Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 120 Parents who love their sons have far-reaching plans

Chapter 120 Parents who love their sons have far-reaching plans
If he entered Qi State, he would be really friendly to King Qi and not show the arrogance that a son of King Qin who wants to be emperor should have.

When the people of Qi saw it, they would become suspicious.

On the contrary, if he frequently demonstrates against Qi Wang and publicizes the prestige of Qin, this will make Qi Wang and others let go of other thoughts.

He was in Linzi of the State of Qi, which made all the courtiers of the State of Qi uneasy. At the same time, he also diverted the attention of these ministers.

From the beginning, Ying Zheng asked Wang Ben to lead his troops to garrison in Anyang City. Although it was not known that Ying Zheng's deployment from the beginning had the purpose of disturbing the public.But it has to be said that the move of garrisoning troops in Anyang City is too clever.

Because Anyang City can be said to be facing the State of Yan, or it can be said to be facing the State of Qi.

And if Prince Fusu comes to Qi at this time, what will the people of Qi think?

Naturally, as before, if Qin wants to attack Dai, it must stabilize Qi to prevent it from coming to rescue.

Therefore, the people of Qi turned a blind eye to this army.

As for the small areas of Qi State, news that troops could be raised could be sent overnight.

The night before Fusu was in Qi State, he sent a letter to Wang Bi asking him to leave. By doing this, he naturally gave Qi State a slap in the face.

When we know that the opponent is not prepared, but we control the overall situation, see the right time, and suddenly attack, how can Qin not win!

It should be noted that to have the old general speak such flattering words of sincerity in front of so many generals and courtiers is undoubtedly a very high evaluation of Young Master Fusu.

After hearing this, everyone present naturally turned their admiring eyes to Young Master Fusu.

"Now that Old General Meng has spoken out and commended Fusu, Fusu deserves it. It is not enough for Old General Meng to say so today. Fusu also knows what he should do in the future. Fusu must be more diligent and study military books in the future."

Yang Duanhe saw that this young man was also very polite, so he hurriedly bowed back and bowed even lower.

"Young Master is too modest. However, since the Young Master is so eager to learn, the veteran general will take it upon himself to be perfect. However, as a military general, the veteran general has been on the battlefield for many years, so he has a lot of military books at home. Since the young master has the heart to study military books, the veteran general is willing to collect all the military books. Dedicated to the young master.”

Fusu's eyes suddenly showed waves.

All the military books in the mansion are dedicated to him...

The hint in Yang Duanhe's words was that he was telling him to come to him if he had any difficulties in the future.

What is the purpose of saying this to yourself openly in public?

This person was very bold, and he openly showed his kindness to him.

Fusu looked at Yang Duanhe in front of him, and couldn't help but think of Wang Jian who was still at home, but was still sophisticated, shrewd and high-spirited.

But Yang Duanhe in front of him looked senile.

Yang Duanhe looked kind and calm, with gray hair on his temples and wrinkles across his forehead. The vigor left by his battles on the battlefield was more like a knife that had been beaten than Wang Jian's aura and demeanor. A blunted sword.

The edge of the sword is gone.

Fusu took two steps back and said in a deep voice.

"It is difficult for Fusu to refuse the old general's kindness, but now Fusu still has many important tasks at hand that have not yet been completed. Moreover, when it comes to military books, there is naturally an inexhaustible supply in Xianyang Palace. Moreover, General Yang also holds an important position and holds the fortress. This is Fusu should not bother General Yang with this trivial matter."

Fusu declined politely, but when he raised his head, he saw Yang Duanhe's expression remained unchanged and his eyes were clear.

It seems that what I just said is just a literal meaning.

Fusu pondered, whether he was thinking too much, or whether the old general really wanted to help him.

He had naturally respected Yang Duanhe before, but now, he was suddenly afraid to approach him.

Even Shangqing was weak, because he often went in and out of the palace, he had a lot of contact with him, but he just treated him as a minor.

There was even a time when he wanted to evade his power and let him just come to Qi State for a walk, do nothing, and just quietly receive the merit.

In fact, in Dunruo's view, his yet-to-be-crowned son Fusu was undoubtedly a burden on his mission to Qi.

"Since the young master said so, the veteran will no longer be meddlesome. However, if the young master has a military book that cannot be found in Xianyang Palace in the future, you might as well write a letter. The veteran may have it here."

Fusu couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. This old man was so stubborn.

Send him the book of war wholeheartedly.

"The old generals have said so. If Fusu has any military books that he can't find in the future, he will definitely not forget that there is General Yang."

Yang Duan and Lian Liandao.

"Okay, okay, the veteran will clean up the military documents in the mansion from time to time in the future to prepare for the unexpected needs of the young master."

Feng Jie listened quietly.

Old General Yang's feelings for Mr. Fusu are thought-provoking.

The king is now in his prime, so there is no need to be in such a hurry.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, Fusu changed into the carriage.

Yang Duanhe and his confidants led the way.

Seeing that he was surrounded by his own people, he leaned forward and whispered in the old general's ear.

"The general just spoke frankly. I looked at the look on the young master's face, and it was obvious that he was dissatisfied with the general. And even if the young master does not take this matter to heart, there is no guarantee that others will not tell the king about it. I look at the young master's side, hiding the official guards. It seems that they all intend to record everything the young master and others say and do. And until the end, the young master Fusu did not accept the general's affection."

Yang Duanhe smiled and said nothing.

The young master just said something right, so nothing will happen.What made Yang Duanhe Xin happy was that he found out that Mr. Fusu really had a heart for the city, and it would not be difficult for him to successfully succeed to the throne in the future.

And he, Yang Duanhe, has served the king for many years and has been a soldier for half his life, and he has captured countless cities.

I don't think the king will do anything to him because of this matter.

Moreover, now that the king wants to take action against Qi and Chu, the task of guarding Daliang City is undoubtedly even more important.

It's not that Yang Duanhe is self-righteous, but there is really no one else with the same reputation and age as him in the Great Qin Kingdom. He will definitely stay in Daliang City for several years and a half.

He understands the king, and the king understands him.

Although it seemed like he was at a disadvantage this time, it didn't matter.He just used the young master to express his feelings to the king.He hoped that his son could also help the king.

Soon, everyone returned to the camp.

As soon as Fusu got out of the car, he saw a young man.

But looking at his appearance, Fusu immediately understood that this man was Yang Duanhe's son.

Fusu saw that the decorations on his armor and the scabbard of his sword showed that he was of low military rank, and that he only served as Yang Duanhe's left and right bodyguard in the military camp.

Soon, Fusu understood why Yang Duanhe was willing to risk offending Ying Zheng to say those words to him today.

Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans...

When we arrived at the camp, everyone went to their tents to rest.

He and Shen Yu were the only two people in Fusu's tent.

"Young Master, Old General Yang seemed to be trying to support you just now. Did you not notice it or did you?"

Fusu glanced at Shen Yu lightly.

"It's not that I don't want to notice, it's that I don't want to notice. Old General Yang takes a lot of credit, and I think he is proud of it. He firmly believes that your father will not blame him, so his story is a little bolder."

"However, with Old General Yang acting so grandly, I feel that Father Jun will make other arrangements for his son, knowing that he has such intentions."

Shen Yu heard this and was puzzled.

"It is true that the king is generous-minded. However, the young master is now the crown prince of Qin, which is different from the past. Moreover, the king has always regarded the royal power very seriously, and no one is allowed to surpass it."

"Although the young master is the heir, and he is careful in everything he does and will never conflict with the royal power, there is no guarantee that outsiders will take the initiative to get close to the young master, causing the king to make unreasonable speculations."

Fusu listened and looked at Shen Yu in shock for a few seconds.

 Today I called you daddy in a fancy way. Please give me a monthly ticket for recommendation and reward!

  Come to think of it, the gentlemen (readers) are also the parents of my (dog author) food and clothing.

  When parents love their children, they have far-reaching plans.

  I don't know where my readers are near?

(End of this chapter)

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