Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 130: Win the hearts and minds of the people (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

Chapter 130: Win the hearts and minds of the people (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

Mao Jiao stroked his beard and said proactively.

"Tian Jian is unethical, but a good minister is innocent. The young master must vindicate him now."

Fusu immediately beamed with joy.


Fusu thought about it.

"Mao Jiao, please go and take charge of this matter, rectify the name of the good minister, and also erect a monument for Zhou Zi."

When the generals heard this, they all looked at each other.

Wang Ben couldn't help but stepped forward to ask, his expression solemn.

After all, why did the son of Qin build a temple for an old official of Qi?
"Sir, why is this happening? Build a temple for a deceased Qi minister."

Fusu was stunned after hearing this. Fusu looked at Wang Ben in confusion.

No, my young general, the King of War Gods, you don’t even understand such a simple truth.

If you do this, won't you just leave behind the dark history of King Qi Jian?

It can also rectify the name of the Qin State. Not only did the Qin people not kill good officials, but they also punished the benevolent and righteous people of the old country.
Mao Jiao brushed his beard and smiled proudly.

You generals usually rely on your military exploits to show off your power in front of the king, and you are arrogant.

Today, the world is about to be unified, and the day has finally come for us civil servants to stand up.

Mao Jiao stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly.

"Young Master is good-natured and loves benevolence. Moreover, Young Master has grown up beside the king since he was a child. He has seen loyal and righteous people being promoted one after another. Now when he comes to Qi State, he hears that the good ministers of Qi State advised the country and were tortured to death. Naturally, the young master can’t bear it.”

Dunruo watched the young master singing harmony with Mao Jiao, and understood the young master's intention, so he naturally stepped forward to add fuel to the flames.

"I, the King of Qin, have always treated loyal ministers very kindly. Tian Jian and others are unethical and harm the loyal ministers. As a result, the court is filled with mediocre ministers. Instead of doing nothing, they bully the people and impose excessive taxes."

Mao Jiao echoed again.

"Now that Qi has perished, I feel resentful that the king of Qi has passed away."

There are always people in Linzi with sharp ears, and the people of Qin deliberately let them get close, so they heard these words.

"What you said is absolutely true, what you said is absolutely true!"

"The king is ignorant and the queen is dictatorial. The people of Linzi City are the most innocent."

For a moment, the crowd became excited.


The king is stupid, and the prince is in power. This is something that the people of Qi State all know, but in the past they dared not speak out.

When Wang Ben, Li Xin, Tu Wei, and Zhao Tuo saw this situation, they understood their intentions.

Several people couldn't help but sigh. These few people had caused the people of Linzi to talk about the late king with just a few words.

Fusu listened quietly, thought about it, and then said.

"In this case, Fusu asked Junfu to set up a monument and write an inscription for the virtuous people of the old Qi to narrate their lives and promote their loyalty."

When describing his life, it is natural to write down why he died.

Tian Jian and Hou Sheng have to take the blame.

"Congratulations, my lord."


Wang Ben looked at Fusu's calm face, and it seemed that everything was developing as he expected.

Come to think of it, today the young master is wearing Qi uniform and rehabilitating the old officials of Qi State. This is all deliberate.

In order to let the people of Qi have a good impression of the state of Qin, the young master really took great pains.

Thinking like this, Wang Ben suddenly felt that the young master's top and bottom clothes today were no longer so eye-catching.


After half a circle around Linzi City, it was getting late, so Wang Ben escorted Fusu back to the palace.

Linzi Palace.

The former plaque of Huan Gong Terrace was removed and renamed Linzi Palace.

The names of other royal palaces of Qi State and those related to the former kings of Qi State have also been changed.

Pang You was busy going up and down, instructing some generals and a few eight maidservants brought this time to clean up and down the Linzi Palace in preparation for Fusu's move in.

In Linzi Palace, all the original Qi guards disappeared and were sent out of the palace.

The remaining maidservants were all taken to be lectured. After the lecture, they were not allowed to get close to them and had to be observed for a period of time.

All the tiger and cardinal troops poured into the Linzi palace to prepare for any eventuality.

When he first entered Linzi City, King Qi Jianli greeted Fusu, and the guards of the two countries tried their best to protect him. Fusu knew that he was here to kill King Qi, so he took precautions against King Qi and was very vigilant.

But now, this Linzi City belongs to the Qin State, but there is a tense atmosphere permeating the top and bottom.

In the Linzi Palace, 3000 Huben troops were responsible for Fusu's immediate side. As this was not enough, Wang Ben also allocated another [-] soldiers.

The palace is heavily guarded, with black armor like a forest, palaces and pavilions, and black armored guards everywhere.

The number of soldiers used here is far greater than the number of guards used in Xianyang Palace. The Linzi Palace is tense, tense and dull...

Fusu patrolled for a day, and at first he saw the faces of the people who were very resistant to him, and he was already dissatisfied with this.

When I returned to Linzi Palace and saw such strict guards again, I felt very bad.

One man at ten steps and a crossbowman at fifty steps were scattered throughout Fusu's field of vision. They were covered in dense black armor and heavy protection, which gave people a sense of nervous oppression. A sense of oppression filled Fusu's heart.

The anxiety that arose in my heart was deliberately created for my own people.

But Fusu knew very well that Wang Bi's arrangement was very reasonable. The danger was hidden in the dark. How many people in Linzi City wanted to kill themselves.

Fusu stood on the top of the palace, overlooking Linzi City.

Compared to Xianyang, Linzi City has extremely tight security, with clumps of black-armored guards patrolling every street.

In Linzi City, a large army was formed, with teams of ten people, patrolling the streets alternately every other moment.

Fusumo held the sword at his waist.

He looked down at Linzi City and suddenly felt that he was very small and had to rely on many human walls and a few cold weapons to protect him.

But for the first time, he felt the weight of his head and how sharp the sword of power in his hand was.

The black clothes struck, and the thin figures were submerged in it.


Pang You finished taking care of the palace, but he became worried about several women.

Because among these women, one of them is the wife of King Jian of Qi, who is extremely beautiful.

Naturally, he would not dare to accept such a beauty, but what should he do if she asked him to serve the young master Fusu?

Pang You naturally asked Shen Yu for advice.

When Shen Yu saw this woman, he was startled at first, and then said without hesitation: "I should escort her to Xianyang first..."

Pang You's eyes widened.

"Can we just escort her there?"

Shen Yu was puzzled.


Chi Wu suddenly came in.

"She is the only one. It would be too troublesome to send her to Xianyang. It is better to leave it to those in need."


Fusu sat on the lacquer table and wrote a memorial to Ying Zheng.

50. The population of Linzi City is [-], and dragons and snakes are mixed together. Xianyang curfew should be implemented, household registration should be reorganized, and farmland should be reorganized.

[-]. Please allow your Majesty to allow the merchants in Linzi County to operate under the Yantie government.

[-]. Linzi County needs to reorganize its officials, and I invite your Majesty King Yun'erchen to examine and select officials among the people and Qi officials.

[-]. The folk customs of the people in Qilu are very different from those in Qin. I sincerely ask the king and his ministers to make changes and implement them.


Fusu wrote dozens of items on the lacquer table and thought about it for a long time before he felt it was complete.

Ying Zheng, you should agree to a few things.

Shen Yu slipped in. This was his first time offering a daughter to a young master.

It's almost time.

"Sir, it's getting late, it's time to rest."

"The situation here in Linzi, no matter how big or small, as well as my countermeasures, will be written down today and sent to Xianyang as soon as possible."

Shen Yu looked at the young master's appearance and the way he spoke, it was obvious that he was planning to reorganize Linzi City.

"Since the young master wants to take over the management of Linzi County's major and minor affairs, why not summon the old officials of Qi State to ask."

After hearing this, Fusu looked up.

"What you say makes sense."

Fusu quickly remembered someone.

 I want to drive a small car - I hope I can get there

(End of this chapter)

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