquette?"

Suddenly, a loud voice came from outside.

Hou Sheng recognized this voice, his deadly enemy - Tian Dan.

When King Qi saw the person coming, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Tian Dan, Tian Heng."

Tian Dan walked straight into the inner room and bowed to King Qi.

"We will pay homage to King Qi."

Behind Tian Dan, Tian Heng and other Tian family clans followed.These people were in their prime, with black hair and beards, in sharp contrast to Hou Sheng's gray hair and beards.

Hou Sheng became angry when he saw the visitor.

These members of the Tian clan were all sent to the seaside of the East China Sea by him before, but they all came back rashly today.

(End of this chapter)

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