Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 116: The Alliance of the Tian Family (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 116: The Alliance of the Tian Family (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

It was because of the presence of Tian Dan, Tian Heng and other Tian clan members that Hou Sheng couldn't bear to say anything about it.

Determined to win later, after they left, he would definitely read their book in front of the King of Qi.

Returning without an edict is a serious crime!Disobeying the king's orders is a big deal.

Over the years, the Tian clan has been suppressed by him.

Now, as soon as he claimed to be sick, these lambs from the Tian clan were eager to come back and talk to them.
In fact, Tian Dan and Tian Heng came back together precisely because they learned that Qi Wangjian and his empress minister and Qin Guogong had caused endless absurd scandals in the Qi State court.

Hou Sheng was so stupid that he wanted to drive the son of Qin back to Qin.

Didn't Hou Sheng think that by detaining Prince Fusu in Qin, he could then use him as a bargaining chip to threaten the Qin government?

Not only that, the prince of Qin insulted the king of Qi in various ways, and they felt ashamed after hearing all the details.

However, I heard that some people are currently attacking the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister has indeed made frequent mistakes. This is the perfect opportunity for them to take back the power and official position that their Tian clan deserves.

The most important thing is that there are rumors about the Queen's Chancellor in the DPRK. The DPRK has been in chaos for a long time, and there is an urgent need for the orthodox Qi royal family to come forward to take charge of the overall situation.

So, they rushed back overnight.

As expected, King Qi said.

"The ministers have come back just in time. I am worried that there is no one around me to give me advice."

When Hou Sheng heard this, his back felt cold.

My phase...

As he spoke, King Qi had already let go of Hou Sheng's hand.This unintentional move by King Qi was so subtle, but Hou Sheng felt deeply that his power as prime minister had slipped from his hands.

The people of the Tian clan have already taken this trivial act seriously.

They stepped forward decisively to speak to the king.

"Your Majesty, when I arrived at Linzi City, I heard from the ministers that the situation is critical now. Under the banner of bringing the Qin master back to Qin, the Qin people have already pressed the border with a large army. Lucheng is only a small border area. Dare you ask your Majesty how to station troops? no?"

King Qi looked sad after hearing this.

"I have not stationed troops in Lucheng."

But the horizontal lines on Hou Sheng's forehead were accompanied by a smile.

King Qi didn't see Hou Sheng's smile, but Tian Dan did, and he clenched his fist angrily.

Tian Heng's face tightened, and he looked at Tian Dan with pleading eyes. Tian Dan understood, and then he suppressed the anger in his chest.Tian Dan soon thought that, as expected, the old fox took advantage of their absence to instigate the king to use his troops indiscriminately.

Although this old thief is extremely powerful and has many methods, he has no foresight in military and political matters.

20 years ago, he forced to kill a group of loyal ministers and generals of Qi State.Don't give him a chance, otherwise he will definitely defeat the old thief.

Compared to Tian Dan's indignation, Tian Heng is more calm and rational.He knew that if there was internal fighting within the Qi State at this time, the Qi State would be completely doomed.

We must first let Qi State survive the current crisis before making other plans.

Tian Heng was very worried.

"Since there is no heavy defense, then Lucheng must belong to the Qin people."

When Tian Dan heard that Lucheng was gone, he naturally yelled:

"Lucheng is really an important place on the border of our Qi Kingdom. Why don't we send heavy troops to guard it?"

King Qi was a little surprised, and then he became annoyed.

"Tian Dan, are you blaming me?"

Tian Dan's neck stiffened.

"It's just a small city of Lu. If it's lost, it's lost! What you said is true, why don't you take back all the lost land for me?"

Tian Dan was surprised and afraid when he saw this scene.Then he felt resentful that King Qi was still so dim after not seeing him for several years.

The state owner is like this, and his survival today depends entirely on the protection of Jiang Gong's spirit in heaven.

Tian Dan lowered his head.

King Hou Sheng of Qi was offended by Tian Dan and immediately reprimanded him.

"Tian Dan - you are so impudent! Could it be that you don't take the king seriously?"

On the battlefield, archery skills are faster than swords, but in the court, in front of the king, the fight is mouth-to-mouth.

When Tian Dan heard this, his face turned blue with fright.

King Qi was even more angry after hearing this.

"I heard that someone spread rumors that I am not worthy of being the king. Do you think you can be suitable?"

Tian Dan's face turned pale.

"Your Majesty, I forgive you. I was just impetuous and spoke quickly, and I offended Your Majesty. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

Tian Heng also interceded with the King of Qi on behalf of his clan brothers.

"Your Majesty, please don't be angry. Tian Dan is also worried about Qi State. Otherwise, why would he come to Linzi at starry night? Tian Dan just said something out of anger. Your Majesty, it is the right time to employ people!"

When King Qi heard this, the first thing he thought of was the traitor's halberd.

Tian Heng was anxious, but he found that King Qi and the Queen were not anxious at all.For them, Lu City does not seem to be important.

"Since Lucheng can no longer be defended, Tian Heng is bold and asks the king to recruit and mobilize 40 troops to the plains."

Hou Sheng will not panic no matter what happens.

He believes that there is no way out.

There is always a solution to everything.

This old man, who is in his eighties, has snow-white hair and sunken eyes, but he always has a stubborn and self-righteous shrewdness.

Hou Sheng stroked his beard and said leisurely.

"Lucheng, the most beautiful land, is the land we intend to cede to Qin this time. Behind Lucheng, there are hills and mountains, which will be difficult for the Qin people to cross for a while."

"Ceded to Qin? Why ceded?"

This time Tian Heng was puzzled.

Hou Sheng looked like he was sure of victory.

"Master Qin thinks that we are rude to Qin and insist on leaving Qi. In order to stabilize Qin, we decide to cede territory to make amends to stabilize Qi."

Tian Dan wanted to seize this piece of fat and force the Qin army to retreat.

"Where is Mr. Qin now?"

The King of Qi and the Queen didn't answer. Because there was a horizontal halberd randomly interfering with the situation, the two of them were now embarrassed.

In fact, the King of Qi had been estranged from Hou Sheng since he tried every means to expel the prince of Qin and return to Qin.

Offending Mr. Qin will not do any good to Qi.

Moreover, Mr. Qin now claims to have humiliated and left Qi, which undoubtedly makes it difficult for him as the king of Qi.

"Why did you let the young master help Su return to Qin?"

Tian Dan was already furious.

"With such a good opportunity, we should tie up the young master of Qin and threaten the King of Qin."

Hou Sheng sneered.

"How dare you force the King of Qin? You are just talking big words. The State of Qin is worried about having no reason to attack the State of Qi..."

"But now, didn't the Prime Minister still give Qin such a reason? And he also let Young Master Fusu go?"

Tian Dan didn't know that he was asking so aggressively.The fearful King Qi, who had been here for half a month, was dissatisfied.

Okay, sounds great!
What you think you can think of, others cannot.

Hou Sheng was furious and asked questions again and again.

"Have you ever seen Mr. Qin? Do you know how strong Qin's army is? Do you know how the King of Qin will treat Qin when he is detained?"

Hou Sheng cursed loudly, and his energy and energy suddenly improved again, while Tian Dan's aura subsided.

Hou Sheng took the opportunity to challenge him again.

"Indeed, why are you rushing to Zizi when you are not in the fiefdom?"

"Naturally, the two of us are here to discuss matters with the king."

"Now that the Qin army suddenly attacked Lucheng, we went to the palace to find the king but failed. We also heard that the queen minister is seriously ill. I guess the king must have come to visit the queen minister."

Although this statement was in response to the later prime minister, it was quite ridiculing and sarcastic towards Qi Wang Jian.

After hearing this, Wang Jian of Qi was naturally angry.

"The Prime Minister became ill because he was worried about the country. Why are you still talking about gossip!"

King Jian of Qi could not control the princes of Qin, but he could control his group of idle and indolent ministers of the Tian clan.

After hearing this, these people naturally began to resent Qi Wang again.

The biggest problem in the Qi State is that the foreign ministers headed by Hou Sheng, the elder brother of the First King and Queen, preside over the court officials and control the overall situation, pushing aside the Tian clan.

 In fact, if you are someone who truly understands the history of the late Warring States, the Qin Dynasty, the Qin and Han Dynasties, and the early Han Dynasty, then you will definitely understand my intention in writing about people like Hu Wujing and the latest appearance of Tian Hengtian Dan.

  Some of these old figures were used by the Qin Dynasty, while others rebelled against Qin and became king.

  Tian Dan was the self-reliant king of Qi during the anti-Qin period.

  So, I hope everyone can stay calm and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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