Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 124: The military strategist must be surrounded by the enemy (please give me a monthly vote

Chapter 124: Military Strategies - The Encirclement of the Encirclement Division (please give me monthly votes for recommendation votes!)
The crossbowmen all shouted loudly, and the sound shook the sky.

Tu Wei saw the opportunity and gave the order.

"Zhang Nu."

When the crossbowmen were preparing their crossbows to fire, the Qin troops behind them all shouted loudly.




All of a sudden, tens of thousands of crossbow arrows pierced towards the top of Qi State's city wall like white silver feathers.

After several shrill screams, blood spattered on the top of the wall, and several corpses immediately fell from the top of the city wall.

Then panicked shouts rang out from the top of the city wall, and the painful groans were buried in the panic.

The messenger was also frightened when he saw this scene. This was the first time he had seen such a situation in his life.

Huge crossbow arrows, as thick as a wooden pole, pierced the city wall, pierced people's chests, and hit people in their foreheads.

For a time, blood gathered on the top of the city wall and formed a small river.

At this time, the west wind is stronger.

Tu Wei couldn't help but said loudly.

"God help me Qin!"

Tu Wei said again.


The crossbowmen received the order and quickly attached torches to the arrows one by one. Soon, in the thick darkness, the fire feathers flew towards the top of the Linzi city wall.

Soon, countless clusters of flames burned high, and black smoke shot straight into the stars.

A shower of arrows flew from the west to the head of the plain city wall. On the city wall, the man who was hit by the arrow fell to the ground. In the blind spot of the enemy's sight, under the city wall, he gritted his teeth and dragged a long strip of blood from the corpse of the fellow villager. Climb up, climb through the blood channel, and walk towards the city wall stairs.

Some people were hit by several arrows and crawled on the ground, while others pretended to be dead and lay motionless on the ground.

There was a lot of shouting and crying outside. Tian Dan and Tian Heng heard this and were about to go out.

The warlord suddenly broke into the tent.

The warlord's face was stained with blood, and he naturally looked out of place in this clean and tidy military tent.

"General, something bad is going on. The range of the Qin army's crossbows is twice that of mine."

Tian Dan and Tian Heng looked at each other.

Tian Dan said seriously.

"I have long heard that the Qin people's crossbows can destroy the city. Today I am going to see it."

The governor grabbed Tian Dan's sleeves, intending to retain him.

"Wait a minute, general—"

But Tian Dan ignored him.

The Overseer was almost in tears.

"Our army is invincible!"

Tian Dantian walked out of his tent, only to see crossbow arrows flying like rain, passing through the wall and shooting into the city.

The large tent curtains ignited when exposed to fire, and soon, several temporary military tents were set up, all of which were unavoidable.

Tian Dan rushed to the base of the city wall and wanted to take command, but when he heard bursts of painful shouts, he stopped.

Suddenly, a corpse rolled down from the city wall.

The corpse was clearly that of a young child, but a crossbow arrow had shot a hole in the head.The flesh and blood were blurred, and white brain matter was splattered everywhere.

When Tian Dan saw this horrifying scene, his face turned pale with fright and he took a few steps back.

He stepped forward and helped Tian Dan up, who almost fell down due to fright.

For decades, the people of Qi have not suffered from war, and naturally they have not known the cruelty of war.

Today's scene naturally frightened everyone in Qi.

Tian Heng hurriedly caught up.

"Brother Zhong, something bad has happened. Li Xin led an army of 20 to attack the north of Qi State at night, and has now reached Linzi City. Tian Guang sent someone to spread the news, and the king ordered him to escort Linzi."

When Tian Dan heard this, his beard twitched angrily.

But he quickly calmed down. The real garrison of Pingyuan City was less than [-]...

Tian Heng couldn't help but sigh when he saw that his eldest brother was still trying to turn defeat into victory.

"Brother Zhong, leave quickly, Pingyuan City cannot be defended."

Tian Dan suddenly raised his head after hearing this.It seems that they don't believe that Qi State has not really started a war with Qin State, how come it has been retreating steadily before the war started.

Seeing that Tian Dan still didn't give up, Tian Heng shouted into his ear again.

"Brother Zhong, this is the Qin people's crossbow. No matter what, we Qi will not be able to resist overnight. If I insist on staying here today, wouldn't my life be in vain?"

With that said, Tian Heng picked up a crossbow arrow next to him, held it in his hand and handed it to Tian Dan to see.

The guards on the left and right were holding shields, and they all looked at Tian Dan with pleading expressions on their faces.

"Your Majesty, the days are long ahead!"

"Only when green hills remain, green waters can flow forever."

Tian Dan gritted his teeth, looked back at the rain of arrows flying in front of him, and gritted his teeth.




Zhao Tuo ordered when he saw that no one dared to show his head on the city wall anymore.


Zhao Tuo raised his sword and gave the order. For a moment, the chariots rolled with thunderous sounds and roars. The infantrymen held their swords and ladders and began to attack the city.

At this time, Wang Ben saw that no one on the left and right had stepped forward to attack, so he gave the order.

"The left and right armies attack north and south separately, and the center army will follow me."


On the top of the city wall, several flagpoles that were originally inserted have been shot halfway through.

Qin's crossbows were said to be able to break through walls.

Now, all of them have finally seen it.

The military flags and flags of Qi State have all fallen down, the flags are soaked in blood, and sparks are spreading everywhere in the city.

There was already chaos on the streets of Pingyuan City, with old, weak, women and children carrying baskets and tiles, fleeing into the mountains and forests.

On the street, a group of cavalry galloped past.

Tian Dantian Hengzheng led his personal guards, mobilized the remaining troops, and retreated eastward.


The scout suddenly appeared and stood in front of Tian Dan and Tian Heng.

"What happened again?"

"General, the Qin army broke in through the north and south gates, and now the only way to go is the east gate."

Tian Heng looked at Tian Dan.

"Brother Zhong, we should change our route and go to the east gate now."

"Wait a minute."

Tian Dan fell into silence. After thinking for a moment, he said.

"We will fight out from the south gate."

Tian Heng was puzzled.

"Brother Zhong is confused, the south gate has been captured by the Qin people."

"A siege must be lacking. It can make the prey see life, which often means death. Wang Ben is a master of military affairs, so he understands this truth better than us. Now he has surrounded the west, south and north gates, leaving the east gate alone. . The east gate seems to be a gate of life, but in fact it is a place of death. Wang Ben will definitely lead his elite troops and wait for us at the east gate."

Tian Heng was doubtful.

Tian Dan said again.

"There are Qin army crossbowmen at the west gate. If we charge hard, we may not be able to escape death. As for the north gate, which leads to Linzi City, the Qin army will definitely send a large number of soldiers and horses to garrison it. Only the south gate leads south to the Wei State. The Qin people There was no way we could have imagined that we would be heading south."

After Tian Heng heard this, he completely believed in Tian Dan.


Early morning.

Just as Fu Su woke up, Chi Wu stepped forward.

"Sir, there is bad news and good news today. I wonder which one you want to hear first?"

Fusu looked at Chi Wu and was stunned for a long time.

If this person hadn't picked up some habits from what he heard and saw, he would have thought he had traveled back in time when he first heard these words.

Fusu thought about it.

"Let's get the bad ones first."

"General Wang came to report that everyone in Tian Dan and Tian Heng had fled."

Fusu heard this and didn't say much.

"The good news is that the king sent General Li Xin with 20 troops to attack Qi. Last night, General Li attacked Linzi City at night. King Jian of Qi fled in panic and ran eastward."

Fusu was surprised!

Too much information.

"Li Xin? If Li Xin doesn't attack Chu, what will he do in Qi?"

Fusu walked back and forth on the ground with his bare feet.

Now that Chu State has followed the path of Qi State and refused to see Qin envoys, this is undoubtedly forcing Ying Zheng to send troops.

As for Qi State, Qi Wangjian actually ran away from Linzi City!
This may not match the historical facts.

Logically speaking, even if Li Xin went to attack Linzi City of Qi State, he should have captured Qi Wang Jiancai. How could he let Qi Wang Jian run eastward?

"If your father learns that King Qi Jian has escaped, he will be furious."

(End of this chapter)

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