Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 125: The Prince’s Tomb is such a big mess (please give me your monthly vote for recommendati

Chapter 125 The Widow's Royal Tomb Is Such a Big Hole


Autumn is full of flavor, with red leaves all over the mountains and yellow grass everywhere.

In Xianyang Palace, the shade of hibiscus trees is still there.

Winter is finally approaching, and Xianyang Palace still looks a lot more desolate.

Today, Zhangtai Palace is also extremely lonely.

In the vast land, the Wei River meanders over the plains. This white strip has been flowing continuously for many years.

The river was rushing, the prisoners were wearing tattered clothes, and there were raised purple scabs on their exposed flesh.

The prisoners' throats had long since lost their voice, and no one roared to encourage them when they exerted their strength. They each let out heavy breaths, moaning together with the Weishui River in the vast world.

At the foot of Lishan Mountain, six museum buildings stand like six golden birdcages at the foot of Lishan Mountain.

In front of the building, almost all the Tiger Army was dispatched.

There are many black armors and white feathers standing high, forming several human walls layer upon layer, surrounding their supreme king in the center.

At this time, the weather is getting colder.

Ying Zheng was walking along the banks of the Weishui River, wearing a black python robe and wielding a sword.

Zhao Gao followed Ying Zheng respectfully.

Ying Zheng looked into the distance, looking at the building built against the mountain.

The completed pavilion is surrounded by chains. When the wind moves, the copper bells tied to the chains will make a sound.

Ying Zheng looked at the masterpiece in front of him and was curious. This was the building that would be built under the supervision of Zhang Han, the young master.

It's really interesting.

This building is like a cage.

Although they have a magnificent appearance, this is in line with their identities and their current situation.

If you enter Qin, you will be a prisoner.

Suddenly, the sound of several hurried footsteps reached Ying Zheng's ears.

A hole was opened in the human wall to create a passage.

"Your Majesty, we have been brought here."

A slender general with slightly protruding cheekbones and bluish cheeks stepped forward quickly when he saw the man in the black python robe.

His gait is a little hasty but steady, and his movements are more agile.

"Zhang Han pays his respects to the king."

Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Han with a slightly confused tone.

"You are Zhang Han."

Zhang Han bowed his head, his voice hoarse.

"It's my servant."

Ying Zheng looked at this person with approval in his eyes again.

No wonder many people recommended this person to me.

The cold voice reached Zhang Han's ears, extremely majestic.

"Flat body."

Zhang Han thanked him and said:

"Thank you king."

After seeing Zhang Han, the appreciation in Ying Zheng's eyes was all seen by Zhao Gao.

It seems that this person is going to be reused by the king.

I just heard that this person had always been very close to Ji Hao, and looking at him, he looked a bit unruly.

It seems that this person is not easy to get close to.

Ying Zheng looked serious.

Today, Ying Zheng was originally going to see the construction of the royal tomb.

However, its scale disappointed Ying Zheng.

When he thought that he would have to live in such an empty and crude pit once he died, Ying Zheng's heart was as cold as a stone, and he was so stiff that he didn't move even now.

But the man in front of me seemed brave and resolute, but he actually repaired the building in such a grand manner.

Ying Zheng made up his mind immediately.

But at this moment, Zhao Gao stepped forward and gave Ying Zheng some advice.

"My lord, Zhang Jiangzuo let the building be completed ahead of schedule, the king should reward Zhang Jiangzuo."

Meng Yi looked at this scene from the side, with contempt in his eyes. He had already seen this person thoroughly.

This Zhao Gao, who plays both sides, is only interested in profit and uses any means, is really a traitor!
However, he relied on his good observation and clever words to make the king think highly of him.

Although he found an opportunity to mention some of the inappropriate things Zhao Gao had done in front of the king, the king actually laughed it off, obviously showing favoritism to him.

The king knows how to make good use of people, but there is a treacherous person like Zhao Gao beside him.Meng Yi was very puzzled by this, but he had not made any mistakes now, and it was not easy for him to target him directly.

After hearing this, Zhang Han couldn't help but look at the speaker.

But he saw a thin man wearing eunuch clothes.However, at the first glance, Zhang Han felt that this man looked like a greedy wolf.

Presumably, he is Zhao Gao, the regular servant who is rumored to be inseparable from the king.

In fact, today was the first time Zhang Han saw Ying Zheng so close.

Before, they were just behind Ji Hao, watching the king from a distance, but now they are only five steps away from the king.

After hearing what Zhao Gao said, Ying Zheng wanted to take the opportunity to test this person.

"What Zhao Gao said is true. I will give you a hundred acres of farmland and ten beauties."

Ying Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Han.

When Zhang Han heard this, he became uneasy.

"I am terrified. Supervising the construction of the building is my duty, so how can I say that I have made meritorious service? The officers and soldiers went through life and death in front of me, but I just did my duty, so the king will reward me so generously. If the officers and soldiers were After learning this, we have no intention of sacrificing blood to serve our country."

After Ying Zheng heard this, his narrow eyes once again shone with admiration.

Zhang Han looked solemn and asked again.

"Also ask the king to take it back."

Ying Zheng didn't want to reward him, he just wanted to transfer him to build the royal tomb.

Now seeing that he is so thoughtful and thoughtful, Ying Zheng naturally appreciates him even more.

"Are you willing to be loyal to me?"

Zhang Han's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Why did the king say this? It has been true since ancient times that ministers serve the king."

"Zhang Han, you will be responsible for building the royal tomb in the future."

Zhang Han couldn't help being stunned, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your important use."

Zhao Gao saw that Zhang Han was so ignorant of praise, but the king was delighted. Zhao Gao knew that this man was not on the same path as him.

Meng Yi, on the other hand, looked at Zhang Han and liked it very much.

When Zhao Gao saw Meng Yi's fair face, he endured his displeasure, and his face remained normal.

Meng Yi was dissatisfied with him and even spoke ill of himself in front of the king behind his back.

However, all three generations of the Meng family have outstanding generals.First it was Meng Ao, then Meng Wu, and now here comes Meng Tian.

He wanted to get rid of Meng Yi, but the three generations of the Meng family had great military exploits and were fiercely loyal, which was well known throughout the court, and the king also had great trust in the three men of the Meng family.

If he spoke ill of these three people to the king, the king would definitely rebuke him.

After much thought, Zhao Gao could only choose to endure it and pretend that nothing happened.

Zhao Gao's behavior now is naturally more careful.

Zhao Gao knows that he can't touch those who are dissatisfied with him now, but he believes that one day, he will let these people who look down on him know how powerful he is!
Meng Yi and others thought the methods I used were despicable, and compared themselves to a gentleman.

But his methods are despicable, and he is also doing it for the sake of the king.

In the past, Prince Fusu regarded himself as a gentleman and as a villain.Now, Young Master Fusu's attitude towards him has completely changed, but Meng Yi is still secretly against him.

There is also Ji Hao.Ji Hao is now relying on the big tree of Mr. Fu Su to soar...

But he has been doing things in front of the king for many years, even if he pleases the king again, the king still regards him as a slave in his heart.

The king and him are master and slave.But the king, Meng Yi and others are kings and ministers.

To the king, he was a slave, willingly.

But in the eyes of Meng Yi and others, he is still a slave.


After inspecting the royal tombs and looking at the palace buildings, Ying Zheng led the crowd back to Xianyang Palace, and naturally, he took Zhang Han with him on the way.

When dusk fell, Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang Palace.

In Zhangtai Palace, the ever-burning lanterns began to burn high again.

The black robe was swaying as he was dragged from outside the palace into the palace.

As soon as Shangshu Ling saw the king, he half-knelt and held up a silk book in front of Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, a letter has arrived from the young master."

 I'm quite angry. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, they had already started using this title.

  I don’t know which readers have plausible words before, give me opinions, and let me use me.

  I read historical records today and found real evidence. From now on, please don’t try to criticize me in your title.

(End of this chapter)

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