Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 126 The King Should Punish Li Xin

Chapter 126 The King Should Punish Li Xin

Ying Zheng heard this and passed directly.

This move is somewhat unusual.Ying Zheng never picks up things in person.

Zhao Gao thought, this eldest son is really strange.

Although this mission to Qi State did not have any thrilling adventures, the king was very pleased with his actions.

Why did the king appoint his son Fusu as the crown prince?

In fact, it was because the eldest son suddenly changed his personality. The eldest son did things with an obvious purpose: he wanted to take over the king's position.

Although the young master did not directly ask for it, his determination and ability showed in his actions were recognized by the king.

Now he is doing his best to attack Qi.

A few days ago, I received a letter saying that I would not return to Qin for the time being until the King of Qi wrote a letter of surrender.

Ying Zheng had worked hard all day and should have had dinner and then rested.

When you are tired, you can easily get angry if you see some bad news.

This is the experience summed up by Shangshu Ling serving the king for many years.

However, if the silk letter from the young master is presented to the king, the king will definitely be extremely happy.

But what made him feel that something was wrong was that when he saw the king's face turned from sunny to cloudy, he began to tremble uneasy.

Ying Zheng opened the silk book and saw the content on the silk book, his eyebrows suddenly raised.

Afterwards, Ying Zheng glanced at the lacquer table, and sure enough there were several urgent slips on it.

Ying Zheng looked for it, and sure enough, he saw the memorials of Wang Ben and Li Xin.

After reading these two memorials, Ying Zheng first threw the memorials to the ground, and then said.

"Pass on Wang Wan."

After hearing this, the visitor bowed his hands and made a promise, and then respectfully left the hall.


The high candle has been half burned.

After reading the memorials from Li Xin and Wang Ben, Wang Wan also frowned.

The attack was generally very smooth.King Jian of Qi abandoned Linzi City and fled, and was defeated in Donglai.

This is good news.

It's just that the same thing was reported, but two memorials came.Moreover, there is one thing on each of the two memorials that is not worth reporting.

Wang Ben seemed to complain. The king gave Li Xin 20 troops, but Li Xin let King Qi go.

Li Xin, on the other hand, sarcastically said that Wang Ben, with one hundred thousand elites, only managed to capture Pingyuan City and let go of the clan named Tian that the young master wanted.

After talking about it, both of them said that the other party's fighting method was inappropriate.

In war, accidents are inevitable, and it is understandable that some people escape.

But what worried Wang Wan was that the memorials submitted by the two generals actually criticized each other. No wonder the king was dissatisfied.

However, this matter is not difficult to deal with.

The general is the commander-in-chief, and Li Xin is just assisting in the battle. He should obey Wang Ben's command. He just didn't tell Wang Ben when he raided Linzi, but he still...

This is a big no-no.

This Li Xin is too young.

The king likes you and uses you because you are good at fighting. This is just a temporary favor. How can you believe it to be true?
He actually relied on the king's temporary love and favor to ignore the general's laws and regulations.

Now that Qi Wangjian is being let go, I think the king is also quite dissatisfied with this matter.

And Wang Ben, after the general, now has great military exploits.

Now that he is worshiped as a general, he is naturally even more proud.

But when the king gave Li Xin 20 troops and horses, he also gave Wang Ben 20 troops and horses.

But this Li Xin is self-righteous and wants to grab credit.

And Wang Ben will definitely have other ideas for Li Xin and his 20 troops...

Although the king is dissatisfied with the military achievements of the Wang family and his son, Wang Jian is smart and knows how to take it easy.

But after all, Wang Ben lived 18 years less than his father. He had learned how to fight, but the principles of dealing with others and serving the king were still far behind!

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Wan's worried look, and his frown suddenly opened.

Outside the window, the bright moon shines high.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Wan and fell into deep thought. For a moment, Ying Zheng's face seemed to be 20 years younger.

Along the way, these ministers gave me advice.

In the past, I only felt that I was alone, but later Zhao Gao tried his best to help me, and now, every time he encounters difficulties, he is not alone.

Ying Zheng just looked at Wang Wan quietly, but Wang Wan didn't notice at all.

Zhao Gao sighed inexplicably when he saw the king's expression.Zhao Gao naturally thought of the King of Qin Ying Zheng studying hard at his desk 20 years ago alone.

You must know that Wang Wan opened the knot in the king's heart in the past.

Therefore, he directly recommended Wang Wan's daughter as the wife of the young master Fusu.

And the king really agreed.

Wang Wan held a scroll of bamboo slips in one hand and looked at it from left to right. Worry first appeared on her eyebrows.From these words, one can sense the anger between these two people.

But when he saw the last few columns of words for the last time, Wang Wan suddenly smiled.

young man—

(Don’t worry about age anymore. If you are really an expert in history, you should know the story of Gongzi Chong’er. You should also know how old, middle-aged, young and young are calculated in The Analects of Confucius!)
Now, these two people are in Linzi City, and the situation must have become tense.

"Wang Wan, what do you think we should do now?"

Wang Wan said naturally.

"I think the king should punish Li Xin."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after hearing this.

I originally wanted Li Xin to attack Qi, so that Wang Ben would not conquer Qi alone and become famous.

When the army was marching, they only knew Wang Ben's name, but they didn't know who he was.

But this Li Xin has also disappointed him now.

The king has no intention of punishing Li Xin, but Wang Ben cannot let him be punished under any circumstances.

Wang Wan had excellent eyesight. He caught a glimpse of a copper box with a silk book on the case.

After making a bold guess, Wang Wan decided on the beauty of adulthood.

The young master put a lot of effort into conquering Qi, and his intentions were so obvious that even the king gave him a chance, not to mention his father-in-law.

Wang Wan bowed and said calmly.

"If not, send another high-ranking person to supervise the army. Although the cities in the Linzi Plain have been captured, people still need to suppress and appease them."

Ying Zheng was puzzled after hearing this.

"Who do you think we should send there?"

Wang Wan looked at the black silk book, and then Ying Zheng understood.

Ying Zheng immediately shook his head.

"Fusu, how can he do it?"

Wang Wan said nothing, just nodded, as if there was nothing else he could do.

Ying Zheng stood up and walked around the hall. He walked to the window and looked at the high moon.

Ying Zheng knew that this was not a big deal, but just a bit tricky.

Often come forward.

"Your Majesty, are you really unwilling to punish Li Xin?"

Only then did Ying Zheng speak bluntly.

"Li Xin promised me that he would capture Qi Wang Jian alive."

Wang Wan had already guessed it.

"So the king gave Li Xin 20 troops and horses, and told Li Xin that if he could bring back King Jian of Qi, the king would let him attack Chu."

After Ying Zheng heard this, his previous sense of relaxation disappeared.

Ying Zheng shook his eyebrows.

"Is the Prime Minister accusing me of being unfair to Wang Ben?"

Wang Wan immediately bowed and pleaded guilty.

"Your Majesty, I made a mistake, but I never meant it. I hope your Majesty will understand!"

Give Li Xin 20, and give Wang Ben [-] troops, although they are elite.

But the king is partial to Li Xin, this is a very obvious thing.

The king wants the Wang family to restrain themselves.

However, the king's fierce reaction shows that the king still never forgets Li Xin's promise of 20 yuan to attack Chu.

The reason why Li Xin was asked to attack Qi was precisely so that Li Xin could once again achieve military exploits, so that some people in the court who opposed Li Xin's attack on Chu could be silenced.

Seeing Wang Wan's obedience, Ying Zheng shook his long sleeves back, and then said.

"Get up."

Wang Wan stood up slowly, with a look of fear on his face.

Ying Zheng paced back and forth in the palace again, walking back and forth several times.

(End of this chapter)

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