Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 121 Another King of Qi (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 121 Another King of Qi (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"Shen Yu - wherever I go in the future, you should also accompany me."

When Shen Yu heard this, he felt that he had been reused by the young master, and he couldn't help feeling hot in his chest.

Fusu said this precisely because Shen Yu was quick-thinking, and Chi Wu Pangyou, who had been following him for many years, would never take the initiative to remind him of this in his ears.

Ying Zheng has a hidden official like Zhao Gao by his side, and he also needs Shen Yu by his side.

More importantly, Shen Yu is better than Zhao Gao. If nothing else, he is always much better as a person than Zhao Gao.

"I will remember the kindness of the young master in supporting me. In the future, I will not dare to do anything else without the young master's order. However, it is about General Yang."

Fusu was half lying on the mat, his eyes clear.

"One is not my fault; if the father of the two finds out about this matter, he must also clearly observe it."

Moreover, Fusu firmly believes that with the current relationship between him and Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng will not be suspicious of him because of this kind of thing.

Ying Zheng is not a fool, nor is he a fool.

Now Ying Zheng has his father-in-law Wang Wan by his side. If something really happens, he will definitely speak for himself.

As for Zhao Gao, he is now showing kindness to him, although he feels that he is superior and acts more rampantly.

However, he would not stab him in the back while he was away.

"Actually, this kind of thing will happen more often in the future. I should be cautious, and I shouldn't judge my intentions against my intentions."

Shen Yu nodded.

"I will bear in mind what the young master said. However, why are you so sure that instead of punishing General Yang, the king will support his son?"

"Given my father's behavior, I would not punish Old General Yang, who has made great military exploits for him, for this matter. Moreover, General Yang's purpose is nothing more than to let my father take care of his children and grandchildren."

After hearing this, Shen Yu fell into silence and looked at the ground.

King Qin is indeed broad-minded, and he admires this.Dare to boldly appoint people from the six countries and entrust them with important responsibilities, which is indeed very ambitious.

"Today, I see that Old General Yang seems to be willing to disarm..."

Fusu didn't understand the reason.

"Why did you say this?"

Shen Yu made a bow with his hands.

"I have just been riding a horse. I saw that General Yang was quite careful when controlling the horse and he also saw that his left and right people seemed to want to step forward to help him. I think General Yang's physical strength is gradually declining..."

"Compared with the sons of General Wang and General Meng, General Yang's son is not outstanding."

Fusu looked at Shen Yu's dark pupils and fell into deep thought.

"You observed very carefully. Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans. For Yang Duanhe, even if this is a risk, it is worth it for him."

After hearing this, Shen Yu lowered his head.

But Fusu suddenly had an idea.

Perhaps, Yang Duanhe can help him elsewhere in the future.After all, the military merit system seems to be of little use to him!

Thinking of this, Fusu's eyes suddenly darkened.


After dinner, Fusu went to the tent again.

In the evening, the heat subsides and a cool breeze blows.

Fusu sat in the upper seat and talked with the generals about the war in Qi.

There is one thing that Fusu is a little worried about.

According to history books, it is not that Qi Wangjian did not try to resist Qin at first.When he was in panic, he hastily gathered 40 troops.

It was just that Wang Ben marched quickly and went south from Yan Di, which he had already captured, and went straight to Linzi City.Moreover, Wang Ben led an army of 30 at that time, which was not the army of [-] today.

Siege is one thing, and garrisoning troops is another.

When Wang Ben led troops to attack Qi, the 30 troops were mostly used for garrison and suppression.

King Jian of Qi was in panic and took his ministers out of the city to surrender.

Feng Jie took the initiative to speak.

"Presumably, the Lantian camp led by General Wang Ben has now collapsed the entire eastern part of Qi."

Fusu looked solemn, with no trace of relaxation on his face.

"When Qin attacked Qi, it was no doubt like a farmer plowing wheat. The terrain of Qi is flat and there are no mountains to obstruct it. The cities of Qi are mostly built of mud and stone, which cannot be compared with Daliang City."

"However, the State of Qi still cannot be underestimated. During the war, many refugees from the old lands of Yan, Zhao, Han and Wei poured into the territory of the State of Qi. Because Linzi City is the capital of the country, the control is tighter, but in other cities, the number of refugees pouring in is staggering. Alone. There are 20 people in Linzi City."

"Not only that, the land of Qi is full of industry and commerce, and there are as many wealthy merchants as there are tycoons. The land of Qi is already rich, and coupled with the trend of promiscuity, men and women are intermingled, and there are many heirs. Therefore, although the land of Qi is thousands of miles away, it can support millions of people. Everyone."

"Once King Qi gathers troops, at least 30 will be needed."

But Junfu only sent [-] people.Fusu did not say this in front of the generals, but all the generals could hear the hidden meaning of the young master's words.

The young master meant to say, isn't it appropriate to attack a group of one hundred thousand people?

Fusu is not in Xianyang City now. Unless Ying Zheng orders him to do something, he doesn't know any other news.It is even more impossible to know what arrangements Ying Zheng has for Qi and Chu.

Unless Ying Zheng takes the initiative to send someone to tell him, but how is this possible?

After hearing Young Master Fusu's analysis, Yang Duanhe couldn't help but look at him sideways.

"What you said is very true. However, even if there are only [-] people, it is no problem to send out the Lantian camp to capture Qi."

At this moment, someone suddenly came outside to report.

"Sir, General Wang has led his troops to Pingyuan City and will send troops tonight."

Fusu was naturally overjoyed after hearing this. Of course, he was also excited that Wang Ben took the initiative to tell him the news.At least what Wang Ben did made Fusu feel that he was not just a tool man in Wang Ben's eyes.

Then, the man said again.

"In addition, today the King of Qi sent Tian Dantian Heng, the clan member of the Qi State, to apologize to the young master, saying that he wanted to cut off three cities in Qi as an apology. I wonder what the young master thinks?"

Tian Dan Tian Heng——

When Fusu heard these two names, he felt they were very familiar.

"General Wang, just fight."


Feng Jie stepped forward.

"General Wang Ben marched really quickly. Pingyuan City will definitely not be able to withstand the cavalry of our Qin people."

Fusu fell into silence.

He remembered that Tian Dan Tian Heng's background was not small.

When the Six Kingdoms rebelled, it was this Tian Dan that rebuilt Qi.This Tian Dan is the future King of Qi!

Tian Dan's two cousins, Tian Guang and Tian Heng, were also generals.

The so-called pull one hair, and move the whole body.

Fusu did not expect that his participation would allow some characters who appeared later to emerge in advance.

He has never heard of the names of the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty, let alone Xiang Ji, Liu Bang, and Chen She.

But now these two, Tian Heng and Tian Dan, are indeed anti-Qin people.

Fusu's mind suddenly flashed back to the map of the separatist empire when the nobles of the Six Kingdoms raised their troops to rebel.

What Qin had captured was all gone.

Fusu couldn't help being angry and suddenly slapped the case.

"Another anti-Qin trend!"

The whole hall was shocked.Everyone was naturally startled by the young master's sudden move.

Feng Jie was puzzled.

"Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

Fusu ignored Feng Jie, and it was unclear.

However, since we bumped into each other, let’s just resolve it.

Although the wildfire cannot be extinguished and the spring breeze blows, it is definitely not a wise move to let it go after seeing it.

Fusu ordered the person who sent the order to turn back.

"You will send a message to General Wang Ben on my behalf. General Wang will make a quick decision on the attack on the city. However, Fusu in Qi State has heard of the names of Tian Dantian, Hengtian Guang and others, and now he wants to meet them. "

But Chi Wu, Shen Yu, Dun Ruo, Mao Jiao and Feng Jie were all dumbfounded and looked at each other.

How long have you ever heard of these three names?

They were in Qi State, but they took turns staying with the young master, but they had never heard the names of these three sons.

And Tian Guang suddenly appeared again?
Is there really such a person?

 Many people say that I write about water.

  In fact, I think it’s because I don’t know much about the history of the Qin Dynasty and the Qin and Han Dynasties.

  For example, the Tian Dan Tian Heng I write about now was the self-reliant King of Qi who later rebelled against Qin.

  So sometimes I am really confused when some readers say that I write about water.

  And what about destroying Qi? To be honest, I can finish it for you in two words and then move on to the next plot. But in this case, in my opinion, the novel is incomplete.

  So, you can jump and watch it, but you are not allowed to say that I am a plot person without any reason.

  I type word by word, and then I have to read it over and over again, and I have to dig holes and fill them in. Is it easy for me?

(End of this chapter)

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