Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 117, Chapter 45: The golden jade is defeated on the outside (please give me a monthly recomm

Chapter 117 No.40 Hardware and Jade are ruined on the outside (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Hou Sheng looked at Tian Heng and Tian Dan, and thought that they both had the same clan as the king.

Now that he is seriously ill, they must come to add insult to injury and seize the opportunity to seize power with him.

With this thought, Hou Sheng had to force himself to cheer up.

He is the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister of Qi State is less than one person and more than ten thousand people. No one else can change this fact.

Hou Sheng cheered up again and attacked Tian Dan.

"You are so arrogant that you often speak nonsense."

Seeing that several people were about to start arguing again, they came out to speak out.

Tian Heng took the initiative to bow to each other backwards.

"The national affairs are now at this time. It's time to let go of those old grudges."

After hearing this, Xiang restrained his anger slightly.

Tian Heng had no hope for Hou Sheng, but he still had a glimmer of hope for King Qi.If the king is willing to know his way back from the lost path, everything will be possible now.

"Now that the Qin army has arrived in front of Lucheng, I would like to ask the king to make a decision quickly."

Qi Wangjian looked at the rear minister.

"The Qin army is approaching the city. Please ask your prime minister to come up with an idea for me."

When Tian Dan saw this, he couldn't help but feel extremely contemptuous of King Qi in his heart, and also resented Hou Sheng, an old man.

The whole country of Qi was defeated by King Yong and the Prime Minister!


"Report to the king, Tian Xun, the guard of Lucheng, sent a letter to the king asking for help!"

Suddenly, the messenger hurriedly came through the door to report.

When Tian Dan heard this, he couldn't help being shocked. Lucheng was gone, and the Qin army's next target was the plain. After passing the plain, they would reach Linzi City.

"Your Majesty, please return to the palace quickly and discuss with the generals on mobilizing troops and gathering troops."

When Hou Sheng heard this, he was naturally anxious.

He was ill and lying in bed at this time, but he gave the Tian family members an opportunity to take advantage of him.And if Tian Dan facilitates this matter, Tian Dan will definitely take the opportunity to lead the general to the king.

The Tian clan originally had their own armies, but now that they have military power, it's okay.

"Your Majesty, please don't—"

Tian Dan's eyes widened with anger, and he was about to rush forward, almost wanting to greet Hou Sheng with his fists.

"Why did the Prime Minister stop us? It's already the time of crisis. Wait any longer! The Qin people are about to invade."

Hou Sheng straightened his back and spoke forcefully, appearing calm and unhurried.

Hou Sheng stroked his beard with a relaxed expression.

"There is no need to panic. As the soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will cover it."

After hearing this, King Qi looked at Xiang Sheng with admiration.

It was precisely because of the Queen's advice that they were able to avoid disasters for hundreds of years, and they also reaped the benefits and attracted a large number of refugees and wealthy businessmen.

King Jian of Qi believed that the territory of Qi State has not expanded, but the number of citizens has multiplied. Taxation has fostered these interests as his achievements in the decades of rule. He also listened to the words of the later prime ministers and eradicated traitors. All the courtiers of Qi State obeyed him.

Although, the two people in front of me are indeed different species.

They can't help but turn a blind eye to their achievements, and often complain privately about their actions.

You actually teach me how to do things?
Therefore, not only these two people, but anyone who was dissatisfied with him was either beheaded or sent outside Linzi City.

The so-called invisible is pure.

King Qi has endured enough in the past few days.

Tian Dan and Tian Heng had spoken rudely in front of him many times today. Qi Wangjian had long been dissatisfied with this, but he just didn't say anything.

Only the back phase is not only connected with him by blood, but also has always been loyal to him.

King Jian of Qi humbly asked Xiang Sheng for advice.

"Please uncle, please clarify."

"The city of Lu is not big, and it is easy to capture. Recently, this city has been regarded as an abandoned city by us. It doesn't matter if we lose it."

When Tian Hengtian and Dan heard this, they couldn't help but looked at each other, they were both dumbfounded.

Hou Sheng actually said such words.

"It doesn't matter how you call it lost. Our territory is thousands of miles away, and the total is only more than thirty cities. Lucheng is a big city. Now that we have lost Lucheng, why does the prime minister say it is like losing a mere coin?" easy?"

Hou Sheng is so powerful that no one in the government or the public dares to look down on him.

Now that Imada Dan questioned him like this, he felt that his majesty was damaged, and his dissatisfaction fermented...

"It is common for countries to attack each other and lose and gain cities."

The King of Qi made the decision for the Queen.

"What the Prime Minister said is true. Losing the city is inevitable. The most urgent thing is to find a way to stabilize Qin."

Tian Heng and Tian Dan looked at each other again, their eyes full of surprise.

When the later prime minister heard what King Qi said, he immediately said.

"What the king said is absolutely true. The key now is to stabilize the Qin people. Why don't we send people who keep saying that they care about our country to go to Qin and explain our intention to have good relations with Qin. Taking this opportunity, we will quickly mobilize our troops .”

King Qi understood.

In fact, King Qi didn't like Tian Hengtian Dan.Especially from their behavior and words just now, Qi Wangjian had noticed that these two people were indeed as his uncle said to him privately, and they did not approve of him.

Now they are anxious to let me return to the palace to mobilize troops, in order to separate me from the prime minister, and then take the opportunity to seize military power.

I am not confused!

So the King of Qi immediately spoke to Tian Hengtian.

"Then you two will go and negotiate with the Qin people. You two must delay for a while, and we will quickly gather our troops and set up defenses."

Tian Dan could tell that King Qi completely ignored their good intentions towards Qi State.

Tian Heng couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

It's hard to disobey the king's orders, at least not in person.

Tian Heng and Tian Dan all bowed to each other and said, "We will definitely live up to your Majesty's trust."

Wait until Tian Hengtian is sent away.

Hou Sheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he lost his fighting spirit and became weak again.

When King Qi saw Hou Sheng's appearance, he couldn't help but feel afraid.

King Jian of Qi was uneasy and spoke frankly to his ministers.

"Prime Minister, the Qin army has always been said to have a million-strong army, but now our Qi country only has 80 people. If we gather 40 troops to fight against Qin, I'm afraid..."

Hou Sheng took King Qi's hand.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. The State of Chu has long received a letter from our country asking for help. Now that the Qin army is attacking Qi, Your Majesty will quickly write a letter in his own hand, begging the King of Chu to act according to the opportunity."

"If Chu State does not want to be isolated and helpless, it can only help Qi State."

After hearing this, Wang Jian of Qi felt that it made sense.

said again.

"No one can ask Yan Dai for troops again."

Hou Sheng looked solemn.

The country of this generation cannot protect itself and will not help Qi. However, in the early years of Yan, they raided Yan and captured the land of Yan. The people of Yan all hated the Qi people.

Now that they are in trouble, the people of Yan will definitely not help them.

"Since Your Majesty has said it, let's try it."

"Then I will go now."

King Qi stood up, but the queen grabbed King Qi's sleeve.

"Your Majesty, at this critical time, you must be more careful that your power is left to others."

After hearing this instruction, Qi Wangjian looked deeply.

"I understand what the Prime Minister meant."


A horse Pingchuan.

Young Master Fusu led his horse and rode southward according to the map. Because the terrain was flat, there were almost no obstacles along the way.

Moreover, Chi Wu actually found the map of Linzi City of Qi State and the military deployment map of Qi State from Hengji.

Although Fusu had already obtained this map from somewhere else, otherwise he would have acted rashly by leading his army south.

Feng Jie compared the two maps and confirmed its contents. He chose a road and led [-] riders to the border of Qi in only half a day.

Fusu spoke bluntly.

"Qi is so small."

"Sir, now, in the whole world, only our country, Qin, has the largest territory, with a territory of thousands of miles."

Fusu raised his head and looked at the sky, dusk was already approaching.

"Under the world..."

Under the sky, there is a ball.

The light of the sphere spans seven continents and four oceans.

 Almost finished the second volume
(End of this chapter)

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