Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 119: Undefeated in 1 Life (please ask for monthly votes to reward me with recommended votes!

Chapter 119 Undefeated in Life
It seems normal for a person to often hear good things, hear them too often, then believe them, and finally become ecstatic.

Ying Zheng, isn't it just drifting in the later stage——

The Great Wall was built in order to build the merits of resisting the Huns and building forever.

Not only that, Ying Zheng also wants to live forever.

In addition, there have been many other large-scale projects that wasted money and wasted people's money.

Although Ying Zheng's unifying contribution to the land of China, as well as his own charm and courage cannot be denied.

But Fusu was really helpless about some of the things he did in the later stages of his unification.


Fusu raised his eyebrows.

What's the news again?
Five guards in black armor, astride black horses with swords at their waists, galloped over.

In the army, those who carry swords are those with higher status.

The scouts who are responsible for communicating, especially the scouts who are responsible for delivering important messages, have extremely high requirements for them.

Firstly, one needs to be highly skilled in riding to ensure that the message is delivered quickly; secondly, one needs to be highly skilled in martial arts to prevent unexpected accidents on the road and still be able to defend oneself; thirdly, although the most important thing is to be loyal.

But no matter how loyal you are, if someone encounters an unexpected situation and is intercepted on the way and takes away the silk book, in this case, loyalty will have no other use than willing blood.

The Huben Army saw the small flag waving in the hand of the incoming man and took the initiative to make way for him.

The sky is blue and the sun is white, the black flags are waving, and the armor is as heavy as the forest.

Fusu, who was wearing dark black clothes, stood out among the troops.

When the black knight saw Young Master Fusu from afar, he immediately dismounted and trotted over, shouting loudly.

"Report——an urgent letter from the general."

Then the black knight trotted all the way to Fusu, but Chi Wu stepped forward and stopped him with his sword.

Even those who met and reported the matter were not allowed to approach Young Master Fusu.

If you want to get close, you have to search him first.

The pawn knelt on one knee and handed Chi Wu a small copper box with exquisite patterns.

Chi Wu stepped forward to take the copper box and Fu Su said directly.

"Read it."

Wang Ben wrote simply, and Chi Wu also focused on the key points.

"Sir, General Wang has occupied Lu City in Qi State and is now marching towards Pingyuan City."

The black horse under Fusu's crotch also felt the change in his master's mood and shook his head excitedly.

Yang Duanhe actually had an ulterior motive for leaving Daliang City to meet Fusu in person today.

Young Master Fusu, that is the heir to the throne of Qin recognized by the King himself.

The king is actually using major generals like Wang Ben, Meng Tian, ​​and Li Xin now.

And he is already old.

Although his meritorious service is high, but his military merit is not so high that it will arouse the king's jealousy, so he needs to ask himself to retire from office, but he is indeed powerless to conquer.

A few days ago, Yang Duanhe was training soldiers at the school field. When he passed the school field, he almost fell off his horse.

He would never dare to report this matter to the king, but with the king's wide eyes and ears, the king would soon know about his matter.

And he knew in his heart that he was no longer fit to mount a horse and fight on the battlefield.

Moreover, for the sake of his descendants, he must make a good relationship with the prince as a precautionary measure.

Moreover, Yang Duanhe knew that his physical strength was declining, but more importantly, he no longer had the will to continue serving the king like Meng Wu and Wang Jian.

That old guy Wang Jian, even though he was older than them, was full of ambition.

Even though he is idle at home now, he is still teaching his grandson the art of war, riding and shooting, and practicing swordsmanship.

As for Meng Wu, he is dedicated to serving the king and his loyalty is commendable.Meng Tian and Meng Yi were born again in the Meng family.The second son of the Meng family is even younger, and both are brave and resourceful.

His eldest son, Meng Tian, ​​originally wanted to be a civil servant because of his proficiency in law, but the king encouraged him to become a military general. Meng Tian's younger brother, Meng Yi, is now the youngest official in the government and the public, and is now highly valued by the king.

But Yang Duanhe is different. He has fought for half his life and is tired. Now he wants to live a stable and leisurely life.

But in the Qin State, military merit and title were not passed down to descendants.

If you want to get ahead in the Qin Kingdom, you must either win the favor of the king, have military merit, or understand the law.

Regarding the first point, his eldest son has already fallen behind compared to people like Wang Bi, Meng Tian and Mengyi, and it is probably impossible for him to be reused in the future.

Moreover, he was hunted in Shanglinyuan before to introduce him to the king, but the king was not satisfied with his eldest son.

And if you want to rely on military merits to get to the top, you have to work hard, but you will die if you work hard; while studying the law, the assessment is very strict, and the official assessment of the Qin State, his sons and grandchildren are just mere swordsmen...

And Yang Duanhe knew that based on his situation, he would be stationed in Daliang City in the future.

If he could be granted the title of Marquis, it would be a happy death for him, and he would also be able to protect his descendants with more land, house, and salary.

But this is probably a luxury.

This matter of becoming a marquis can only be put aside for the time being.

But all of you here today are either in high positions or come from Xianyang Palace, naturally everyone knows the status of the old general in front of him in the court and the opposition, and his status in the eyes of the king.

This general, who once had a higher status than Wang Jian in the court, was now given a heavy military command by Ying Zheng.

Among the military generals in the court and veterans with high military exploits, Wang Jian ranked first, followed by Yang Duanhe, and then Meng Wu.

Moreover, Yang Duanhe has a strange thing, this person has never failed in his life.

So as soon as Yang Duanhe opened his mouth, everyone present, including the princes and ministers, all bowed their heads.

"Young Master has sent a letter to the king to plan this attack on Qi, and the veteran general has already heard about it. Young Master Fusu is still young, but he has such a keen insight into military and political affairs. The veteran general is deeply impressed."

When Fusu heard this, his heart was naturally shocked.Yang Duanhe's words were like hot water, making Fusu's heart boiling hot.

Yang Duanhe, this was Ying Zheng's former top leader, and now he is even more mature and prudent.

What Yang Duanhe said when he praised Fusu was of great weight.

Fusu bowed to the old general.

"The old general said too seriously. How can things be accomplished by supporting Su alone? You also need to rely on the emperor to mobilize around Xianyang and use troops from various directions. At the same time, he deterred the countries so that they did not dare to help."

"Furthermore, Fusu would like to express his gratitude to General Yang for intimidating the two countries of Qi and Chu with his reputation."

With that said, Fusu bowed to Yang Duanhe.

"Daliang City is located in a dangerous position, between Qi and Chu, and only General Yang, who has never been defeated in his life, sits in the south of Qi's Great Wall, which makes Qi and Chu dare not form an alliance."

He has never failed in his life. When he said this, Fusu had a look of admiration on his face.

From this, when Yang Duanhe saw Fusu admire him so much, he couldn't help but feel proud and relieved on his face.

"I'm glad to hear that the young master once sent a silk letter to the king in Qi State, which contains the plan to attack Qi."

"The son is too modest. The veteran heard that Mr. Fu Su was in Qi, and frequently used estrangement tactics. The court of the Qi State was full of quarrels and quarrels. Moreover, the son is honorable. Being in the Qi State, it naturally diverted the attention of the entire Qi State. .”

"Young Master not only stabilized the King of Qi in the territory of Qi State, but also how to make Qi Wang Jian and others take our Qin army lightly. Only in this way can Wang Ben win without a fight."

"Moreover, there are many risks for the young master to join the Qi Dynasty. The young master does not care about his own safety and runs around to contribute to the cause of the king's unification."

"Young Master is brave and resourceful, and the veteran admires him."

After joining Qi, asking the King of Qi to recognize Ying Zheng as emperor had actually achieved the purpose of Fusu's trip.

During the subsequent meetings, Fusu also deliberately demonstrated to King Qi.

This is just a ploy.

But between countries, whether they come to communicate with each other or attack each other, it is this scheming that often determines the outcome.

 It was updated every day and no one urged me to update it, so I knew I was cold.

(End of this chapter)

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