Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 129 It is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to rule the world! (Please give me

Chapter 129 It is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to rule the world! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

As he said this, Wang Ben glanced at Tu Yiyi.

Tu Wei immediately got off his horse and bowed to Fusu to apologize.

"Tu Wei made a slip of the tongue, and I hope you will forgive me."

Fusu turned the horse's head as if to move forward.

"I hope General Tu will not make the same mistake twice."

Chi Wu was riding the horse on the far side with a solemn expression.

There was a rumor in the army that Tu Wei seemed to be dissatisfied with the young master. I think it was because the young master heard this that he...

Tu Wei was naturally frightened by Fusu and kept saying.

"Tu Wei understands and will never do it again in the future."

These people just think that he is underage and doesn't understand anything, so they think he is easy to bully.

Obviously he is the one with the highest status in Linzi County at the moment, but no matter what he wants to do, he must be controlled by this group of people.

Fusu thought of this and looked at Wang Ben.

When Wang Ben saw Fusu's eyes, he noticed something.

And what's interesting is that some people have already dared to speak ill of him, so why not try to speak ill of Ying Zheng.

"If you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself. General Tu Wei, what do you think of this?"

Tu Wei was already extremely nervous, and he couldn't even say a word at the moment.

Fusu said slowly again.

"You must know that there is no impenetrable wall in this world."

When Tu Wei heard this, his heart felt as if it had been burned with a soldering iron, and he was frightened.

After Fusu finished beating Tu Wei, he continued to behave grandly, while Su Rong continued to move forward.

For a time, everyone in the procession seemed to have frost on their faces.

It would also be good to give these generals some color by beating Tu Wei.

Otherwise, it would take so long for him to succeed to the throne, and it would be absolutely impossible for him to do nothing.

Fusu continued walking forward and saw the eyes of the people of Qi shining with surprise when they saw him.

People in Linzi can wear Qin clothes, and people in Qin can also wear upper and lower garments.

We cannot force them to change their habits for many years. Forcing the people of Qi to change their clothes will only intensify the resistance of the people of Qi to Qin.

Rather than forcing unification, we should treat places like Linzi County, thousands of miles away from Xianyang, in an integrated and inclusive way.

However, it is not appropriate to rely on soldiers to cooperate with him in these matters.

Force is used to suppress, culture and education are used to appease.

Next, it’s time for the scholars to appear.

The ranks continued to move forward, and some people on the left and right followed.

Fusu walked to a bulletin board and looked at the notice posted in the past.

On the wooden sign honoring King Qi and Qin as emperor, the black handwriting is still clear.

Fusu looked at it and couldn't help but frown.

Feng Jie saw that there was also the word "big king" on it, which clearly referred to King Qi.

"Any inappropriate content on the notice will be removed."

Feng Jie took the order.


Immediately, Feng Jie ordered the soldiers behind him to send a team of troops out to replace the leader.

Among the crowd, a man in white cloth put a bamboo hat on his head, trying hard not to let others see his face.

He caught a glimpse of a man in black clothes sitting on a horse in the distance.

The young master of Qin State was already patrolling Linzi City in a swaggering manner today.

To his surprise, he was wearing Qi Ren's clothes.

Zhang Liang was naturally surprised when he saw this scene.

Zhang Liang said.

"Young Master Fusu - it seems that this son is quite scheming. And looking at his clothes today, it is obvious that he did it on purpose. But what is the purpose of this move?"

With countless pairs of eyes staring at him, Fusu naturally couldn't notice that Zhang Liang was within a hundred steps of him, but he knew very well that some people who opposed Qin and Ying Zheng were here.

Fusu continued to lead the army forward.

Above the house, there are naturally Qin army guards, holding crossbows on one side and quivers on the other.

The Qin army's black flag was waving. When the people of Linzi saw it, they all had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Fusu looked around and finally came to Qi State Prison.

Looking at Qi's prison, Fusu fell into deep thought.

Qi has its own laws, but they are much looser than those of Qin.

If he guessed correctly, Ying Zheng's next edict was for him to implement Qin laws in Linzi; and soon, a new group of officials would be sent out.

According to historical records, there were only seven Qin officials sent by Yingzheng to manage Linzi City.

There are seven people in total: the county governor, the county magistrate, and the county lieutenant.

But as far as Fusu knew, the situation in other counties was much more serious than Fusu thought.

The people of Qin do not regard the people of Han, Zhao, Wei, Yanqi as Qin people, and the people of Han, Zhao, Wei, Yanqi and other places naturally do not regard themselves as Qin people.

The Spring and Autumn Period followed the Warring States Period, and the world was torn apart for at least 400 years.

In the Central Plains, there are many countries, which is an international society.

Now that the world is suddenly unified, some people are naturally happy, because it means that the Central Plains region no longer has to fight.

But what followed was also a large-scale construction of various corvee projects...

When Qin's method was implemented in Qin, many people died, many nobles were annoyed, and even Lord Huiwen's master was involved...

Now it is to be implemented nationwide.

Fusu didn't need to think twice to know how the common people viewed Ying Zheng.

Just afraid of--

I dare not oppose it, but I hate it.Once the time comes and someone raises his hand and rises up, won't the whole country be in rebellion?

Therefore, great efforts must be made in governance.

In any case, when I return to Xianyang this time, I must find a way to improve the military merits and change the path for the common people and scholars all over the world.

Then, the governance of Linzi County is the top priority, and this will be an excellent opportunity for him to prove to Ying Zheng that he is doing the right thing.

Since the city of Linzi is to be governed, manpower is necessary.

History has proved that seven Qin officials are not enough.

However, not all officials of the old Qi State can continue to be appointed.

However, Ying Zheng could not send himself a large number of officials.

It should be noted that some Lao Qin people are not willing to come to such a far away place to serve, because once they come, it will take several years. Being acclimatized is a big problem for Lao Qin people.

Moreover, many Qin people knew in their hearts that once they were sent to such a distant place, it would be difficult for them to see Ying Zheng in the future, and it would be even more difficult for them to get promotion opportunities.

The old aristocrats in the original place had no power and were entrenched in the countryside, waiting for the opportunity.


Fusu Mo held the sword at his waist and looked up at the sky again as a last resort.

I sighed in my heart: It is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to govern the world!

He was about to blurt out these words, but Fusu knew that there were still a group of generals standing behind him at this moment, so he naturally held back.

Feng Jie stepped forward.

"Why did you stand in front of the prison gate for so long?"

"I think of Zhou Zi."

Feng Jie was a little surprised.

But Zhou Zi is indeed a man.

Feng Jie also felt a little sorry for Zhou Zi.

"I heard that Zhou Zi was imprisoned by the King of Qi and was not given food. Zhou Zi starved to death in prison."

Fusu raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

"I heard that in the past, Hou Sheng encouraged Tian Jian to kill many loyal ministers in order to monopolize power. Unexpectedly, Zhou Zi was also among them."

Feng Jie looked solemn.

"Tian Jian and Hou Sheng colluded together and harmed the loyal and good, so they were in danger of ruining the country."

Fusu couldn't help but sigh.

"It's a pity that a group of loyal people paid the price with their lives."

The generals all looked miserable, and they did not dare to say anything in Fusu's ear.

Mao Jiao saw that the young master was wearing Qi Ren's clothes, and now he suddenly brought up old things.

In front of the king, he dare not say anything anymore, but the young master values ​​people's hearts very much.

You know, words are scary.

(Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!
I will post a list of official positions in the Qin State tonight. If you are interested in being a supporting role, please sign up in the comment section, or join the group 779504369 and ask me in person)
(End of this chapter)

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