Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 127: Taking over Linzi County (please give me monthly votes for recommended votes!)

Chapter 127: Taking over Linzi County (please give me monthly votes for recommended votes!)
Zhao Gao saw the opportunity and stepped forward to speak.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the young master needs this opportunity precisely because he is young."

After Ying Zheng heard this, he looked at Zhao Gao for a long time.

"What you said is good."

Fusu really needs a chance to temper.

Today it is today.

Why do you, the king, use the same method to rule a land thousands of miles away to rule a territory thousands of miles away?

This sentence still echoes in Ying Zheng's ears from time to time.

However, when it comes to leading soldiers, a child cannot act recklessly.

Ying Zheng looked at Xianyang City located at his feet.

From time to time, he looked at the mountains and rivers under his feet, but his vision was limited, and it was always the world of Xianyang.

Ying Zheng suddenly thought about it. It was rumored that Linzi, the state of Qi, was extremely wealthy. What was going on?
"It's been two months since Fusu left here, right?"

Zhao Gao paused.


"I heard that the farthest east of China is Donglai of Qi State. This is Fusu's first trip, and he went to the farthest east of China. I think the farthest I have so far is Handan in the Central Plains."

("Historical Records" records that the concept of China existed as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, and this China still appeared in the Qin Dynasty.)
Wang Wan heard what Ying Zheng said.

Your Majesty wants to summon Fu Su back to Xianyang.

"Does Fusu know that Mrs. Chonghua is pregnant?"

Wang Wan, Zhao Gao and Shangshu Ling looked at each other in shock.

Zhao Gao stepped forward.

"I guess no one told me, so the master naturally doesn't know."

Seeing that Ying Zheng was about to order Fusu to come back, Wang Wan said at this moment.

"Your Majesty, it is important to attack Qi now. In the court hall a few days ago, Your Majesty discussed with the officials that Qi must be captured within a month, and then go south to attack Chu."

Wang Wan reminded Ying Zheng.

The young master still needs experience, and the great achievement of capturing Qi can help the young master establish his reputation in the court.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng couldn't help but think again.

Yes, time is running out to capture them all.

Wang Wan said again.

"Your Majesty, the sooner we attack Qi, the better. Now we should send someone who can take charge of the overall situation to stabilize the two generals as soon as possible and kill Qi in one fell swoop in a short period of time. Otherwise, if the delay lasts for a long time, there may be changes in Chu State. .”

Ying Zheng stared at his slender eyes, and the light at the end of his eyes made Wang Wan shudder.

"Wang Wan, are you trying to say that Fusu is the one in charge of the overall situation right now?"

Wang Wan felt a chill down her spine and quickly bowed.

"I don't dare. Everything is decided by the king. However, I just want to remind the king that if we send people there again, it will take at least a month from Xianyang to Linzi City."

Ying Zheng listened and remained silent.

The matter between Li Xin and Wang Ben is simple!
In his opinion, an edict can end everything.

However, Wang Wan was right. It would be too late to summon people to stabilize Qi.

Among the envoys sent, the first thing that Ying Zheng thought of was the ministers who were in their fifties or forties.

Dun weakened Mao Jiao and Feng Jie, and their status was lower than that of Wang Ben and Li Xin. It was definitely inappropriate to send them to Xianyang to take charge.

Although Fusu has a high position, he is still young. How can he suppress Li Xin and Wang Ben?
Thinking of this, Ying Zheng suddenly frowned, Fusu really couldn't suppress Li Xin and Wang Ben?

If this is true, then the prince of Qin...

Ying Zheng suddenly smiled. I want to see how Fusu governs the country?
The content of the silk book was nothing more than Fusu's statement to him that he wanted to see the King of Qi again and continue to make him his minister.

Ying Zheng had actually seen Fusu's thoughts.


Obviously, Fusu's idea was to turn Qin into the world of Qin, imitating the emperor of Zhou in the past, and enfeoffing kings in areas other than Wangji.

Is this Fusu’s method of governing a territory thousands of miles away?

Ying Zheng paced, deep in thought.

Is it necessary to use the system of enfeoffment to govern a territory thousands of miles away?

There is no king's soil under the whole world, and there is no king's ministers on the coast of leading the soil.

The world belongs to only one person, why should we divide and rule?
The princes with the same surname attack each other, the princes are separated, and the seven heroes rise together. The Zhou royal family has no real name.

Today, the Zhou Dynasty no longer exists.

Facts have proved that the system of enfeoffment is not the way to rule thousands of miles of territory!
What's more, this world can only be considered complete if only a few people rule it.

Fusu, I hope you will not be confused about this kind of thing.

Ying Zheng walked to the sand table, followed closely by Wang Wan.

Ying Zheng looked down at the world on the sand table. The ministers in charge of setting up the sand table had already planted small black flags in Pingyuan, Lucheng, Linzi City and other places after receiving the battle report.

Ying Zheng pulled out Tai'a, drew a circle on it with his sword, and then gave the order.

"Order Fusu to go to Linzi again, and first establish Linzi, Pingyuan, Lucheng and other places as Linzi County. Fusu will temporarily act as the county guard and supervise the three armies."

Wang Wan was naturally overjoyed after hearing this.

Ying Zheng said again.

"In addition, I have given Fusu ten days to order Tian Jian to surrender to me. If King Jian of Qi refuses to listen, I will ask Fusu to return to Xianyang."


Wang Wan and others paused.

After exiting the palace, Wang Wan went to visit his daughter again.

Because she lived in Chonghua Hall, Wang Lin was Mrs. Chonghua.

Mother and son were both safe, and Wang Lin herself sent someone to deliver a letter to the young master. Wang Wan returned home after seeing that Wang Lin was fine.

Just now, Wang Wan looked at the king's expression and seemed to be suddenly dissatisfied with the young master.

But the young master is not wrong, why did the king suddenly show such a look.

Although the king has already announced the young master's position as the crown prince in front of the civil and military officials of the court, he has to wait for the crowning ceremony before he can officially receive the crown prince seal.

The day after tomorrow is the young master's birthday. From then on, the young master will be eighteen.

It would take another two years before the young master could be formally worshiped as the prince.

And the young master personally promised that within two years, the world would be under the control of the king.

Therefore, these two years are extremely critical. The prince must contribute to the great cause of unification, otherwise even if he successfully succeeds to the throne in the future, it will be difficult to intimidate the ministers with high achievements.

What's more, the king's heart is unpredictable. If the young master cannot show the skills that a successor to the Qin Kingdom should have, there will probably be changes by then.

This time the king ordered the young master to accept Linzi County, obviously to test the young master's political ability.

Young Master, I think highly of you and am willing to help you with all my strength.

But you have to prove to the king yourself that you are good at running a country!

Two days later.

Qi State Linzi.

Fusu received Yingzheng's edict and quickly set off back to Linzi City.

Fusu rode a horse and walked through the streets. There were guards on both sides of the streets.

The guards held axes and axes and stopped the people of Linzi City at the edge.

This is very different from Fusu riding a horse and walking on the streets of Xianyang City.

The people of Xianyang saw themselves with joy written on their faces.

When the people of Linzi saw themselves, panic was written on their faces.The two eyes placed on these shaking heads are either anger, fear, or surprise...

The people here obviously don't welcome me.

Implementing benevolent government is inevitable, otherwise it will be impossible to stabilize people's hearts.

Ying Zheng asked him to take over Linzi County and temporarily act as the county governor...

Fusu looked at the rows of shops on the street and couldn't help but think of the law that would soon be implemented in Qi.

Banning business in accordance with Qin law will inevitably make these people complain. However, if they plead with Ying Zheng and continue to allow the people of Qi to do whatever they want, they will not know that the country has now changed its surname.

Wang Ben controlled the horse and followed Fusu on the right, and Li Xin followed on the left.

However, compared with the headache for Fusu in front of him, the affairs of the two people behind him also gave Fusu a headache.

Ying Zheng favored Li Xin and gave Li Xin a chance. The main purpose was to share the Wang family's military exploits.

And Li Xin is young and energetic, with a character that will never look back until it hits the wall.

(Does anyone want to be Ying Zheng’s ministerial order?
Sign up and I'll give you a chance to realize your dream. )
Then I will update it today because a reader reminded me to ensure the quality.

Then good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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