Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 128: Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have their own kind (please give me

Chapter 128: Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have their own kind (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"I'm following Fusu on his inspection tour. Why are you two unhappy?"

The young master is the eldest son of the king, and Li Xin does not dare to offend Fusu.

Hearing this, Li Xin immediately suppressed the emotions on his face.

He was unhappy because he accidentally let King Jian of Qi go.

According to his promise to the king, now his plan to lead a hundred thousand troops to attack Chu has completely come to nothing, and the king must be furious about this matter.

I don't know if the king will give him another chance to go to Donglai to arrest Qi Wangjian.

With a humble expression on his face, Wang Ben bowed to Fusu.

"It's a great honor to accompany you on a tour. It's a great honor. I'm just worried that the city is not yet stable, but you come out in plain clothes to patrol. Wang Ben is afraid that you will make a mistake."

Wang Ben said, turning his gaze to Fusu.

After hearing this, Fusu naturally turned a deaf ear.

Fusu actually knew very well that some of his actions had aroused dissatisfaction among some people in the court.

The military merit system must be changed!
However, he had to remove this stubborn stone bit by bit instead of cutting it across the board. Otherwise, shortly after the unification of Qin, the military merit system would be directly abolished and the Qin Kingdom would be in great trouble.

And if you are dissatisfied with him, just be dissatisfied.

What Fusu wants is not to make everyone satisfied with him, but to make everyone obey his orders.

Tu Wei, Zhao Tuo, and Feng Jie watched the scene in front of them quietly, not daring to say a word.

Only Wang Ben dared to tell Fusu directly whether his clothes were inappropriate today.

In today's inspection team, all the generals are naturally wearing armor, and Mao Jiao and Dun Ruo are also wearing Qin crown uniforms.

Only the young master, Fusu, was impressively dressed in top and bottom clothes.

Today, the young master led the generals on an inspection tour, intending to declare to the people of Linzi that Linzi City now belongs to the Qin State.

Everyone knows how important it is to travel today, and how dangerous it is to travel today.

But instead of having a heavy upper body armor, the eldest son wore a white Confucian robe with upper and lower garments...

As early as in Xianyang, Prince Fusu expressed his views to the king many times in order to appease the world.

In order to stabilize the people's hearts, why do you make a fuss about your clothes?

Li Xin looked calm.

Mao Jiao immediately stepped forward.

"I think the young master is here to appease the people of Linzi. In the past few days, the army has been reorganizing in Linzi County, and the people of Linzi are panic-stricken. The young master is wearing clothes, presumably so that the people of Linzi can eliminate their fear of the young master."

Mao Jiao's words hit the right note in Fusu's mind.

"What Dr. Mao said is absolutely true. The people of Qi and the people of Qin have many different habits. Forcibly changing their habits will definitely lead to resentment, which will not be conducive to the great cause of unifying the Qin Dynasty. It would be better for us, who are in high positions, to take the lead in setting an example. , accept the living habits of the people in Linzi County."

He weakly brushed his beard and realized that the young master's proposal would definitely be rejected by the king.

Historically, every time the Qin State captured a city, the people in the city were required to abide by Qin laws and change their clothes.

Now the young master is like this...

After hearing this, Wang Ben just lowered his head and sighed heavily. It was obvious that he did not approve of what the young master had done.

Wang Ben didn't know how the people of Qi would react to the young master putting on his clothes.But Wang Ben can be sure that it is very dangerous to parade struttingly on the streets of Linzi wearing Qi people's clothes.

Fusu had a straight face and his face was ashen.

For a moment, all ministers and generals were silent.

Fusu's move was naturally for the scholars of Qi State to see.

Come to think of it, they will know what to say.

Moreover, Fusu knew that he would rarely have the opportunity to come to Linzi County in the future. Perhaps this would be the only time he came to Linzi County in his life.

So now that I'm here, I naturally have to leave some people-friendly impressions on the people of Qi.

Tu Wei saw that the young master was wearing Qi Ren's top and lower clothes, and thought of what the young master Fusu had said before.

He saw that the young master was still young, and thought of what the young master Fusu had said before. He thought that reading books like this young master made him stupid.

Tu Wei was behind Wang Ben and could easily catch a glimpse of Li Xin's noncommittal expression.

I heard that Prince Fusu and Li Xin had a dispute in the court.

Li Xin would attack Chu with one hundred thousand men, but was stopped by Prince Fusu.

Tu Wei immediately thought, although I can never do anything to you, the future prince, openly, I can always make you unhappy secretly.

Tu Wei stepped forward.

Tu Wei had a square face with an earthy complexion, and his eyes were full of violence, showing a fierce look.

"Young master, if the King of Qi is gone now, and the young master wears the clothes of the Qi people, the people of Qi will definitely understand the young master's intentions better. But now the King of Qi is still in Donglai City..."

After all, Li Xin was young, not only warlike, but also energetic.

Li Xin was just a small soldier before, but later he was promoted step by step because of his meritorious service in killing enemies. Only then did he have the opportunity to become a general and even have the opportunity to meet the king.

In the past, he did not have many opportunities to contact the famous prime ministers, ministers and officials in the court.

But because of Prince Fusu, he was forced to stay in Xianyang. While accompanying the king, he naturally had more opportunities to get along with those important ministers.

Li Xin gradually realized that he lacked something.


Not only that, Li Xin realized that he, Li Xin, was promoted as a civilian through military merit.

In the middle of the court, there is no big tree to lean on.

He is not Meng Tian, ​​he has a prominent military family behind him.

As for Wang Ben, he is even more incomparable to him.

In terms of qualifications, he is far behind Wang Ben; and in terms of family background, Wang Ben has his father behind him.

Only he, a great general, has no backer behind him.

Then, only you can be your own backer.

Since he was born the heir apparent of a marquis family, then let his son become the heir apparent of a marquis family!

In Qin, if you want to become a marquis, you can only rely on military merit.

Therefore, Li Xin was eagerly waiting for the king's order to capture Qi Wangjian alive.

Just like chasing Yan Prince Dan thousands of miles back then.

Li Xin, who wanted to be crowned a marquis, had already felt guilty about attacking Linzi, but now that Tu Wei had taken the initiative to mention it in front of the young master Fusu, Li Xin was naturally angry.

"Tu Wei, what do you mean by that?"

Tu Wei's originally lifeless face had a cunning look on it.

"What can I mean? I just saw the young master using various methods to appease the people of Linzi. The young master valued people's hearts so much that he went to great lengths to even wear the same top and bottom clothes. Tu Wei saw that the young master was so happy for the king, and he couldn't help thinking. Give me a helping hand."

"But we are no more than humble people, and all we can do is capture the city and the territory. But now, the city has been captured, but we are the king of the people of Qi..."

Tu Wei's tone was full of joking.

Fusu had already felt uncomfortable listening to what this man said.

"General Tu——"

Fusu's tone was neither light nor serious, but others could hear the displeasure contained in these words.

"It turns out that General Tu Wei is a man of many words. In the past, I also met General Tu. At that time, General Tu would answer whatever my father asked. He didn't talk much."

When Tu Wei heard this, his face turned pale and his heart became cold.

"But today, in front of Fusu——"

As he spoke, Fusu suddenly reined in the horse's head to stop it.

The procession suddenly stopped.

Fusu controlled the horse and came to Tu Wei.

Fusu's eyebrows, like his father's, are slightly slender, and often just a hint of coldness is enough to make people shudder.

Fusu continued word by word.

"General Tu Wei opened his heart and said whatever came to his mind."

The words were neither light nor serious, but Fusu's eyes revealed the coldness of steel knives.

Tu Wei's face was stiff, his mouth slightly opened, and he and his horse took a few steps back.

"Could it be that General Tu Wei feels that Young Fu Su is careless, so he can speak freely in front of Fu Su."

Fusu said, but looked at all the generals and ministers facing him.

Stop looking down on minors!

As for your little thoughts, I still don’t know! ?

Tu Wei was extremely embarrassed, and felt his scalp numb again, and fear flowed from his head to his limbs like water.

This was the first time Wang Ben saw the eldest son angry.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Fusu looks weak, but in fact has a very tough personality.

Wang Ben's impression of Fusu was that the last time he advocated political affairs in the Dazheng Palace, his spirit and arrogance were completely different.

Wang Ben bowed.

"Master, Tu Wei just made a mistake, please don't blame me."

He decided to plead for Tu Wei.

Tu Wei has been with him for many years, leading troops to fight, and he is a good player in marching and forming formations.

 I hope you can all order and support!
  .I can see your support in the background.

  Thanks thanks
(End of this chapter)

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