Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 123 The people of Qin have crossbows and are invincible in the world (please give me a month

Chapter 123 The people of Qin have crossbows and are invincible in the world (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Pingyuan City, Qi State.

Tonight, the bright moon dominates the sky, the silvery moonlight shines down, and the moonlight shines brightly on the earth.

On both sides of Pingyuan City Gate, several large tents were suddenly set up.In the military tent, bright yellow candles shone brightly inside the tent, and at the same time reflected the silhouettes of several generals.

Tian Dan and Tian Heng were in the military tent, facing the sand table with the generals, pointing and drawing on the sand table with their swords.

"The people of Qin did not besiege the city."

Tian Dan said angrily.

Tian Dansu knew that Wang Ben learned from his father Wang Jian and was good at siege.

However, during this siege of Pingyuan City, Wang Ben only camped in front of the west city gate and has not moved yet.

This is great, the original deployment is no longer needed.

Once the [-] troops start besieging the city, they will inevitably disperse the main force.But if Wang Ben hadn't besieged the city, then a hundred thousand troops would have gathered, and it would be extremely difficult to go around behind Wang Ben and try to beat him at the tail.

Tian Dan's eyes were burning as he stared at the sand table in front of him.

"General, Qin Guo's crossbow archers are in battle!"

After hearing this, Tian Heng looked at the map and became anxious. He pointed at the west gate of Pingyuan City with his sword:

"Brother Zhong, Wang Ben is going to attack the city through the west gate."

When the generals heard this, they became anxious and looked at Tian Dan.

Tian Dan remained as always, fearless in the face of danger.

"What a Wang Ben! We occupied the city anyway, but he dared to attack by force. Don't you think we Qi people can't shoot arrows?"

You know, by occupying the city and shooting arrows from a high position, the Qin people are living targets for them.

Wang Ben decided to attack unilaterally, and Tian Dan's plan suddenly seemed unfeasible. But when he heard that the Qin people were about to attack, Tian Dan became even more angry.

"Command the three armies to fire arrows! Fire as many arrows as you can. Not one will be left."


For a moment, on the west wall of Pingyuan City, the heralds waved their flags to each other.

As soon as this order was issued, a large number of archers surged up from various stairs.

Hundreds of armors moved together, and the archers on the city wall put arrows on their bowstrings.The sound of thousands of people trying to free themselves from the bowstrings was particularly harsh in the silent night.

Ten miles away from the city wall, there was dense black armor. Under the moonlight, the outlines of the earth-colored faces were still clear under the moonlight.

The war left hideous scars on their faces, but their eyes were still clear, as clear as knives.

Silver was sprinkled on every soldier's face.

Some people's eyes were stiff and their faces were ashen, while others were gearing up and eager to try.

Others had firm eyes, crossed their hands, stood the ax in front of them, looked at the stars, and looked stern.

Obviously, these people regard their status as soldiers as an honor.

And some people are expressionless and numb.

Wang Ben controlled the horse and patrolled the team.

Huang Jun's eyes reflected the whip being turned around in Wang Ben's hand.

Wang Ben frowned when he saw the appearance of some soldiers.

The soldiers' hair was slightly combed, and there was no fighting spirit on their faces.

The king gave an order to implement Qin's war methods after capturing the city.Under the supervision of the law, the former survivors of Han, Zhao and Wei also had to join the Qin army.

Wang Ben knew that this was because the king wanted to eliminate the grudge against Qin among the survivors of Han, Zhao and Wei.That's why the king ordered these people to join the Qin army.

Not only that, the king also ordered that those who killed the enemy bravely in the battle and were loyal to the king could be allowed to enter the Lantian camp with an exception.

It's just a pity that those who are not of my race must have different minds.

Even if they were given the opportunity to join Qin's most elite troops, their performance was extremely mediocre.They join the army just to eat.

A lot of food!
Moreover, he had heard reports from others before that there were still people in the military camp who dared to mention their old country.

The king was worried and fierce, and he conquered all directions, hoping to bring peace to the world, but the remaining people refused to obey.

We have to find a way to send these armies formed by the people from the old lands of Han, Zhao and Wei to remote places. Otherwise, if they stay among the Qin troops for a long time, something will happen.

Wang Ben also heard about the riots in Xinzheng.

The old Korean people were dissatisfied with the king's rule and encouraged the people to launch a rebellion. During the rebellion, the old Korean people who had been included in the military camps also took advantage of the chaos and defected.

In view of the New Deal rebellion, it shows that there are still many hidden dangers in the old lands of Zhao, Han and Wei.

Although such a terrible incident that threatened the Qin Dynasty's policy only happened once, it must be learned from.

The Lantian camp, the elite of the Qin army, the soul of the general Qin, is in this camp, and there is no room for loss.


"What's the matter?"

Wang Ben controlled his horse and stood on a high hill, his eyes filled with sorrow.

The person who came was none other than Tu Wei.

"General, the crossbowmen have been lined up in front of the formation. The enemy has also set up their bows and arrows, just waiting for us to come forward."

Under the long moonlit night, Wang Ben's figure stretched out extremely long under the moonlight.

Wang Ben then turned his horse's head and looked at Pingyuan City in the distance with a melancholy look. On the city wall, a three-pronged brazier was set up high and a blazing fire was burning.

Guards on the left and right surrounded Wang Ben. Wang Ben was wearing black armor and had a stern look on his face.

"What is the range of the Qi army's bows and arrows?"

Under the white moonlight, Tu Wei's dark face actually looked a little white at night.

Tu Wei grinned involuntarily.

"General, based on internal intelligence and terrain conditions, Tu Wei estimates that Qi's shooting range cannot exceed [-] steps at best."

When Wang Ben heard this, the stern look on his face disappeared.

Wang Ben stroked his short beard.

"First let the Qi people take a hundred steps, and then fire the crossbows."

Tu Wei smiled slyly, clasped his fists and said loudly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Tu Wei rode his horse happily around the front of the formation.

"Shield up!"

This shield is also just in case.

Wang Ben always felt at ease when Tu Wei was doing things.

They have already inquired clearly about the armaments of Qi State.

Although Qi State had imitated their Qin State's crossbow arrows before, they were unsuccessful, let alone mass-produced.

There were only two thousand crossbowmen in front of the formation this time. They were all well-equipped with five-stone giant crossbows, six-stone giant crossbows, and eighty-stone giant crossbows.

Before the crossbowmen, there were infantrymen holding shields.

Although the moonlight is bright tonight, everything is in darkness after all.

Although the people of Qi prepared imitation crossbow arrows, under the bright moon, they could not see clearly the hugeness of Qin's crossbow machine.

But they could clearly see that the Qin people were advancing.

When they were panicking, they also saw the ladder climbing up the city wall.

The people in the city only gave orders to their subordinates.

"The Qin army is advancing."

Someone from the city came up to transmit the sound.

"Fire arrows!"

After receiving the order, the archers just relaxed and sent out their bows and arrows one after another.

Thousands of arrows flew like rain, pointing directly at the Qin army.

It's just that this rain of arrows seemed to be weak, and soon lost its strength, and they were all stuck on the grass a hundred meters in front of the Qin army's defenders.

After several rains of arrows, the Qin army still stood in place.

Then the west wind suddenly picked up, and the Qin army stood in front of the formation with several black flags, fluttering in the wind.

Qi people were naturally shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

The range of this shot is too far, the Qin people should be a little further forward to be shot.

Suddenly, someone shouted.

"Continue, don't stop until the quiver is empty!"

The military order was given, although some people murmured, but they continued to fire arrows. After firing ten consecutive waves of arrows, the Qin people still stood upright in front of the city.

The soldiers began to grunt.

"This shot can't even hit."

For a time, there were many criticisms on the top of the city wall of Pingyuan City.Some people saw that the situation was not good and immediately wanted to escape.

Tu Wei grinned and said to Zhao Tuo.

"We have given way to the Qi people for a hundred steps, and suffered a hail of arrows from them for no reason. Now it is their turn to try my bows and crossbows."

(Please give me a monthly vote to give me a recommendation! If not, Q 1 means someone is there.)
 first time writing about war
  Hope everyone likes
  After checking a lot of information, I hope there is nothing that does not conform to historical evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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